MTL - I Can See Through All Information-Chapter 42 Exercise simulation 100

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Chapter 42 Exercise Simulation 100%

“The boxing technique I want to teach was acquired accidentally when I was young. It is easy to learn but difficult to master. It is not difficult to get started. I will do it first and you can watch it carefully.”

After the old doctor finished speaking, he opened his boxing stance and began to practice the set of punches he used every morning.

Lu Qing looked at it with bright eyes.

 As soon as the old doctor finished practicing the first move, a prompt appeared in his field of vision.

  【If you discover a skill, do you want to simulate it? 】

Looking at the figure of his master, Lu Qing silently chose to simulate.

 【Start simulation, current progress, 1%, 2%, 3%...】

"You have already read the "Baicao Jing" by heart. Next, you should read the "Acupoint Theory of Acupuncture and Moxibustion". First memorize the acupoints on the human body. I will take the test later."

“In the following days, as long as you persevere and practice diligently, the day you truly master them will be when you officially enter the Qi and Blood Realm.”

 This lecture lasts for two hours.

 Lu Qing is telling the truth.

 The progress bar in Lu Qing's field of vision also jumped to 100%.

 He picked up Xiaoyan, who was already drowsy, and prepared to go down the mountain.

"Also, practicing martial arts is very energy-consuming, so you have to keep up with nutrition. Don't save the money you made selling red moon carp. On weekdays, buy more meat to eat, so as not to replenish your qi and blood. If you don’t, it will only waste your body.”

"Then... I will leave first and come back to pay my respects to you tomorrow."

He had already taken back the silver he got from selling the Red Moon Carp last time from his master and hid it in a secret corner of his home.

 Next, the old doctor began to explain the boxing techniques to Lu Qing step by step.

"Haha, it's normal if you don't understand." The old doctor laughed, "What I just practiced for you is just the form of this boxing technique. What is really important is the various mental formulas for transporting qi and blood and strengthening the muscles and bones. I haven’t taught you yet.”

 “Disciple, remember.” Lu Qing nodded seriously.

“Yes, as long as you can step into the Qi and Blood Realm, you can be like them.” The old doctor nodded.

“Forget it, if I have time to go into the mountains someday, let’s see if I can find those medicines,” the old doctor said.

When he was about to go down the mountain, the old doctor suddenly came out of the yard and handed Lu Qing a book.

 Origin: It was deduced and perfected by Chen Songqing based on the nameless and incomplete skills he accidentally acquired when he was young. 】

Lu Qing hesitated for a moment and said, "Master, why don't I just stay and serve you?"

 Instead, he was attracted by some of the information inside.

 “It’s hard to understand.” Lu Qing said honestly.

 The old doctor refused without hesitation.

  【The exercise simulation was successful. 】

Then he warned: "However, you must also remember that too much is not enough. When practicing boxing, you must also pay attention to moderation. Don't be eager for quick success and dream of quick success. In that case, it will easily damage the body."

As the old doctor practiced his boxing moves one by one, the progress bar in Lu Qing's vision was also beating rapidly.

 After all, he is not short of money now, so how can he be embarrassed to ask the villagers who are not rich to bear his apprenticeship ceremony.

"No need, Master, you have already helped me enough. If I haven't repaid you yet, how dare I bother Master any more?" Lu Qing said quickly.

"Wait a moment."

  【97%, 98%, 99%, 100%】

Originally, he thought that after becoming a disciple of the old doctor, he and Xiaoyan would live in a small courtyard in the middle of the mountain.

 “Disciple understands.” Lu Qing nodded again.

  But the old doctor seemed to have no such plan, and instead let him continue to live at home at the foot of the mountain.

“How about it, Ah Qing, did you see clearly the moves I just practiced?”

  【Do you want to practice? 】


It seems that the master's ability is more powerful than he imagined.

                                   cali Up in in in on the name of the skill: Yangshengquan. 】

The master and the apprentice chatted for a while, and then the old doctor waved his hand and drove them away.

“Okay, let’s stop teaching today.”

He didn't know what to say for a moment, so he could only keep this kindness in his heart silently.

"As for the following moves, if you can't bear it with your current body and bones, you don't need to practice them for the time being."    "Master, you mean to say that after I have mastered these nine moves, I will be able to do what you said. Like those warriors, their strength is greatly increased and their bodies are strong?" Lu Qing said in surprise.

“Come on, let me teach you this set of boxing techniques to transport qi and blood.”

When Lu Qing came to the foot of the mountain with the book and Xiaoyan in his arms, his face was still a little confused.

 Lu Qing couldn't help but secretly thought.

The master's ability to be able to deduce and perfect the martial arts on his own would make him a martial arts genius.

"No, I'm still strong and strong, and I'm not in need of anyone to take care of me. Besides, I have piles of medicinal materials everywhere, but I can't make room for you and Xiaoyan to stay. You'd better go back home."

 At this time, the old doctor finished his posture and asked with a smile.

 When the ninth move was explained and Lu Qing was able to perform the move in a decent manner, the old doctor said.

 Finally, when the old doctor’s boxing practice reached the last position and began to wind down.

Lu Qing was really moved when he saw that his master didn't seem to give up yet.

 After returning home, the first thing he did was to withdraw some money and go find Uncle Zhang.

Seeing the old doctor’s insistence, Lu Qing had no choice but to give up.

 Except for feeling a special charm, everything else is just a blur.

 Now it seems that it is time to use this money.

 After all, as a disciple, it is only natural to serve the Master and take care of the Master's daily life.

It turns out that this boxing technique was created by the master based on an incomplete martial art he acquired when he was young.

 Although this was a good thing for Lu Qing, he always felt a little weird.

【Efficacy: Exercise and nourish the body, it is very effective in regulating qi and blood, relaxing muscles and strengthening bones. If you practice to the deepest level, there is a certain probability of breaking through to the internal organs. 】

Then regardless of the other party's refusal, he paid for the money that the villagers had prepared for him today for the apprenticeship ceremony.

"Okay, that's it for today. When you go back, don't forget to practice your boxing. When you come up tomorrow, I'll check if you're slack."

"It's a pity that I still lack a few herbs in my hand and haven't been able to get them all. Otherwise, if the herbs are complete and I prepare you some Qi and Blood Peiyuan Decoction, then the day you enter the Qi and Blood Realm, maybe It can be greatly shortened." The old doctor said regretfully.

 The key points of various exercises are explained in great detail.

 Lu Qing did not choose to practice immediately.

 Shaked his head and no longer thought about it, Lu Qing hugged Xiaoyan who was already asleep and walked home.

 How to regulate breathing, how to transport Qi and blood, how to guard Dantian...

If he didn't rely on supernatural powers, he really wouldn't be able to understand the boxing skills practiced by the old doctor.

 After giving the money to Uncle Zhang, Lu Qing returned to his yard and prepared to start practicing boxing.

 It’s just that this time, he will use his superpowers to practice.

 (End of this chapter)