MTL - I Can’t Play This Game Anymore-Chapter 897 Defense against bad reviews

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While thinking about it, the sawdust all over the ground jumped out like green bamboos at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the sharp head continued to spread around like a living mechanism.

The four hurriedly distanced themselves, and Eggplant still joked:

"I really didn't expect Vlad III's true identity to be the original Hokage, Kidun, right?"

Ji Han continued to back up with his gun, and reminded at this moment:

"Everyone pay attention to your feet. If one comes out from the back of the buttocks, the angle is a bit tricky, and the flag will be raised immediately. They shouldn't be wearing iron pants, right?"

Seeing that Vlad III's body could not be found without attacking the target, Song Qian fired a Flame Talisman on the ground and ignited a small flame, temporarily blocking the growing wood thorns.

Only then did Ji Han tell everyone the game information he had just obtained, and then exhorted:

"This thing is not very easy to deal with. Try to distance yourself from him first and then look for flaws."

As soon as he finished speaking, Vlad III walked out of the flames, but his reorganized body seemed to have changed a lot:

The size of the body has not changed much, but there are many sharp short wooden thorns protruding from the body for no reason. It looks like some kind of strange decoration in the minority tribes of South America. Even the neck that has lost its head is also pierced. One came out.

Arms, elbows, shoulders, calves, etc. have long and sharp wooden thorns, and the whole looks as if wearing an armor lining, and even the skin color of the body is much darker than before .

How could Eggplant control this? Before the opponent could make a move, the Destroyer shot Vlad III again.

The sound was as powerful as the previous shot, but this time Vlad III seemed to sense something, and almost dodged down the moment Eggplant shot, and the shot that should have hit the chest also hit the shoulder.

What really surprised everyone was that Vlad III's body didn't explode this time, he even just took a step back, and a huge gap was blasted out of his shoulder by the eggplant.

But soon the wood growing from the body filled the gap again.

Eggplant retracted his gun and reminded: Yes

"The density is different from just now. This guy seems to be adapting to our attack."

Song Qian reminded:

"Brother Han, you just said that Vlad III was killed by people from the Priory of Sion Mountain. There must be some special way to deal with him."

Seeing that other corpses around him also came up to meet him, Ji Han turned around and said:

"You deal with the other guys first, I'll go up and try first."

According to Chen Ke, if this guy lived to this day, he should be nearly a thousand years old. If normal weapons can't cause damage, he can only think of other ways.

Thinking about it, she took out the Double Ninth Stick and rushed towards Vlad III. Knowing that Ji Han was not afraid of the flames at all, Song Qian threw a few Flame Talismans over there, at least to ensure that there were flames where they landed and would not be spewed out from below. The wooden thorn pierced.

When Ji Han came in front of him, he slashed downwards, and Vlad III quickly raised his left arm to block.

Because this blow didn't hit the body, but through the growing wooden thorns, so Ji Han didn't see any effective damage.

On the contrary, Vlad III grabbed the stick and threw Ji Han backwards.

Just as he was about to fall to the ground with the devil's tentacles, Vlad III stabbed him with a wooden thorn in each hand.

Ji Han once again used the devil's assistant to push away the wooden thorns, and then seized the opportunity to charge a blow towards Vlad III's armpit.

The crisp sound of "snap" broke San Shi's left arm firmly, but before Ji Han confirmed that he had found a way to deal with it, the broken arm disintegrated into multiple wooden thorns and shot towards him.

"Damn, this guy is really a dryad! What the **** is so much wood!"

Just as he pushed away all those wooden thorns, Vlad III, who recovered his arm, rushed over again.

Although he blocked all those attacks just now, Ji Han is still worried that if he is careless in this state, he will be killed.

Exploded through, so he used [Evil Spirit Possession] without hesitation.

With the evil spirit skeleton that can defend against most physical attacks covering his body, the wooden spikes that jumped out again finally seemed to hit the granite without causing any damage.

Seeing that the defense was effective, Ji Han charged Vlad III with his evil spirit arm and knocked Vlad III to the ground.

Song Qian and the others saw that Ji Han had the upper hand, so they didn't interfere, but continued to remove other corpses crawling out of the grave.

But looking at the blood loss data in front of him, Ji Han knew that such an attack was not enough. Just as he was about to use the evil spirit arm to change Vlad III's position, a red light flashed in front of him, and he felt like he was suddenly hit by something fly out.

When Ji Han stabilized his figure with the Double Ninth Stick, Vlad III actually changed his form again.

At this time, his clothes were already in tatters, and the pale skin on his body could be clearly seen.

And the place where the wooden thorns drilled out of his body before has already flowed out blood at this moment, and the surface of his body seems to be engraved with dents. The blood that flowed out formed many strange lines on his body, which seemed to be woven by blood. I wrapped myself in the clothes, and even the wooden thorns protruding from the body were bloodstained.

Ji Han guessed that it might be another way to improve his defense, but the Chongyang Respecting the Old Stick in his hand deals damage according to his age, so it should not be affected by his changes.

Just as he was thinking, a wooden thorn formed in Vlad III's hand again, and before Ji Han could take a closer look, the other party had already thrown it towards him.

Ji Han subconsciously used Yang Jing's old stick to push it away, but he didn't move it after a flick. What surprised Ji Han even more was:

The wooden thorn actually directly pierced through the evil spirit skeleton protecting his body, UU reading pierced deeply into his left shoulder.

The huge force caused Ji Han's body to slide backwards for a certain distance. Only then did Ji Han notice that even the wooden thorns were covered with blood-soaked patterns.

This destructive power is a bit exaggerated, and the poor defense rating of [Evil Spirit Possession] has to be increased by one.

Seeing this scene, Song Qian, who was always paying attention to this side, immediately threw out a Cang Lei Talisman, and then ran towards this side with Chen Ke.

Because the pain sensor system was turned off, even with such a heavy injury, Ji Han could still remain calm at this time. Seeing that his armor and HP had lost a lot on the game interface, Ji Han was thinking of stopping the bleeding and pulling out the wooden spikes before fighting back. A new prompt appears on the interface:

[Is it necessary to return blood to fight back? Recommended items that can be fused: Leech Saber]

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