MTL - I Am the Light of Science and Technology-Chapter 161 Mary Sue, who hunted the world (2)

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444 was really dumbfounded, it really didn't understand the meaning of Angelica's actions.


Thinking about it carefully, the devil used to do things that shocked him, but the devil never overturned the car.

So, what I was about to blurt out, I swallowed it back and replaced it with: "Master, what did you do to Zhuo Yi before?"

After Zhuo Yi "died", his body disappeared, and Bai Zhi put away the bowl and cleaned up with disgust.

Hearing this, she curled her lips into a smile: "Study the world of consciousness, this world is really interesting, whether it is a player or an NPC, it is interesting."

There was a familiar frenzy in her eyes, which made 444 shiver.

It asked, "Where is... interesting?"

The light in Bai Zhi's eyes is still dazzling, and the voice is smiling: "The origin of the existence of the higher world is interesting."

She didn't explain this sentence, raised her eyebrows slightly and asked, "444, do you know what players and NPCs in this world look like?"

"What?" 444 asked subconsciously.

Bai Zhi: "The player is the low-end version of me, and the NPC is the low-end version of you."

444: "???"

"My consciousness is real consciousness, and your consciousness is virtual consciousness, just like players and NPCs in this world, the former is real consciousness, and the latter is virtual consciousness."

She pushed on her glasses, and her eyes flashed sharply: "And this the world of consciousness, 444, what else do you think is the world of consciousness?"

444 was stunned for a while, and a flash of light flashed in his mind: "Underworld?!"

The underworld of the world of Yin and Yang!

Bai Zhi smiled: "Yes, the underworld, but there is another place you forgot."

444 blank face: "Where?"

Bai Zhi's voice was decisive: "System space!"

444: "!!"


Has she determined that the system space is the consciousness space? !

Where has her research on system space come? !

444 subconsciously said: "What does that mean? You judge that the system space is the same as the hunting world, which is the world of consciousness. What can it mean? In my opinion, how can this world be comparable to the world created by the creator?"

Bai Zhi's voice was smiling and meaningful: "Yes, you are right, compared to the system space, the hunting world is a low-level version of the consciousness world. Do you know what this means?"

444 a lag, it doesn't know.

However, Bai Zhi doesn't think it will know now, so she straightens her back slightly, her eyes suddenly become sharp, and the lenses of the gold-rimmed glasses are all cold-light—

"It means that this world is still very low-level. As long as I connect my consciousness to this world, I can control this world and become... a **** who hunts and kills the world!"

444 was startled.

It hurriedly asked: "How can I access this world?"

Bai Zhi's voice was frosty: "Thanks to the consciousness department of the empire for putting me on the NPC. The NPC itself comes from the same place as the world of consciousness, and it can be used as an entry point to **** control of the hunting world!"

- "Cleaning up" the original owner's consciousness department, you will know what shooting yourself in the foot is.

444: "!!"

Bai Zhi raised her hand and gently pushed her glasses: "Of course, my consciousness is not strong enough now to **** control of the hunting world. But being a bug and controlling the part is enough."

As she spoke, she lowered her eyes slightly, covering the darkness in her eyes.

- And she will be a "super virus", as long as she is given a chance to be infected, it will erode a little bit, and finally take over everything!

For some reason, 444 shivered inexplicably.

Zhuo Yi is back!

He came back with anger to take revenge!

Zhuo Yi has entered many worlds of consciousness before, and he can be regarded as a little famous person.

This time, the hunter world started with the Jiutian Fusheng Pill, which was simply a gold plug-in, and he would definitely be able to reach the top ten in one fell swoop.


The boat capsized in the gutter and was killed by a sweeping NPC?

If it weren't for the Jiutian Fusheng Pill, his participation this time would have ended!

- That's downright embarrassing.

But even the resurrection Zhuo Yi is very unhappy, just kidding, basically he is doing tasks in the early stage, the big chaos is a matter in the later stage, this time the resurrection opportunity is reserved for the later stage, maybe he can rush into the top ten!

He was poisoned to death by a bowl of poisonous mushrooms!

I don't know what the audience outside now, especially his fans, will think of him?

It's **** irritating.

The panorama of the hunted world is presented to the Empire's hundreds of millions of viewers, and if they're interested, they can always pick someone and watch what he's going through.

Zhuo Yi has fans and audiences, and indeed many people are watching.

It's a pity that he can't see the barrage at the moment—

"Hahaha, when I saw Fusheng Pills before, I was still thinking how awesome Zhuo Yi is."

"As a result... it's utterly unlucky!"

"Smile and smoke, the only time I used the resurrection pill is to use it, it's not easy to walk later."

"Not necessarily. That gardener must be a small boss. If you kill him, you will definitely drop something."

"Zhuo Yi quickly killed him and saw what was dropped. If you are lucky, you will drop an artifact, and the distress may be relieved a little bit."

Amidst their laughter, Zhuo Yi saw Bei Baizhi again.

- She's still doing her due diligence.

She wears gold-rimmed glasses, her hair is simply rolled up, and her clothes are also gray work clothes. She bends down and sweeps the fallen leaves on the ground together.

Zhuo Yi: "Demon girl! Didn't expect me to come back alive?!"

He jumped up suddenly.

The sudden reappearance of a dead person was supposed to scare the murderer, and Zhuo Yi did it for this purpose.

However, Bai Zhi looked up at him, smiled kindly, and continued to sweep the floor.

Zhuo Yi: "???"


Zhuo Yi was angry: "You can still laugh?! Demon girl, I want to kill you to take revenge!"

Bai Zhi didn't respond and continued to sweep the floor, as if he didn't hear what he said.

Zhuo Yi drew his sword and swung it down heavily.


Nothing happened.

Zhuo Yi: "???"

Barrage: "...Fuck! This must be a boss! Not a small boss!"

After Bai Zhi swept the fallen leaves together, she went to get a shovel.

"I'll die—" Zhuo Yi raised his sword and swung it down continuously.

Yet nothing happened.

It was like hitting the air every time.

Angelica scallops get the fallen leaves under the roots of the tree, obviously adding fat.

Zhuo Yi: "…"

He gritted his teeth: "I still don't believe it, did you practice the golden bell jar?"

He took out a talisman.

The barrage someone said-

"Zhuo Yi is in a hurry. He was lucky. He got the Jiutian Fusheng Pill and the lethal talisman, but shouldn't he use it at this time?"

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand. If this is a boss and can drop good things, this talisman is worth using. Don't think Zhuo Yi is a fool."

"Agreed, Zhuo Yi is an experienced expert."

"This NPC person is obviously not a small boss, and the things dropped must be extraordinary."

The barrage was being discussed, and this talisman was also thrown out.


Still nothing happened.

The barrage disappeared in an instant, as if everyone had lost their voice.

Zhuo Yi was also stunned.

Angelica continued to shovel the leaves, and the leaves on the ground had not been shoveled halfway.

When autumn comes, there are always a lot of leaves. As a sanitation worker, it is still quite hard.

"I don't believe it today!" Zhuo Yi gritted his teeth, rushed up with his sword, and stabbed Bai Zhi.

This time, nothing happened.

Bai Zhi's hand was holding the blade, making Zhuo Yi unable to advance an inch.

Her hands were still so white, and there was no sign of injury.

She lowered her eyes, so that people couldn't see the emotions in her eyes, they could only see that her eyes were looking at Zhuo Yi's feet.

The barrage has been blown up by the "fuck".

Zhuo Yi held the sword, but he couldn't push it in or pull it out.

- He really **** met the floor sweeper!

- This is the ability at the beginning, this is definitely a big boss! !

The things that the big boss can drop is good, but he is only one person, and he doesn't have much means. How can he challenge the big boss? !

When he saw Bai Zhi looking down at his feet, Zhuo Yi also looked over subconsciously.

Then I found out that he was stepping on the leaves, and even kicked the leaves everywhere because of the wind brought by the rush and the strength of his feet.

Inexplicably, Zhuo Yi's heart skipped a beat.

He clearly heard Bai Zhi speak faintly at this moment: "You, here, look for, die."

Zhuo Yi: "…"

Then, he was beaten violently by Bai Zhi with a broom.

And this woman is so scary!

-In the past, when a person died, some of the equipment was lost depending on luck.

This woman is different, every time she hits a few times, he will drop a piece of equipment!

Almost all of the equipment was wiped clean, and all that was left was a shorts and a cotton-padded coat wrapped around the shorts.

The coat is gone, who made his coat have some defensive function, and it can be regarded as equipment?

Sucking his snot and limping, Zhuo Yi, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face, swept the fallen leaves together with a broom. At this moment, he was scolding his mother in his heart.

Not far away, Angelica is seriously arranging the flower bed and trimming the branches and leaves.

The barrage has exploded—

"This is definitely a big boss!"

"It's serious to lose the equipment, and Zhuo Yi has been fighting for so long, and the other party didn't get hurt at all. Obviously, he couldn't hurt her at all."

"God, Zhuo Yi is so unlucky, he met the big boss at the beginning."

"But it's really a long experience. It's the first time I met the big boss of the sanitation workers."

"Sweeping monks usually have tasks or accept apprentices, don't you think she doesn't look like her?"

Zhuo Yi also thought so in his heart.

He swept away the leaves, piled them all under the big tree, and rubbed them periodically.

"That... master, is there anything you need me to do? Or... are you willing to accept me as your apprentice?" Zhuo Yi's voice was tentative and cautious.

Wearing a cotton-padded coat and sniffing his nose, he did not dare to approach.

But don't forget to see if you can take advantage of it.

- This is the attitude towards people and NPCs. If there is a player in front of him, he will definitely not dare to do this again. After all, he wanted to kill her just now.

But this is an NPC, and he felt that even if he wanted to kill her just now, it must not be serious.

Bai Zhi took the big scissors and cut off the branches with a "click", then looked up at him, and said—

"If you don't leave within ten seconds, I want to see if you can still be resurrected?"

Zhuo Yi: "...!"

Five seconds later, within sight, only Zhuo Yi's back was left.

Barrage: "...This Boss has a bit of personality."

Angelica is still quietly pruning branches.

444 couldn't help but ask in his mind, "Master... why didn't you kill him?"

If Zhuo Yi hadn't leaked the news, Bei Baizhi would not have been repeatedly killed by so many people.

Bai Zhi lightly replied two words in her mind: "No hurry."

444 went quiet.

- Also, in the hands of the devil, it should rejoice for those who died happily, and mourn for those who are still alive.

When the whole area was trimmed, she stood up satisfied, put away the scissors, took her broom, and went back to the thatched hut.

He poured himself another cup of tea and sat to drink.


"I don't know why, but I chose to stay and watch an NPC."

"You are not alone."

"You are not two."

"This NPC looks...a little confused, I always feel like I can't take my eyes off her."

"What is she going to do next? Lure other people in and continue to make money and kill her?"

"It should be, after all, the NPC has a plot line. She will do whatever she is assigned to her. She should continue to murder players, sweep the floor, and prune branches..."

Just after saying this, I saw Bai Zhi put down the teacup.

He took out a treasure map from his pocket.

Yes, the treasure map that will drop by killing her.

Then she looked at the treasure map, holding the treasure map in one hand and holding the broom in the other, and walked in the direction specified by the treasure map.

The barrage was stunned—


"Fuck, is this an NPC looking for treasure?"

"She has a treasure map on her body, so it should be killing her to drop the treasure map!"

"How is it possible that there are NPCs looking for treasures?"

"Could it be that her setting is to hunt for treasure, and then the player kills her to get the treasure map and hunt for treasure instead of her?"

"This NPC is so **** crazy!"

While they were puzzled, they couldn't help but put their eyes on Bai Zhi, watching her holding a broom and walking slowly in one direction.

An NPC is always easy to be ignored, so she walked quite quietly.

The other participants have their own business, and their attention is on the other players, and no one pays attention to her.

NPCs don't even pay attention to NPCs, it's not in their settings.

Bei Baizhi is not a big boss, otherwise no player can kill her.

So her treasure map is actually not unique. Many NPCs have this treasure map.

It's just that in the original story, no one else leaked it, and Zhuo Yi leaked Bei Baizhi, so he suffered many kills.

And her line belongs to everyone. Some important treasures only have one piece. Usually, NPCs will not be resurrected when they die. Bei Baizhi is resurrected repeatedly because the treasures pointed to by her treasure map are not important. Anyone can get it.

Therefore, when Bai Zhi arrived, two teams were already facing each other in the place pointed by the treasure map.

If they arrive one after the other, they can get a share of this treasure. If they arrive at the same time, only one can get it.

-And now they won't know if this treasure can still be refreshed.

Competing is imperative.

Besides, this is still a hunting world, and even current teammates will kill each other in the future, let alone opponents.

So they fought.

Bai Zhi came to them when they hit the white heat.


She kept walking.

Someone on the barrage said, "Fuck, this boss is courting death, right? She just rushed over like this??"

Bai Zhi walked to the middle of the two sides who were fighting, smiled slightly, and said very kindly, "please borrow it."

After she finished speaking, she passed through them...

passed through them...

went through...


He said he had borrowed it, but he didn't wait for them to let go!

Many of the attacks from both of them fell on her.

But nothing happened, as if she was just air.

Her voice and sudden appearance startled both parties and stopped.

The two parties watched her walk to the front, and put away the light blue one—a water droplet.

Everyone: "???"

They... were robbed of the treasure by an NPC? ?


"This year's NPC...isn't it a bit too wild?"