MTL - I Am the Light of Science and Technology-Chapter 91 The all-powerful female marshal in the Republic of China (23)

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She's going to fire a secondary nuke? !

No, it should be said...

She wouldn't want to test all levels 1 to 9 on this piece of land in country M, would she? !

Then when she finishes the experiment, will M country still exist?

Can this continent still exist? !

The expressions on the faces of the heads of state became more and more frightened. Their eyes were either looking at Ye Baizhi or the head of state M.

Ye Baizhi's face was calm, and she wore gold-rimmed glasses to look extraordinarily polite, while the head of State M had an earthy face, and the whole person was trembling and her lips were shaking.

At this moment, the heads of state suddenly felt—

This so-called allied country is simply a joke!

Behind the two heads of state of country Y and country F, Legoff and Walter whispered—

"Sure enough! This woman really has a trick!"

"As long as they have this peace system, no matter how many ICBMs other countries have, it will have no effect on them!"

"No wonder she is not in a hurry at all, so calm and calm!"

"She disappeared for half a year before, and then she came out with an intercontinental missile. Now she has disappeared for three years and brought out the anti-missile system, which is not surprising at all!"

"Fortunately, our king didn't speak just now. Even if she wanted to target, she wouldn't target us!"

The faces of the two kings finally improved a little when they heard the back.

Yes, they didn't say anything, it was the D country and the Japanese country who were talking!

At this moment, the faces of Japan and D are especially ugly. They just jumped wildly because of their excitement, but they never expected that this woman, Ye Baizhi, still has such a hand!

Why is she so scary? !

How could she make so many horrible things? !

Not knowing what to think, the two of them turned pale at the same time.

Over there, Ye Tian has connected the communication device again, and ordered to the other end of the phone—

"Yang Province base listens to orders, now, launch ICBMs equipped with secondary nuclear bombs! Path..."

Ye Tian paused slightly and looked at Bai Zhi.

Bai Zhi's expression was calm, and in the sight of countless muzzles, in the eyes of the angry people of M, she opened the mouth and said -

"Luojia Prefecture in the north of country M."

"Don't!" The head of State M shouted in a hurry with blackness in front of his eyes.

However, a voice came from the communication device—

"Received! Positioning successful! Launch!"

Every word translated by the translation was trembling, as if overwhelmed, as if every word could cut his throat.

Quiet, the ultimate quiet.

After a while, the ground vibrated again, and there was the sound of a water cup falling to the ground.

Luojiazhou was a little far from where they were meeting, so even if it was a shock, it wasn't really an exaggeration, but the head of country M felt like the world was spinning.

Around, there was the sound of guns being loaded, and the soldiers of the M country couldn't bear it any longer.

Bai Zhi looked at them, pushed her glasses, and said with a smile: "You can shoot, you shoot, the ninth-level nuclear bomb of the Republic of China will land directly."

That was the hands of the soldiers shaking.

Someone's hand seemed to be pulling a wrench, and the eye sockets were blood red.

"Stop!" The head of State M roared loudly, "Put down your guns!"

He was dizzy at the moment, but he had to stay awake. When the life and death of country M were decided, he was inseparable from him.

The soldiers shuddered and lowered their guns in humiliation.

The head of state M looked at Bai Zhi, his voice hoarse and trembling: "Ye Baizhi, what are you doing?"

The expression on Bai Zhi's face suddenly cooled down, the lenses of the gold-rimmed glasses glowed with cold light, and her eyes were full of sharpness. She swept across the crowd—

"It's humiliating? You think I'm going too far? Then what are you doing together? What are you doing by launching ICBMs at our northern province? I'm just giving it back as it is, so you feel so uncomfortable?"

The head of state M trembled even more, but was speechless.

Yes, winning the king and losing the bandit, they shot first, Ye Baizhi always just fought back.

Those soldiers also froze, these, they never thought.

Bai Zhi sneered: "It's time to try the third-level nuclear bomb."

Legoff: "…"

Walter: "…"

This woman is so **** scary!

The heads of country Y and country F looked at each other, and both saw fear in each other's eyes.

They had been threatened by intercontinental missiles before, but this time, Ye Baizhi was even more aggressive. At this moment, they seemed to be able to feel the despair of the head of State M!

Bring yourself in...

I shivered in an instant, didn't dare to think, didn't dare to think.

"No! Ye Baizhi, what are you going to do?! Say the conditions for your stop..." The head of State M roared, his expression collapsed.

Ye Baizhi was expressionless: "M country Chaozhou."

Ye Tian had exactly the same expression as her, and gave the order with a blank face: "The base in Liao Province obeys the order, and now, launch an intercontinental ballistic missile equipped with a third-level nuclear bomb! Destination - Chaozhou, Country M!"

"Received! Positioning successful! Launch!"

"Boom-" The earth trembled again.

Chaozhou is farther away than Luojiazhou, but they can clearly feel the tremor is more severe. Obviously, the power of the third-level nuclear bomb is far greater than that of the second-level nuclear bomb!

This woman seems to really want to completely destroy M country!

This is only Level 3, and there are Level 4, Level 5, and all the way to Level 9!

Bai Zhi said lightly: "There is a little gap between the power of the third level and the prediction. Let's try the fourth level. I hope that the fourth level will not be too far from the expectation."

The head of State M's legs were weak and he almost fell to the ground.

His voice was even more hoarse. When he opened his mouth, there was faint blood overflowing from the corners of his mouth. His voice was word by word, with decadence and resignation—

"Country M, surrender, surrender."

When the last two words were uttered, it was doomed that M country would never stand up again in front of the Republic of China.

Sure enough, after the word surrender landed, Ye Tian put away his communication tools.

- Ye Baizhi and Ye Tian are waiting for these two words.

Ye Tian respectfully handed the documents he carried to Ye Baizhi.

Bai Zhi took it, put it on the table, pressed **** on the document, pushed forward with force, and sent it to Country M accurately.

She pushed up her glasses—

"Since you asked me to sign the contract, then I will also ask you to sign the contract now."

The head of State M has long thought of it, and he said in a hoarse voice: "Can I discuss with the Secretary of State? This is not something I can decide alone..."

"Of course." Bai Zhi raised her eyebrows, "But sorry, time is limited, so I will only give you two hours."

"Okay..." The head of State M was supported and slowly left the conference room.

The Japanese Emperor looked at his back. For some reason, he suddenly thought of their Japanese kingdom and the previous Emperor. This scene was really familiar and scary.

It made him fear again from the bottom of his heart.

The unwillingness in the eyes of the emperor when he died seems to be still in front of him.

But he, the current emperor, seems to be destined to be unwilling forever...

The mood of other heads of state is also mixed.

Country M surrendered, and their alliance naturally disintegrated. They looked at Ye Baizhi with alert and fearful eyes.


Luckily it didn't really kick in.

Otherwise, Ye Jun, with such a powerful nuclear weapon, could easily collapse all their countries.

While they were in a trance and rejoicing, the devil-like woman looked at them, her lips slightly hooked, and a familiar voice sounded—

"Everyone, country M has solved it. Now, it's your turn."

The meeting room suddenly fell silent.

It was very quiet before, but now it is even more quiet, and even the sound of breathing seems to disappear for a moment.

The head of state M and the secretary of state are meeting.

"These regulations are really humiliating! They even exempted them from customs duties. I don't know how much the Republic of China exports to our country M every year?!"

"And this peace maintenance fee, why is it so much more expensive than the previous payment from country F and country Y?!"

"There is still a pass, doesn't it mean that in the future, they will come and leave if they want to go in the Republic of China?"

"Absolutely not agree!"

"Disagree? Then what? Then wait for her to blow up our entire M country?" Someone asked faintly.

"But once we agree, we are destined to be the same as the Japanese country. Don't you see the current situation of the Japanese country?!" Someone asked loudly.

"Of course I saw it, but we are different from Japan after all. If we can build intercontinental missiles, then we can definitely build other things. When we have an anti-missile system, then we don't have to be afraid of anything! "

"Oh, that's what you all said back then, saying that after we have ICBMs, we don't have to be afraid of anything. What's the result?" Someone asked suffocatingly.

The Secretary of State split into two factions and quarreled.

First, the head of state M took a deep breath: "We don't have so much time to analyze it carefully, we must make a decision as soon as possible and come up with an answer."

"Führer, what is your opinion..." In the end, you still have to listen to the Führer.

The head of State M took two sips of hot water and stabilized his trembling. At this moment, he must not fall down.

Keeping his mind awake, he asked, "The base was bombed, do the scientists have any problems?"

"The head of state, because the base has underground passages, so after receiving the news, he immediately organized an evacuation, and the people were basically all right, only some were injured. But all the research in the past few years has come to nothing, and the entire base can no longer be used. lost heavily!"

The head of state let out a long sigh: "Ask the scientists, the peace system of the Republic of China, when will we be able to build an identical one, or when will we be able to break it!"


The heads of state are different in the end, and some key points are instantly clarified, which is much more useful than the back and forth of meaningless quarrels.

He looked at the person on the other side and asked, "What about Luojiazhou and Chaozhou?"

"Because there are very few people in the two continents, and the missile attack area is relatively desolate, the casualties are relatively small. However, due to the impact of the nuclear bomb, the houses and properties of the two continents, as well as the entire country M, suffered heavy losses! ' the man reported.

In other words, there are not many major events for people, but the property damage is very serious.

It still brought a serious blow to the entire M country.

"It seems that Ye Baizhi is still really a peace-loving person..." Someone murmured.

However, as soon as he opened his mouth, another person scolded him—

"What nonsense are you talking about? She loves peace? You first ask the three nuclear bombs that attacked us if they agree!"

The head of state never spoke.

They waited until the people who asked the scientists came back, and they said anxiously: "How? What did they say? When will we have a defense system? Can their defense system be broken?"

All these questions were asked in one go.

As long as there is a good answer, their hearts can be instantly settled.

However, the man had a mourning face—

"Reporting to the head of state, they said... They said that the defense system of the Republic of China, they can't understand how to do it, it will take at least ten years to crack, and it may take fifty to one hundred years to make the exact same! "

Silence, silence again.

After a while, the head of State M said in a hoarse voice: "Can we not agree?"

They have no choice.

Moreover, Ye Baizhi, a woman known to be domineering, does not bargain, the conditions she put forward are only two options: yes and no, there is no judgment or bargaining.

"At least...she still has room." Someone from the Secretary of State sighed.

Isn't there room for it?

If she directly attacked their populous continent or capital, then their options might be nothing but a dead end.

But she left room and did not drive the dog into the poor alley, so they could only choose to agree.

But such a contract, such a clause, makes them extremely uncomfortable!

When they finally got an ICBM, when they thought they could replace the Republic of China, they jumped up, but she slapped them flying and landed again.

In front of Ye Baizhi, in front of the Republic of China, even if they have ICBMs...

Still so vulnerable.

The head of state M came back, his face a little pale.

However, the moment he stepped into the conference room, he found that everyone's faces were gray.

what's going on? !

Soon, someone whispered something in his ear.

The head of State M was full of surprise.

Ye Baizhi, she actually made all the countries present at the meeting pay the peace maintenance fee? !

"Ye Shuai, we really don't want to fight, and our country Y's national strength doesn't allow us to fight now. We came to the meeting, just to have a look."

"Yes, we don't need to pay any peace maintenance fee because of this, right?"

"We didn't break the peace, did we?"

"We really didn't fight, we just went to meetings."

These people are very dissatisfied.

Bai Zhi finger rubbed the watch and said lightly: "It's not that you didn't break the peace, you didn't have time. The peace department of the Republic of China will calculate the fees for you depending on the situation."

Obviously, what she meant by this was to say that those who jumped around repeatedly, such as Japan and D, must pay more, and those who were silent, such as Y and F, as well as some small countries, would pay less.

The head of State M didn't know what to say for a while.

But he knew that from now on—

It is impossible for country M to call everyone to join the alliance, not even any country!

The shadow of Ye Baizhi will forever remain in the hearts of these people!

With a gray face, the head of State M slowly signed the agreement in front of the crowd and the cameras of the Republic of China. His eyes were darkened for a while, but he persevered.

He must not fall!

It's coming to Japan for a long time, and Ye Baizhi has drawn enough hatred in the whole world. Throughout the past and present, all the brutal and domineering monarchs who beat others down, none of them have a good end!

Ye Baizhi, of course!

M country is waiting, Japanese country is waiting, D country is waiting, all countries are waiting!

Bai Zhi put away the agreement and handed it over to Ye Tian, ​​"By the way, I know you are not convinced, and even think that one day you will defeat the Republic of China, right?"

Everyone looked at her.

I saw her smile slowly and clapped her hands—

"Then, let me introduce one more thing to you."