MTL - I Was a Group Pet In 80-Chapter 1573 The legendary dog ​​chews mud

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  Chapter 1573 The legendary dog ​​chews mud

  Zhao Qiqi ran to Wu Yue, focusing all her attention on her body, and didn't notice the extra branches on the ground at all. As before, she aimed at a good angle, and kicked the dust on the ground with her toes on purpose.

It's now.

Wu Yue narrowed her eyes, and jumped directly onto a branch in front of her. The branch was bent, and as soon as one end was pressed, the other end turned up. Seeing this, Tang Sanduo followed Wu Yue's previous instructions and jumped onto the branch. On a branch ahead.

  Zhao Qiqi didn't notice this scene at all. She was happy to splash the soil on Wu Yue again, but she didn't expect to catch something under her feet, and she didn't know why there was water on the ground, so it suddenly became slippery.

  She was unprepared, staggered on the soles of her feet, screamed, and fell heavily to the ground.


  The fall was already very painful, but she didn't expect a branch to bounce up in front of her, and it collapsed on her face.

  A burst of severe pain hit, and Zhao Qiqi rolled her eyes in pain. Before she could recover, another person fell heavily on her body, and then two more people fell down.

   All this happened in a blink of an eye, and everything was so perfect that it was unbelievable.

"Ha ha."

   Tang Sanduo couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene, "Wu Yue, I finally saw today that the legendary dog ​​ate mud."

   It's really enjoyable, let's see if Zhao Qiqi dares to find trouble for nothing.

  Wu Yue glanced at the people who fell in a pile, twitched the corner of her mouth, and said, "Turn around."

  As soon as she finished speaking, she jumped, turned around and jumped back. Seeing this, Tang Sanduo followed closely behind.

  Zhang Yun and Wu Cuiliu were stunned by all these things. Although they guessed Wu Yue's intention just now, they didn't expect the effect to be so obvious.

   After the two of them came to their senses, they quickly followed Wu Yue and ran away.

   "Are they all dead? Why don't you get up quickly?"

  Zhao Qiqi got up like a child, kicking on the ground, but she couldn't get up at all because three people were on her body.

   "Kiki, are you okay?"

  Chu Dandan was the first to react, quickly pushed away the two people on her body, and helped Zhao Qiqi up.

  Because the water was splashed on the ground, Zhao Qiqi struggled on the ground for a while. At this time, her hands, feet and body were all muddy.

   Especially the burning pain on her face made her feel disfigured.

   "Help me see what's wrong with the face?"

  She didn't have time to trouble Wu Yue, her first reaction was to see if she was disfigured.

   "The face is fine, there is just a red mark, swollen, and it will heal after a while."

  This kind of injury is nothing in Chu Dandan's eyes, but she forgot that Zhao Qiqi lives in a different environment from hers, and what is nothing serious in her eyes is quite serious in Zhao Qiqi's eyes.

  So when Zhao Qiqi heard her words, she immediately lost her temper.

   "What do you mean it's okay? It's red and swollen. What's the difference between this and disfigurement?"

  Zhao Qiqi gently touched her face, her eyes were full of hatred.

  The other two sister-in-laws didn't dare to say a word seeing how fierce Zhao Qiqi was.

  Zhao Qiqi looked at the back of Wu Yue and Tang Sanduo jumping away together, and then heard Tang Sanduo's unscrupulous and triumphant laughter, she had the urge to kill Tang Sanduo.

   "Kiki, let's run!"

  Chu Dandan still doesn't understand that Zhao Qiqi's fall was caused by Wu Yue's design, and there are still a few laps to finish. At this moment, she wants Zhao Qiqi to follow up and finish the run, and go back to rest.

  (end of this chapter)