MTL - I Conquered the Universe With Acting-Chapter 30 . thirtieth performance

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In the first round, the improvisation ended.

All scoring channels are closed.

The three judges of Jin Lens? made comments and summaries.

"The players in this world are all very strong," said Midsummer's Deputy Manager of Strategy Department Mi Zhenqi, the first to speak, "in order not to affect the audience's vote, so I and the other two experts and teachers waited for everyone to rate? Let's talk."

Mi Zhenqi is Liu Hong's subordinate, and he has participated in every jury work.

[Duanshui King is here. 】

[Haha, Duan Shui, no one can surpass Master Mi. 】

[I don't need to listen to know? This time, the top 30 players have their own strengths, which makes me feast for the eyes. Among them? I would like to highlight all the players present today...]


[The man who can be completely cut out in the golden lens. 】

"I was impressed this time?? The deepest thing is..."

[It's every player on the stage. 】

[It's all of you. 】

【It is every performance of yours. 】

"It's Miss Liu No. 100's performance." Mi Zhenqi, dressed in a suit, said something that surprised all the barrage.

His somewhat pale face was a little different from the previous excitement at this moment.

"Of course the other players are also very good."


[It's not easy, Lao Mi tried his best, he has used his life to praise Zero. Zero Zero is awesome! 】

[100 Queens broke the record of Master Duan Shui! 】

【Rice, blink your eyes when you are kidnapped. 】

[Rice was kidnapped by my zero zero, be careful (doge)~~]

As a team member, Mi Zhenqi rarely praises a player alone.

After all, Midsummer Entertainment has a very good relationship with the three major technology companies, Gao Yu, Liu Jin, and Heiming, and has never offended anyone.

But this time, Mi Zhenqi obviously couldn't help it.

"I didn't expect to see two completely different temperaments in a new person in just half a minute. The graceful little white flower and the domineering piranha are rarely seen in the ecological world coexisting. But today I saw such a miracle."

Mi Zhenqi lowered his head? Flip through the information.

"Liu Qingqing, an 18-year-old real girl, I am shocked that you can do this. A small body, a big taste, and a promising future."

[My God, Master Duan Shui turns out to be so good at complimenting people! 】

【Do not talk about martial arts! You can say more! 】

[Rice: I carry the water, I pack it. 】

[Rice is fascinated, right? 】

[Rice, will Midsummer sign her? 】

After Mi Zhenqi finished his praise, he resumed the traditional style of Master Duan Shui, and praised a group of people for their professionalism and dedication.

Then the right to comment was handed over to Professor Liao Xianji.

When Liao Xianji with white hair, dressed in a neat but rare tunic suit, appeared in the camera with a tired look, the barrage shook again.

【? Hiss...isn't this the old man from the intelligence studies textbook? 】

【Are you polite in front? Liao Lao, is a leading figure in the field of intelligent artist research and development! 】

[Teacher Liao actually condescended to come to the talent show? 】

[Elder Liao looks so tired, he is old, don't bother the old man, he looks thinner than the picture in the book. 】

"Because of Yixiao, people are haggard, and the belt gradually widens. I don't regret it." Liao Xianji seemed to have seen the barrage. Someone said he was thin, and he recited an ancient poem on the spot.

"There is a kind of stunning beauty, not the appearance, but the agility that comes from the bones. Miss Liu, No. 100, let me see it today."

"There are many emotions in one look of yours, such as anger and arrogance, sadness, ridicule, domineering and pity, and many contradictory, complex and antagonistic emotions exist at the same time. You made me deeply realize that people are one and the same. Such a complex creature. Human emotions, like your performances, are not monolithic or monolithic.”

"Your agility and richness are worthy of my full marks? Other players, keep cheering."

[The professor has a university question. 】

[Good guy, the summary is in place and the words are precise. 】

[Low EQ: Other players can't. High Emotional Quotient: The other players come on. 】

【Experts of smart artists, why don't you comment on those smart players? 】

[Professor Liao, do you still remember your major? I can't say more, for example, how is Gao Lingfei's intelligence? 】

[Heh, Professor Liao only sees 100, don't you see it? 】

[Okay, another crazy judge. 】

After Liao Xianji finished speaking, it was Director Zheng Mingfan's turn.

But when he turned his head, he found that three judges were missing one.

"Hey, what about Director Zheng?"

"Ah, Director Zheng flew to the scene and said he wanted to see Liu Qingqing nearby!"


Mi Zhenqi was embarrassed and hurriedly said, "Then? Let's continue to watch the players' cabin life first, and then tell us the first impression from the scene when Director Zheng arrives at the scene."



【Big rollover! 】

[Mi: It's embarrassing me, Master Duan Shui. 】

[I laughed so hard. 】

Fortunately, this comment accident was quickly dissipated with the announcement of the judges' scores.

【NO1 Liu Qingqing】

【M: 10 points?】

[Liao: 10 (+++) points?]

[Zheng: 10 points? (Note: I want to give two 10 points? But I can't)]

See the follow-up.

【NO2 Gao Lingfei】

【M: 10 points?】

[Liao: 9 points?]

[Zheng: 8 points?]

The audience fully understands.

The judges' evaluations and opinions of other smart players are reflected in the scores.

None of them got 30 points, they all lost to No. 100 Liu Qingqing!

[Does No. 100 have a background? As for, although she is doing well, she is so much better than others? 】

[The way the judges kneel and lick the contestants is really ugly. 】

In the barrage, a discordant voice appeared.

But soon, it was scattered and squeezed and disappeared.

After the judges' comments, the camera cuts back to the hut.

Liu Qingqing put her hands in her pockets and leisurely went back to her room to rest.

"Next time, I will PK with you face to face."

She walked to the second floor and was stopped by a tall and thin man.

Looking up, Liu Qingqing said, "Player Gao Lingfeng."

Gao Lingfei almost had a cerebral hemorrhage, "My name is Gao Lingfei, Feifei Fei! Also? Yes, I'm not a contestant, my GIGI is the contestant!"

Don't compare him to a smart entertainer.

Also, he is so bright, does she still remember his name?

Liu Qingqing nodded, not paying much attention.

After all, they are fictional characters. It would be too difficult to remember their names.

The Jinjiang and Haitang texts she has read are not a thousand, but also tens of thousands.

She didn't even move her expression, she just passed him indifferently, and continued to the second floor.

But Gao Lingfei squinted and frowned at her movement up the stairs.

Her gait was nothing? Nothing special.

But especially terrible.

The posture is casual, and it seems that there is no memory point.

But the state is natural and comfortable, giving people a static sense of tranquility.

It's like an origin that intersects the X-axis and the Y-axis, always at the starting position.

But if the lens is turned on, she at the origin can move to any direction of the XY axis at a fast speed!

Become a character with different styles and equip different styles of emotions!

"This is the actor?"

Gao Lingfei frowned.

The Gao family has been engaged in the study of intelligent artists for a hundred years. When he was a child, he had seen the deduction textbooks of the earth age in the history books he kept at home.

It is said in it that a good actor should completely empty himself from the inside out.

Throw away all the unnecessary little routines and go back to basics.

Because all the small actions of daily behavior, such as walking and shrugging, speaking and raising eyebrows... will be brought into the camera unconsciously, affecting the interpretation of the characters, making the characters not like the characters, but like the actors themselves.

And she is like this, as clean as a baby in daily life, without any personal habits, and can only play the role in front of the camera.

Is this the secret that she was able to quickly turn from sadness to domineering just now?

"She also read that book? Impossible, that is my family's treasure. It is unique."

Gao Lingfei was lost in thought.

A sense of crisis enveloped him unknowingly.

"Hopefully I think too much."

Gao Ling frowned and turned around.

The afternoon is a rest time.

When the camera cuts to Liu Qingqing, the audience sees her standing on the balcony of her room, doing a yoga moon worship ceremony.

The tight-fitting yoga clothes completely highlighted her high-quality figure with long legs and slender waist.

The figure of the former body is still slightly thin and lacks muscle.

But after she wore it, she ate chicken, fish and shrimp every day, and spent a half time in fitness every day.

Now, in a standard moon worship pose, her whole body is like a full longbow, revealing the beautiful arc of her body curve, no more, no less, just right.

[The real body is so good, it's outrageous. 】

[Wow, I knew? It's right to look at Zero Zero at leisure. After all, the rest part of intelligence is all programs, no matter how autonomous it is! 】

[Interesting, I'm going to see what Zero's daily life is like. 】

So, they saw Liu Qingqing in front of the camera, not knowing how tired and boring she was, doing a full set of 20 moon worship poses in a row.

She was breathing, listening to the Star Alliance news.

‘Marshal Lu Dingtao will… attend the leaders’ summit today… and deliver a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the summit…’

[Holding the grass, beautiful women are in the world? 】

[To hear such boring news? 】

【Are you doing a show for us? 】

Where? There are black powder.

But as soon as someone questioned, they saw in the picture? Liu Qingqing finished the yoga movement and relaxed.

Subsequently, she turned off the news.

A red lip.

"Marshal Lu Dingzhen... delivered a keynote speech... Affected by the physiological cycle, etc., people's reaction speed, memory ability, mental state, etc. have declined at night.... To allow officers and soldiers to exert 100% of their combat effectiveness at night, it is necessary to After a long period of professional night training."

She was scrupulous and completely recited the content of the news broadcast.

Almost verbatim.

What's more terrifying is that her voice, kiss, articulation, speed, and even rhythm, have nothing to do with AI newscasters, they can only be said to be exactly the same!

[My ears are wrong, or is my eyes wrong? Who was talking just now? 】

[Is it her voice? 】

【how is this possible! Is this news just released? 】

【It's the summit held today! The news is definitely today! 】

[…Nima, no one reminded me of the high energy ahead, I drank all the nutrients in my nose! 】

[Just hold the grass. 】

Liu Qingqing took a breath and looked into the distance.

Retelling again.

"Marshal Lu Dingzhen... Delivered a keynote speech... Professional night training."

【Do it again? Is she practicing? 】

[Has she practiced many times? Huh, it wasn't a one-time success, it scared me to death. 】

[Wait, don't you? Did you find anything unusual? 】

[Hey, listen carefully, she speaks faster! 】

【? ? ? 】

【? 】

[First hold the grass as a tribute. I'll play it back and listen. 】

The barrage just said that it was going to be played back, but it didn't.

Because Liu Qingqing quickly repeated it again, this time the speedup was even more obvious.

【1.5 times faster! 】

【Grass. 】

Liu Qingqing: "...Professional night training."

【1.8 times? 】

【Xiu Er, is that you? 】

Liu Qingqing: "...Night training."

【Twice the speed? 】

[Is she really an F-class? I'll eat my B-certificate right away! 】

Soon, the barrage was refreshed again.

【2.5 times faster! 】

[Fuck, fuck, I can hear the voice, and I can see her lips fluttering quickly, is she human? 】

[Damn, her tongue? Not knotted? 】

【Three times faster! 】

[Unconsciously speaking? Damn it, I almost forgot the topic of the live broadcast. 】

[Is she challenging the limits of human beings? fuck. 】

[Help, she is still accelerating, woc! 】

[In her stomach? Is there an intelligent AI installed? Too **** up. 】

[It's just a scumbag, isn't it? 】

[Neihe, brother? Culture, one word goes all over the world. 】

[Let the barrage be instantly filled with women who are lying. 】

After Liu Qingqing finished reading this sentence, she turned on the news again, continued to listen to the next sentence, closed it again, and repeated it.

In this cyclical retelling, she gradually increased from the one-time speed of imitation to three times the speed.

Slowly reduced to 1x speed, 0.5x speed, 0.1x speed.

【Can you do this? 】

[My eyes are wide open. 】

[Turtle Speed ​​News, I was fascinated by it. 】

Liu Qingqing: "The marshal's statement pointed out?..."

tenth time.

The barrage finally found out that something was wrong.

【I'm wrong? 】

【I heard you cry? ? ? 】

[What happened, when I listened to the marshal's speech, I suddenly felt bitter and wanted to cry. 】

[It turns out that I am not alone! ? ? 】

[Mom, I just wanted to say it, I especially thought of doing the exam at night for the college entrance examination, and tears flowed to my mouth. 】

[Her voice is lowered, it sounds so sad. Emotional? Me...]

Liu Qingqing: "Marshal's speech..."

[Special, it seems that I don't want to cry anymore]

[Hey, I'm not sad anymore. 】

【Ha ha ha ha! Sorry, I thought of my first love, so sweet. 】

[Suddenly want to eat ice cream, soft, one bite? Melted. 】

Liu Qingqing lowered the speed of enunciation of each word to a low level, and changed her tone again.

From sonorous and powerful, to tragic and fearless, to warm and sweet, soft and caring...

?? After reading it playfully??

The barrage has been alive and dead.

[Kill me, kill me directly! I'm crazy! 】

[I almost don't recognize the words of the marshal's speech. 】

【Is this really news? I laughed, cried and rolled, what does that mean? 】

[Suddenly got illiteracy, I panic! 】

[Kneeling down. Zero, can we change the article to scourge? Marshal Lu Dingzhen was about to cry. 】

[Marshal: I speak in a girlish voice, are you sure? 】

[The **** version of the marshal, the nightclub version of the marshal, the campus version of the marshal... The thousand-layer routine of the marshal! 】

Just after Lu Dingzhen finished speaking, he strode towards the spacecraft and entered the treatment cabin in the lounge.

After lying down, he heard a soft and waxy whisper of a girl, falling on his ear.

"Lu Dingzhen..."

His black eyes snapped open!

The author has something to say: Lu Xingxing's diary: Xiaoyu today, my daughter-in-law called my name for the first time, and I was in a very beautiful mood.

See you tomorrow, thanks to the friends who cast mines and irrigate nutrient solution~ Mozha!