MTL - I Can’t Play This Game Anymore-Chapter 921 blood rescue

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Originally, he wanted to see what Kiryu had snatched, but he found that his palm was empty, and he should have put the things he got into storage.

Ji Han turned around and asked:

"What exactly are you talking about?"

Adong explained:

"Uh, I can't confirm it either, let Kiryu-san explain it to you after he wakes up."

Naturally, Ji Han could hear that A-Dong didn't want to speak out. He didn't know if it was because people were talking too much, or he had something to hide, so Ji Han didn't force him. After all, the most important thing now was to confirm that Tongyu was fine.

This time everyone was able to escape, thanks to Kiryu's advance arrangements and the sneak attack at the critical moment, otherwise Ji Han and the others, who don't have any spatial abilities, should have fought to the death by now.

Sitting on the plane and looking at the sleepy Kiryu lying on the stretcher, Ji Han felt rather weird.

Just a few months ago, this guy killed himself without hesitation, and up to now, it is unknown how many times he has saved himself directly or indirectly.

Ji Han did have the urge to reach out and take off Kiryu's mask, but he held back in the end.

His condition is still unknown, and he can't do anything to take advantage of others' danger at this time.

Song Qian pointed to Lilith who was unconscious and placed on another stretcher and asked:

"Why did you bring her along? Looking at the scene at the time, this Miss Lilith shouldn't be able to threaten his grandfather, right?"

A Dong nodded and said:

"It is true that she has no threat value, but she cannot be resurrected by Duke and her father, which means that her power is quite special, and maybe it can be used. In addition, depending on the situation at the time, even if she was left behind, she would only be killed. If Duke killed her, it would be better to take her away, maybe you can get some valuable information.”

Soon the two helicopters landed at a villa along the lake, and there were already many people waiting below, most of them were strangers, but since it was arranged by Kiryu, they should all be members of the Consciousness-Only Society .

But after going through these few melees, everyone has no resistance to the members of the Consciousness Only Society.

As soon as he landed, Ji Han helped to carry Tongsheng into the house first, and then the people outside immediately began to arrange the enchantment around the villa, it can be seen that they also arranged it in advance.

Don't look at the guy Kiryu who occasionally goes crazy when he talks to him, the degree of rigor in doing things may not lose to him.

It's a pity that the doctor stationed didn't know how to deal with Kiryu's situation at this time, and just gave him two injections to stabilize the situation at this time.

And everyone began to busy themselves with understanding the situation outside at this time.

Song Qian contacted the captain to find out about the casualties of the Alien Guard, and Eggplant contacted Ethan to inquire about the International Alien Alliance. Chen Ke told Ji Mo and Liu Dan about the situation here, and asked them to laugh at Chunqiu before leaving. Send the information left.

The Consciousness-Wei Society contacted the members arranged outside to tighten up and come back here. It seemed that only the four time guardians were a little idle.

Ji Han sat alone next to Kiryu who was lying on the makeshift hospital bed, and looked for possible medicines from the game store.

If it was because Simon Peter caused Kiryu's body to be harmed, then as long as the drugs that can stabilize the game state are found, Kiryu may be able to restore his health.

But the embarrassing thing is that those drugs that can stabilize the game state are also sold in the game, and they will also be restrained by Simon Peter's blood.

Reluctantly, Ji Han could only flip through the items he got from the game copy, hoping to find some cure, but there was no medicine in these items.

At this moment, Song Qian, who had already reported the specific situation to the captain, also came over to find out if there was any good way. Ji Han couldn't talk about the game, so he could only tell Song Qian that he was a special member of the Dracula family. blood infection.

However, according to the secular way of explaining this, Ji Han suddenly had a thought in his mind:

Since it was the blood that infected Kiryu, it might be possible to improve his condition by injecting fresh blood.

And I just happen to own a piece of blood that can be ignored

Type matching props to achieve blood-sucking effect:

【Golden Branch】

[Explanation: The branches removed from the World Tree, after being implanted in the body, can summon the branches of the World Tree to help themselves everywhere. The branches of the World Tree have a strong blood-sucking ability. 】

This is what I just obtained, and I have indeed seen the vitality after implanting this kind of golden branch.

That Vlad III was cursed to become a bloodthirsty monster, and for the players, these are just props that can be used, so it will not turn Kiryu into that kind of monster.

So Ji Han inserted the golden branch into Tongsheng's arm forcefully, the golden branch just started to bleed, and it melted into the body as quickly as if it touched an ice cube of hot water.

Seeing this situation, Walter and the doctor hurriedly stopped:

"Hey! Ji Han, what are you doing!"

"This may be the only way for him. Don't worry, I won't do him any harm."

With the background of the previous common experience, Walter had to reluctantly believe it.

At the same time, Kiryu's palm also began to have the similar wooden thorns seen at the bottom of the church.

Well, the golden stick has worked, so the next step is blood, and the first choice is yourself.

Because he also has the blood of **** flowing in his body, Kiryu is a player just like himself, and his ability will definitely not be affected by the injection of Jesus' blood.

And the blood of **** has a strong restraint effect on the blood of vampires.

Even though Simon Peter is like a game bug, his bloodline has never changed, otherwise he would not be absorbed by Duke in the end.

In fact, Ji Han still had one injection of the Blood of **** left, but he knew that it would restrain Duke, so he still wanted to reserve it first.

If his own blood can't work, there is still time to inject that high-purity blood into Kiryu's body.

Thinking of this, Ji Han took Kiryu's palm and put it on his forearm.

Before he could press it down, UU Reading Kiryu suddenly grabbed his arm, and muttered indistinctly:

"Don't go! Don't go!"

Done, isn't this guy burned by vampire blood?

Without further ado, Ji Han pressed hard, and the sharp wooden thorns pierced into his own flesh and blood.

The fresh blood mixed with the blood of **** was also poured into Tongsheng's body along the wooden thorns. Song Qian, who understood Ji Han's operation, also took Tongsheng's other hand and pressed it on her arm when she saw this scene.

All four of them were injected with the blood of **** before they were sent over, so the blood effect was the same.

And Ji Han and Song Qian were pleasantly surprised to find that the crimson area on Kiryu's body that was drenched in the blood of Simon Peter also began to dissipate slowly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

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