MTL - I Am the Light of Science and Technology-Chapter 60 Amateur scientists in variety shows (12)

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Who is He Mingguang, Bai Zhi does not know.

Maybe she doesn't need to know, doesn't want to know, and doesn't care whether she knows or not.

Until Bai Zhi's back completely disappeared, He Mingguang still couldn't recover from that sentence.

"President He?" Yu Lin's voice was tentative.

Just now he saw Zhao Baizhi leave, and seeing that Mr. He hadn't come out, he came to ask carefully.

"Go away—" He Mingguang roared.

Yu Lin shivered in fright and ran away.

After waiting for a while, He Mingguang came out, his face was still ashen, obviously he was angry, so his face still hasn't come back.

"President He..." Yu Lin opened his mouth, cautiously.

He Mingguang looked at him, his voice was angry, and sarcastically said: "Very good, Zhao Baizhi is really good, you are looking for a good guest."

After he finished speaking, he flicked his hand and strode away.

Yu Lin chased after him, and apologized while chasing: "President He! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, our show team really can't do anything about Zhao Baizhi! In fact, I am often angry with her, she is just like this, don't let everyone go. In our eyes, we also…”

He wanted to explain desperately that Zhao Baizhi also often made their show team angry, and they had nothing to do with her, so if He Mingguang was also provoked by Zhao Baizhi, then they would be sympathetic to each other, and He couldn't blame their show team.

They are all miserable, it is Zhao Baizhi that woman is too ruthless and too irritating!

However, the more he reminded He Mingguang that Zhao Baizhi did not give his face, the more angry He Mingguang became.

"Oh, I've been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and Zhao Baizhi is the first one who doesn't give me face! I want to see when she can be arrogant! Let's wait and see!" After he finished speaking, he looked coldly Glancing at Yu Lin, he got in the car and left.

—Obviously, he also took anger at Yu Lin.

"President He!" Yu Lin shouted. He wanted to say that he was wronged, but Mr. He had already left.

The **** of the car was no longer visible, and the assistant asked tentatively, "Director, is He always angry?"

"Nonsense! You're so angry, are you blind?!" Yu Lin was so angry that he wanted to hit the wall.

He Yu Lin offended He Mingguang, how will he mix in this circle in the future? !

Besides, this is simply a disaster!

Blue veins appeared on Yu Lin's forehead, and he cursed angrily—

"Zhao Baizhi! It's Zhao Baizhi again, why did you bring me with you?! You are in this situation now, why are you so arrogant?!"

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. He raised his feet and walked upstairs: "Zhao Baizhi!"

Obviously, he went to Zhao Baizhi to settle accounts.

"Bang bang bang—" The door slammed loudly.

However, the assistant next to him tugged at him and handed him the interface of the mobile phone: "Director, look at this, the official website seal Zhao Baizhi is - China's Outstanding Young Scientist."

Yu Lin: "???" What the hell? !

He looked at the text and was stunned.

At this time, the door opened, and Bai Zhi looked at him coldly: "What's the matter?"

Yu Lin: "...It's okay, I'm just asking if you're hungry? Do you want some supper?"

His answer was the closed door.

On the Internet, the pot has exploded at this moment.

Or because of this official news, not only that they will not let Zhao Baizhi's technology public, but also that Zhao Baizhi is an outstanding young scientist.

"What are you kidding?? At this time, you still say that Zhao Baizhi is an outstanding young man?"

"Mom is an outstanding young man who set fire to others?"

"Hehe, I'm dying of laughter. The government can't be so indifferent. Just because Zhao Baizhi developed the naked-eye 3D, they can't just protect her, right?"

"I don't think it's possible for the government to protect people casually. Is it a fan of Zhao Baizhi under the skin?"

"It's possible, there must be Zhao Baizhi fans under the skin! That's why I stand on the street for Zhao Baizhi."

"Hehe, this is the official size, with a crooked **** under the skin, wait for it to be dealt with!"

"I can't believe that Zhao Baizhi has so many fans!"

“@violet[email protected]law[email protected] "__cf_email__"data-cfemail="0951515149">[email protected]Country XXX...Hurry up and deal with Zhao Baizhi!"

Someone crazy @other official organizations.

Then, almost the front and back feet, these official numbers all sent news—

[Zi XX: We will never encroach on the interests of ordinary people. Even if it is cooperation, it will be carried out on the premise of ensuring the interests of the broad masses of the people. Comrade Zhao Baizhi is indeed an outstanding young scientist in China...]

[Fa XX: Glasses-free 3D technology is a technological innovation. Our country has come to the forefront of the world in this aspect, thanks to Zhao Baizhi, an outstanding young scientist who is brave in innovation. We encourage all scientists to…]

[中XXX: Appropriate technology for yourself? Force the technology that has been developed so hard to be shared? Impossible! According to our country…]

[Guo XXX: Behind a technology is the countless hard days and nights of a person and a team. The country encourages invention and creativity, and technology is the primary productive force. Therefore, the protection of patent rights is an extremely important thing, and only in this way can it be guaranteed…]

All the official organizations came out to speak.

These organizations speak together, basically telling everyone that Zhao Baizhi is an outstanding young scientist, and her naked-eye 3D technology country will not become public, you rest.

I was still outraged just now, thinking that someone who deliberately used the official name of Zhao Baizhi to stand on the street was stupid.

Netizens: "???"

what's the problem? !

The nanny arson case is a major event, and now the whole Internet is paying so much attention, how can the official still support Zhao Baizhi at this time? !

When they were at a loss and felt extremely confused, the police in City A sent a message—

[After investigation and verification, the "nanny arson case" in Jin XX Shanshui Community was directed and acted by the head of the household, Zhong Mou and Hao Mou. Zhong Mou and Hao Mou asked Wang Mou to send an invitation to Deng Mou, who was recuperating in the hospital.

When Deng came to Jin XX Landscape, the door was not closed, Deng entered it, saw the note left by Zhong and Hao on the table, and told Deng to leave.

After Deng Mou left, Zhong Mou and Hao Mou came out of the room and started to ignite. Because Hao Mou did not turn off the natural gas when cooking at noon, the natural gas leaked and exploded after ignition...]

Netizens: "???"

"Fuck! So it's self-directed and self-acted!!"

"I **** said there was a problem, Zhao Baizhi's popularity and fame, why did you want to harm Wei An?!"

"Yes! It's right to think in a different direction. It's obvious that Zhao Baizhi is very popular, so it is only reasonable for Wei An to harm Zhao Baizhi!"

"Oh my god, it wasn't the nanny who set the fire, but Wei An's parents who directed and acted!"

"Hastily, then this is self-eating evil!"

"It's just disgusting. The director of the previous nanny arson case made netizens angry, but it was just a waste of everyone's sympathy!"


"Don't talk sarcastic words, weren't you the ones who scolded Zhao Baizhi crazily before?"

"I didn't scold, I kept watching, and then I waited for the truth."

"I didn't expect to set fire to myself and accidentally burn myself. I just saw how badly they were injured, and I thought it couldn't be self-directed and self-acted, but it turned out to be **** true!"

"No wonder Zhao Baizhi of the official station, it turns out that the truth is like this."

As soon as the official news was released, countless people were shocked. They couldn't believe that someone would set fire to their own house in order to frame others, and eventually seriously injured themselves!

The reversal of this incident is simply called the biggest reversal this year, and it shocked countless people's jaws.

The marketing account and the navy that Mr. Zhang found were silent all of a sudden, and Wei An's fans also became quiet in an instant.


Wei An looked at the announcement on the Internet in disbelief, and then suddenly raised her head to look at Hao Qiufeng lying on the bed.

"Mom! How is that possible?! How can the police investigate..." Afraid of being heard, she stopped her voice, "What's going on? Isn't there a problem with the surveillance at home?!"

If there is no monitoring, how did Deng Hui clean up? !

"The internet at home has been down for several days, and the monitoring doesn't work, really doesn't work. I checked it the other day!" Hao Qiufeng sat up abruptly, her wound was still bandaged, but she was able to move.

At this moment, because of the exposure of the truth, she panicked and looked at a loss.

Wei An gritted her teeth, her heart also panicked.

After a while, she said: "The surveillance is gone, and there are no other traces. It's impossible for the police to know... Absolutely impossible..."

Wei An took out her mobile phone and sent out a Weibo with shaking hands—

【impossible! My parents wouldn't do such a thing. Are the police covering up Zhao Baizhi? ! Because she has cooperation with the military, because of her naked eye 3D technology? ! 】

There are not many people who know that Bai Zhi and the military have cooperated, but the program team knows it, but they keep their mouths shut because of consideration, but Wei An can't keep their mouths shut now.

If she doesn't do anything, she's completely over.

This sentence carried her shock and anger, as if she completely believed that Deng Hui set the fire.

Therefore, some people in the comment area believe it, and some people don't.

The person who believes is her fan, because she thinks that she dares to say this now, it must be a sign of no guilty conscience.

Those who don't trust Vivian are those who trust the police.

Sure enough, not long after, the police released two surveillance videos—

The first video is from Deng Hui entering the house. The time shows that it is 12:00 noon. Then she shouted a few times, saw the note, and left again without moving anything.

But after she left, the door to the room opened, and both Zhong Ronggui and Hao Qiufeng came out, wearing gloves, and started setting fires. As they set fire to run out, it exploded...

The second video is from Deng Hui's perspective. First, someone sent a message in the morning and asked her to go to Zhong's house. After Deng Hui packed up, he took a car from the hospital to Jin XX Shanshui.

It was also entering the house at 12 noon. This video is a bit strange. It is a 360-degree panoramic shot. The most important thing is that it makes people seem to be able to see the front, back, left and right at the same time!

Entering the room, picking up the note, this time, the contents of the note were clearly read, and the audience also saw that it said let her leave. Then Deng Hui left, was picked up by Xiaoling and went to the hospital for examination.

The clear comparison of the two videos also proves that—

It is Zhong Ronggui and Xi Qiufeng who direct and act!

The Weibo that Wei An just sent fell instantly, and the following were full of sarcasm—

"Hahaha, I'm laughing! Is this asking for a hammer??"

"Retribution! Who told you to frame others? If the frame is successful, then Deng Hui and Zhao Baizhi are so wronged!"


"Begging for a hammer, you deserve retribution!"

"Thinking that Deng Huizhen was wronged and went to jail, it would be so unfortunate!"

Wei An's face turned pale with fright, Hao Qiufeng panicked, and her voice was hurried: "How could there be a video?! How could there be a video?! Isn't our home surveillance useless?!"

She reached out and grabbed Wei An: "It's all your idea, what should we do now?! What should we do?!"

Beside her, Zhong Ronggui yelled at her, "Shut up!"

He was already awake, but he could only lie down to recover from his injuries, and could not sit up.

Hao Qiufeng was instantly quiet, but her face was full of tears, her eyes could not hide the fear and panic.

"This kind of thing is rotten in the stomach. We did this thing. The evidence is conclusive. There is no way to deny it, but it has nothing to do with Wei An. If you can't mention it, don't mention a word!"

After Zhong Ronggui finished speaking, he looked at Wei An again, pursed his lips, and said indifferently: "When you just posted on Weibo, did you also want to clear it up?"

She showed righteousness and determination. Although she was begging for a hammer, it actually showed that she was not guilty.

Then, this matter may be cleared from her, it is just what her parents did, so she has no guilt.

"I..." Wei An opened her mouth, trying to explain.

"You are my daughter, I understand you, we did this thing, since we didn't succeed and made such a big fuss, we couldn't be kind. Wean, we sacrificed for you, you have to get up, me and you Mom's injuries are serious, as long as you get up, you can help us get medical parole and find a way to save us." Zhong Ronggui's face was also a little pale, but his eyes looked sharply at Wei An.

Zhong Ronggui himself is also a ruthless character who can make such things as frame-up and false accusations. With a video, the two of them are destined to be planted.

Vianne is their daughter, and of course they want to keep it.

Besides, to keep Wei An, they also have hope.

If the sentence is to be sentenced, when the sentence expires, Wei An gets up, and they still have a good life.

If Wei An goes in with them, what if the sentence is completed in the future?

Are they old enough to live on?

Wei An was full of tears and nodded frantically with red eyes: "Dad! I will definitely save you, I will!"

Hao Qiufeng opened his mouth, but in the end he just closed his eyes and acquiesced.

"Knock-knock-" Someone knocked on the door.

Vianne opened the door.

The police stood at the door: "Zhong Ronggui and Hao Qiufeng are suspected of fabricating facts to falsely accuse and frame others..."

Inside the ward, the three of them turned pale.

Xi Qiufeng was arrested, and Zhong Ronggui was temporarily in the hospital because of his serious injuries.

When the police took them out, Wei An was with them, and as soon as they stepped out of the hospital gate, countless reporters rushed up—

"Hao Qiufeng, why did you frame Deng Hui?"

"Does this have anything to do with Wei An?"

"Weian, does this have anything to do with you? Did you instruct your parents to frame Zhao Baizhi's mother Deng Hui?"

"Vian, may I ask you..."

Wei An's face was pale and her body was shaking: "I...I really don't know..."

She cried, her hands clenched into fists, her face full of stubbornness and collapse.

However, the reporters with long guns and short guns would not let her go, and countless questions began to be thrown at her.

At this time, someone also interviewed the four lawyers that Zhao Baizhi asked for Deng Hui—

"Didn't I say before that there is no indoor surveillance? How did you get the last two surveillance cameras?"

Lawyer Zhang smiled: "My employer, Ms. Zhao Baizhi, is not worried about Ms. Deng Hui's safety, so she customized a watch with 360-degree monitoring."

Attorney Xu: "At the same time, this watch can not only take pictures, but also emit a special signal to automatically turn on all closed cameras within the surrounding diameter."

Lawyer Li: "However, this watch may have the danger of infringing on the privacy of others, so it has been handed over to the state and handed over to..."


After a while, another reporter asked: "May I ask Ms. Zhao Baizhi to hire you four gold lawyers just to sue Wei'an's parents for false accusation? Is it a bit overkill?"

Lawyer Wu: "Of course, it is not only the crime of false accusation, but also the crime of arson, insult, libel, etc. We will protect the vital interests of Ms. Zhao Baizhi and Ms. Deng Hui, and will not let any actions that harm them escape legal sanctions. ."

In other words, the four gold medal lawyers Zhang, Xu, Li, and Wu will sue Zhong Ronggui and Hao Qiufeng to sit in prison!

Some people interview lawyers, some people interview Wei An, of course, the reporters most want to interview is Bai Zhi.

That night, Bai Zhi accepted a live video interview with a reporter.

Countless people clicked on the live link to watch.

The reporter asked: "What do you think about what happened this time?"

Bai Zhi: "No idea."

Reporter: "When the whole Internet slandered you and your mother, were you sad? Were you angry?"

Bai Zhi: "I'm not sad, I'm not angry, I was very busy at that time."

Reporter: "Huh? Then what were you busy with?"

She said slowly: "I'm busy recording who insulted me and my mother on the Internet, and how they insulted me."

The reporter was stunned, and after a while, a voice came out: "Huh?"

Bai Zhi: "My mother doesn't like to see someone scolding me on the Internet. Coincidentally, so do I. So I developed a software that will sort and record what everyone who has scolded me said. At the same time, the software also has the ability to analyze and identify. It can sort out all the rhythmic marketing numbers and naval forces."

With her hand, she turned the computer next to it and aimed it at the camera. On it, there was one name per page, with countless screenshots, corresponding to all the trumpets that had been switched.

Like turning over a book, swiping through countless pages.

Reporter: "..." This...

"Now that the matter is over, I have also signed a cooperation contract with the four major lawyers for several years. Starting today, these marketing accounts, navy and rhythm people will all receive letters from lawyers! As for the others... Mindfulness is being rhythmized and influenced, only recording, not accusing."

Bai Zhi looked at the camera, a sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth, thousands of netizens looked at that smile, and their backs were inexplicably chilled—

"If there is a next time... no matter how many years it takes, no matter how much it costs, one will not be able to escape."