MTL - I Am the Light of Science and Technology-Chapter 34 The whole world is spending money on me (1)

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Don't want to see her?

Because her world is not finished well?

Bai Zhi doesn't think so.

444 didn't see the original master Cheng Baizhi, but it knew what the original master Cheng Baizhi had left, so 444 said blankly—

"She said that she felt really blind when she saw you. She had a good time in her life, and she fell in love with such a man. She didn't even know the ugly face of the person she loved until she died."

Bai Zhi was also stunned.

After a while, she said: "The original owner's wish was to retaliate against the two, but in fact, when she died, she probably still loved Xiang Beiyin. This time she saw Xiang Beiyin's true face, so she was very annoyed?"

Bai Zhi's eyes were also a little dazed. After a while, she nodded and said solemnly: "Well, Cheng Baizhi is indeed a little blind."

The person Xiang Beiyin, whether in disguise or showing his true colors, is very unpleasant.

When he pretends to be warm and kind, he hides behind a woman.

It's even more disgusting when it's not pretending, sinister, violent, no matter what it looks like, it's a complete villain.

But when Cheng Baizhi died, she still hadn't seen the man's true face.

This time Bai Zhi lived for her, and Xiang Beiyin's true face was forced out, so Cheng Baizhi felt that she was blind and didn't want to see Bai Zhi?

444: "...Fortunately, she didn't hear you say she was blind, otherwise she wouldn't have given you a full rating."

Speaking of this, 444 rubbed his hands together, his voice excited: "Master! The original owner gave 100 points! Full marks! It is estimated that because he has no face to meet people, he has no face to give bad comments, hehe! Let's quickly see what level this time is. , how many points can you get!"

Speaking, it didn't wait for Bai Zhi to say anything, and immediately checked the rating.

When the "SSS" level and 500 points were added on the screen, fireworks were set off in the system space again, as if to celebrate.

"It's SSS again!" 444 was stunned.

So, a scene began to appear on the screen—

That is the world after Bai Zhi left, and it has been a hundred years since Bai Zhi left.

In a classroom, the teacher is in class.

"Welcome everyone to the Open Class of Star Network Unified Teaching. I'm your teacher, Xier Ming. Today, what is the content of our open class, do you know?"

The students answered in unison: "It's the mother of Xingwang, Cheng Baizhi!"

"Yes, today we will tell you the story of Cheng Baizhi, the mother of Xingwang. Cheng Baizhi, a native of Huai Huai City, made Xingwang, and it is because of her that we can now sit here and talk to the whole world. Together with the students, we will take this open class."

"Cheng Baizhi, the mother of Xingwang, was the greatest chef and scientist in the last world. I believe everyone already knows her story. This scientist is a very interesting person, and she always believes that she is a scientist. a chef, so…”

The teacher is still talking.

The young students below all looked at the teacher eagerly, very serious.

And another little one, scribbling on paper with a pen and crookedly—

"Cheng Baizhi, my idol."

Video ends.

444 was silent again for a while before saying, "Host, you are really amazing..." The technology she masters has the power to change the entire world!

Bai Zhi calmly said: "Well, thank you, I know."

She was very calm: "Let's go, the next world."

444 rubbed his hands together: "Master, don't worry, let's look at the rankings, you have only completed two worlds, that is, two SSSs, which is really excellent! Although there are no extra points this time, the SSS is 500 points. Your ranking will definitely be higher!"

The hundred people list appeared, and sure enough, Bai Zhi's name rushed up a few places from the last one, and became the 95th place—

Wish System 444, host Angelica, 2500 points, newcomer king.

"Ah, ah, Master Saigao! You're the 95th in just two worlds. The people behind you may have even experienced dozens of worlds. Ah, ah, master, you are amazing!" 444 was excited to the tone of the voice.

Before the host is obliterated, the system and the host are bound, and both prosper and lose.

The power of Angelica is its pride!

"Master Saigao! Master 666!"

Contrary to 444's excitement, Bai Zhi looked at the head and raised her eyebrows—

"Look No. 1, when the last world ended, Mo Tianwen's points were 1,893,562, and now it's 1,894,562, an increase of 1,000 points. If you don't complete two SSS scoring worlds, you will complete one SSS and get a title. In other words. , Mo Tianwen is either better than me, or faster than me, so...what's the point of being proud of?"

444 was stunned for a while, and looked at the first.

After a while, it said: "Master, how can we compare with Mo Tianwen? This host and the hegemony system 666 are legends in our system world. Since Mo Tianwen got the new king, it has always been the most popular. The terrifying existence is now the first on the list, the super king, which is one digit away from the second! No one can surpass Mo Tianwen!"

The hegemony system 666 is also the most arrogant existence in the system world. He almost never spoke on the system forum. The only time he replied with two words—hehe.

Bai Zhi hooked her lips: "But the new king, it's me now, isn't it?"

If you can take away the title of King of Newcomers, you may not be able to take other titles? isn't it?

444 was taken aback.

Bai Zhi raised her hand: "Let's go, the next world."

444 Mang said: "Master! Do you want to buy some golden fingers? Buying it in the system space, the price will be cheaper than buying it urgently after entering the mission world!"

"Don't buy it!" Bai Zhi was firm.

She didn't say anything more.

It has been analyzed before, the points may not be nothing, it may represent something, and she will not use it at will when she hadn't figured it out.

She has only completed two worlds, so the information she can get is really limited, but what about Mo Tianwen?

She just emphasized that Mo Tianwen gets 1,000 points, but she didn't say it casually, 1,000 points... Whether it's completing two SSS worlds, or one SSS plus a title, Mo Tianwen has no "consumption".

When you don't have more information, it is also a direction to see if people who know more can operate.

Bai Zhi doesn't want to consume points, this is her most rational analysis.

But she wouldn't tell 444 about this.

"Then start the next world?" 444 paused, "Our system won't know what the next world will look like. If you don't buy the golden finger, it will be more difficult."

"Well, it doesn't matter, let's go, didn't you say that Mo Tianwen and System 666 are a legend in the system world? 444, how about taking you to create another legend?" Bai Zhi's voice was soft and smiling.

Another legend? !

444 was so excited that she trembled, and her voice suddenly became excited—

"Hey, good!"

One person is unified and disappears into the system space.

This is a slightly more advanced world than the previous one.

The technology is obviously more advanced than when Angelica first arrived in the last world, but it is only a little bit.

Three thousand small worlds are different from each other. In this world, because of the development of capital, capital is in power. The rich can do whatever they want, and the gap between the rich and the poor is huge.

The original owner Qian Baizhi was surnamed Qian, but he was one of the poorest people.

As a result, social status is extremely low.

Qian's family is very poor. Qian Baizhi's parents, Qian Tong and Zhou Fang, are just ordinary workers. Their family cannot afford to buy a house, so they can only rent it.

But after giving birth to their daughter, they were very distressed to see that her daughter was the worst dressed in kindergarten and was excluded by others.

Qian Tong and Zhou Fang gritted their teeth and quit their stable jobs to start a business for their daughter to have a good life in the future.

The couple also had a partner at the time named Sun Changdong.

The three of them work together to start a business together.

It was difficult at the beginning, but there was hope. Because the three of them worked hard, gradually their families improved.

Qian Tong and Zhou Fang are both visionaries. For a better future, not only did they not start buying cars and houses like Sun Changdong did, but they took all the money and prepared to continue to expand and make a bigger career. .

Although Sun Changdong is not as capable as Qian Tong and Zhou Fang, he has a good vision, so he knows that the project that Qian Tong and Zhou Fang are going to do will definitely have great prospects in the future, so he also joins it.

They bought two plots of land and were going to start building a factory.

As a result, at this time, one of the two pieces of land they bought was taken care of by predators and was ready to build a subway.

Not only is the compensation huge, but the price of another piece of land has also risen accordingly.

Because Sun Changdong invested less money, the proportion was not large, and Qian Tong and Zhou Fang accounted for the largest proportion.

So at that time, Qian Tong held his daughter excitedly and said—

"Xiao Zhi, your parents are going to let you live a good life! Eighty percent of the two pieces of land belong to your parents. We can have a lot of money. If others have it in the future, we Xiaozhi must have it. ."

He and Zhou Fang have been thinking about the future for Qian Baizhi. That night, they stayed up all night, describing the bright future and their never-ending steps to get rich.

Qian Baizhi didn't understand at that time, but she was foolishly laughed at by her parents, and the family hugged happily.

Qian Tong and Zhou Fang have the courage and perseverance to go forward for their daughter.

At this hopeful time, a subway is being built on one piece of land, and their factory is being built on the other. Qian Tong said that the factory will not be built here, but it will be converted into real estate, and they will re-buy cheap land to build the factory.

The factory needs to be shut down, and Qian Tong, Zhou Fang and Sun Changdong will deal with these matters.

That is, on that day, a worker in the factory suddenly rushed out and killed Qian Tong and Zhou Fang.

After killing the two of them, the worker also committed suicide, shouting, "It's you who want to stop work, it's you who are not benevolent, you should be damned!"

Qian Tong and Zhou Fang were dead, and the murderer was also dead. The murderer's family was so poor that they couldn't get a dime, so there was no way to settle accounts with them.

Qian Baizhi was ignorant. She was only in elementary school at that time and didn't understand anything except that she was adopted by her uncle's family.

Sun Changdong didn't know how he negotiated with his uncle Qian Ming. He gave Qian Ming a lot of money, and the uncle, the guardian, signed on behalf of Bai Zhi and handed over both pieces of land to Sun Changdong.

After that, according to Qian Tong and Zhou Fang's plan, Sun Changdong converted the factory into real estate, bought land and built a new factory, first-hand real estate and first-hand industry. In just ten years, he became the richest man in the city. more.

After Qian Baizhi was adopted by the uncle, he had a very bad life. The uncle's family became very rich because of the money given by Sun Changdong, but this did not belong to Qian Baizhi.

So since childhood, Qian Baizhi could only wear old clothes, and could only do laundry, cook, and clean at home.

People from Qian Ming's family often beat and scold her, and they had no relatives at all.

Sun Changdong occasionally came to visit Qian Baizhi, took money for Qian Baizhi, bought her new clothes, and even sent her and his daughter Sun Jiao to the same junior high school, the same high school, and the same university.

Everyone praised Sun Changdong for being affectionate and righteous, and remembering old feelings.

Only Qian Baizhi will always remember the bright prospects that Qian Tong and Zhou Fang described to her that night, and the 80% figure.

And those prospects are what Sun Changdong is doing.

Sun Changdong sent Qian Baizhi and Sun Jiao to go to a noble school together, but in this era of rampant capital, she has always been excluded from the school, so that she has a gloomy personality and does not talk to people all the year round.

Sun Jiao doesn't like Qian Baizhi either. She hates her father, Sun Changdong, for being nice to Qian Baizhi. She sent Qian Baizhi to the same school as her. She feels that Qian Baizhi is not worthy.

That's why, with her conscious or unintentional acquiescence, the dead mouse in the drawer, the glue on the bench, these are things that grew up with Qian Baizhi.

All of this makes Qian Baizhi more gloomy and unpleasant, she seems to be out of tune with this world.

The two also studied at the same university. This university is the best business school in the country. The standard of study is high. Basically, the people in it are all rich, background and capable.

Qian Baizhi looks out of place again.

Although she is gloomy and unpleasant, deep down in her heart, she still yearns for love, someone who understands her and cares about her, so she has a crush on a male **** with a sunny smile, but she only dares to secretly crush, Because the male **** and Sun Jiao are recognized as a couple.

And because of the memory of that scene when she was a child, she actually had an unyielding power in her heart.

Therefore, even if she was excluded, she still worked part-time and went to school at the same time, learning skills, doing business, and making a living.

In the third year of college, Qian Baizhi wanted to participate in a design competition.

That is her hope of turning over, an opportunity to change her destiny, and she has always been gifted in design.

It was at this time that the male **** appeared beside Qian Baizhi, warmed her with a smile, seduced her, and told her that he and Sun Jiao were not together, he had always liked her, and he was waiting for her answer.

Qian Baizhi lacks love, and is also a male **** in her mind.

She was quickly tempted to tell him her love.

It was also at this time that the male **** suddenly rejected her with a cold face, and said that he was Sun Jiao's boyfriend and had been with Sun Jiao for a long time. She should not want to steal her friend's boyfriend.

"People like you don't deserve to be Jiaojiao's friend!"

Qian Baizhi was stunned.

She didn't understand why the male **** who looked at her with gentle eyes and said that he was waiting for her answer suddenly changed?

Then, Sun Jiao and some people from the school came out and looked at her with sarcastic eyes, saying that she wanted to eat swan meat, shameless, that she was sorry for Sun Jiao, etc.

Soon the news spread throughout the school, and the school expelled her.

The uncle's family cut off relations with her, and she was not allowed to go back, who was ruthless and ungrateful.

Sun Changdong publicly expressed his disappointment and would not see her again in the future.

Such a ruthless and unrighteous person who was subsidized by others, but who also seduced the sponsor's daughter's boyfriend, such a person with corrupt moral character, was hated by everyone.

Qian Baizhi was cornered.

Do you know how Qian Baizhi died?


died on the roadside.

The scene recalled in his dying mind was—that night, in the humble rental house, Qian Tong and Zhou Fang hugged their daughter, excitedly thinking about the future. They said that their precious daughter, Xiao Zhi, would live the best life in the future. Good life, they will pave the way for her.

They worked hard, but unfortunately, they left early.

The daughter they love, the daughter who gives them unlimited motivation, in such a society, actually starved to death.

Bai Zhi opened her eyes and was stunned for a while.

She asked, "444, what is the original owner's wish?"

444 was also shocked and angry. Hearing the words, he immediately said—

"Money! The original owner's wish was to have a lot of money. She was full of ill will when she died, so her wish was not to take revenge on a certain person, she hated everyone. She wanted everyone in this world to wake up from the morning. When you open your eyes, give her money! No matter how painful you curse, you must keep giving her money!"

After speaking, 444 paused and hesitated: "Although the original owner is really pitiful, but... this wish is too outrageous! How can we... accomplish this?"

Bai Zhi thought for a while and nodded: "Since I have accepted this task, I will complete it for her."

As she said that, she sneered: "Qian Tong and Zhou Fang were killed by Sun Changdong, right? He only accounted for 20% of the huge profit, and he killed Qian Tong and Zhou Fang, only by giving money. Uncle Baizhi Qian Ming can monopolize huge profits with a single sum of money. Moreover, it is not only 80%, but also Qian Tong and Zhou Fang's future planning, he also accounts for their planning, their future. "

444 said angrily: "Yes, Qian Tong and Zhou Fang were killed by Sun Changdong. This person is really disgusting. He killed Qian Tong and Zhou Fang, but sent the original owner to school and gained a good reputation!"

Bai Zhi sneered: "It's not just for good reputation, Qian Tong and Zhou Fang are talented in business, Qian Baizhi looks smart when she is a child, Sun Changdong sent her to study where she shouldn't go, being rejected and indifferent, she is the teacher Don't pay attention to her, don't care about her homework, don't answer any questions for her... In this situation, can Qian Baizhi learn something? Can she grow up? "

444 was taken aback.

Bai Zhi continued: "Although Qian Baizhi has always been in a good school, in addition to being excluded, she is air in the eyes of the teacher. That's it, she can participate in the design competition. As long as the training environment is better, what do you think she will do? If Sun Gao Ze, the male **** of Jiao and Qian Baizhi, doesn't count her, so what will happen to her?"

444: "…"

Immediately, its voice became even more angry: "Come on! It's disgusting! These people are disgusting!"

"This society is different. Capital is in power, and money can do whatever it wants. You say, how many evil things happen in invisible corners of this world every day? The Qian Baizhi family is not an exception."

Bai Zhi's eyes are a little cold, but the corner of her mouth is slightly raised: "So I really want to try the original owner's task. Will the whole world pay me money? Very good."

I don't know why, but when he saw this smile, 444 couldn't help shivering.

When they were dressed, they were very bad. After Qian Baizhi's "confession" was rejected, the business school had forced her to drop out. At this moment, she was huddled in a shabby building, hungry.

There is still half a year, when Qian Baizhi was starved to death.

Bai Zhi was also a little weak at the moment. The original owner had a high fever because of the stimulation. Even if she came, there was no way to change the situation immediately.

"Jingle bell -" the phone rang.

Bai Zhi reached out and picked it up, raised her eyebrows, and sneered.

Line connected.

At the other end, Qian Ming's angry voice sounded—

"Qian Baizhi! You are so shameless! Who is Sun Jiao? That's Sun Changdong's daughter. Sun Changdong sent you to a good school, so you did such a thing?! It's so filthy! How can I have you like this? Niece, I really embarrassed my Qian family, and now the whole community knows about your disgusting things!"

Bai Zhi didn't speak, she touched her forehead, the temperature was boiling hot.

"People like you, why don't you die! It's really embarrassing for our Qian family. I shouldn't have adopted you in the first place. What an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf!"

Hearing this, Bai Zhi said indifferently: "Why did you support me in the first place, you all know in your own hearts, is there a fraction of the money that Sun Changdong shared belongs to my parents and spent on me?"

What's more, they have been beating and scolding her at every turn in those years. She started to do housework at a young age, the whole family went out to have dinner, and left her alone at home to eat leftovers.

The breath was stagnant.

After a while, an even more angry voice sounded: "What money?! We don't know what money we have, don't talk nonsense! It really is an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf! I think your father's sake raised you, but you turned out to be such a white-eyed wolf. Wolf, shame on you, let me tell you, starting from today, you are no longer from our Qian family! I don't have a niece like you! You are not allowed to come back! !"

Bai Zhi didn't talk nonsense with him anymore: "Yes, you remember to publish in the newspaper and let everyone know that from today onwards, we will not have any kinship."

She really couldn't ask for it.

"Okay, okay! Qian Baizhi, even if you died outside, we won't collect your corpse. An unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, no wonder you can kill your parents, it's not a good thing!" The other end was about to hang up.

Bai Zhi suddenly said: "By the way, the money that Sun Changdong gave you back then was less. My parents owned 80% of the two plots of land, including the original real estate and factory buildings. Okay. , you may not understand, then I'll make it clear, that is to say - 80% of the money Sun Changdong owns now belongs to my parents."

Hearing the sound of something landing on the other end, Bai Zhi hung up the phone and blocked the number.

Well, she doesn't have time to clean them up for the time being, so let's just bite the dog first.

After hanging up the phone, Bai Zhi stood up and shook her body.

She is now hungry, has no money, and has a high fever, and is really in a difficult situation.

After standing up, Bai Zhi walked towards the business school.

This unfinished building is behind the business school. After being forced to drop out, Bai Zhi had nowhere to go, so she walked into this unfinished building. At this moment, it would not take a few minutes to return the same way.