MTL - I [Imperial] Am This Type of Man-Chapter 46 Conquering Evil Reigns in Other Worlds (11)

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The teacher was very satisfied with the class in the afternoon.

Although the two children compete from time to time, they already have the appearance of "brothers and brothers Christine".

However, they are old, and it is not clear who is the brother and who is the younger.

In the afternoon, the lesson was successfully concluded, and the next day they could start to touch some of the artifacts left by their ancestors. Of course, they can't start it, just purely look at it and touch the blessings of the ancestors!

Ji Jinrong led Yu Yue to meet Sheng Baishuang.

Since becoming the only ten-star powerhouse in the Da Luan Dynasty, Sheng Baishuang's situation has become more troublesome, and a new batch of challengers will be welcomed almost every day. Although most of them returned home, Sheng Baishuang looked a little tired.

Seeing Ji Jinrong and Yu Yue, Sheng Bai's look eased slightly, his tone softer than usual: "A Jin?"

Ji Jinrong led Yu Yue to Sheng Baishuang.

That day, Ji Jinrong said that she would return to the door with her, and Sheng Baishuang only heard that Ji Jinrong was talking angry.

Now seeing Ji Jinrong playing Yu Yue in a kind manner, Sheng Baishuang realized that Ji Jinrong was serious that day, and the child didn't mind being taken away by the monarch.

Thinking of Ji Jinrong's wealth accumulated for the Da Luan Dynasty in just a few years, Sheng Baishuang was a little clearer.

Those who are really capable are obviously not interested in competing for the monarch's position-just as many people laugh at her short-sightedness, but they are interested in the shaky Da Luan Dynasty.

Although Ji Jinrong is young, he thinks more than many adults. The things that others seem extremely important are not worth mentioning to him at all-the difficult things that others do are not at all difficult for him.

No wonder Ruby gave him the bird directly at the time--

The bird also directly recognized Ji Jinrong as the master.

Sheng Baishuang and Yan Yue asked Yu Yue a few words, and after listening to Yu Yue's answer well, they ordered someone to send him back to Feng Su.

When Jin Yu went away, Ji Jinrong said, "Sister Sheng, I want to ask you something." He was serious in tone, and his expression was a bit inconsistent with his age.

Sheng Bai's heart jumped.

She said, "Ask."

Ji Jinrong's tone was assured: "Sister Sheng should know Ah Su's life."

Sheng Bai stared at Ji Jinrong.

Ji Jinrong said, "I want to know too."

Sheng Baishuang said, "I thought you had fallen out with Ah Su."

Ji Jinrong said, "We are reconciled again." He looked up at Sheng Baishuang. "I was very angry at the time, so I was impulsive and didn't think about anything. But why didn't you think carefully? Sister Sheng? Angry and impulsive, you are very calm, as if you should have been. "

Sheng Bai's face froze slightly.

When ascertaining Yu Yue's identity, Yan Hongyu pursued the facts. Feng Sui killed Qing Fengtang's leader, and that leader spoke about the existence of Yu Yue before death. Feng Su found the blood of the emperor who was controlled by Qing Fengtang.

Yu Yue hasn't had a good time these years. He regards Feng Su as a god-like savior, and Feng Su sticks along the way.

The next day Feng Su brought Yu Yue back, he brought Yu Yue to them.

But they all thought that Feng Su was deliberately seducing Yu Yue, just as he coaxed Ji Jinrong so much to rely on him.

She believes that Feng Su feels that Ji Jinrong is not easy to control, so she has retrieved the "control of the emperor".

In their hearts, Feng Su and Qing Fengtang are no different.

Ji Jinrong is seeking an explanation for Feng Sui.

Feng Su didn't ask himself, maybe because he didn't want to know the answer, or maybe--

The answer is already in my heart.

In fact, Feng Sui brought Yu Yue back to them, and it was good for them. The original selection of Ji Jinrong as the monarch has caused major families to criticize, and occasionally took the opportunity to make trouble. If Ji Jinrong's talent awakens and does not inherit the good talent of the royal family, the consequences are absolutely unthinkable.

Since Yu Yue is the first emperor's parent-child, there is naturally no problem with talent-in this way, all problems are solved.

At best, it's just Ji Jinrong's grievances.

But with them, where can Ji Jinrong be wronged? Except for the absence of the monarch, everything is still the same.

Ji Jinrong will even live faster, go wherever you want, and play whatever you want!

You should know that all the money in the treasury is stuffed by Ji Jinrong.

Even without them, Ji Jinrong would live comfortably.

So Feng Su did nothing wrong.

It's their fault.

They didn't even ask, and concluded that Feng Su was ambitious.

Ji Jinrong saw the answer she wanted from Sheng Baishuang's look.

Ji Jinrong asked: "Aso, is he of poor origin?"

Sheng Baishuang and Ji Jinrong looked at each other.

Looking at those bright and stubborn eyes, Sheng Baishuang finally said frankly: "Ashu's mother is my sister."

Ji Jinrong frowned.

Sheng Baishuang said, "When I was at the teacher's gate, I had a great relationship with her ..."

She has always been cold and indifferent, and rarely gets close to people. Even in the division, she rarely interacts with people. Later, there was a pink-sculpted sister and sister in the door of the teacher. The sister and sister were very talented, and the people were lively and cute.

I do not know when it started, Shimei began to like to gather around her.

Although she is not used to being close to others, she is gradually getting used to the existence of Shimei. Two people ponder together. The practice speed is always faster than one person retreats.

She is first, and sister is second.

But she knew that Shimei had better talent than her. As long as some time passed, she would give up the first to Shimei.

She was not sad, but felt relaxed.

She has always been highly hoped by Master. She told her early on that she would inherit the gate in the future.

There was no bit of joy in her heart, but she felt extremely heavy.

How could someone like her become the head of the division. Those who can be good leaders should be like Shimei, who can handle everyone with ease, and can please everyone and like to reconcile the contradictions of everyone——

Shimei is getting better and better, it's really good. Although Shimei is still young and has an uncertain mindset, she can help aside--

She really thought so.

However, the accident happened quickly.

Shimei fell in love.

The man Shi Shi fell in love with is unknown.

She was the first to discover that she had a strong sense of ominousness in her heart. She persuaded Shimei not to trust the man, but Shimei did not listen to her and insisted on a private life with that person.

Everything that happened later confirmed her hunch.

That person is the head of the evil way, and the people in the evil way are called "respecting the Lord".

Shimei knew the true identity of the other party, but did not look back, but left the division for that person.

Master can't afford to be ill, so he can't help.

She inherited her position and swore to kill the evil Lord.

In the end, she did.

But she still couldn't make her sister "repent."

When Shimei jumped off the cliff with resentment, she remembered the innocent little girl of the year, and day and night under the cliff-so she knew he was a "stark star" Already.

This is her sister's child.

She tried all the children of Shimei who she could not bring back.

Feng Su looks very much like his mother.

Therefore, her attitude towards Feng Su has always been very contradictory. She wants to be better towards Feng Su, but she always thinks of his father as the lord of evil and thinks that he is "the fierce star who came to the world." So in the end, she was the strictest and the most alienated to Feng Sui. No matter how talented Feng Feng is, her performance is not as important as Lian Ping.

Subconsciously, she did not rest assured that Feng Sui would do it.

After Ji Jinrong appeared, she calculated that Ji Jinrong's fate was extremely deep, so she did not stop Feng Sui lure-coax Ji Jinrong.

Perhaps through Ji Jinrong's great blessing, he can suppress the "fierce star" that Feng Sui wears.

The moment she saw Feng Su bring Yu Yue back, she just felt that the evilness brought by Feng Su's bloodline could not be suppressed anymore.

Sheng Baishuang felt guilty and saw Ji Jin sitting there waiting for her to say down, sighing.

She put things together.

This matter has been hidden in Sheng Baishuang for too long, and she will only do more and more wrong without telling it.

Ji Jinrong was cold after listening.

Feng Su's life experience is like this.

From the perspective of Sheng Baishuang, of course she killed the evil faction for the right way. However, in the eyes of Feng Su's mother, Sheng Baishuang was the enemy who killed her husband without thinking of her friendship in the past and forced her into despair.

Feng Su's mother committed suicide with hate, Feng Su was born with resentment.

Therefore, Sheng Baishuang feels that he is "the fiercest star in the world".

Does Feng Su know all this?

Ji Jinrong wanted to convince Feng Sui that he didn't know.

But he thought of Feng Su's gloomy and dark eyes.

He thought that for many and many nights, Feng Su sat alone on the roof and looked into the distance.

There is no light in the distance, no mountain peaks, no stars, no moon, and the sky is vast, as if he lived alone in this world.

Feng Su always said, "A Jin, don't lie to me."

No matter how ordinary or ordinary, Feng Su felt that he was coaxing him to deceive him.

So in other words, Feng Su even didn't believe it.

... No one believed him, and he didn't believe anyone.

As long as you don't believe it, as long as you don't expect it, you won't be disappointed. will not be injured.

Feng Su knew.

Feng Su already knew.

So his attitude towards Sheng Baishuang is always so respectful.

As if Sheng Baishuang could teach him the cultivation method-or let him survive, it is already a great kindness.

He never asked for anything else.

Ji Jinrong said, "I," and only said a word, Ji Jinrong found that his throat was a little tight. He paused, then said, "I'll go back and see A Jin."

After that, he turned and ran out, climbing on his fat back to fly to their residence for these years.

Feng Su was sitting by the window, watching the night outside.

Did not sit on the roof.

Fortunately not.

Otherwise, Ji Jinrong feels that she will be distressed to death.

Even if not, Ji Jinrong is still distressed.

He ran to the ground and hugged Feng Su from behind.

Feng Su shuddered, but didn't turn around, surrounded by Ji Jinrong.

He reached for Ji Jinrong's hand that was obviously not long enough, and said with a smile, "A Jin's arm is too short to hold me."

Ji Jinrong said: "I will grow up soon. Ah Su, I will protect you when I grow up, and no one will bully you!"

Obviously this sounds so naive, but Feng Su feels that the ice in his heart is gradually turning into a stream of warm current, rushing to every corner of his heart. He said, "OK, I'll wait for Jin to protect me."

Ji Jinrong worked hard to extend his arms longer and hug Feng Sui tightly: "I will never leave you alone again, I promise!"

Feng Su grabbed Ji Jinrong's hand to his lips and kissed him gently. He said: "A Jin is going to talk, and if you break down, I won't let you go."

Ji Jinrong took the opportunity to pinch Feng Su's neck, earnestly assured: "Absolutely keep your word!"

Feng Su felt that his entire heart was filled.


Half a month later, Yu Yue's talents awakened smoothly.

It is indeed the blood of the emperor. His spiritual root attribute is light, and he is as forgiving as his ancestors. In other words, he can absorb reiki faster than ordinary people, and he can activate spiritual tools more easily than ordinary people!

Yu Yue's existence was soon known.

I don't want to let people know, the test of talent on the day of the talent test was very bright, clearly a vision of heaven!

The strong in almost all families arrived at the test hall.

Yu Yue was watched horribly.

It is very tempting to have a monarch with a spiritual root.

Although the light root is not very good, the practitioners of the light root have extremely powerful healing power!

Because the attribute of light can be compatible with any spiritual root attribute, a practitioner with a spiritual root can guide other practitioners in the chaos of anger and repair the severely depleted meridians!

No one knows if he will be so unlucky, and encounters these situations that may be lost for many years.

If there are more than six stars of the light root practitioners, it can hardly be more secure!

As for whether you can fight--

If the monarchs can fight, what do they want them to do?

Yu Yue has become the monarch to which everyone is expected.

At this time, Tai Ming'an was able to land.

Hearing the news, Tai Ming'an jumped up.

Everyone is happy for the new monarch.

Tai Ming'an felt that he had just been lying for a few days, and everything was completely different.

I heard that the monarch is the root of light.

I heard that the monarch is very gentle and good.

I heard the monarch ...

So, what about that guy?

What about that guy?

Why didn't anyone mention it?

Tai Ming'an grabbed several servants and questioned them.

They seemed to have completely forgotten Ji Jinrong, and they shook their heads one after another to say they didn't know.

It's been a few days before that guy was forgotten.

Tai Ming'an should have been gloating, but couldn't laugh at all.

It's only been a few days ...

Can that guy bear it?

From "monarch" to ordinary people, can that guy bear it?

That guy's sad face that night, was it because he knew that day would come?

Tai Ming'an strode out.

He is going to meet that guy.

He wants to see that guy soon.

Everyone is holding the new monarch, I am afraid no one will ignore him.

He will be sad.

Definitely afraid.

It must be alone.

He must rush over immediately.

At that time, he barely gave the guy a hug, and the guy would definitely cry.

Then he reluctantly brought the guy back.

Yes, just do that.

Tai's family can afford that guy.

Although that guy is a little bit spoiled and can eat a bit, but he can afford--

Tai Ming'an quickly walked out.

Be faster-

When Tai Ming'an was about to go to the gate, he was stopped back.

The man who stopped him was his uncle.

He was caught in his grandfather's study.

Taiming An raised his head: "Grandpa, I have to do something important!"

Tai Mingan's grandfather cursed, "You are a ghost!"

Tai Ming'an shook his lips and didn't speak.

Tai Mingan's grandfather said, "I know what you want to do, I can only say it's not what you can think of. Do you know how you got hurt this time!"

After Tai Ming'an's life was saved, the Tai's house was cleaned up and down once. In the course of this cleaning, they horrified to find one thing: If the assassins had not retreated on that day, the entire Thai family would probably be in ruins!

The discovery made them sweat.

The ease of life has been too long, and they have lost the alertness of the practitioners. They think they are an incredible family, don't they know that they have already become mice under the cat's paw-others don't kill themselves, just because they don't want to kill them for the time being!

There was no deliberate concealment there, but a clear warning was left: Take care of your grandson, and don't let him provoke anyone he shouldn't provoke.

"You will be hurt because you offended that person," Grandpa Tai Ming'an said forcefully, "Listen, you are not allowed to walk out of the door half a step from today!"

Tai Mingan's eyes widened: "Do you know who wants to kill me?"

Tai Mingan's grandfather said, "Yes, I know!" He looked dumb. "If it was five years ago, our Thai family would never look at him, but now-our Thai family can't match him! So we must bear! Must retreat! "

Tai Mingan asked, "Who is it?"

Tai Ming'an's grandfather paused, after all, he did not conceal Tai Ming'an: "Feng Su."

Tai Ming'an was not excited, but calmly asked, "I heard that he recovered the blood of the emperor?"

Tai Ming'an's grandfather finally saw that Tai Ming'an had not been stunned by anger, and was finally satisfied. He said, "Yes, it's him. That's why he is the most dependent person of the new monarch today-and the auction house that goes into gold every day also belongs to him."

Tai Mingan clenched his fists.

"I know, I won't go out again," he said.

He had seen it for a long time, that wild species was not good at A Jin. That wild seed must have locked A Jin and prevented anyone from seeing A Jin—

He is still too weak.

However, he will not always be so weak.

One day, he will bring down the **** wild species.

He wants to rescue A Jin!

Tai Mingan calmed down. He said to his grandfather, "I'll practice the sword first!"

Seeing that Tai Ming'an had grown up for several years, Tai Ming'an's grandfather didn't know whether to be relieved or sad. They are useless, knowing who the enemies who hurt Tai Ming'an seriously could not revenge-

Tai Mingan's grandfather looked somber and sighed, "Go."

No matter how big the gap is, you can't lose your ambitions.

The Thai family will never shoot down your teeth and blood!