MTL - I am the Father of the Villain-Chapter 10 tenth

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chapter Ten:

Lin Luoqing saw that he went out without saying a word, and lowered his head to look at Ji Yuxiao, "Are you still going up?"

Ji Yuxiao nodded, "Go."

He hooked Lin Luoqing's neck, feeling the steady embrace of the other party, and suddenly found that his fiancé was quite strong, not only strong, but also durable.

This has gone up three floors, and the legs are not soft.

I really can't see it!

Great for his fiancé!

Lin Luoqing followed Ji's father up the stairs, and carried Ji Yuxiao into his study.

He put Ji Yuxiao on the sofa, bowed his head and said to him, "I'll get you a wheelchair."

"En." Ji Yu Xiao said warmly.

Lin Luoqing looked up, nodded slightly at Ji's father, and went downstairs to fetch Ji Yuxiao's wheelchair.

Ji Yun and Ji Huai were talking about what happened in the restaurant just now, when they suddenly saw the person involved, they quickly fell silent.

Lin Luoqing didn't say much, smiled at them, and pushed the wheelchair out of the restaurant.

He was a little hesitant to send it up immediately at this time, fearing that he would disturb Ji Yuxiao and his father if he heard something he shouldn't have heard.

But he thought about it again, Ji Yuxiao is unable to move now, if he doesn't send the wheelchair up, if they quarrel then, Ji Yuxiao won't be able to slam the door and leave.

Thinking of this, Lin Luoqing didn't hesitate anymore, took the wheelchair upstairs, knocked on the door and sent the wheelchair in.

Ji's father obviously wanted to talk to his son alone. As soon as Lin Luoqing came in, he turned his back and stopped talking.

Ji Yuxiao sat in the wheelchair again, looked at Lin Luoqing who was looking down at him as if asking if he needed his company, pinched his face, and said to him, "Go downstairs and turn right and the third room is my room. Go take a break, and I'll call you later."

"Okay." Lin Luoqing replied.

"So cute." Ji Yuxiao said with a smile.

Lin Luoqing smiled, "Then I'll go first."

After he finished speaking, seeing Ji's father's speechless expression, he smiled politely, and as expected, he saw Ji's father's disgusted eyes.

Lin Luoqing felt that there was really no need for him. His son had brought his fiancé home, whether he liked it or not, at least give him some face, otherwise he would embarrass his son.

So he deliberately turned around to look at Ji Yuxiao, bent down and hugged him, and said sweetly: "Husband, come to me soon after you finish talking~"

Father Ji: ...

Father Ji almost lost his temper.

Ji Yuxiao smiled, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said meaningfully, "Got it baby."

"So clingy." He whispered.

Father Ji felt that his ears were starting to hurt.

Lin Luoqing was satisfied, so she reluctantly left the door and walked towards the stairs.

There must be a problem between Ji Yuxiao and his father, Lin Luoqing thought, although he didn't know what the problem was, but Ji Yuxiao was obviously hiding his true self after being injured.

What does he want to do? Keep a low profile?


Lin Luoqing suddenly remembered Ji Yuxiao's sentence "I am now, what's the point of living, I might as well die in that car accident with my brother".

He remembered that the reason why Ji Yuxiao was disabled and why Ji Leyu followed him was all because of a car accident.

In that car accident, the four people in the car, Ji Yuxiao's brother and sister-in-law both died, and only Ji Yuxiao and Ji Leyu survived. From that day on, Ji Yuxiao lost his legs, Ji Leyu lost his his parents.

So, is it related to this car accident?

But hasn't the driver who caused the accident been arrested?

Lin Luoqing thought silently, standing against the stairs.

He didn't want to go to Ji Yuxiao's bedroom to rest, he was worried that Ji Yuxiao would quarrel with his father, after all his legs are inconvenient, and even with a wheelchair, he couldn't go down the stairs, so he wanted to wait here, so that, in case they really The quarrel started, Ji Yuxiao left angrily, and he didn't think he couldn't leave.

Lin Luoqing took out his mobile phone and checked his mailbox. The crew that had auditioned before did not send him another email.

He took the initiative to ask his agent, who was probably busy and didn't reply him.

Lin Luoqing had no choice but to turn on Xiao Xiao Le and began to play Xiao Xiao Le patiently.

He was playing when he suddenly heard a sound coming from far and near.

"What's going on, cousin, why is it so sudden?"

"I heard Brother Mu say that my cousin seems to be like this all the time after the car accident, probably because I saw my elder brother's death with my own eyes, and his legs were also disabled, so the whole person's heart is gone, he has become bitter and self-defeating. "

"No wonder he hasn't been to work lately."

"What work do you still have? I see my cousin like that. It's clear that he only wants to fall in love now, and he doesn't want to fight anymore."

When Ji Yun heard what his sister said, he thought of the man he had just seen, "That Lin Luoqing, is he called Lin Luoqing, right? Apart from having a better face, what's so good about it?"

Lin Luoqing touched his face, thinking that a good face is not bad, what's wrong with a good face?

But the two people downstairs obviously don't think so.

"That's right, I don't know what my cousin likes about him. I just searched for him on the Internet. I have acted in two online dramas, both of which are supporting roles, and they are all bad movies. Tang Ruo is so popular. For so long, my cousin didn't even look at it, but now it's a good thing, I've fallen in love with an 18th line, it's outrageous."

"Isn't that right? He's obviously not from our circle. If he wants to have a background, he doesn't have a background. If he wants to be famous, he doesn't have a famous name. I don't know what my cousin likes in him?"

Lin Luoqing rested her chin, feeling that this was quite right, but she didn't know why Ji Yuxiao fell in love with Lin Luojing, so she could agree to him.

Not only did he easily agree to him, but he also promised himself to replace Lin Luojing. What was he trying to do?

Really help the poor?

"If you want me to say that it's not that he will come, look at just now, he is not shy at all when he speaks and does things, and he just hugged his cousin in public. He must be able to coax people, and he caught up with my cousin and went out at this moment." This matter, physically and mentally exhausted, so let him take advantage of the loophole."

Ji Yun sighed, "Then I hope he really likes my cousin."

"How is that possible." Ji Huai said with a smile, "I've seen a lot of stars like him, and eleven out of ten are all for money. No, I asked my cousin to help him get Xing Yi before we got married. Well, no matter how ordinary Xing Yi is, it is also an entertainment company, and when he enters, he will be the proprietress, and he will not let him choose the resources."

Lin Luoqing couldn't help but let out a "wow" in her heart, her heart made sense, and she really felt refreshed immediately!

Ji Yun hesitated, "No way, my cousin is so good, he can't just do it for money, right?"

Ji Huai laughed, "It's not a question of whether you are good or not. Sister, think about it, no matter how good my cousin is, he is now a disabled person. Would you marry a disabled person? What's more, he will become popular when the time comes. , see more people, are you still willing to continue guarding a disabled person?"

"And Aye..." Ji Huai lowered his voice slightly.

Lin Luoqing stretched his ears curiously to listen, and then heard Ji Huai say, "Cousin is like this now, most likely he can't go to bed with him and drive. This man is an animal that thinks from the lower body. Cousin can be forced to stop thinking." Can Lin Luoqing do it? Especially when the filming crew is filming, the fake show is real, there are live dragons and tigers, and there is a pool of stagnant water here. It's not that I look down on my cousin, it's just that he is like this, and I expect people to love him sincerely, which is really embarrassing for the other party. .Especially, his partner is still a man."

Lin Luoqing couldn't hold back when she heard this, and laughed.

He didn't hold back his laughter, which was especially obvious in the empty stairwell.

Ji Yun and Ji Huai, who were chatting against the handrail of the stairs, were taken aback for a moment, then rushed up the next second and saw Lin Luoqing who was standing at the stairs on the third floor.

Ji Yun became embarrassed in an instant, but Ji Huai, seeing him leaning on the handrail of the stairs, with a clear smile in his eyes, suddenly became angry from embarrassment, raised his head and said, "What are you laughing at? Am I wrong?"

She sneered, "I've seen a lot of little stars like you. I don't know what kind of person you are. You want to marry my cousin because you want to be popular. When you become popular, how can you still be famous?" Can you stay by the side of a useless person like my cousin? When the time comes, you probably can't wait to file for a divorce."

Lin Luoqing looked at her, the smile in his eyes gradually faded, and finally turned into a half-smile, slightly mocking eyes.

He looked down at the girl in front of him, slowly straightened up, and walked towards her.

He didn't get too close, but only went down a few steps, maintaining a posture of looking down, and said softly, "Is that how you see him?"

Ji Huai was stunned for a moment, and asked in confusion, "What?"

"You keep saying that you look down on your cousin, but you keep saying that he is disabled and useless. Is that how you respect your brother?"

Ji Huai retorted sharply, "Isn't what I said the truth? He is disabled, am I wrong?"

After she finished speaking, she laughed mockingly, "He gave up on himself, gave up on himself, stayed at home every day and dared not go out, and it's your turn to complain here."

"That's his life. He can squander or give up on his own life, but you are not qualified to comment on other people's lives." Lin Luo said calmly, "With a sister like you, Ji Yuxiao is really a relative Very handicapped."

"But it's okay," he smiled, "you're not his biological sister after all, so it's normal to be mean, stupid and ignorant."

"What do you mean?" 1 Ji Huai said angrily, "You are the one who is mean, stupid and ignorant."

Lin Luoqing picked out her ears, and said softly, "Sister, your current appearance vividly interprets these eight words."

Ji Huai:! !

Ji Huai opened his mouth, and was about to say something, when Lin Luoqing said with a smile, "By the way, I'll tell you something."

"Although your cousin's legs are indeed injured, but the key parts are not damaged, so we can not only drive on the road, but also have a very pleasant journey. How should I put it, it is probably as quiet as a pillar of the sky, moving like a dragon entering an abyss, Haohao is rushing to thunder and suddenly moving, fluttering like a feather and ascending to immortality, it can be said that you want to live and die, and you can't stop it 1

"I quite like it." Lin Luoqing finally concluded.

However, as soon as he finished summarizing, he heard a familiar voice behind him: "What do you want to live and die, you can't stop, you like it?"

Lin Luoqing:! !

Lin Luoqing turned her head stiffly, and saw Ji Yuxiao was sitting in a wheelchair, propping her head, squinting her eyes leisurely, and looking at him with a smile.

Lin Luoqing: ...Fuck! How did he come out so soon!

Father Ji, can you do it?