MTL - I Don’t Want To Go Against The Sky-Chapter 648 Are you sure you're not wrong

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Abyss, somewhere.

"Who is he, and why?"

The Huang Yao swallowed up a screaming evil god, and looked very dignified. Some wondered why the other party did it, just to feed him once.

And when the imperial demon devoured the evil god, the abyss breath permeated the surroundings slowly and unconsciously poured into the imperial demon's body.

But Huang Yao did not find these abnormalities.

He had sunk into the joy of devouring evil gods.

As for other things, if you find them, you will find them. If you don't find them, then you will say later.

The evil **** hidden in the abyss, watching the imperial demon he brought in.

Then deep in thought.

"What a freak."

He has not yet figured out how the other party did it. He can only observe silently and pay attention to the changes of the imperial demon. He found that the evil spirit in the imperial demon gradually grew stronger. different.

Very puzzled.


"My God, the lords of the four major alliances are so fierce, and they change every day." Lin Fan was eating snacks and bragging with Xiao Xiaozu. At this moment, the sky was shaking, and the clouds were covering the sky. changed.

The atmosphere of heaven and earth filled in the air became thick.

Xiao Xiaozu looked up, his expression was quite complicated, and he couldn't wait. "Lin, you see, this is already the case. We can't just sit back and wait, we must dispatch as soon as possible."

This time Lin Fan did not refuse, but fell into meditation.

"It seems that the frequency of the evil gods is getting higher and higher, otherwise the heavens and earth cannot change so fast. You say how long it will take for Daowen's law to return to the previous level according to this momentum?" Lin Fan asked.

Xiao Xiaozu thought, and slowly said, "Half a month."

"So fast."

Lin Fan muttered, deep in his heart, he did not believe that this was done by the four major leagues.

Although the four confederates are indeed powerful and can indeed kill some evil gods, some powerful evil gods, such as those ranked before twenty, are definitely not what they can kill.

Even if it is beheaded, it will definitely pay a great price.

Can we see that this speed can be achieved at a great price?

Obviously, the evil gods are beheaded and killed at a very fast speed, so that the rule of Taowen returns to heaven and earth.

"Lin head, no matter what, we all have to go to the world of evil gods to see, the evil gods let the Tao Wen rule flow back quickly, there must be a problem." Xiao Laozu said.

He was pleased with the return of Daowen's laws, and it was so amazing that these were used to suppress the evil gods. Now that these Daowen's laws are returning quickly, are there any evil gods behind the scenes?

Do not……

It should not be 'yes or not', but necessarily.

"Let's go, I also want to know if the people of the four major leagues are beheading and killing evil gods. The speed is a little bit unexpected," Lin Fan said.


They both went to the evil **** realm.

After they left, Zhou Zhongmao stood there and looked up, somewhat uncomfortable.

Say I'll take him with me.

But because of his own strength, and he couldn't keep up with his cousin's rhythm, he was really uncomfortable.

And in Youcheng Restaurant.

Yuan Tianchu, Liang Yongqi, and Huang Boren drank wine and ate side dishes in the Mellow Pavilion, and were in a good mood.

"Hey, our head has left again."

"The head is really busy."


Then there is no more, they continue to brag and fart and enjoy this hard-won quiet life.

Evil God Realm.

The destiny master looked serious and yelled, his eyebrows fluffed from time to time, and sometimes he condensed, and his mouth said, "Not good, not good."

"What awful, you have a reason to come out." The emperor can't wait to ask, Mader, it is really anxious to be killed by the Destiny Master, and I don't know if it is reliable.

Several of their old fellows came to the realm of evil gods, and they were immediately taken aback by the breath here.

It's terrible.

It's too evil.

It's almost unbearable.

Destiny Master said: "Just before, my husband and I counted, and you and I all had good luck, but just now, and we counted, our numerology has changed, and it ’s quite bad. Go deep, I'm afraid it's bad. "

The sword master said, "What should I do?"

"Hmm ..." Destiny Master frowned, then said, "There is only one way, wait in place, wait for the fortune to change again."

"Do n’t believe it, numerology believes in spirit. If you do n’t believe, you still have spirit. If you do n’t believe it, you can give it a try.

Originally, the emperor wanted to say that you guy is unreliable.

But when it comes to the ability of the Celestial Master, it is really not blown.

It will suppress the idea of ​​trying.

"Was it useful to wait in place?" The sword master asked.

He did not doubt the professional standards of the Celestial Master.

It was only after a lot of hard work that they were finally called the destiny master.

Therefore, he believed in heart.

"It must be useful, can you still doubt my professionalism?" The Destiny Master was rather displeased, and then continued: "Last time there was one who doubted me. The tombs were taller than you."

This statement is quite overbearing.

Su Changsheng and Zhao ancestor glanced at each other and said nothing. In this case, stay here for a while.

The crowd sat around and looked at the surroundings.

They are now in a wild forest, the surrounding trees are slightly withered, the ground is black, and the soil is hard.

Perception spreads out.

Did not find anything dangerous around.

"Everyone, be careful sailing for ten thousand years, especially when you come to this kind of place, the ghost knows what you will encounter," said the sword master.

"Well, the sword master makes sense. In this case, we are waiting here." Zhao Laozu said.

Their combined power is still terrifying.

It's not as simple as one, two, three.

Generally, the evil gods encountered a few of them, and they were considered unlucky.


Lin Fan and Xiaozu came to the world of evil gods and looked around.

"Lin head, now we can only look for this situation." Xiao Xiaozu said.

They were originally searching without purpose.

"Have you noticed that there is something wrong with this world, and the evil spirit is getting stronger and stronger." Lin Fan asked.

The ancestor Xiao was stunned by the gods, and then felt carefully, his complexion changed slightly, "I felt some of the familiar evil gods' breath, they should have come out."

"You said the top ten evil gods?" Lin Fan asked.

So far, he has played against the two top ten evil gods.

I have to say that the first evil **** is really terrible and amazingly powerful.

Don't worry too much about the evil of evil gods.

With his current strength, rolling at will without any problems.

"Well, it seems like I guess, the return of the Daowen law gradually weakens the suppression of the evil gods. Now those really powerful evil gods are gradually emerging, and a big war is inevitable."

"I'm afraid I can't stand it."

Xiao Xiaozu showed anxiety, as if all the pressure was on him.

As for Lin Fan was naturally forgotten by him.

Although you are great, there is still a limit after all.

Compared with the most terrifying evil gods, the gap is still a little big.

Lin Fan's look at Xiao Xiaozu's eyes changed a little. This sounded strange, as if he had been underestimated.

"Xiao Xiaozu, are you really prepared to be alone?"

Lao Xiaozu sighed: "I don't like it, who else can do it, and live to this day just to deal with the evil gods, they revived again, even if it is difficult for me to fight against them with my own power, I will never be afraid or timid."

When he said these words, the temperament of Xiao Xiaozu and his spirit changed.

There was a fearless spirit all over the body.

"Admire." Lin Fan patted Xiao Xiaozu's shoulder, nodded silently, and gave him a praise at the same time, really heroic.

"Ah." Xiao Xiaozu said modestly: "Lin, there is nothing to admire or admire, but there are things that I can do if I don't do it."

"At this time, while the laws of heaven and earth are returning quickly, I also have to quickly restore my strength. Only in this way can I have the strength to compete with each other."

Xiao Xiaozu already thought about it.

Even if it returns to the peak period, it is difficult to compete with the first evil god, but even if it is difficult to compete, it is necessary to gather the courage to fight each other to the end.

"Leave it, let's not talk about it first, to see how many powerful evil gods come out." Lin Fan waved his hand, not wanting to continue listening to Xiao Xiaozu saying righteousness there.

The action still has to be taken.

Just with the current situation, we have to start sweeping aimlessly.

The next day.

The destiny master pointed out a calculation, and his heart was pleased. "Don't rest. Good luck is here. I will open the way and follow me."

"It's true and false, but don't go halfway, it's a disaster again," said the emperor.

Destiny said: "Well, the old man can't figure out what can be wrong. If you don't believe it, just wait here. If you get the benefit, don't follow us."

"I'll just talk about it, and have no other meaning." The emperor was very sad and did not want to take the initiative to die, but if it is good, he must follow up anyway.

He was afraid of losing something.

Not long after.

As they moved in this direction ~ ~, they suddenly found a breath coming.


They found that the ground was cracking into an abyss, and a monster slowly came out of it.

"Destiny Master, are you sure you're not mistaken?" The emperor looked at the evil **** with a look of astonishment, apparently shocked.

"No, absolutely nothing. It seems that this is the evil god, and when the old man pointed at it, he found it to be good luck for us. Do n’t be nervous, this evil **** is not our opponent." Tian Ming Shi said.

This is also the first time he has encountered an evil god.

I have to say that the shape and power of the evil **** is indeed a bit amazing, and it looks extraordinary.

"What are you still doing?"

"Take him."

The water emperor exclaimed, bearing the brunt first, and rushed to the evil **** first.