MTL - I Plunder Endlessly In the Interstellar Age-Chapter 399 break into the fortress

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The specific method is also very simple, that is, under the guidance of zero, open the surrounding adjacent blocks and pour in.

If there is resistance, the enemy will be killed, and if there is no resistance, the enemy will be captured. If there is no one, the next block will be opened and the previous steps will continue.

According to Zero's preliminary statistics, the entire planetary fortress is divided into a core block, at the very center.

Surrounded by twelve large blocks, each large block is divided into 36 medium-sized blocks, and each medium-sized block is divided into 240 small blocks, adding up to 100,000 small blocks. There are blocks.

Now the million mechas they sent are scattered in the outermost small blocks, and they can occupy every small block by cannibalizing.

Until it becomes occupied medium, then large, until the final core block.

Since the area of ​​a small block is equivalent to the size of a town on a regular planet, with a variety of bionic environments and buildings, it takes a lot of time to fully occupy it.

A million mechas are divided into tens of thousands of groups, responsible for different corresponding areas, and it takes many days to do it.

Fortunately, Beiliang has already made full preparations. This trip will surely succeed, and this battle will surely win!

While Beiliang started to move, the law enforcers hadn't recovered from the cracking of the planetary fortress, especially the location of the core block.

"Why hasn't the backup power been restored?! How long has it been?!" In the combat room, looking at the extremely dim emergency light on the top, Chou Qi roared again.

It has been more than a week since the power outage, and intelligence, electricity, and communication have failed at the same time, which has never happened since he arrived here.

He also knew that this must be Beiliang's fault, and it was a sign that the planetary fortress was cracked.

The most important thing at the moment is of course to restore the power system and communication, otherwise internal information cannot be transmitted to each other, and they will not know what happened, and they will not be able to do anything.

Fortunately, in addition to intelligent control, there is also a backup power supply, which can be turned on manually, and he let people pass by more than 50 minutes ago.

But until now, the power in the war room has not been restored. Could it be that all the people he sent out have died?

Since it was a war room, and he had been contending with the geeks from Beiliang during this period of time, there were still many law enforcement officers on the field, most of them were geeks.

But when the screen in front of them was turned off, they looked very helpless as they were unarmed, and could only discuss in disorder.

Hearing Gong Qi's roar, instead of becoming quiet, the field became even more noisy.

A few seconds later, a young man with a stamp on his epaulettes who looked like an adjutant ran over: "Sir, the backup power has not been used for hundreds of years. There may be a small problem. Our people still need a little time." ..."

In fact, his statement is conservative. Things like backup power may not have been used for hundreds of years.

Not to mention Prison Qi, even Prison Qi's last term, and how many times he has been in office, has no activation record.

Although there are daily inspections, but most of them are fooling around, especially during the tenure of Yuan Qi, he didn't take the initiative to pay attention to it.

After all, this is a planetary fortress, representing the highest standard of technological crystallization in the Milky Way system. Who would have thought that such a place would lose power...

"Hurry up! Hurry up!" Prison Qi didn't know what to say, so he could only keep urging.

For this, he is also responsible, the supervision is not strict, and he has not conducted relevant simulations at ordinary times. Now that he encounters problems, it is naturally a mess.

It is mainly backed by the Phobos system, controlled by Edith, without any external pressure, and is used to being slack.

Now without the help of the Phobos Department, they naturally seem to have lost their backbone.

I don't know when it started, the Federation of Law Enforcers of the Tianhe System, behind the brilliance, is rotten to the bone.

The adjutant didn't know what to say, and his expression was slightly embarrassed. There was no communication now, so he could only wait.

Ten seconds later, it may be that the staff finally fixed it, and the entire war room suddenly lit up.

Then there were the sounds of various screen restarts, as well as the cheers of law enforcement officers.

The anxious prisoner Qi's eyes lit up: "Quick...quick...check the situation of the security system...recover the radar as quickly as possible...prevent Beiliang's warships from approaching..."

Of course, he is most concerned about Beiliang now. The planetary fortress has been cracked for so long, and the Beiliang fleet must have taken some action. It's just a step he saw.

Bei Liang must not be allowed to come in, Bei Liang must not be allowed to come in, this is what Qiu Qi has been muttering in his heart.

The surrounding law enforcement officers are also extremely nervous, and the movements of Beiliang are indeed related to their lives.

As the screens of various sizes lighted up, a scene that stunned everyone on the field soon appeared.

The screens that should have displayed normal codes and data were not the same as before, but all turned into blue screens.

There is a mechanical voice repeating a passage, to the effect that Beiliang is taking over the planetary fortress, so that the law enforcement officers will stop making meaningless resistance.

Because there are too many screens on the field and they are all synchronized, the sound is particularly loud.

After hearing this passage, everyone on the field changed their faces drastically, they knew what it meant.

The young adjutant trembled even more: "Sir...all our modules have not been restored...the security system is fully controlled by Beiliang...they may..."

He really wanted to say that Bei Liang might have come in, but he couldn't get out of his mouth.

"Impossible! Impossible! Turn off all these things! Restore communication immediately! Gather our mecha army and go to the border area!" Cun Qi waved his hands continuously, his face flushed.

In fact, he knew that when all the defense systems and weapons of the planetary fortress were under control, there was a high probability that Beiliang's mechas would take the opportunity to enter the arena.

But he can't admit it, otherwise people's hearts will be scattered, and he can't really just give up resistance according to the voice on the screen, right?

Although I don't know what method Beiliang used, but now Beiliang's fleet can only approach. If you want to break into and occupy the planetary fortress, you have to rely on mechas.

It happened that he had a lot of pilots and mechas in the planetary fortress. After all, after the Tianhe system was controlled by Beiliang recently, the law enforcement officers had nowhere to go, and they all stayed in the planetary fortress.

As long as the mech legion gathers together and relies on the terrain to resist, there is still a great chance of being able to defend it.

Anyway, Prison Qi has already made up his mind, even if it is a hard delay, he must persist for a month, and he must not lose.

Under the urging of Qiu Qi, the young adjutant could only bite the bullet and give orders.

He had to get someone to connect to the temporary signal station with the newly restored backup power, so that the communication in the planetary fortress could be used, or it could only be done in the way of Tianxun.

Because all intelligently controlled things have failed, only artificial intelligence can be normal.

However, after finally setting up the team channel, after talking for a few minutes, the young adjutant's expression changed drastically again, and he turned his head to look at Prison Qi: "Sir... our mecha corps has contacted, they have contacted me a few minutes ago Preparations are completed in their respective regions."

"But the area they are in has been blocked, and they can't get out at all, and they can't provide support..."

This news made Prisoner Qi stunned for a moment, as if he didn't react immediately.

After a few seconds, he froze: "Is there something wrong with all the blocks?"

After staying in the planetary fortress for so long, he is very clear about the structure here.

Although each block has a strict division, it is usually not blocked.

Because there are a large number of people living in the planetary fortress, there are regular planets, and there are also planetary fortresses.

Before the blockade, it was a whole similar to the planetary ecology, and after the blockade, it was an independent individual.

Dividing blocks is not only convenient for management, but also for defense.

For example, in case the enemy invades, the block can be blocked to block the enemy and delay time.

It doesn't make any sense to seal it up when you don't say it's okay.

Planetary fortresses like the Milky Way have not been blocked for many years.

Now hearing that Bei Liang actually used the method they used for defense to assist in the attack, Prison Qi was of course surprised. How could these people come up with anything?

"All blocks are blocked, including the core block where we are..." the adjutant's voice became smaller and smaller.

While talking, he also subconsciously wanted to call up the current structure diagram of the planetary fortress, but failed, because this function was also under the control of Zero.

This also made Yuan Qi's face extremely bitter, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

You must know that there are nearly 100,000 small blocks in the planetary fortress. Beiliang actually has the ability to block all of them in such a short time?

Even if one is blocked every second, it won't be so fast, right?

Even if he doesn't want to admit it, Prison Qi knows that the current situation is extremely embarrassing.

First of all, the security system was cracked, and the situation around the planetary fortress and the movements of the Beiliang Fleet were unknown.

Secondly, their enforcers, the Federal Air Mecha Legion, were blocked in different blocks, and it was impossible to complete the assembly in a real sense.

You can only wait for the enemy to find you, and you cannot defend effectively.

Under such circumstances, the invasion of Beiliang is inevitable, and they will probably be like a mess of loose sand, forming a one-sided situation.

Just when the scene became awkward again, the blue main screen in the war room suddenly changed, as if it was a prelude to some kind of communication.

Prison Qi didn't understand, so he glanced at the adjutant.

The adjutant spread his hands, indicating that he hadn't done anything.

A few seconds later, Chen Han's virtual projection appeared on the screen, startling Qiu Qi.

The enemy who has been thinking about it day and night, did not expect to meet in such a defenseless way.

In fact, Beiliang had contacted him several times before, but he rejected them all.

The main reason is that Chen Han is too insidious, and it is very likely that what he said will be released in the form of a video.

If the outside world knew that he was negotiating with gangsters, the scolding would be even more serious.

So this is actually the first face-to-face meeting between Qiao Qi and Chen Han.

Not to mention the surrounding law enforcement officers, their eyes widened.

They all know that the person in front of them is the number one enemy of the Tianhe Law Enforcer Federation, and any law enforcer with a sense of justice wants to bring him to justice.

It's just that now it seems that what they expected may not be possible.

"We finally met. It's not easy to see you." Chen Han spoke first, with a peaceful smile on his face.

At present, the entire planetary fortress is under zero control, and it is not difficult to contact Prison Qi.

It's just that he has been busy arranging troops in front of him, so he doesn't care.

I just heard from Zero that the backup power system in many areas of the planetary fortress has been restored, and there are still uncontrollable communications going back and forth, and the source is the war room in the core area.

He asked Ling to directly establish communication with the war room, and sure enough, Prison Qi was here.

"What do you want?!" Prison Qi stood up straight, and replied not to be outdone.

The incident happened suddenly, and at this moment he didn't know what to say.

"You should have received the voice broadcast, right?" Chen Han asked slowly, not caring about the fierce look in Qiu Qi's eyes.

Now that the millions of mechas brought by Beiliang have launched an attack, he has a lot of time to argue with Prison Qi.

Of course, it's not just nonsense, the most important thing is to see if you can convince this person.

If Cun Qi is willing to take the lead in surrendering, it will shorten a lot of time in the future.

"Don't think about it, although the Tianhe system is weak, there are only enforcers who stand and die, and there are no enforcers who surrender!" Prisoner Qi replied solemnly.

But from the flickering eyes, he could feel that he was very guilty when he said these words, he didn't really think so, but he had to say so.

After all, I don't know if Chen Han is playing tricks, he has to beware of some small tricks that Beiliang is used to.

Of course, Chen Han could see Yuan Qi's thoughts, and the smile on his face became even brighter: "Don't pretend, we don't need to pretend now, Beiliang's mechas have been arranged around the periphery, and they are moving towards the core. attack."

"Three days at the fastest, five days at the slowest, we can really face to face, and then we can have a good talk."

While talking, Chen Han stretched his waist very relaxedly, showing the coziness to the fullest, which was in stark contrast to the tense expression on Yuan Qi's face.

Relying on Zero's voice broadcast alone will certainly not have much impact on Yuanqi, he has to do something himself to defeat Yuanqi's psychological defense.

Prison Qi is not stupid, he knew Chen Han's intentions, he was stunned for a moment and then sneered: "Boy, don't try to fool me, I have lived decades longer than you, I am very familiar with those ways."

Even though his heart was already shaken, Qiao Qi still insisted on speaking out.

No matter what, the first time you face to face, the momentum must not be suppressed.

"Oh, I forgot, you can't see the current situation there." Chen Han didn't care what Qiuqi said, but patted his forehead deliberately.

Immediately afterwards, the monitoring screen on Prison Qi's side resumed and he could clearly see the real-time scenes of some small areas around the planetary fortress.

The above is not as peaceful as before, but a mess everywhere, with mechs running rampant.

Although resistance happened from time to time, it was only a flash in the pan, and was soon overwhelmed by the frenzy of mechas in Beiliang.

No matter where it is, it is a scene of overwhelming momentum. Beiliang has already occupied one tenth of the block.

If things go on like this, the planetary fortress will fall within three days at the fastest and five days at the slowest, as Chen Han said.

Thank you very much for the 5,000 book coins rewarded by Brother Qi!

Thank you very much for the 1500 book coins rewarded by an ordinary reader!

Thank you very much for the 2000 book coins rewarded by Brother Hao!

(end of this chapter)