MTL - I Was a Top Student In Conan, But I Was Actually An Onmyoji-Chapter 295

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Consider various circumstances.

For this bait plan.

Gin and Mizuruna had already prepared various secret signals.

The meaning of this code is exactly that there is an eavesdropping. "] The fish has bitten the bait." Qin Jiu continued the conversation without showing any signs of expression. "Can you holster the gun, please?"

"If you shoot me for being weirdly suspicious, no one will help you get rid of the dj," Keel said.

Gin is also putting on acting skills.

"The last confirmation, can you tell me?"

"The time is 13:00, and the location is Eddie P. I, who is in charge of interviewing the DJ, will bring him to the location."

At this time, another car also drove over.

It was Chianti and Cohen.

"That's right, bring him into my scope."

Chianti laughed and said, "Let me have a good time."

"Both Chianti and Cohen are here, which really reassures (Nuo Zhaohao) people." Kiel laughed.

It seems that I thought of my own identity and what I was doing.

Rena Mizumu was suddenly very emotional.

She put her hands on the steering wheel and lay down on it.

"Although our achievements cannot be made public."

"But the failure is that it will spread widely at once."

It is a sentence circulating inside the cia.

Fortunately, the Internet age has not fully arrived yet.

Some things were not widely circulated either.

None of the people in the winery present knew the source of these words.

Qin Jiu snorted coldly.

"Whether it is success or failure, it is impossible for the general public to know."

Following Gin's words, the vehicles of the crowd separated again. .

Chapter 469 Tool Man Vodka (Part 2)

After eavesdropping on all this, Conan frantically thought about who the assassination target was this time.

What would be the plans of the Black Organization.

But he didn't know that the whole assassination plan was aimed at the eavesdropper's honey.

Success or failure is fine.

Only when the prey tastes sweet will they bite the bait obediently.

And on the other side.

Yan Sagawa also came to Sister Bei's apartment.

Sister Bei looked strange, "Do you want to join the organization?"

"Bah, bah, what does it mean to join an organization? I think it's a bit boring to just watch a show, so I want to join in." Sagawayan quickly retorted.

How can I join the organization by myself.

If Xiao Ai Mingmei found out, she wouldn't be able to turn the house upside down. "Then your words..."

Sister Bei blinked, no matter how she heard it, she felt that he was going to join the organization. "If you want to participate in this game, you can change the way." Sagawa said with a smile and added the spirit vision to Sister Bei.

Sister Bei only saw a strange shikigami beside Yan Sagawa.

A silent girl who manipulates a puppet.

Shikigami Puppeteer. "This is?" Miss Bei was puzzled.

Sagawa Yan smiled, "Have you heard of the puppet show?"

"It's just holding the string and controlling every move of the puppet from behind." "All the movements and words of the puppet come from the people behind." 973 "This is the puppet."

Sister Bei understood, "This shikigami can also allow you to manipulate puppets like people?" "Well, it's better to go to the theater to participate in it by yourself." Said Sagawa Yan.

This is also the inspiration brought to him by playing virtual online games. "Onmyoji is really a good thing..." Sister Bei said in a low tone.

If he knew Yin Yang back then, he would be able to control his own destiny.

Then she saw Yan Sagawa and smiled.

At least it's not bad for now.

"Then who do you want to manipulate?"

Sister Bei also became interested, staring at Sagawa Yan with her beautiful eyes, wanting to know the answer. "Why don't you guess?" Sagawa Yan still wanted to show off. "Let me guess?" Sister Bei smiled slyly and made some secret movements.


Sagawa Yan was taken aback for a moment, with a strange expression on his face.

The key was controlled, and he decisively chose to surrender and speak up. "I said I said..."

"I'm going to manipulate the vodka."

Sagawa Yan said the chosen target.


Sister Bei temporarily stopped the movement of her feet.

Of course she knew who Vodka was, but it was a bit difficult to recall this person.

Even with the name of the wine, the vodka did not leave a deep impression on her.


"Yes, brother." "Brother is right." Words like that.

Probably more loyal to gin than to organization.

A loyal little brother, this is the whole impression that vodka gave to Bei Jie. "Why would you want to manipulate him?"

Miss Bei thought it would be someone else, such as Cohen and Bourbon.

"Inconspicuous, then you can watch the big show up close, maybe you can perform it." Sagawa Yan gave his reasons.

"Okay, can I help you?"

Sister Bei accepted this explanation, turned around and sold the members of the organization.

Without the slightest hesitation.

"No need, I arranged Shikigami beside Gin." Sagawa Yan said.

"That's good, just tell me if you need to cooperate." After Sister Bei finished speaking, she suddenly smiled wickedly.

Sagawa hissed...

"Don't play for now, I'll finish this matter." He hurriedly stopped Sister Bei from moving.

Sagawa Yan ordered the puppet master. "Puppet that person!" The taciturn girl said nothing.

Just nodded, and then flew away suddenly.

Guided by shikigami.

The puppeteer came to where the vodka and gin were.

They were in Gin's Porsche, parked on the side of the road.

Appears to be resting.

There was silence in the car.

The puppeteer doesn't care about their situation.

Sagawa Yan's order came first.

As soon as the hand was stretched out, the five lines of spiritual power stretched out from the fingers.

Connected directly to the vodka limb.

Then directly put the consciousness of vodka into a deep sleep.

The puppeteer manipulated vodka to lie on the car, as if he was sleeping and resting.

Then she herself returned to Sagawa Yan, indicating that the task was completed.

Sagawa (cibe) said that a water mirror-like scene appeared here.

It was the vision of vodka that the puppet master had shared with Sagawayan.

Now Yan Sagawa can control Vodka synchronously through the puppeteer.

The spirit vision in Sister Bei's eyes is still there, so she naturally saw this scene.

Look at the gin cart, with the vodka next to the gin.

It's incredible.

"No matter how many times I read it, I still feel that Yin Yang is really too stupid."

Sister Bei sighed slightly. Ordinary people are really helpless in the face of Yin Yang. "Correction, in fact, it is mainly due to Shikigami."

While getting used to the feeling of manipulating vodka, Sagawa Yan replied to Sister Bei.

Soon, he got used to it.

It's probably like playing lol and manipulating the heroes on the screen.

Sister Bei was also very interested and sat next to Yan Sagawa.

Watch him manipulate vodka.

Sagawa Yan had a strange illusion.

How come it looks like my girlfriend is watching me playing lol.

He shook his head, dismissing the strange association.

Concentrate on manipulating it.

And in Porsche.

Gin noticed that Vodka was constantly moving his hands and feet. "Vodka, what are you doing?"

"Brother, the space in the car is too small, I want to use my hands and feet." Vodka said in a muffled voice.

Gin is clear, indeed. "Then drive back to the bar." Gin Jiu ordered.


Sagawa Yan doesn't know this.

Fortunately, Miss Bei is by my side.

Command directly on the spot.

"Little man, drive in the direction I pointed." Sagawa Yan followed suit.

But he couldn't help but feel strange again.

"Does this count as playing too well and being rejected by my girlfriend?"

Puppet Vodka arrived at the bar in a Gin Porsche.

With the help of Sister Bei, Sagawa Yan imitated what Vodka usually does.

Follow Big Brother Gin.

What Gin wants to do, do it first.

Then act as an eye-cup for gin.