MTL - I [Imperial] Am This Type of Man-Chapter 67 Chief Minister of Conquest (2)

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Chief Minister, meaning the head of the government.

Ji Jinrong "looked through" the information in the light brain, and got a lot of useful information from it.

At present, there are only two people whom Ji Jinrong has contacted: one is the housekeeper Gu Qiushan, and the other is the maid Mesasha. In addition, half of the figures are never seen.

From Gu Qiushan Pass, Ji Jinrong sketched the image of "Minister Kou": a poor family of poor origin, crowded into schools with wealthy children by virtue of their outstanding achievements, and they have a close relationship with them. No small ambition.

When Minister Kou was 23 years old, the Gene Matching Center showed that he and the "emperor of the emperor" have a high gene matching rate bsp; together with a person with a high gene matching rate, they can gradually repair defects in the gene and make themselves The physique has been continuously strengthened, and the life span can be extended accordingly. Therefore, the Minister Kou was selected as the "Imperial husband" and married the "Imperial Emperor" who had fallen asleep in bed for 15 years because of a genetic defect. !!

In fact, in these fifteen years, the power of the royal family has long been emptied, and all decision-making power has been given to the government-government.

The chief minister became the true decision maker of the empire.

Everyone regrets the outstanding Minister Kou, but Minister Kou has not been blocked by a derelict as others expected.

On the contrary, Minister Kou entered the government using his "imperial husband" status.

In less than eight years, Minister Kou has replaced the former chief minister and become the true master of the empire!

At this time, ambitious Minister Kou was only 31 years old.

Ji Jinrong understood this, and immediately understood what Mesa Sa did not finish.

Obviously, he has been settled in this remote place for a long time-Minister Kou has grown so rich that he does not intend to admit this shame-shame marriage!

Mesasa and Gu Qiushan are the only people who are willing to follow him to come here to "rest."

Ji Jinrong understood his situation, and now prevented Gu Qiushan from telling Minister Kou the news that he was awake.

Suddenly they entered a completely different "intermediate civilization" from the past, and they became temporarily dormant. Ji Jinrong pondered over it and thought that the Minister Kou had great potential as a "chaotic thief".

But if you don't see it for yourself, I'm afraid it's hard to determine whether it is!

Therefore, Ji Jinrong decided to conceal the news of "self" awakening first.

This "married" relationship was too dangerous without confirming that the Minister Kou was before Wei Tingjun!

Inexplicably married again, Ji Jinrong has a kind of sadness in her heart. He sighed and got out of bed to exercise his limbs that were not flexible enough.

This body has been lying for eight years-oh no, if all added up, it should have been lying for twenty-three years. Although the level of medicine in this era is good, keeping his whole body muscles and bones at the best level of his peers is still not enough for Ji Jinrong.

Ji Jinrong was spoiled by the first few worlds, hoping to have a more flexible body, more acute hearing, smell, vision and taste.

Fortunately, with the active exercise these days, Ji Jinrong has used this body to become more and more handy.

After Ji Jinrong exercised, she took Mesa to study how to use the oven.

Mesasha gave a little demonstration, Ji Jinrong deliberately, turned out a variety of tutorials from the "book" and started.

While waiting for the cake to be ready, Ji Jinrong turned on the light brain and looked at other contents. It really is a high-level civilization here. Actually, I can put countless "books" into this bright light curtain, and they are all "books" with sound and color. I can even see real people demonstrating inside!

It's really good.

Ji Jinrong has also come into contact with similar artifacts before, but after all, only a few people can own them, unlike one with a manual staff.

The more I understand this era, the more Ji Jinrong finds that the main brain is unreliable, and I feel that this "light brain" has much more functions than the unreliable system of s333!

The cake came out soon, and Mesasa sucked her nose and said happily, "Your Majesty, you are so good! I really made it after just a few glances at the tutorial !!! So fragrant !!!"

Seeing the face of Mesasha, Ji Jinrong thought of Caroline again. Candid girls are always so cute!

Ji Jinrong divided the cake into three pieces, two of which were given to Mesasha and Gu Qiushan.

Gu Qiushan tried hard to keep the rigorous expression on his face, but the corners of his brows couldn't help leaking some happy smiles.

The original owner had no impression of everything outside, but Ji Jinrong inferred from Gu Qiushan's attitude to know how many years Gu Qiushan had been with the original owner.

This is a loyal and great loyal servant.

In contrast, Mesa was eating happily, and she didn't even notice cream stains on her face!

Ji Jinrong enjoyed such a time.

It's just that days can't go on like this.

Ji Jinrong proposed to go for a walk.

Gu Qiushan was worried: "Your Majesty, does Minister Kou really not need to notify me?"

Ji Jinrong knows how Gu Qiushan views his marriage with that "Minister Kou". In the eyes of this loyal servant, they are a rare good match in the world, and they can definitely be with the United States.

Ji Jinrong did not poke Gu Qiushan's delusion.

He followed Gu Qiushan's words, and his expression became somewhat bleak: "I have seen a lot of his information."

Gu Qiushan immediately eased down, and Ji Jinrong went on to say with encouraging eyes.

Ji Jinrong sighed and glanced at Gu Qiushan quietly, with sadness in his eyes, inferiority, and complex emotions. In short, Gu Qiushan's heart was stunned, and he felt very distressed.

Ji Jinrong closed his eyes before he said, "He is so good, just like the stars in the sky. And I know nothing, I don't understand anything, and I have never seen anything like the outside world."

Gu Qiushan said, "Your Majesty, this is not your fault!"

Ji Jinrong smiled smartly: "I know, it's because I have a genetic defect. If I weren't the emperor, I'd be dead long ago, but I can't wait for him to appear."

Gu Qiushan looked at Ji Jinrong's eyes more pitifully.

Ji Jinrong went on to say, "So, I want to go outside and take a look." He was serious and solemn, "I want to try to touch the outside world first and learn what I should know. Before that, I do n’t want to See him early! "

Gu Qiushan thought what Ji Jinrong said was very reasonable. Although he felt that His Majesty and Minister Kou were a match made in heaven, he had to admit that his Majesty is now a little far from Minister Kou-far enough that His Majesty may not understand what Minister Kou said!

If communication is not possible in a marriage, how can it go a long way?

Gu Qiushan said, "Your Majesty, you are right," he promised, "Your Majesty, rest assured, I will arrange it for you. When you go out, I will put a substitute on the bed to ensure that people will not find you awake. "

Ji Jinrong smiled and said, "Thank you Uncle Gu!"

Gu Qiushan looked at Ji Jinrong's happy smile, somehow felt a little sad. For this child, he has spent his childhood and adolescents without even glancing at the outside world, and has become a twenty-four-four-year-old adult-and a married adult!

It may not be possible to accept such a change.

Let him play for a while.

Gu Qiushan has a strong ability to handle affairs and soon helped Ji Jinrong arrange a new identity.

Although the light brain is bound to the individual's genes, as long as the hidden work is done well, outsiders cannot get Ji Jinrong's true identity from the light brain.

At the request of Ji Jinrong, the name of the new identity was "Rong Jin".

Because the original owner had never been out in bed all year round, so no one could recognize his appearance. Ji Jinrong just trimmed his hair slightly, and the whole person looked like a 17-year-old boy. His skin tone was white and his skin was extremely delicate. After conditioning during this period of time, his white-white face was a little flushed, and his bright eyes looked very energetic!

Even Gu Qiushan, who has stood by Ji Jinrong for nearly two decades, almost couldn't recognize it!

Gu Qiushan worried: "Your Majesty, you have to be careful when you go outside." But don't be fooled by that wolf! If there is an embarrassing gossip accidentally, the future will be difficult-the real power of the empire has already fallen into the hands of the chief minister, and if there is another scandal in the royal family, I am afraid that even the nominal royal family will be treated as Not done.

Ji Jinrong narrowed her eyes with a smile: "Of course I'll be careful. Isn't this with Salsa with me?"

Mesasha seriously promised: "I will never let Her Majesty do something wrong!"

Gu Qiushan was even more worried when she thought of Mesa Sa's naive temperament. Unfortunately, it is impossible for him to follow. If no one is here, he will soon be suspected!

Gu Qiushan caught Ji Jinrong and told him for a long time before he said, "Your Majesty, you go, the car is ready for you. In the past two days, you have done enough exercises in the garden and passed the light brain test. It shouldn't be a problem to go out, "he said again," if your Majesty is tired, let Sasa change it. "

Mesasha smiled and narrowed her eyes: "Uncle Gu, you have already said these things."

Ji Jinrong couldn't see Gu Qiushan's reluctance. This loyalty that has evolved into a bloodline affection made him a little moved, and he could not help but open a hand to give Gu Qiushan a hug, "Uncle Gu, we won't go too far, maybe we will come back to dinner with you again at night!"

Gu Qiushan stood in the spot and watched Ji Jinrong and Mesasa leave.

The car is a suspended car, and the tracks are set in the air. Ji Jinrong has to lament the infinite wisdom of human beings. Although the first two worlds can also fly into the air, most of them rely on magic or mounts. They definitely do not rely on such flying tools designed and manufactured by humans!

Ji Jinrong happily wandered around the suspended track.

Mesasha was lying excitedly at the window and looking out.

Ji Jinrong parked the suspended vehicle in the sky parking lot in the city center, and the two returned to the ground along the towering elevator.

Mesasha said: "It turned out to be like this, it's completely different from what you saw in the light brain."

Ji Jinrong raised an eyebrow: "What's different?"

Mesasha took a deep breath of wicked air from the harbour: "It's different. You smell it. I think there must be a lot of fish swimming around, I smell them! And, Mesasha raised her head, blocking the glare of the sun, and said to Ji Jinrong, "There is the sun! The sun is warm on my body! There is wind, the wind blowing from one direction-I see, it seems to be blowing from the southwest side It's here, but I can't smell what it looks like there, I will definitely go and see it in the future! "

Ji Jinrong likes her shiny eyes most.

He led Mesasha on the street.

Soon they came to a big screen.

Mesa Sarah took Ji Jinrong: "Well--Ajin, look! It's Minister Kou, and he's holding a press conference."

Ji Jinrong followed Mei Shasha's gaze and saw a man in his twenties and thirties sitting there stiffly, clearly dressed in the formal clothes of the chief minister, but looking like sitting in a military camp, sitting upright and unbearable Set his eyes on him.

Undeniably, his cheap "huangfu" looks good, at least not the elegant young man in Ji Jinrong's imagination-if he is that kind of guy, he must start preparing for the divorce process!

Ji Jinrong observed the appearance of the Minister Kou, and felt that it was quite in line with his own aesthetic.

Ji Jinrong did not conceal his approval.

Mesasha couldn't bear it.

Mesa Sara pulled Ji Jinrong away.

After exiting the crowd, Methasha whispered to Ji Jinrong: "Ajin, I think you should know something."

Ji Jinrong was slightly surprised and looked at Mesa.

Mesa Sarah Ji Jinrong pulled into the dark and released some pictures with light brain: "There are rumors outside, Minister Kou has people who like it." Even the parliament thinks that, they are about to say "If the emperor never again Wake up, is it possible for Minister Kou to divorce? "

Ji Jinrong raised an eyebrow.

Anyone like it?

Isn't this Minister Kou Wei Tingjun?

Ji Jinrong looked at the photos released by Mesasha. The photo shows an eighteen-nine-year-old boy with his excellent resume below! Although a young boy, he is already a world-renowned master musician. He has composed many wonderful movements, including popular songs floating on the streets and streets, and elegant "new classical music".

It's amazing!

Ji Jinrong fixed his eyes on a photo of a young man playing the piano.

The young man in the photo is wearing white clothes and white pants. The whole person seems to be shrouded in a soft halo, like the most beautiful angel in the sky.

Ji Jinrong is not interested in the romance of young people, young people, and Minister Kou, but is curious about the grand piano that can produce wonderful music.

He said, "This thing seems to be very interesting, and I'm going to play it someday."

Mesasa and Ji Jinrong are the opposite. She has no interest in piano at all, and said arrogantly: "Well, A Jin, if Minister Kou really likes this guy, isn't it a derailment in marriage!"

Ji Jinrong said, "Don't get angry." He activated Light Brain and pulled out the recruitment news he had noticed a while ago. "Let's get something to eat on the road, and then go to‘ Minister Kou ’’s home to apply.”

Methasha opened her eyes and said, "Apply?"

Ji Jinrong said: "Yeah, District A-the government is recruiting chefs and doctors, let's try it. Some things are deceptive and seeing is true. Take a closer look to determine if he really loves marriage. Someone other than a partner. "

In fact, Ji Jinrong is going to determine if that guy is Wei Tingjun. If not, then quickly find a way to terminate the marriage contract, slip!

Mesasha was worried: "If so? What should I do?"

Ji Jinrong's eyes covered Lengmang and sneered, "Of course it was to beat him first and then dissolve the marriage relationship with him!"