MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 43 Horror variety (eight)

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Hearing the sound of the hand being pressed outside the door, Cheng Zhichu was extremely nervous. He thought that Zhou Luochen might go back and wanted to hide in the closet. However, after he suddenly relaxed, his hands and feet seemed to have lost strength and remained soft. Until the person outside the house opened the door, he still did not get into the closet.


As the door was pushed open, the person standing outside showed the truth. Cheng Zhichu, who was kneeling on the door of the cabinet, held his breath at that moment, and his heart hung up, but suddenly he found that the person was not Zhou Luochen. .

The figure of the youngster's straight-end show appeared at the door, his eyes stalking in the house, and Cheng Chengchu, who was shrunk into a group and tried to hide himself, suddenly shrank slightly and his legs involuntarily took a small step forward.

This is Bai Yi when I was young...?

Cheng Zhichu recognized the identity of the young man and sighed with relief. He sat down on the ground and grabbed his chest and gasped. He was glad that it was not the metamorphosis.

Although the game is over, the feeling of oppression that Zhou Luochen brought to Cheng Zhichu has not subsided, and he is very afraid to meet each other again.

And why he hasn't gone out of the painting... Isn't that ghost wanting to go back?

Cheng Zhichu’s heart was a bit embarrassing, but after waiting for a while, the new blood words did not emerge. Instead, the teenager slowly walked towards him, half-squatting in front of him, and the light was full of unusually complex emotions, reaching out to himself. The hand touched Cheng Zhichu’s cheek very lightly and lightly.


Cheng Zhichu subconsciously shrank back, and the young man immediately took back his hand and dared not touch Cheng Zhichu again.

His look was no longer dark and cold, and the light of Cheng Zhichu was as soft as water. It seemed to see a distant dream, but it was so easy to break, and it was gentle and gentle. It seemed to be afraid that Cheng Zhichu would be in the first moment. His face disappeared.


The teenager lowered his eyelashes, his voice was low, with a slight trembling.

"It's my fault."

"I am hurting you to be brought here."

"I am really sorry."

Cheng Zhichu stunned and reacted for a few seconds before he understood what the teenager was saying—because the boy painted the portrait and was seen and collected by Zhou Luochen, which led him to be kidnapped by Zhou Luochen.

But how can this blame Bai Yi? He did not know that his painting teacher turned out to be such a beastly beast, and it seemed that Bai Yi seemed to save him before he entered here, and he also took great risks.

Not to mention Bai Yi, who is a copy, is his good friend. Even if this is just a strange child, Cheng Zhichu will not blame the other party.

"It doesn't matter, I won't blame you, I want to thank you for coming to me."

Seeing the beautiful and beautiful face of the boy revealing a stunned look, Cheng Zhichu felt a soft heart, could not help but comfort him, and reached out and touched his hair, found that the touch was very good, and could not help but touch a few more.

When I was a child, I was so cute, so beautiful and beautiful, who can bear to see him sad...

Feeling that I was touched by Cheng Zhichu, the boy immediately raised his head, and his eyes were slightly enlarged, showing a hint of surprise. It seemed that some people were unbelievable, but they were not hated, and they were comforted.

Cheng Zhichu suddenly had some subtle smugness. After all, Bai Yi was touching his head every time. How can he give Bai Yishun hair, and it seems that Bai Yi, who was a child, seems to like this...

He completely forgot that he was a child smaller than the younger Bai Yi. He showed his self-righteous old father's expression, opened his hands, and wanted to hold the boy into his arms, giving him spiritual dependence and comfort.

However, in the eyes of young people, it is the cute boy who is wet and wet. The look of panic and panic on the little face has not faded. The slim and thin body is slightly trembled, and he wants to hug himself.


Cheng Zhichu was about to embrace the boy, but he felt that his eyes were suddenly blackened, and he was shrouded in shadows for a moment. Then he was tightly embraced by the boy, and his body was closely attached. The warm body temperature passed through the cloth, and the back was passed. Gently patted by one hand.

"Oh, don't be afraid, it's okay."

The whole body was embraced by the young boy, and was patted on the back. He calmly comforted him. Cheng Zhichu opened his mouth silently, and his face was a little stiff.

No, isn’t it that he should comfort Bai Yi? Why is it finally reversed...

However, the taste of the boy was very good, and the embrace was so warm. He was held by him. Cheng Zhichu had to admit that he was indeed comforted. He could only abandon this old face and honestly lie in his youth.

They hugged for a while, and suddenly there was a strange sound outside. The handsome teenager looked out and didn't seem to care much, but he let the boy gently let go and said in a very gentle tone.

"Come, I will take you out."

Cheng Zhichu did not know if Zhou Luochen was still outside, showing a hesitant expression. The juvenile saw him and appeased him. He said, "Nothing, he is not there, you can't see him."

After he finished, he noticed that the boy was barefooted, bare. There were still a few bruises on the white skin that was exposed to the outside, and the tip of his finger was still stained with blood. His deep sputum suddenly condensed a layer. Ice, showing the violent killing.

Only his movements were still soft. When the boy did not wear shoes, he straightened his hand through his leg and hugged the whole person and hugged the boy out of the room.


Cheng Zhichu subconsciously grabbed the neck of the boy, his face turned red, and whispered: "Without this, I can go on my own."

It was too shameful to be hugged by Princess Bai Yi! !

"Nothing, you are not convenient to walk, I am holding you." The teenager bowed his head and smiled at him. "You are very light, I can't move, I won't let you fall."

But this is not a question of whether or not it will fall!

Cheng Zhichu is arguing that he will be thrown out by Bai Yi, so Bai Yi will not hold him away. But it is a pity that Bai Yi’s arms are very powerful and he is very stable. He just took him down the stairs.

Bai Xixing sat on the sofa on the first floor, heard the footsteps, looked up and looked at the past, and saw the young boy's look as gentle as water, and carefully moved the boy down the stairs.

In his impression, the cousin is always cold and alienated, and why has he exposed this appearance, can not help but sit up straight from the sofa, staring at them both, showing a ghostly expression .

Cheng Zhichu thought that Bai Xixing was looking at him incredulously, and he was ashamed of it. He directly abandoned himself and buried his face in the chest of the teenager, pretending that he had not seen anything.

"Brother, you..."

Bai Xixing’s eyes were very complicated, and he was about to talk. There was a strange sound coming upstairs again, like something falling on the ground and the sound of a chair dragging on the ground.

"what happened?"

Cheng Zhichu was a little uneasy. He looked up and asked Bai Yi quietly: "Is that... the one who tied me?"

He did not see Zhou Luochen on the first floor. Is it this metamorphosis that made this sound upstairs? Did Bai Yi tie him up?

"do not worry."

The teenager put him on the sofa, smiled softly at him, and glanced at him with a light glance.

Bai Xixing knew very well and immediately said: "Nothing, you don't have to worry, I will go and see." He said that he ran to the second floor and entered a room, and the weird voice disappeared immediately. It is.

"We have contacted your family and they should come soon, you can wait for them with confidence."

The teenager said with a smile, and touched the hair of Cheng Zhichu at the same time: "Tired? Do you want to sleep for a while?"

Cheng Zhichu shook his head. He didn't know when the game would end. How could he fall asleep with confidence?

The juvenile hand seemed to have magic power. It didn't take long for him to feel extremely sleepy. He lay down and rested on the teenager's thigh. He patted his body gently, closed his eyes, and slept in a faint manner.


When Cheng Zhichu opened his eyes again, he found himself returning to the original villa. At this time, the sky was completely black, and the house could not see anything. Only a strong **** smell pervaded the air.

Is this the ghost who put him back from the painting?

Cheng Zhichu stunned for a few seconds, and the ghost was still trustworthy. The big stone pressed in his heart finally fell to the ground and slowly spit out a breath.

He groped the wall and turned on the light inside the house. Everything seemed to have changed nothing, but when he turned and looked at the wall, he was surprised to find that the portrait disappeared, leaving only a white wall that was whiter than others, representing what was there. Things have been hanging here for a long time.


The ghosts of several children explored the small body from behind the bed and quietly looked over at him, but after touching his gaze, they immediately shrank back, revealing only a pair of curious eyes.

Thinking of their origins, Cheng Zhichu felt very sad and sad. She barely showed a smile and waved at them. The little ghosts looked bright and probed and found out that they wanted to approach him.

go back.

The blood words appeared on the ground, and the small ghosts immediately spread out in all directions, through the wall, and ran clean.

You won the game.

By agreement, all of you can leave.

"Do you really let us go?"

Seeing the blood words, Cheng Zhichu was a little unbelievable. He still remembers the "I love you" in the house. It seems to be full of madness and distorted emotions. But whoever thinks of ghosts now has the opposite performance, it is so dull. Tell him that he can leave now.

Is there any conspiracy in this ghost?

Cheng Zhichu was still not at ease, and waited for a while in the same place, but the blood words did not appear again.

The room was quiet, only the corpse fell to the ground, proving that the existence of the ghost is not his illusion, but it is completely silent, it seems that he does not want to communicate with Cheng Zhichu.

Anyway, let the white schoolmaster leave them and say it.

Cheng Zhichu remembered that the ghost once said that it placed other people in a certain room. So he searched one by one, and finally found the injured Xiao Liu and two other staff members in the study, telling them that they can go out.

The other three experienced these weird things. I don’t know where there really are ghosts. However, Cheng Zhichu now told them that they could go out. In shock, all three people decided that he must be a smart wrist. Except for the ghosts, they destroyed the villains and saved all of them.

"Master Cheng, thank you, thank you very much..."

The joy of escaping from the dead made the three big men a little choked, and shook hands with Cheng Zhichu, and called a "master", letting Cheng Zhichu feel awkward and immediately explained that he was not a ghost teacher, but the three seemed to Not much believe it is.

"Let's go, let's talk to Yunxiao and Bai Xuechang when you go downstairs, let them go."

Seeing that they refused to change their mouths, Cheng Zhichu had to transfer the topic and said so.

“Does the master not leave?” the photographer asked with amazement. “Why not go with us?”

"I still have something to stay with." Cheng Zhichu replied ambiguously, "...well, similar to the complete supernaturalness of the dead soul here."

"Super soul... You are too modest, and you are not a master!"

The other three people were shocked and revered, and looked at Cheng Zhichu’s eyes more awe, as if they were in front of them.


Cheng Zhichu's surface is not moving, but actually the heart is very embarrassed, just want to find a seam to drill in, he is going to go over, it is clear to find the ghost here, and the ghost kiss...

But on a certain level, kissing sounds more powerful than superb...

The three people went with great gratitude, and let Cheng Zhichu rest assured that they promised to be called Bai Xixing and others to leave.

After a while, Cheng Zhichu heard a voice coming downstairs, followed by footsteps and the sound of the door being opened and closed. He glanced at the stairs and confirmed that everyone else had safely left the villa.

Now he is left alone.

Cheng Zhichu spit out a sigh of relief, although it was a bit nervous, but it was much better than before, because it seems that even a ghost, there is no such a terrible Zhou Luochen.

Now Cheng Zhichu has been able to basically conclude that this ghost is not Zhou Luochen. Although the little ghosts here are somewhat afraid of this ghost, they are not such deep fears and no resentment. This is not the attitude towards the murderer who killed them.

And the ghost said that he loves him, but Zhou Luochen is not, he is just a pure madman, just want to kill him.

But if it is not Zhou Luochen, who is the ghost? Is it a child killed by Zhou Luochen?

If it is not because Bai Yi and Bai Xuechang are still alive, he wants to guess one of them.

Cheng Zhichu thought for a moment, there is no clue about the identity of the ghost, but fortunately this time the main task did not require him to find out the truth, just let him escape, and kiss the boss...

Wait, this is not a realistic copy that he accidentally encountered, but why is it still required to collect the illustrations? Isn't this a coincidence, but is he destined to make a realistic copy?

[I was noticed by you. 】

The system has been open for a long time: [Although the chances of players encountering real copies are extremely low, it is almost impossible, but it is inevitable to put them on you. Yes, the illustrations need to collect the bosses of the actual copies, and there is more than one . 】

Cheng Zhichu's face changed: why don't you tell me earlier! ? At least let him have a mental preparation!

[Hey, I didn't mean it, because I wasn't sure if I really want to collect the boss of the actual copy. I just know that if there is one, there will be more than one, and I don't know the exact amount. 】

The system screams, said: [Forget it, you continue to cheer, anyway, it will be all in the morning and evening, it does not matter. 】

It doesn't matter! !

Cheng Zhichu was awkward in his heart. When he thought of it, he might not be peaceful when he returned to reality. He felt that the future was extremely dark, and he only wanted to dig a hole and bury himself.

However, this is just a random thought. After all, he does not want to die. At present, the urgent task is to complete this copy first.

Why don't you leave?

When Cheng Zhichu was communicating with the system, he did not need to speak out, and it seemed to be in a daze. Perhaps it was because he had been standing still for too long, and the **** words of the blush came out on the wall, with a bit of cold taste.

"I want to meet you."

Seeing the appearance of blood words, Cheng Zhichu said: "Let me see what you are like."

The blood word has not changed, nor has it subsided. It seems that the ghosts hiding in the darkness are stunned.

"You are not saying that you love me? From small to large, I have not been confessed, I am really touched." Cheng Zhichu casually said nonsense, "So I want to see you before I leave."

This time the ghost finally reacted.

I won't see you, you are leaving here.

"You just said that you love me, but now you have to drive me away?"

He found that the ghost did not want to see him. Cheng Zhichu was a little anxious, slightly raising his tone, and he did not want to say: "If you love me, you will come to see me, or you will not really love me!"

The blood was suddenly dissipated from the wall.

Cheng Zhichu waited for a long time, but he never saw the ghost.


Finally he came to a conclusion.

...he seems to scare away the ghost.


Bai Yi's Diary · Part 43

After being brought out of the villa by his parents, he was born with a serious illness. After he woke up, he forgot everything he had experienced in the city of C. He did not have the slightest impression on me and the man.

fair enough.

He doesn't remember those things being the best.


Bai Xixing's Diary · Excerpt

The child named Cheng Zhichu forgot about his experience of being kidnapped by Zhou Luochen. This is a good thing.

It was the cousin who found that Cheng Zhichu also did not remember him and was depressed for a whole month.

I told him that you can go back and know with Cheng Zhichu, but the cousin has not been put into action. I analyzed it and felt that he did not dare.

He even dared to kill Zhou Luochen, but he did not dare to meet with Cheng Zhichu.

... I don't know how to describe him.

The author has something to say: jj's temper is not good, I still can't reply to the comment, wait for me to return to the duck tomorrow qaq

Thanks to Yi Xiaonian's rocket launcher x3, Leihong's grenades & mines, grenade pretending to be cats, and tears of warmth, star zero, Zhao Zhao love duck (I also like), Wang Du, Qi Mu, Ling Ling Yao Lucy Hartfili, 1279 is already a landmine that is a waste of liao, philosopher, cockroach and wind oil! =3=2k novel reading network