MTL - I [Imperial] Am This Type of Man-Chapter 48 Conquering Other Evil Respects (13)

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Ji Jinrong did not care about Sheng Baishuang, who was greeted by him, and he did not care about the major family members who came to the test hall. He yelled, "Fat!"

As the fat wings spread, Ji Jinrong was held up by his claws, and Ji Jinrong was taken out of the hall. Outside the hall, daylight is flourishing, reflecting the hustle and bustle of the world.

Ji Jinrong remembered that when he woke up in the morning, Feng Su sat on the edge of his bed, and his quiet and gentle eyes fell on his face, as if he had looked like that for thousands of years. At that time, Wei Tingjun didn't step halfway through the entrance; now, Feng Su has sat by his bed, as long as he grows up a little more-

As long as he grows up, they can be closer--

In the morning Ji Jinrong just felt happy.

I think there is nothing to worry about between them.

Cultivators in this world have a long life, they can play this world a lot, and then they can find the most suitable "leave" site.

But the "fate" that she saw when she awoke made Ji Jinrong extremely disturbed.

Is that "Fate" of Feng Sui?

There is no feeling, no warmth, anyone who gives him a little tenderness will leave him-he has become the "evil Lord" in other populations, only because he is a "vicious star", only because his parents are from evil ways- —

What's more terrible is that all these sufferings and sorrows are just "experiences" arranged by the people behind them, in order to cultivate the best "respected Lord" successor!

What is this "fate"!

Ji Jinrong thought of Feng Su's eyes, his heart twitching.

He should have discovered it, he should have discovered that look was so different from usual.

Just like when he arranged Wei Tingjun to go to the border, Wei Tingjun always looked at him like that, and there was a constant undercurrent in his eyes--

The night before Wei Tingjun promised him, he saw the figure who never bent his knees, never bent his spine, and fell to the ground, crying sadly.

Feng Su's morning eyes were repeatedly played back in Ji Jinrong's mind.

Why didn't he find out.

Ji Jinrong said, "Fat, where I live."

Feng Su left after seeing his talent.

As he walked towards the test stone, Feng Su also held his hand. Feng Su also said, "Since this is the case, we will not do it."

In retrospect, everything can be traced. I'm afraid that Feng Su had already expected the results of his talent test. Otherwise, Feng Su would never say "we don't do it".

You know that ordinary people have a very short life, but practitioners can live for two or three hundred years!

How could Feng Su say what made him give up his awakening talent?

The only possibility is that Feng Su had anticipated all this.

As for the preparation to leave the Da Luan Dynasty, Feng Su had already done well.

At present, the country is chaotic because of his awakening. If Feng Su intentionally hides his tracks, no one can find him!

Ji Jinrong only hopes to see the words left by Feng Su in his residence.

He did not believe that Feng Suihui would not leave him a word.

Obviously the emotions flowing in those eyes are not false.

Obviously they are intimately intimate--

Chubby carried Ji Jinrong down.

When the fat stopped, Ji Jinrong rolled over and ran back to his place of residence.

After the host left, the room was a bit cold. Ji Jinrong stood in the room-Yang, glanced at everything in the room.

Quickly, he noticed that the things on the desk seemed different from yesterday.

Ji Jinrong walked over.

There was a faint smell of herbs on the table, which was very light. He would not have smelled it unless he had a very sensitive nose.

Ji Jinrong's heart jumped, picking up the next ring. The ink in the ring was dry, but it still had a little smell. Beteng, White Grass, Melaleuca, Spiral Lotus——

Ji Jinrong's hand holding the ring was shaking slightly.

These medicinal materials can be added to make the ink "invisible". You must use the corresponding medicinal solution to treat the paper written with it to see the above words. The ratio of medicinal materials used in "invisible" medicinal solution is different, corresponding to "obvious" medicinal solution. The ratio is also different. This was discovered by accident, and he told Feng Su about this thing, saying that the ink can be used to spread the letter-in this case, even if the letter falls in the hands of others, it will not reveal anything!

Feng Su laughed at the time and said, "Beidou has many methods of transmitting information, but it is the smallest way to write a letter. I keep this method, and we will use it when we want to talk privately-until then, only we know in this world What was written in the letter. "

Was Feng Su ready to leave so long ago?

Feng Sui brought Yu Yue back. Did he originally want to take him with him?

Where will Feng Su go?

Ji Jinrong's gaze fell on the stack of white paper in the middle of the table.

There was no trace of writing on the white paper.

Ji Jinrong folded the blank piece of paper at the top and let Fatty take himself to the alchemy room.

There are tools for him and Feng Shu to refine pharmaceutical liquids.

Ji Jinrong quickly formulated the "obvious" medicinal solution in proportion.

Ji Jinrong's heart beats like a drum.

He let the liquid faint on the paper.

The familiar handwriting slowly appeared on the paper.

Nothing was written on it.

There are only two words on it.

"wait for me."

Wait for me to fix everything, wait for me to come back to you, wait for me--

Ji Jinrong's palm trembled slightly.

He shredded the paper hard.

The word "wait" he hated most.

They faced the sword lightsaber outside, but he could only wait.

Waiting for their news, waiting for the outcome of their life or death, waiting for a reunion if they do n’t know if it will come-it may be waiting for the news that they are dead, or he may not wait for the news to come back Died on the sickbed.

Ji Jinrong thought that she would never taste it again.

Unexpectedly, Feng Su left him with these two words.

Ji Jinrong hated being too weak.

His talent has just awakened, but Feng Su has become an eight-star powerhouse a few years ago.

The twenty-eight-year-old eight-star powerhouse is definitely a miracle among miracles.

Ji Jinrong reached out his hand and lit a cluster of light blue flames in the palm of his hand.

This flame is exactly the same as the flame controlled by Feng Su.

After the talent awakened, he knew that it was impossible for Feng Shui to break through as quickly as Feng Sui.

Feng Su also has dual spirit roots!

Lian Ping and Yan Hongyu said that Feng Su quietly did his own talent testing.

At that time, Sheng Baishuang was retreating, Lian Ping was busy with the disaster relief, and Yan Hongyu happened to be awkward with Feng Su again-so no one noticed anything wrong.

Feng Su has been hiding very well.

Will Feng Su leave, related to another spiritual root he has?

Just as Guangling Gen will be sought after by people in major families, another attribute will also attract others--

Dark spirit root.

The appearance of the light spirit root will have a vision, and the appearance of the dark spirit root will also. It was said that the disaster was particularly severe that year, and even if Lian Ping came out in person, he could hardly control the violent-moving refugees.

Now it seems that it is no coincidence.

Ji Jinrong clenched his fists.

Just as he didn't tell Feng Su a glance at the "space shuttle", Feng Su didn't tell him the past. Feng Su means that he will definitely come back to him after everything, so that he will not worry and don't worry.

Don't worry about it!

Don't worry, hell!

He didn't even know what danger Feng Feng was facing.

Ji Jinrong stood quietly for a while in the alchemy room and shouted "Fat". Fat and spiritually standing on Ji Jinrong's shoulder, the long "tail" flexed around Ji Jinrong's neck flexibly.

Ji Jinrong and Fatty whispered a few words, walked to the door and gently opened the door.

A group headed by Yu Yue stood in front of the door.

Yu Yue stepped forward, kneeling on one knee, saluting him solemnly and solemnly, and shouting, "Your Majesty!"

Ji Jinrong looked at Yu Yue silently.

Yu Yan looked up and looked at Ji Jinrong.

He didn't know what happened and why Ji Jinrong ran out. He only knew that Feng Su suddenly disappeared, and Ji Jinrong's eyes had a deep sadness.

The grief was heart-wrenching pain, as if watching a big mountain pressing on itself, but he couldn't move at all, and could only wait for death to slowly come.

That kind of pain and despair is beyond Yu Yue's imagination.

Prior to that, he just wanted to listen to Feng Su's words and get rid of the bitter and hazy days.

Yu Yue knew that Ji Jinrong needed this monarch.

He knew better that Ji Jinrong could do better than him.

Ji Jinrong can--

You can find Feng Sui-


Yu Yue maintained a half-kneeling posture, waiting for Ji Jinrong to respond.

Ji Jinrong suddenly looked back.

His eyes glanced at the people who followed Yu Yue half-knelt.

After a while, Ji Jinrong stepped forward to raise Yu Yue: "Get up."

Yu Yue responded.

Ji Jinrong looked at her eyes in pairs.

Ji Jinrong smiled slightly and said, "Go back, I want to take a break first." He added meaningfully, "It's not easy to think about taking a break in the future."

Everyone's spirits were lifted and they broke up.

They have to go back and figure out what to do next.

If they read correctly, the gray ugly bird beside Ji Jinrong had changed a bit. Its feathers began to glow with a faint luster, gradually turning from light gray, which was originally bald, to light red, and a trace of sparks like flames spread slowly on it.

It's not too hot, but it can't be called ugly anymore!

This is Vermillion Bird!

This must be the vermillion bird!

It is rumored that Zhu Niao has an indefinite form, and no one knows what it looks like! Its only characteristic is that it gradually has flame-like feathers as it grows.

Born like a fire.

Every time there is a sign of the Holy Seal, there is always a big flame-like bird hovering in the air. Although the big bird is drawn differently in various scrolls, everyone only remembers its unique name: the bird

Chu bird is here, the Holy One is coming again!

Ji Jinrong stood in place and watched the crowds spread out one after another.

Yu Yue didn't leave.

Yu Yue stared at the chubby fatly. The flame-like color on the fat body faded away.

The gray hair was restored.

Yu Yan's eyes widened: "What's going on? How did it change back to this ugly look?"

Fat, round eyes with anger, screamed at Yu Yue, meaning "you are ugly, your family is ugly."

After staring at it, it looked at Ji Jinrong, and then added another fierce look to Yu Yue: "No, except our family Jin! Our family Jin Jin is beautiful and cute!

Yu Yue: "..."

Damn it! Why does he understand the meaning of this ugly bird!

Fatty: "..."

Too bullying birds, you are ugly!

Fatty uses his head to arch Ji Jinrong's neck and wants Ji Jinrong to "preside justice" for himself.

Ji Jinrong smiled: "Of course we are not fat, we are fat and we are the cutest. We haven't seen those people who have just watched?"

Fat Ji Xun Ji Jinrong happily: "Can you dye it blue next time?"

Ji Jinrong said, "Yes, any color you want!"

Yu Yue: "........."

Seems to have heard something extraordinary.

Yu Xuan came back and stared at Ji Jinrong again: "You lie ?!"

When I saw the "Zhu bird" on Ji Jinrong's shoulder just now, Yu Yue knelt so willingly-even Zhu Niao recognized Ji Jinrong as the master. What else was he fighting with Ji Jinrong? Ji Jinrong has a better talent than him, and his personality is so soft. He took the initiative to "return" the monarch, and Ji Jinrong will definitely not harm him-

Unexpectedly, this ugly bird was not "Zhu Niao", but Ji Jinrong dyed it!

Yu Zheng said, "How can you lie! If they knew--"

Ji Jinrong teased him with a smile: "If you don't let them know, it will become it. Fat likes you so much, so it just talked to you just now, won't you betray it?

Yu Yan's eyes turned to fat.

Fatty also looked at him, with something called "trust" in his eyes.

Yu Yue blushed, neither agreeing nor not agreeing. He was still uneasy: "But if--"

Ji Jinrong said: "No if."

What he wants to get, what he wants to do, he never gets, can't do. Feng Su wanted to solve everything by himself, and he would not obstruct; but asked him to do nothing and wait--


Ji Jinrong couldn't be more familiar with how to make others believe that he was "born in heaven". No matter how powerful his light root is, whether he is fat or not, he will turn it into a fact.

He said it was fat, that was fat.

Of course, it is not enough to rely on "destiny" to win people's hearts.

The world is bustling, all for profit; the world is bustling, all for benefit.

Ji Jinrong reached out and hugged Yu Yue, saying, "Brother Yu Yue, A Su was stolen." He swept Yu Yue's head, "We must find a way to **** him back!"

Yu Yue stayed, he could not scold Ji Jinrong for being too young, he asked anxiously: "Stolen? Who was taken away?" Yu Yue was so angry, "Under the light of day, they dare to know Come to grab someone— "

Ji Jinrong released Yu Yue and said, "I don't know."

Yu Yue calmed down.

Ji Jinrong said, "But like climbing up, the higher you climb, the more things you can see." He said firmly, "As long as we get stronger, everything will naturally be in front of us."

Yu Zheng said, "Okay!" He was very serious, "I listen to you, you can do whatever you say!"

Ji Jinrong smiled: "Brother Yu Yue is so good."

Yu Yue's ears turned red, and she scolded in shame: "I didn't do this because I liked you, I still hate you especially!"

Ji Jinrong said, "Of course, you just want to take back Ah Su as much as I do."

Yu Yue: "..."

Although this guy said what he wanted to say, it still sounded weird.

At this time Sheng Baishuang, Lian Ping, and Yan Hongyu also rushed back.

Seeing Yan Hongyu, Yu Yue shuddered inexplicably, and retreated toward Ji Jinrong.

Ji Jinrong made a meal.

He looked at Yan Hongyu. Yu Yue was going against him a few days ago, how could it be possible to bring someone over to find him like he just did. Yu Yue can "think", someone should help him "think".

As for how to help the law, Yu Yue's fear of Yan Hongyu can be seen.

Definitely not a gentle way!

Ji Jinrong did not delve into it.

Yan Hongyu chose him by starting to give him weight.

Last time he had indicated to Sheng Baishuang that he was leaving, but Sheng Baishuang still arranged for him to attend a class with Yu Yue, there must be her reason.

It now appears that the "cause" should be a red ruby.

When everyone agreed with the "new monarch" of Yu Yue, Yan Hongyu still did not change his choice.

Ji Jinrong didn't care why Yan Hongyu chose her.

To get to a higher position, some means are necessary.

Otherwise, he wouldn't "pretend" for fat.

Ji Jinrong looked seriously and said, "Sister Sheng, Sister Ruby, and A Lian, let's talk."

There are things that cannot be done alone.

Sheng Baishuang, Yan Hongyu and Lian Ping must know more than him.


Mountains of jade.

Every ten years, Qunyushan will hold a Zongmen competition. The so-called Zongmen big match means that the major factions get together to learn from each other, to compare and compare, and to rank well.

Prior to the reappearance of the Holy One, the main disciples would send core disciples to Qunyu Mountain to increase the ratio.

Compared to the beginning of the discussion on martial arts, the current Zongmen is much more modest. Now the main points of the main gates are placed on the back of the gates. The "talks" are the non-stop firearms. After all, the events set at these jade conferences must be followed by all gates. .

Qunyushan is named after its rich production of jade. Any stone on Qunyushan contains great spiritual power and is a natural spiritual tool. But the number of people who come to the group jade every year is numerous, but no one dares to hit these "stone" ideas.

Because there are "mountain keepers" in Qunyushan.

These powerful "guardians" are precisely the reason why the main gates abide by the "resolutions" at the group jade meeting.

Well, people are only more convinced than themselves.

This year, a newcomer came out, and he showed his fame at the group jade meeting. This master is only twenty-three or four-years-old. He joined Zongmen only four years ago, but has become the highest person among Zongmen's younger generation.

Qunyu will compare with this newcomer's seven-game winning streak. Those who bet on him in the black casino have lost their pants!

In the tea house, many people were reading the Qunyuhui Times. At the table by the window, an eighteen-nine-year-old Xuanyi teenager was sitting there drinking tea, holding the "Qunyuhui Times" in a group. In the middle of the newspaper, Yang, printed the portrait of the most discussed person at the group meeting today.

Opposite him, there was a teenager about the same size as him. Compared with the calmness of Xuanyi, the young man was a little cramped and said with anxiety, "Ajin, aren't we going to meet with Master Hongyu?"

Xuan Yi is Ji Jinrong. He said with a smile: "It's hard to come out and play, shouldn't we just stroll around by ourselves?"

Sitting opposite him was naturally Yu Yue. He obviously had a shadow on Yan Hongyu, and this time Ji Jinrong led him and Yan Hongyu away separately. He was really not at ease--for fear that Yan Hongyu would get angry when he found it.

Ji Jinrong saw Yu Yan's face full of embarrassment, and did not tease him: "Don't be afraid, I said to Sister Hongyu."

Yu Yan's ears were red: "I'm not afraid!"

Ji Jinrong looked at him with a smile.

Yu Zheng said, "I respect the Lord Hongyu."

Yu Yue's words were sincere, and at the moment when he saw the result of Ji Jinrong's talent test, he was stunned. After Ji Jinrong left by fat, Yan Hongyu took him away—in that short half an hour, Yan Hongyu told him the gap between him and Ji Jinrong, and also told him that he had to succeed as the monarch Responsibility.

Yan Hongyu let him know that inheriting the monarch's position is not only to enjoy the pleasure of possessing power, status and wealth, but also to carry a heavy burden.

And he has no ability to do that.

Yu Yue is grateful that Yan Hongyu made him understand all this.

Otherwise, he will fight like a fool to become a **** in the hands of others.

Yu Min's face was tight and his expression was serious.

Ji Jinrong's favorite is Yu Yue's momentum. He agreed with Yu Yue's words: "I also respect Sister Hongyu."

He tasted the dim sum of Kou Cha Fang, his eyes brightened. He said, "It tastes really good, you can taste it quickly and talk back to Alian."

Yu Ying said, "Lian Ping has no time to eat." Recently Lian Ping has been so busy that he has no time to make even his beloved cookies. This busy state is not uncommon in these years!

Ji Jinrong said, "Don't you find it funny that A Lian wants to eat but can't?"

Yu Yue: "..."

Yu Yue is injustice for A Lian: "You are too much like this, Lord Lian Ping, he is so good to you!"

"It seems to be overkill," Ji Jinrong said introspectively. "Would you like to ask the store for some of the syrup they used to return to A-lian?"

Yu Yue immediately responded, "Okay!"

Ji Jinrong smiled and watched Yu Yue run away.

The vitality of young people is good.

Ji Jinrong's eyes returned to the Qunyushan Times.

The portrait above was actually Ta Ming An who left the capital four years ago.

Ji Jinrong looked at the introduction written on the report.

In fact, this introduction was already at his desk.

Tiansha Sect.

Not a good place.

To participate in the group jade meeting, of course, Tiansha Sect cannot be classified as evil. But the cultivation method of Tiansha Sect is extremely shameful. Only one in 12 disciples recruited every year can survive-as for how they survive, only they know it!

Thai home has joined Tiansha Sect, no wonder no news in recent years.

With the power of the Thai family to join, Tai Ming'an should not have any hardships.

It's just that he entered Tiansha Sect, but it's difficult to get out.

Ji Jinrong raised her hand to pick up the second piece of cake, but was not delivered to the entrance.

He put the pastry back on the plate.

The path you choose can only be taken by yourself.

Ji Jin glanced out the window.

Coincidentally, the people in the newspaper happened to be surrounded by people.

Tai Ming'an walked in the middle, his face was cold, and his body was hard to hide. The people around him approached Tai Ming'an sideways, but Tai Ming'an didn't respond to a word. Only the impatience on his face let people know that he heard the buzzing of "fly".

Ji Jinrong remembered the little fat man when he first met.

Although his temper was a little bit sloppy and he was a little bit sloppy, he was still a simple boy. Even at the night market four years ago, Tai Ming An hasn't changed much.

It's only been four years now, and Tai Ming'an has become like this.

Ji Jinrong retracted his gaze.

At this time, Yu Yue ran back and cheerfully said to Ji Jinrong, "I'm coming back!"

Yu Yue is now more cheerful than when he first returned to the capital, and more like a child of his age.

Children should really come out to play.

Ji Jin proudly boasted, "Brother Yu Yue is amazing."

Yu Yue: "..."

Always feel weird.