MTL - I Am the Light of Science and Technology-Chapter 13 Seven Zero Scientists (13)

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Bai Zhi: "I'm thinking... Gu Xinchen can be solved."

It didn't say a bunch of things that 444 didn't understand, but...

444: "???" Is it so simple to say? !

444 went silent.

In fact, it really wanted to say something sarcastic, but it was beaten a lot, and 444 also learned to behave.

- It is afraid that it will be ridiculed now, and its face hurts when it looks back.

"Student Bai Zhi, I saw what the two researchers brought back! I never imagined that you have done such a great research in automation!"

"Yeah, a lot of the views are simply refreshing to me."

"Student Bai Zhi, what we mentioned when we communicated earlier, I was stunned at that time, and I came back and immediately put..."

"Me too, my new calculation..."

The car in front was chatting hotly. They were all experts from the Academy of Sciences. Knowing that Bai Zhi was in Beijing today, they had to follow her to pick her up. There was a car full of people.

Bai Zhi nodded, and communicated with them in a very friendly manner.

These people are also worthy of her respect. She just mentioned them, and they made a lot of breakthroughs. Many things were inferred from one case, and there was immediate progress.

- The times limit them.

- But it is they who promote the times.

The whole car was immediately enveloped by a strong academic atmosphere.

In a car behind, Zhang San and Li Si were sitting in the middle of several security guards, their backs were stiff, their faces were pale, and they were shivering.

Li Baizhi, classmate...

It's **** awesome!

Zhang San and Li Si were sent to their respective schools first.

It should have sent Bai Zhi to report, but the people from the Academy of Sciences couldn't wait, and ordered the car to pull Bai Zhi to the Academy of Sciences. The group took her and walked inside excitedly.

The security of the Academy of Sciences is very strict, and Bai Zhi was also checked, and then pulled in by several experts who were very impatient.

Dean Xiang brought everyone from other academies together.

— This is can't wait to have a meeting.

"Classmate Bai Zhi, you are finally here!"

"We still have a few questions for you in what the researcher brought back!"

"Yes, yes, we have discussed all of these, but these questions are still a little confusing. Bai Zhi, let's take a look and see whose direction is the right one!"

"Classmate Bai Zhi..."


Seeing this, Dean Xiang coughed heavily: "Cough, calm down!"

After all, everyone gave him two points of face, and they all quieted down.

He stepped forward to the dean, reached out and shook hands with Bai Zhi, his voice was full of excitement—

"Student Baizhi, no, it should be Comrade Baizhi! You are finally here. Welcome to our Academy of Sciences. In the days to come, let us shine together for the country's scientific research and devote ourselves to the rise of the motherland!"

If Bai Zhi doesn't come again, he will be annoyed to death by these old things!

There is a lot of noise every day, and even someone wants to buy a ticket to Lijia Village at every turn. As a dean, his heart is broken!

"Okay!" Bai Zhi was serious.

Dean Xiang quickly led her to sit down, then he sat next to her, took out his notebook, and said seriously, "Comrade Bai Zhi, is your next focus research project on automation? Can you..."

Bai Zhi stood up and said lightly: "No, what I will do next is traffic reform!"


She picked up the pen and slowly wrote—

"Bicycles, cars, trains, airplanes...engines, traction, kinetic systems..."

"Is it a little too broad and a little too difficult?" Dean Xiang held back his shock and asked slowly.

Bai Zhi: "So we need our joint efforts. I already have some ideas. I believe that all comrades here have made progress in these areas. First of all..."

She wrote down her ideas in strokes.

The people sitting below went from being shocked at the beginning to being stunned at the back.

Bai Zhi said that for a whole day, whether it was eating or drinking in the middle, it was brought in by others.

Even when someone went out to the toilet, he ran out quickly after holding back, and ran back with his pants on, for fear of missing the content.

When Bai Zhi finished speaking, the whole room fell into dead silence.

No one spoke.

They were still in shock, unable to speak for a long time!

After a while, Dean Xiang stood up and said in a hoarse voice, "I think I need to make a phone call first."

So, soon, Dean Xiang walked to the front of the phone and solemnly broadcast a number—

"Hello, leader. I think we have discovered a special talent. She is the wealth of the entire scientific community. Her protection level must be raised to the highest level! We must not allow foreign bad elements to destroy our talents!"

So, President Zhang of Beijing University found out—

"Isn't Bai Zhi in Beijing? Why can't I find anyone?!"

After receiving some notices, Principal Zhang was even more confused and shocked—

"So, my own students...I can't see them yet? The students of Beijing University can't live in the dormitory of Beijing University? Why?!"

He was busy calling his friends at the Academy of Sciences—

"Hey, when will Li Baizhi from our school come to report?"

"What? Report?! That's too dangerous!"

"What?" Dangerous? Principal Zhang was stunned.

What's the danger of going to school?

"Don't worry about Bai Zhi, she has her own arrangements!"


Without waiting for him to continue, he hurriedly said: "Our Academy of Sciences has been very busy recently, and we are busy with scientific research. Don't call if you have nothing to do, goodbye!"

After speaking, the man immediately hung up the phone.

Principal Zhang: "…"

However, although…

That's my student, I don't care? ? ?

Principal Zhang doesn't know what's going on with Bai Zhi, but seeing that the Academy of Sciences and the country attach so much importance to it, it must be an extraordinary strength!

He still remembers the shock when he was in Lijia Village, the door that opened automatically, the semi-finished product in that place, and the great conversation she had with the experts.

Because of this, Principal Zhang still tried his best to deliver a message to Bai Zhi - hurry back and sign up, this time the freshman representative has appointed you!

He was ready for Bai Zhi's rejection, and the candidates for freshmen representatives were also confirmed.

At this time, Bai Zhi replied -

"On the day of school, I will be back on time."

Therefore, the alternative is not used, and Principal Zhang is satisfied.

And this alternative...

It was Gu Xinchen!

Vengeance upon hatred!

When he received this news, Gu Xinchen almost spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face was extremely ugly.

However, Principal Zhang felt that Bai Zhi was a more suitable representative, and he didn't need to explain anything to him, he could only let Gu Xinchen hold his breath.

On the school day, Beijing University was very lively.

Especially the freshmen, because they arrived at school early, they are all enthusiastic people, and they have long been familiar with their classmates and dormitory classmates.

The representative of freshmen is naturally one of the hot topics.

In particular, this freshman representative has not yet passed the college entrance examination and was specially recruited, which is even more eye-catching.

Whether they were unconvinced or wanted to communicate, they all eagerly wanted to meet this new representative, Li Baizhi.

"When I came, her bed was in our dormitory!"

"Then have you seen her?"

"Of course not. That bed is already occupied by someone else, and it is said that she does not live in the school dormitory."

"What? She doesn't live in the school dormitory, so where does she live?!"

"I do not know either!"

"That is to say, no one has seen this classmate Li Baizhi?"

"I heard people say that she got such preferential treatment because of her background in the Academy of Sciences!"

"who said it?"

"It seems that Gu Xinchen's roommate said that Li Baizhi doesn't have any ability, just has a background."

Full of mystery, and it is speculated that Bai Zhi, who has a background, arrived ten minutes before the official start of the opening ceremony.

As soon as he saw her, Principal Zhang immediately stood up and walked over quickly: "You're killing me, why are you only here now?!"

"I'm sorry, I helped solve a problem in the morning, so it took a while." Bai Zhi explained.

"Where's the manuscript you wrote? Come on, I'll take a look first!" Principal Zhang said again.

He also attaches great importance to the talents that the country and the Academy of Sciences attach great importance to.

Bai Zhi: "No manuscript."

"What did you say?!" Principal Zhang almost jumped up.

The sound was so loud that everyone around heard it and looked over.

Principal Zhang hurriedly pulled Bai Zhi to the side and lowered his voice: "Did you write it down, so you didn't bring it? Or didn't you write it at all?!"

"I didn't write it." Bai Zhi was very honest.

Principal Zhang: "...Then what are you going to say?"

"Ready." This time Bai Zhi nodded.

However, before Principal Zhang could breathe a sigh of relief, she added: "I just thought about it on the way."

Principal Zhang: "...??" He shouldn't be so reassured about this student because of his previous interactions in Lijia Village!

This is so unreliable!

Principal Zhang was so anxious that he even wanted to find an alternate now to take the stage in place of Bai Zhi.

However, Bai Zhi still had time to pat him on the shoulder: "Principal, don't worry, leave it to me."

Principal Zhang: "…"

My fart!

Can I entrust such an important matter to you, the person who just wanted to say something on stage? !

However, inexplicably, in the eyes of Bai Zhi, he didn't say anything to let Gu Xinchen play...

Bai Zhi is so young, but when they get along, they somehow give him a calm feeling, as if... she is not his junior, he is her junior!

Bai Zhi: The truth is, she was really older than him in her last life.

She came to the stage with Principal Zhang's face full of anxiety and fidgeting, and it was the first time she appeared in front of these classmates who had heard many rumors about her.

In the crowd, Gu Xinchen's face was gloomy.

"This is Li Baizhi? I don't see anything special about it."

"I don't know what she's going to say, I didn't take the manuscript."

Gu Xinchen looked at the people on the stage, and his voice was mocking: "It's nothing, it's just relying on someone you know in the Academy of Sciences, let's see what she can say."

Everyone looked at Bai Zhi, to see what she could say and what her literary style was.