MTL - I [Imperial] Am Not This Kind of Man-Chapter 43 Hidden weapon

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Qin Nuo's hand trembled, his eyes stared.

"This statement is true."

"Is the king thinking that Xiaguan's door all morning is to tell a joke to him?"

Qin Nuo thought of lightning, and he was just transporting some drinks for sale, how could it become a contraband of bows and crossbow swords? Is someone trying to frame themselves? Who would be so boring to frame a idle lord!

Or someone borrowed their own boat to operate, after all, their own fleet has just been established, and the recruitment of staff is inevitable.

"The Wucheng soldiers and horses urgently returned this matter to the Ministry of Punishment. I stopped the ship and entered a thorough investigation. I found that there were a total of 8000 bows, 50,000 crossbow arrows, 6,000 long swords, and 3,000 sharp swords handle……"

Lin Jiaqingrun's voice told the details. Every sentence is worse news.

Such a huge amount of weapons is enough to equip a large army of 10,000 people. Qin Nuo was getting darker.

"In addition, the Ministry of Criminal Affairs sent an appraisal of the seized weapons and found that they were all from the Department of Construction of the Inner Government, but they were not included in the serial number. I do n’t know what the king explained?"

Facing aggressive gestures, Qin Nuo remained calm. "Is this Mr. Lin suspecting that the King has rebelled?"

Unexpectedly, Qin Nuo's words were so straightforward, Lin Jia paused, and smiled: "If you suspect that Lord Wang's rebellion, today Lin will not come to the door, but the guards."

He also whispered, "The Emperor Yourong Clan now loves his brothers, and he also hopes that Lord Wang can love his feathers and assist officials and others to investigate this matter clearly."

Qin Nuo narrowed his eyes, "Gu also felt that the matter was strange. I hope that Master Lin can investigate the facts carefully and don't neglect any clues."

Lin Jia continued to ask, "Then Lord Wang knows, where does the weapon come from?"

"I don't know where the weapon came from. I still need to ask the Ministry of Justice about this issue."

Lin Jia frowned and did not wait for him to speak. Qin Nuo said coldly: "Master Lin don't tell the solitary king, these weapons are completely traceless, but they are just like falling from the sky."

Da Zhou has strict management on these contrabands of spear swords, and has special channels for casting and transportation. Although folk weapons workshops can also build these things, they are not possible to mass-produce, but only for occasional use by wealthy merchants and high-ranking people.

Such a huge amount of weapons can only be built by official workshops like Nanyingfang.

Lin Jia could not help but looked up at Qin Nuo. The stupid Nine Kings in the rumor is really not worthy of the name, and can even break the key.

"The Ministry of Penalty has already been identified with several workshops in the Shenbing Battalion. Weapons should be customized in Dongfang last year for the replacement of equipment at the end of last year."

In other words, this batch of goods is the third brother Qin Jian's goods. Qin Nuo frowned: "It is said that after the defeat against the king, it has been copied and destroyed, how can we let such a large number of weapons go out?"

"The Cunning Rabbit Three Caves, the invasion of the King for the layout of the throne, has hidden a large amount of weapons, gold, silver and other things in many villas in Beijing. After the defeat, the Ministry of Defense searched one by one according to the captives' confessions, but among them were hidden in the roaring villa The quantity of the library is inconsistent with the records. The officials in charge of the search thought that the lack of inventory had been used by the inverse king and equipped the rebels in Dongying. Now it seems that it may not be that those who are attached have responded quickly after the defeat of the inverse king. , Hiding some weapons and trying to follow up. "

"I heard that it has now been converted into Wang Ye's manor. Xiaguan came to the door this time to invite Wang Ye to cooperate with the investigation so that I can enter and investigate."

Qin Jian's rebellion failed, and his farmland was withdrawn from the internal warehouse. After Qin Nuo was princely prince, he was rewarded with a generous reward, so several estates that originally belonged to Qin Jian on the north side of Changshuizhuang were placed under his name.

The secret storehouse of Tibetan weapons is in his own villa, and the ships that transport them are also his own. From this point of view, it is simply unclear to jump into the Yellow River!

Lin Jia is now polite because he still lacks the most crucial evidence. In particular, the number of weapons missing from Roaring Villa is not large, which is inconsistent with the number carried on board. Once this matter is finalized, as the person who climbed against the king, there may be the scourge of destroying the family! The royal struggle has never been cruel. The rebellion of the four kings twenty years ago, many princes were only closely associated with rebellion, or they were given death by their mother.

Qin Nuo's eyebrows grew angry. He was always kind, but he was not bottomless. Although I do not know who wrote it, it was so hot that he would never give in to him if he planted it on him.

Qin Nuo was naturally unable to refuse the request of Lin Jia and others to enter the manor.

Hastily dismissed the penal staff. Qin Nuo immediately changed his clothes and was ready to enter the palace.

However, after entering the palace and waiting in the side hall, the tea was cold and hot, and it was hot and cold. I did not wait for Qin Cong's call.

Despite the respectful attitude of the supervisor next door, the stance was firm. The emperor was too busy with official duties and had no time to meet!

From noon until dusk, Qin Nuo's heart was heavy, and he understood that Qin Cong could not see himself.

This is not a good omen!

He stood up, hesitating whether to leave to go to the farm to investigate the clues, or to rush to the main hall.

Before I had time to act, I heard a loud noise outside the door.

"No! Princess, this is ..."

Qin Nuo's eyes brightened, and he came quickly to the temple. Sure enough, I saw Qin Yue running over here.

She looked like a smart deer, hurried past the blocked palace man, and hurried to the side of the gate.

Qin Nuo rushed forward, and behind him, the side guard wanted to stop him. He turned and yelled, "What's wrong? Isn't Gu Gu even seeing his sister?"

The steward retreated, without proper reasons, and could not stop others from meeting. All he could do was nod his head, "It turned out to be the thirteen princesses, and the slaves were blindfolded for a while, but they didn't recognize them."

As soon as Qin Yue came to Qin Nuo, he patted his chest and laughed loudly: "Brother, I just came out from the queen's maiden's side. When the palace people said that you had entered the palace, hurry up. Hurry up and finally see . "

"What are you doing so eagerly? I wanted to see you for two days."

"It's not like I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss my brother." Qin Yuejiao said, and entered the hall with Qin Nuo.

"Is this brother here to see the emperor?"

"Some chores." Qin Nuo said vaguely, and he didn't want Qin Hui to worry about his affairs.

Qin Yuan did not seem suspicious, and laughed: "Brother, I saw the little prince over the queen. It is really Yuxue cute, pink and tender. When can you add a little nephew to me, brother. I heard soon The draft is about to happen, will my brother be accused of concubine at that time? "

"Um, brother, I have cultivated myself recently. I don't want to be close to women. I want to explain this to my emperor and queen mother this time," Qin Nuo smiled.

The two sat in their seats and chatted intimately. The **** stood behind, and offered tea and snacks diligently.

Qin Hui is like a little yellow cricket, he said something in the palace.

"Brother, the oriole I kept under the cloister is listless these days."

"It's too cold, it's freezing."

"I don't know how long it will last, oh my brother, you have praised it for being smart before, and will pick up pine nuts to feed you."

"In the next day, my brother will find a good one for you." Qin Nuowen comforted his sister.

The two spoke for a while and saw that it was too late. Qin Nuo got up and said, "The emperor is busy today, so I have no time to summon it. I will come again that day, and you will return to the palace earlier."

Qin Yue nodded nicely and broke up with Qin Nuo in front of the palace gate.

Qin Nuo hurried away. But my heart was uneasy, not only because of the heavenly sin that bizarrely fell above his head, but also because of what Qin Yue said just now.

The seriously ill oriole is difficult to survive this winter. Is Qin Wei suggesting something?

There is indeed a beloved oriole in Qinhuang Palace. The coat is bright and dazzling. I remember the last time I visited her palace room and laughed that it was as imposing as wearing a royal robe.

Is it that Qin Cong's condition is so serious that he has reached the point of lack of skills?

With so much anxiety in mind, Qin Nuo walked on the corridor outside the palace and suddenly heard a greeting.

"Nine brother, why are you here?"

Looking up, it turned out that Qin Xun's rolling figure was coming from the opposite side.

Since Qin Jian's rebellion, the two have become much more dull, but on the surface they are still quite kind brothers, compared to Qin Ze who is alone in the tomb.

The two approached, Qin Xun couldn't help lowering his voice. "Nine brother, I heard that something went wrong with your boat. What the **** is going on?"

Qin Nuo was so nervous that the Ministry of Criminal Affairs was still pressing the news, but such a major event could not hide the well-informed capitalists in Beijing. Once spread, it is extremely detrimental to oneself.

Qin Xun continued to lower his voice: "How can we hide weapons in a good way? That stuff is not something we can touch."

There was a hint of irritability in Qin Nuo's heart. "What is the seventh brother, how could my brother be involved in those things, and now I am worried about which short-sighted person is trapping me. If I knew it, he would not make him feel better."

Qin Xun chuckled twice, "Let me say, Jiu Jiu has always been an understanding person, rest assured, Brother Huang also knows that he will never frame his family because of this."

Qin Nuo sighed, "But I just begged to see the Emperor, and sat for three hours without seeing anyone."

"Don't worry about it, Brother Huang is in poor health these days, and you are weak. You must not want to see you."

Poor health! Qin Nuo remembered the hint Qin Yue gave himself just now. With no expression on his face, he asked, "What is the purpose of the seventh brother entering the palace?"

"It's not that we have two newly-formed snow ginsengs. This is a rare thing. We can't enjoy it. Thinking of the doctor, the emperor has recently had insufficient blood and needs nourishment. So I specially offered it."

"If I can see the emperor in the palace later, I will say a few words for you." Qin Xun pledged his chest and lowered his voice: "But be careful outside you, the person in the Ministry of Criminal Affairs always told The Ge family has a strong relationship. Isn't the new Shang Shangshu the Ge Xianfei's father and father? There is also Lin Jia, who is usually a dog-like and clear-headed person. Hey, I do n’t mean, I ’ve been working with my 10th brother all day. . "

Qin Ze? Qin Nuo's heart moved. Qin Ze's grandfather, Ge Changhai, also the father of Ge Xianfei, had just been transferred from the Ministry of Defense to the Ministry of Criminal Affairs to hold the post of Shang Shu.

Is it really ...

Qin Xun nodded and patted Qin Nuo's shoulder: "Wait to find out which dog thief planted the ninth brother you, the seventh brother, I know, I must not spare him."

Qin Nuo dealt with his mouth, the two talked for a while, and broke up at the gate of the palace.