MTL - I Upended Yet Another Campus Urban Legend-Chapter 216 216

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Three months after 167 participants entered the world of the 0-1 rule, the student council held its final meeting.

The people sent by the student union have successfully spent three months outside without dying. While their relatives and friends don't remember who they are, those around them remember them.

At the meeting, someone sorted out the information and handed it over to Ou Ying, "Sister Ou Ying, the list you want."

Ou Ying said: "Thank you, hard work."

Ou Ying took a look at the list.

The first on the list is 'Jiang Tao'.

Students who committed suicide at the Unnatural University are finally no longer tortured by no one, they are freed, and those death numbers are finally removed from them.

Ou Ying put down the materials and took a deep breath: "I announce that we can finally leave the Unnatural Engineering University."

"Thank you for your hard work with everyone in the past few years."


The participants left one after another, and finally Wang Feihang was left at the meeting.

Wang Feihang handed Ou Ying a list. This list was so thick that it recorded all the dead.

Although they can leave the non-natural engineering university, their relatives and friends do not remember them, these students who died in the school, no one but them can remember.

Ou Ying said: "Let's make a unified arrangement, you have to take them out."

Wang Feihang said: "Yes."

After that, there was silence, Ou Ying said, "The government//government has contacted the principal. The principal means that the school will be handed over to the government//government for management."

A school popped up out of thin air, and was soon discovered by the local government//government. There were so many people in the school who were not recorded by society, which shocked the government//government for a time.

The principal came forward to negotiate with the government//government. The principal told the government//government about the strange forces they encountered. Although I don’t know whether the government//government believed it or not, they were in charge , is a good thing.

The government will solve the problem of students being wiped out of society.

Ou Ying said, "Brother Zhou... Is that still the case?"

Wang Feihang spit out a turbid breath: "Yes."

Most students thought that Qin Zhou was killed in the 0-1 rule world, and the forum was filled with memories of Qin Zhou. Only a small number of people know that Qin Zhou actually came out of the 0-1 rule world, but it is not completely out, Qin Zhou has become a monster that makes them afraid.

Qin Zhou didn't go anywhere, he stayed beside Lin Yi's body in the refrigerator.

The monster doesn't need to eat, drink, or sleep, he guards Lin Yi motionless.

No sound from outside could affect Qin Zhou, except for Ou Ying to report to him about the school situation, only at this time would Qin Zhou speak to her.

After cleaning up the conference room, Ou Ying said, "Let's go and have a look."

Wang Feihang nodded: "Okay."

On the way, Wang Feihang asked Ou Ying about the evacuation of the students: "Are you finished?"

Ou Ying sighed: "That kid Cheng Yang still refuses to leave, he won't leave, and Ren Li is also with him."

Wang Feihang was not surprised at all: "In the 0-1 rule world, Cheng Yang planned to risk his life to choose Lin Yi, and Ren Li also chose Lin Yi."

Among the people Lin Yi cared about, only Qin Zhou could not choose Lin Yi, which became a hurdle in Qin Zhou's heart.

Ou Ying said: "No matter what, we have to go tonight. Tomorrow the government will send someone to take over the school."

Wang Feihang said: "These two are good to say, mainly Zhou Ge..."

Is Qin Zhou willing to leave? If Qin Zhou didn't leave, wouldn't he be seen?

Ou Ying said: "I advise you to try."

When they arrived at Qinzhou, Ou Ying knocked on the door: "Brother Zhou."

There was no response inside, Ou Ying pushed in the door, she glanced at Qin Zhou, although she could no longer distinguish Qin Zhou from her appearance, she still reported to Qin Zhou as usual school situation.

After a long time, Qin Zhou opened his mouth: "Can you ensure that everyone can reintegrate into society?"

Ou Ying couldn't hold back. She covered her mouth and nose and took a deep breath to prevent Qin Zhou from hearing her choked voice. Next to him, Wang Feihang said: "The student union has not been disbanded. If they encounter problems in society, they can contact us, and we will try our best to give them the greatest help."

Qin Zhou: "Okay."

The silence spread, Ou Ying simply collected her emotions: "Brother Zhou, are you leaving with us?"

Qin Zhou said, "I'm not leaving."

This is the answer that both Ou Ying and Wang Feihang expected, Ou Ying couldn't help but said, "Brother Zhou!"

Qin Zhou said, "Don't worry, I won't be discovered by them."

He is a monster now, and it is not difficult to be discovered by humans.

Ou Ying said: "But Brother Zhou, the school can't have a funeral home forever. Lin Yi's body... can't be here forever."

Qin Zhou did not speak.

Wang Feihang said, "Brother Zhou, don't you go to Lin Yi's house to have a look?"

"Lin Yi concealed the information before, but I found it."

Qin Zhou turned and looked at Wang Feihang.

The advantage of monsters is that they can go anywhere they want, Qin Zhou went to the place where Lin Yi lived. The water and electricity in the house have been shut down, and a list of property reminders is posted on the door.

He walked into Lin Yi's house and felt Lin Yi's breath.

I don't know how long I stayed at home, one day Qin Zhou heard the sound of opening the door with a key, followed by a male voice: "I remember that the marriage certificate is in the bedroom cabinet, I looked for it, Don't worry."

"Ok, I found-"

The male voice stopped abruptly.

Qin Zhou was seen by someone coming, not because Qin Zhou didn't hide it well, but because Lin Zhen had seen too many monsters.

Qin Zhou was a little annoyed, he didn't want to scare others.

When Qin Zhou was about to leave, Lin Zhen called out to Qin Zhou: "That...are you Qin Zhou?"

Lin Zhen went downstairs to buy a bottle of water for Qin Zhou. Although he was a little afraid of Qin Zhou, he still sat down with Qin Zhou and chatted.

Lin Zhen's body did not show a death map, nor did Yuan Yuan, so after the 0-1 monster died, they returned to their bodies, which was a life saver.

They still have some memories before and after leaving the rule world, Lin Zhen said to Qin Zhou: "I met Lu Jin in the 1-3 rule world, Lu Jin always suspected that the boss of Never Sleeping City was 0-1 Monster, he has a 0-1 hypothesis. To prove it, he went to the trading floor and traded an answer, the answer was not cheap, I didn't know what he pawned in exchange for this answer. Later I saw him getting addicted to After gambling, and I didn't mention the 0-1 monster again, I vaguely guessed it."

"Lu Jin pawned his 'responsibility'." Lin Zhen smiled bitterly: "I am the only sober person left in the city that never sleeps, I saved money day after day, and finally exchanged Leaving the city that never sleeps. But didn't get freedom either, the 0-1 monster gave me a family. I found that my memory of the 1-3 rule world was getting weaker and weaker, and I was afraid that one day I would forget it, so I gave it to my children. The name is Lin Yi. It’s a pity that I forgot it in the end.”

Qin Zhou heard it quietly. After hearing the word 'Lin Yi', he felt a dull pain in his heart.

Lin Zhen continued: "After living with Lin Yi for more than ten years, I have become a monster. In fact, just like you are now, I am conscious. I saw that Lin Yi received unnatural After the engineering university admission notice, although I didn't remember anything at the time, I vaguely felt that it was dangerous here. My mother and I... Yuan Yuan wanted to stop him, but we were inconvenient to move, and there was no way to stop Lin Yi, so he still set foot on this road."

"Perhaps because Yuan Yuan was involved with the 4-4 monster, she lost consciousness after a period of time after Lin Yi left. After we woke up, we also chatted, During the time she lost consciousness, she went to the 4-4 rule world, she wanted to find the 4-4 monster, and let the 4-4 monster help open the 0-1 rule world."

What Lin Zhen said was almost the same as what Qin Zhou deduced later.

Lin Zhen continued: "Three months ago we suddenly became normal, so we immediately went to the Unnatural Engineering University, first to know if the 0-1 monster has been solved, and secondly Come, we want to find Lin Yi, we have been together for more than ten years, although it is fake, but the relationship for more than ten years is real. We found it, but we are not allowed to enter. We are staying nearby and want to inquire about the situation After that, we met the people sent by your student union, learned your information, and also learned that Lin Yi died in the 1-3 rule world..." Having said that, Lin Zhen choked: "That child, I and I Yuan Yuan likes and loves him, he is a good boy. How old was he after we became monsters, he took care of the house, and he took us to the doctor..."

Secretly wiped the tears from her eyes, Lin Zhen said, "I came back this time to find a marriage certificate, and some of the family information that I formed is not complete. We want to issue a death certificate for Lin Yi. , I'll use this to buy him a cemetery."

Say, Lin Yi has a good relationship with you at school, can you take the liberty to ask what your relationship is?"

Qin Zhou said: "I love him."