MTL - I, Doomsday, Have Been In the Core of the Sun For a Hundred Thousand Years-Chapter 302

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You must know that since the underground cavity can allow dozens of floors of buildings to be completely hidden underground, and there is still a lot of space from the 'ground' below, the cavity here is at least hundreds of meters high, or even more.

Here even the EVA as high as 80 meters can be freely active, at least more than 300 meters high.

It must be said that human beings are very powerful.

Finally, after a few more passages and gates, they finally saw the new environment.

They went from the super long elevator to an ordinary elevator room and were about to go to the next area.

Katsuragi Miri took a long breath and explained to the two with a smirk, "I'm sorry, because I just moved here recently, and I haven't gotten used to the environment here."

She was looking for an excuse. In fact, she might be a lunatic who could get lost even with a map? What is the role of the map to do 750?

And when the elevator door opened, a woman in a white coat appeared in front of her, exuding a shrewd and capable aura.

Her name is Ritsuko Akagi. She is the chief technical officer of the NERV Technology Development Department, and the actual person in charge of the EVA development plan. She is a university classmate and close friend with Miri Katsuragi.

"I'm here to pick you up, Lieutenant Colonel Katsuragi, if you still know that we are in an emergency, you should understand that we are short on manpower, time does not wait for anyone, and you are a full twelve minutes late," Ritsuko Akagi said as soon as he arrived. Start complaining again and again.

Katsuragi Misato quickly showed a pleasing expression and begged for mercy.

Akagi Ritsuko snorted softly, completely refusing to eat this set.

However, when her eyes swept across Ikari Shinji's body, she looked curiously at Lu Yuan and asked, "Who is he?"

Katsuragi Misato scratched her cheek with a wry smile, she knew she had to pass this test, but she couldn't answer, and said tentatively, "If I say that he is the **** I picked up, would you believe it?"

"Haha? Did you eat a bad stomach? Or do you have a fever? Why are you talking nonsense?" Ritsuko Akagi immediately sneered and said a few words.

Katsuragi Miri said what is the relationship between eating a bad stomach and a fever in the head?

"It seems that you can only prove it yourself." The helpless Katsuragi Miri had to leave the problem to Lu Yuan to deal with.

549、Go, boy, let's start the first machine.

Lu Yuan wanted to prove it and convince Akagi Ritsuko that he was simple.

But he is not an entertainer. The role he plays now is a god. It is better to say that he is indeed a real god.

Who can't have a little doubt, he has to prove himself to be genuine, right?

Is that still God?

So Lu Yuan refused directly, and said with a sneer, "Woman, do you really dare to offend me again and again, are all human beings so bold?"

Lu Yuan wondered, was the trick he performed before too fake? Why is Katsuragi Misato so bold, daring to offend herself again and again?

Katsuragi Miri turned her head and secretly stuck out her tongue to make a mischievous face. In fact, she just felt that Lu Yuan was not hostile and seemed to be able to talk well, so she was so unscrupulous.

Akagi Ritsuko was confused by the two: "What the **** is going on?"

She believed that Katsuragi Misato would never be so ignorant. If so, who was the person she brought back?

It can't really be God, can it?

In the end, Katsuragi Miri still didn't dare to continue to offend Lu Yuan's temper, and hurriedly said, "Okay, I'll be there soon, I'll talk about it when I see Commander Ikari."

Akagi Ritsuko suppressed the curiosity in his heart.

And they did get there.

When Akagi Ritsuko took the three out of the elevator, they came to a dark environment.

"Turn on the lights."

Suddenly, a loyal man's voice sounded in the darkness.

Immediately afterwards, the place was illuminated by lights, and in front of several people, especially in front of Ikari Shinji, a huge head suddenly appeared.

It was a big purple head, and because of the external armor, people would mistake it for some kind of large body.

In fact, it was the first machine.

Ikari Shinji, who had just met the fourth apostle, was taken aback and thought it was another apostle.

At the moment when his emotions were violently fluctuating, Lu Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly and felt a wave of soul fluctuations.

The problem that was bypassed before should also be explained at this time.

In fact, there is Ikari Yui's soul in the first machine, and she is Ikari Shinji's mother, that is, Ikari Yuandu's wife.

The second shock is set to take place in 2,000 years and kill a third of humanity.

Ikari's identity is somewhat mysterious. In fact, Ikari had joined that mysterious organization, SEELE, earlier, and she even knew part of the human completion plan.

And few people know that Ikari Yuandu didn't have this name originally, he entered into the marriage after marrying Ikari Wei.

And Ikari Yuandu's purpose of contacting Ikari Wei at the beginning was to join SEELE.

It's just that Ikari Yuandu accidentally moved his true feelings, so he made changes later, even betraying SEELE and launching his own human completion plan.

This is something.

Yui Ikari gave birth to Shinji Ikari in 2001, so Shinji Ikari is now fourteen years old, and the second shock occurred fifteen years ago.

When Ikari Shinji was about four years old, Ikari Yui participated in the EVA plan, and Ikari Yui was very smart. She knew that with the fragility of human beings, it was impossible to control the EVA, a magical weapon called a god.

Moreover, Ikari also knew some secrets, and she knew even more that the first machine was an important part of completing the human completion plan.

So Ikari decided in secret, she made a decision from the beginning, she would sacrifice herself, she would let her soul enter the first machine, and then let her grown son drive the first machine, and she would also help him protect him.

Why is only the first machine special? Even runaways frequently?

The reason is here.

Not to mention Unit 0, in fact, Unit 2 also contains half of Asuka's mother's soul, and because of the tearing of her soul, her mother lost her mind and went crazy.

Unbeknownst to Asuka, the reason why she was able to fly the No. 2 machine was all because of her mother, who had been guarding her all the time.

As for why Makiba can drive the second plane, it is also because Makiba is not simple. Makiba was originally Ikari Yu's schoolgirl, and it seems that she is only a teenager. In fact, Makiba is already an aunt, more than Akagi Ritsuko and Katsuragi Miri is older.

Ritsuko Akagi is Naoko Akagi's daughter, and Naoko Akagi is a colleague of Yui Ikari. At that time, Naoko Akagi was in charge of the plan to rescue Yui, but she was rejected by Yui.

Makiba obviously also has many secrets, but she hides them very deeply.

If I really want to keep digging, Rei Ayanami and Unit 0 also have many secrets.

Ayanami Rei is an artificial human made from Ikari Yui's genes, but it contains a part of Lilith's soul.

So when Ayanami Rei got on the zeroth machine for the first time, it caused a runaway.

At this time, Lu Yuan stood in front of the first machine, and could clearly feel that Ikari Wei's soul was hiding in the first machine, and even retained her consciousness.

Yui Ikari was looking at Shinji Ikari in front of him.

In fact, in the TV version of the plot, when Shinji Ikari came here for the first time and did not make up his mind to sit in the EVA to fight, when he was attacked by an accident, the first machine had automatically made a protective action.

Especially after Ikari Shinji took the first plane, once he was in danger, or even lost consciousness, it was when the first plane ran rampant.

So it is said that women are weak, and mothers are strong.

"'Who is he ¨'?"

At this time, Ikari Yuandu finally discovered the existence of Lu Yuan, and found that he was full of curiosity, and looked at the first machine with a trace of admiration, and couldn't help asking: "Lieutenant Colonel Katsuragi, don't you know the rules?"

His tone was cold and flat, and he didn't even have the slightest warmth when talking to Ikari Shinji. It didn't look like a father and son reunion that he hadn't seen in more than ten years. It was more like treating a stranger, maybe even more than a stranger.

Do you have to say something polite when you see a stranger?

But Ikari Yuandu did not have it at all. He only had one sentence, asking Ikari Shinji to drive the No. 1 machine and then go to defeat the fourth apostle.

(Zhao Li's) "Father, is this the only reason you brought me here?" Ikari Shinji lowered his head, so that one could not see his disappointed and hurt eyes, clenched his fists tightly, and there was only sadness and despair in his heart.

"Yes," Ikari Yuandu didn't take it seriously, and answered with only one word, admitting that he was treating his son as a tool.

"I won't sit on this monster, I won't drive this kind of thing, and I won't fight that kind of monster," Ikari Shinji finally resisted Shi.

Since his father wanted him to do this, he refused.

Ikari Yuandu frowned, and the next sentence was about to say: "If you don't open it, get out."

Unexpectedly, Lu Yuan opened his mouth and patted Ikari Shinji's shoulder, only to feel that his shoulder was stiff, and he was trying his best to hide the sadness in his heart.

Lu Yuan smiled and reassured: "It's okay, your father doesn't want you, you still have a mother who loves you. Go boy, in this first plane, your mother is looking forward to you.".

550、Miri Katsuragi's Wish?

Lu Yuan's words suddenly made the whole room quiet.

Ikari Yuandu was standing in a room on a high platform, looking at the people below through the window.

Even if his son came, he didn't come out in person, but looked on so indifferently.

But at this moment, his hands trembled a little. Even if he tried to hide it, he still asked in a trembling tone: "What did you say? You said only her...?"

"Shut up," Lu Yuan interrupted Dingyuandu unceremoniously and turned around. Although he had to look up at Dingyuandu, it didn't affect his bearing at all, and said coldly, "The same Father, I despise an irresponsible guy like you."

Lu Yuan himself is also a father now. He still remembers how moved Lu Nanping was when he was born, and even shed tears involuntarily when he heard his daughter's heartbeat for the first time.

He couldn't understand a person like Ikari Yuandu.

Even if Ikari Yuandu has any reason.

Including Ikari Wei will not recognize Ikari Yuandu, so once Ikari Shinji no longer takes the No. 1 machine, the so-called puppet system is simply a joke.

"You mean mom?" Ikari Shinji was also stupid, looking at the 'monster' in front of him, he asked incredulously, "You said mom is in there?"

Misato Katsuragi and Ritsuko Akagi secretly exchanged glances.

Especially Ritsuko Akagi, shock flashed in his eyes and looked at Lu Yuan in disbelief.

Miri Katsuragi is also thinking about something, if the other party is really God 750, if he... He is really a god, he is really Kamisama, maybe what he said is true?

Maybe he really saw the event that disappeared ten years ago, and it was the soul of Yui Ikari who disappeared in the first attempt to match with the first machine, and said that it was in the first machine.

"So Shinji-kun, since your father is not a human being, then you should throw yourself into your mother's arms, and your mother and son should just be without this person," Lu Yuan said with a smile that made people speechless.

Katsuragi Miri looked at Lu Yuan's back with a black line, and then looked up at Ikari Yuandu above her head.

But she suddenly discovered that the latter had calmed down again.

I have to say that Dingyuandu is indeed a man who can achieve great things. If he was in ancient times, he might not have been a hero.

With the means and ability of Ikariyuandu, it was definitely a very dangerous task in ancient times.

Ikari Yuandu did not continue to ask Lu Yuan about Ikari Wei, but just watched all this silently, because he knew in his heart that if there was no accident, his son would compromise.

Sure enough, Shinji Ikari agreed in the end, and he would drive the No. 1 aircraft to fight.

Although he had never undergone training before, but because of Lu Yuan's words, he still agreed that he would go out and destroy the fourth apostle.

In this way, Ikari Shinji was taken away by Ritsuko Akagi. He had to be sent into the insertion bolt, which is the cockpit, and then he could enter the spine center of the first machine to achieve the purpose of controlling the first machine.

Katsuragi Miri took Lu Yuan to another place. At a corner, there were no cameras, and it was one of the few places where you could whisper secrets.

"Did you lie to Shinji-kun just now?" Katsuragi Miri asked Lu Yuan.

"Of course not," Lu Yuan rolled his eyes angrily: "Who do you think I am? I am the **** of desire, I am a god, it doesn't matter if you talk about panic, but I really didn't lie."

Katsuragi Misato had a black line, and she actually said something like "It doesn't matter if you lie." How could she believe it?

Katsuragi Miri stared at Lu Yuan's expression with a serious face.

Lu Yuan was very calm, because he really didn't lie.

"What I said is true, Ikari's soul is in the first machine, and she still maintains her own complete consciousness to this day. She knows who Ikari Shinji is, and only Ikari Shinji can drive the first machine. I don't believe it. We can make a bet, you can try to let all qualified people drive the first machine and see if anyone can drive it," Lu Yuan showed a confident expression.

Isn't this a matter of course, if other qualified people can, why do you have to find Shinji Ikari?

In fact, there are children in this city, and many of them are the same age as Ikari Shinji, and all of them are actually qualified.

That's right, the children who live and go to school in this city are all selected candidates, and they may be brought to the experiment as EVA candidates at any time.

After all, it was a battle with the apostles, and even when connecting spiritually with the EVA, once it fell too deep, there would still be the possibility of spiritual pollution.

If the connection reaches 400%, Ikari Yui will happen, and people will lose their form and disappear into the EVA.

So the driver will definitely be prepared a lot.

This is cruel, but it is helpless, and in the eyes of those people, do other people's lives matter?