MTL - I Plunder Endlessly In the Interstellar Age-Chapter 10 An impossible matchup?

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Chuxue was also a little anxious, worried about Chen Han's irrationality, she was well aware of Ao Feng's strength, and Chen Han, who is not yet a pilot, would undoubtedly be wishful thinking if he wanted to fight against Ao Feng.

If Ao Feng really agreed, then Chen Han's future would be difficult.

Ao Feng couldn't see Chen Han's aggressive tactics, but he wasn't worried.

On the contrary, he really wants to play a game. After all, he has never had a chance to play in today's game, and he is really overwhelmed.

"I will use the most common mecha, and don't use accessories, so as not to be accused of bullying you." Ao Feng had a look of contempt on his face.

"No, you can just use this one, so that you won't say I won't win by force." Chen Han pointed to the undamaged revenge-level mecha next to it, which was used by Ao Feng in the competition just now.

After provocations one after another, Ao Feng finally couldn't bear it any longer, and suddenly approached Chen Han's face with a ferocious expression: "Little bastard, don't think that so many people are afraid to fight ruthlessly when they look at me, today I will fight in the ring!" leave you alone!"

Chen Han looked into Ao Feng's eyes quietly, without any fear: "I hope your strength is as strong as your mouth. See you on stage in five minutes."

After finishing speaking, Chen Han turned around and left, walking towards Chuxue's preparation area, Chuxue took a look at Ao Feng and quickly followed.

"He is a strong control pilot, are you... sure you want to fight him?" She didn't know how to dissuade Chen Han.

"I know, but it's not enough for him to win. Can you lend me a mecha?" Chen Han turned his head and chuckled, but he didn't see the tension before the battle.

"Of course, you can use my fight, the strength is about the same as his." Chuxue also really wanted Chen Han to win, at least not to lose so ugly.

"No, yours is a thunder mech. I'm not used to it, but your team member's is pretty good." Chen Han pointed to a red and blue mech in the preparation area as he spoke.

"This one? This is a night-level hurricane-type mech, it's unstoppable." Chuxue was a little surprised.

There are five types of mechs: Thunder, Groundbreaker, Blade, Hurricane, and Gun.

The thunder type is biased towards melee attack, the ground splitting type is biased towards melee defense, the hurricane type is biased towards long-range high-speed roaming, the gun type is biased towards long-range station output, and the blade type is mostly special mechs.

Under normal circumstances, the ground-splitting type can restrain the hurricane type. This is common sense, and it is impossible for Chen Han not to know.

"I don't intend to confront him head-on, I just want him to know that the theory I said yesterday is correct." Chen Han's eyes were full of firmness.

"This..." Chuxue was speechless for a while, and used the night-level mecha to fight the Vengeance-level. The model was restrained, and he was still facing someone stronger than himself. No matter how he looked at it, he had no chance of winning. Chen Han was either ignorant or had absolute confidence.

A few minutes later, Chuxue and Ao Feng simultaneously sent a request to the referee to open the curtain and play an extra match.

The referee agreed after discussing with the school leaders for a while. This kind of duel is a common occurrence in the school, let alone Chuxue and Ao Feng's request.

The audience who hadn't left the venue also noticed this situation, got excited and sat back in their seats.

Although today's match gave them a lot of surprises, it was a pity that they did not see Ao Feng's performance. They all felt that Ao Feng did not win the championship that he deserved because he was deceived.

Seeing the audience's reaction, Ao Feng was very satisfied, it was his turn to perform, it was a great game.

Chen Han glanced at the battle stage, took a deep breath, and buried himself in the mecha.

This is the first time he has fought against a real person, but he has piloted the mecha countless times before, and the basic knowledge is even clearer, it is time to practice.

The audience looked at Chen Han, whom they had never seen before, and they all speculated about his background and why he fought with Ao Feng.

In particular, Chen Han is still driving a night-level mecha, which is a bit outrageous. Isn't the night-level mecha fighting with the revenge-level mecha to death?

Following the signal from the referee, the match officially started. Ao Feng drove the mech and drew out his lightsaber and rushed towards Chen Han immediately.

In order to prove his strength, he wanted to kill Chen Han directly, intending to end the battle within thirty seconds.

The mecha driven by Chen Han is equipped with an m5 sniper gun and six powerful armor shells.

The moment Ao Feng moved, Chen Han also moved, with a "bang", the sniper gun fired first, and the entire mecha also retreated.

Ao Feng didn't dodge and let the sniper bullet hit his knee.

His mecha is characterized by thick armor, high durability, and all the accessories are defense-enhanced, it is difficult to break the defense, and the fault tolerance rate is very high.

But Chen Han's mecha is different, as long as he gets close to him, it will disappear, he just needs to rush over.

The commentator and the audience sighed when they saw that Chen Han's attack only hit the place where Ao Feng didn't hurt or itch.

If Chen Han can hit the key point of Ao Feng, maybe there is still a chance, but now it seems that it is gone.

Chen Han didn't seem to be affected, and kept attacking while retreating, the "bang bang" sound of the sniper cannon sounded one after another, and every shot could successfully hit the lower half of Ao This scene made the commentators anxious. If you say that Chen Han can't play correctly, he has already hit the center of Aofeng. If you want to say correctly, he played in unimportant positions, which is an invalid output.

The audience also watched nervously, because Ao Feng and Chen Han were already very close, and they might collide at any time.

However, after observing for five seconds, the audience gradually realized something was wrong. Chen Han was not caught up, but miraculously maintained a clever distance of about three meters, as if he was leading Ao Feng while running.

Ao Feng on the field has a more intuitive feeling. There is a clear gap between his moving speed and Chen Han, and he is always being pulled. Chen Han can use this to take the initiative.

The most frightening thing is that Chen Han never had time to attack from the very beginning. He kept firing efficiently while moving at high speed, which itself was not easy to do.

It's just that no one can understand what Chen Han is always doing to hit Ao Feng's legs, since he obviously has a chance to hit a vital part.

Just when everyone was puzzled, Ao Feng suddenly staggered, half-kneeling on the ground, and opened a considerable distance from Chen Han.

This scene also caused the audience to exclaim, and some even stood up, wanting to see clearly what happened.

The commentators were also dumbfounded. The moment just happened too fast, and they also didn't see it clearly.

Only Chuxue, who was closest to the battlefield, subconsciously clenched her fists and almost exclaimed.

She has been watching Chen Han's every move since the beginning of the game. At first, she didn't understand why Chen Han was always attacking places that didn't hurt or itch.

But when Ao Feng staggered, she finally saw clearly that Chen Han was attacking the same area in order to quickly break through the defense.

Once a position like the knee is damaged, it will definitely affect the speed of movement, and may even lose the ability to move.