MTL - I [Imperial] Am This Type of Man-Chapter 16 Conquer the Grassroots King (16)

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Ji Jinrong did not panic.

He stared at the monster in the sea moment by moment.

Slowly, the back of the monster mountain was exposed, and it looked like an ordinary peak, with some aquatic corals.

Some corals are thick and colorful, and they look amazingly beautiful. Baihuahua's sea water poured down from its back, and waves of waves hit the surrounding sea.

The waterfall-like water "fall" for a long time before revealing the whole picture of the monster.

The uncovered part of its spine was black and shiny, with sharp corners that looked like a hard shell. Looking further down, a huge head was found under the shell-just that head, two people had to hug each other to hold it!

This monster is like a turtle, but not all turtles!

At least that head is so weird that it's not exactly what a giant tortoise looks like. The monster's eyes flashed cold, as if angered. It was tumbling hard, trying to break away from the giant rope tied to itself, and the ship in Dalian, towing the "tortoise shell", was almost overturned by him!

The general said, "Your Majesty, Lord, get off the boat first!"

Ji Jinrong saw that the monster was struggling hard, but he did not step forward to attack, knowing that things should be spiritual, but just wanted to get rid of the restraint, and did not want to hurt people. He looked at King Zhennan: "Stone!"

Zhennan Wang has followed Ji Jinrong for a long time, and immediately understands Ji Jinrong's meaning. He said, "Come here."

The King of Zhennan pulled out his sabre, took advantage of the ship that was about to overturn, and then stepped on the back of the monster by the hemp rope that tied the monster's big shell. Obviously the giant monster was tumbling fiercely, but he was flat.

The crowd had not yet seen clearly that King Zhennan had lifted his sword and the strong rope instantly slid into the sea. King Zhennan jumped up while the rope didn't drop completely, and returned to the ship closest to him.

The monsters regained their freedom, and the waves billowed.

The king of Zhennan folded his sword and returned to Ji Jinrong simply.

Ji Jinrong said to the monster, "Go back, go back to the sea."

The sea gradually calmed down.

The monster was motionless, neither swimming nor sinking, as if lying on a flat ground.

Ji Jinrong said: "When you arrive in Taiping, you must invite the king!"

The monster seemed to be able to understand Ji Jinrong's words, and turned abruptly, sinking into the sea without looking back. At first, I could see a shadowy silhouette from the surface of the sea, but then I couldn't even look at the shadow, as if the flamboyant movement was just a dream for everyone.

When everyone was awake like a dream, the head of the future plopped on one knee, and brushed down with the soldiers behind him, saying in unison: "Xuanwu is here, the world will be flat!"

Xuanwu is here, the world will be flat!

The voices of the admirals were all trained from the huge waves, and they shouted loudly. The workers and idlers watching on the dock were awakened, Qi Qi followed her knees, and opened her mouth and shouted, "Xuanwu is alive, the world will be flat!"

Ji Jinrong Tairan received the kneeling of everyone.

His favorite is this kind of intelligent person.

With a little mention, they can immediately understand. No matter whether this monster is a big turtle or basalt, so many people have seen it, so many people have called it, then it is "Xuanwu"! In ancient times, the most important thing in the army's military expedition was that "the division was famous". With this, Zhennan King's re-entry into the army can be regarded as "in line with destiny."

Ji Jin is looking forward to King Zhennan.

The king of Zhennan knew it. He also calmly said with a smile: "Your Majesty, it is time for lunch."

Lunch is served at the pier.

The conditions are not as good as in the palace, but they are delicious. Seafood was just picked up from the sea, and the king of Zhennan ordered the fishing boats to go to the sea, and soon they had a good harvest. Some children also found many snail shells that are unique to the sea from the stone walls around the shore, and happily got them in the hands of the "chef". The "chef" picked and left the flavors to be used for porridge.

For sailors and soldiers who have been floating on the sea for many months, they are more attractive than fresh seafood and dock supplies. Although they brought a lot of fried juice when they went, it was not as delicious as freshly picked.

Ji Jinrong also looked novel.

Although Ji Jinrong had not personally engaged in farming, he was not a farmer. He knows that vegetables and rice are seasonal, and now it is winter, and it should reasonably not be so many vegetables-generally only the palace greenhouse has enough fresh vegetables to supply.

Ji Jin is looking forward to King Zhennan.

King Zhennan said, "Your Majesty doesn't like vegetables, so I didn't notice this." He simply introduced Ji Jinrong to how these fresh fruits and vegetables came. In the previous world, various resources were very scarce and fruits and vegetables were very bad Species, most people can only rely on synthetic nutrients to maintain their lives. At that time, people tried every means to grow live plants, even if it was a grass, it was a great thing for them!

By comparison, what a cold bitter cold is.

King Zhennan said: "The greenhouse we built is similar to the greenhouse in the palace, but it costs less and the materials are better. In the early years, vegetables and fruits can be grown in the winter. In the past two years, vegetables in the winter have been supplied to People, they are sold in the bazaars of all major states and counties. "

King Jinnan said something too novel, and Ji Jinrong listened very carefully. If these means were available at the beginning, Da Zhou would not have reached the end of the crossbow.

It was because of that situation that the old lady agreed to let Wei Tingjun succeed.

The building will fall, no matter what royal family is not royal family, as long as Da Zhou can continue to spread!

It's not too late now.

If they really go back in the future, they will certainly be able to turn the tide and bring Da Zhou out of danger.

Ji Jinrong eats with peace of mind.

When he and King Zhennan had eaten almost, the admiral came over again. The general has instructed the people to unload the goods and pack them, ready to be sent to Beijing. He got Ji Jinrong nodded, and sat down to tell Ji Jinrong and King Zhennan about the "Xuanwu" thing: "Someone saw this big shell in the sea and felt very imposing, so he was stuck with a twine and dragged it back behind the boat .Because the big shell hasn't moved at all, everyone thought it was just an empty shell and didn't take it seriously. "

Ji Jinrong remembered that black shell was so big, it looked like a big mountain, and it looked really amazing!

Ji Jinrong said: "It's amazing."

The general raised his voice and said cheerfully, "No! I didn't expect that the big shell was alive when I depended on the case just now! Your Majesty, the end will feel that it may really be" Xuanwu "! The end will go to sea. Many times, the sea turtle has been seen. The shell just didn't look like a sea turtle just now. And I just saw its head and teeth. It was really big. Normally, sea turtles don't!

Ji Jinrong listened with a smile and didn't say much.

King Zhennan thought the rushing guy was a bit annoying.

Even his own subordinates, he was not willing to see someone violently present in front of Ji Jinrong.

Zhennan King interjected: "Your Majesty is full?"

Ji Jinrong said: "Almost."

King Jinnan said: "This time, a few westerners came with the boat. They will make something called" bread ", which is not the same as the buns we usually eat. Your Majesty can try. Enough, Chen asked them to prepare some Western desserts for His Majesty. "

The small flame in Ji Jinrong's eyes stunned again, and the joy was overflowing with words: "Okay!"

The general: "..."

Who says their website is ambitious? He sees that his lord can't wait to pack all good things to them! He said why Lord Wang would let him find a good cook and ingredients, it turned out to please His Majesty!

Ji Jinrong has already eaten seven minutes, and when he heard that the king of the south had something new to eat, he stopped eating anything else. He stood up and went to see the western chef to make bread with King Zhennan. It's different, but the materials are similar. The main thing is wheat flour.

But the process of making bread is different.

Ji Jinrong has never seen anyone make buns, watching it with interest. Westerners are tall, with different hair color and pupil color. Their broad palms are like Pufans, and the dough quickly takes shape. The bread uses a different stove. Ji Jinrong simmered back and forth for a long time. Seeing that the bread could not be cooked for a while, he knead the dough under the guidance of the Western chef and got the shape of the bread.

Soon, the smell of bread wafted out of the makeshift "kitchen".

Maybe it was because she hadn't tried it before. Ji Jinrong sucked her nose and felt that the taste was extremely sweet.

King Zhennan took a big loaf and divided Ji Jinrong into a half. The crust of the bread is golden brown, but the inside is white and snowy, fluffy and soft.

Ji Jinrong took a sip, and felt that the bread was soft and delicious, and the taste was awesome!

King Jinnan said, "If you don't add leaven, it will be flat and firm when you make it, but it can be stored longer, and it won't break for half a month. If you want to march, you can eat it for a long time.

Ji Jinrong knows what this means. This means that in the future, you can take this thing with you, so that the crops cannot keep up or fire without conditions, and the soldiers will be carried hungry! If you need to march quickly, this is simply a good ration. Ji Jinrong said, "Yes!"

King Jinnan let Ji Jinrong taste another two types of bread, and then ordered someone to bring the caravan brought back the wine. He said, "This wine tastes sweet. Drink a small glass before going to bed. You can sleep well at night."

Ji Jinrong looked at the red wine, and was curious about its taste.

King Zhennan and Ji Jinrong sat opposite each other and poured a glass of Ji Jinrong in person, saying: "This is made from grapes, and the wine is very small, which is suitable for your majesty."

Ji Jinrong picked up and listened, just feeling what Zhennan King was saying. This wine has a sweet taste and a beautiful color, it is really delicious!

Ji Jinrong had bright eyes and said to Zhennan Wang, "I like it."