MTL - I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad-Chapter 5 005. Yang Good Legs Honey

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   Chapter 5 005. Yang Good Legs Honey

   "It's here, student Yang Mi, right?"

   Yu Zhen smiled and waved.

   "You look prettier than in art photos."

  Following her praise, Yang Mi quickly revealed a humble look:

   "Thank you teacher for the compliment."

   While speaking, she walked into the audition hall.

  Xu Xin was in a trance for a while...

  I always feel that the other party's appearance in the dream is more beautiful.

   But this idea didn't exist for long. Dreaming of a beautiful girl can be said to be a **** dream. But if you catch that beautiful girl YY in your dream, you will be called a hooligan.

   But he didn't move his eyes away, but as the girl walked in, his eyes fell on her two legs.


  Let's not talk about him, even Yu Zhen showed the envy, jealousy and hatred unique to women...

  I thought:

   "This kid's legs are a bit foul."

   First of all, the calf is very thin, but the muscle line is very perfect. Because of the Achilles tendon, it looks extremely slender.

  Then the black silk chosen by the other party today is not pure black, the black is not heavy, and the color inside can be easily seen.

  Snow-white skin with this pair of stockings that can highlight all the advantages and cover up all the flaws...

  Even as a woman, Yu Zhen felt amazed.

   Not to mention Xu Xin.

   Facing the gazes of the two, Yang Mi did not dodge in any way, but stood in the aisle of the audition hall openly, posing a crossed pace.

  On the right high-heeled shoes, as the angle changes, Xu Xin and Yu Zhen are shown all the details.

   She is an actress.

  In winter in Yanjing, the reason why I came to school wearing only a pair of stockings without any measures to keep warm, was for the audition.

  In this case, why reject other people's observation?

   And her generous appearance immediately won Yu Zhen's favor.

   Sure enough, the Department of Acting does have good seedlings this year.


  Thinking of this, she turned to Xu Xin and said:

"Xu Xin, she is Yang Mi, and you are both in level 05. She has a lot of acting experience. When she was very young, she played the daughter of the star master in "Beggar Su Qier". He has played many roles, and his acting skills are very mature among his peers."

  Following Yu Zhen's introduction, Yang Mi naturally focused on Xu Xin.

Unlike Xu Xin, who only met Xu Xin in a dream, Yang Mi knew Xu Xin...or in other words, the entire 05 class, even if she didn't know what she looked like, but if she knew her, she stopped across the road from the school every day. A Ferrari owner who got a ticket a day but never cared...

   I really can't find a few.

   Could it be this rich second generation who made the movie?

  Yang Mi was a little surprised.

   It's not that she doubts the other party's ability... The call Yang Mi received yesterday was made by the Deputy Director of the Directing Department, Professor Yu himself.

   An invitation personally sent out, I hope she can come to the school to audition tomorrow.

  First of all, even if it is just a "student's work" that Professor Yu calls in person, it should not be underestimated. What's more, this is because the professor said "the script is excellent".

  Secondly, even if it is possible that the rich second generation used money to persuade Professor Yu to join here, then she still has to give face.

  The competition for actors is very cruel, not to mention graduates in the future, even the classmates in their own class in the freshman year, once the school has any audition, they will fight fiercely.

  The entertainment industry is a small society of human relationships. Yang Mi has understood this truth since she was very young.

  So, even if this movie is going to be made by the rich second generation in front of her, she will show her best side to him.

  On the one hand, you can hone your acting skills, on the other hand...the network resources of the deputy director of the Beijing Film Director Department...may not be of great help to the future improvement of actors. But to put someone in small shoes... that's too easy.

  Because of emotion and reason, Yang Mi will not let go of this opportunity.

  So, after hearing Yu Zhen's words, she greeted Xu Xin in a very friendly tone:

   "Hello, classmate Xu. I'm Yang Mi, a freshman in the performance department of grade 05."


  Xu Xin shifted her attention from those two legs to the other person's face, and nodded politely:

   "Freshman in the director department, Xu Xin...if you don't mind..."

Seeing that the other party was only wearing a short down jacket, matched with a slim skirt + stockings, Xu Xin took off his 20,000-odd MAXMARA camel hair coat, put it on the table politely, and put the The script about the first room weighed on the clothes.

  Yang Mi was surprised for a while, but she instantly developed a good impression of the rich second generation who gave the other party the autonomy of "where to sit" to her.

   It's really cold inside the audition hall.

   She was really ashamed all the way.

   "Thank you. Let me read the script first."


  Looking at the girl who finally chose to sit three seats away and put her coat on the stool, Xu Xin withdrew his gaze and turned to look at Teacher Li who began to check the sub-camera he designed.

  Sitting down, Yang Mi felt the warmth from the stool when she flipped through the script with her cold fingers...

   His face also turned slightly red.

   I can’t talk about what I like or what I do.

  It was purely because... felt the warmth of a strange boy.

   Warm and comfortable.


  Yang Mi was reading the script, and Xu Xin was not idle, but kept looking at Yu Zhen's face on the other side.

  Because the other party is looking at his footage.

   To be honest, he is also a layman on how to call a director. The sub-shots are all drawn according to my own subjective conjecture, so I really need Teacher Yu's opinion.

   After Yu Zhen looked at it for a while, she immediately showed a look of surprise.

  Shot splitting is a very important reference level for a director to interpret artistic works.

   Take the simplest example for comparison.

   It is also a character entering the country. Some directors shoot it, so it is just a close-up. However, some directors can take into account external environmental factors and use a simple close-up to directly convey a certain emotion to the audience through a series of factors such as lens, light, and shadow.

   is a test of the director's skills.

  How about Xu Xin's storyboarding?

  To tell the truth, average.

  Through the whole story, although the painting is very good, and even the light requirements in some places, he has given a blurred range through his own imagination... But this kind of sub-shot does not have any technical content.

   Straight to the point.

  What I want the audience to see is expressed.

   There is not much artistic rendering.

   But it was enough to surprise her.

   You know... the other party is a well-known skipping class king, sleeping king...

   And I only studied the first half of my freshman year.

   Among other things, this group of recruits don’t know how to trace light, or when to use which lens.

  But now this poor student can provide himself with a piece of work... From the perspective of a "teacher", it can give at least a 90-point passing score.

   How can it not be surprising?

  As a director, what is the most important first step?

  It's very simple, how to tell a story to the audience through the language of the lens.

   Don’t use any filters, frame-scratching or anything else, and don’t groan there, using all kinds of fancy shots to confuse the audience.

  As a late beginner, it is amazing to be able to shoot, dare to shoot, and know how to shoot.

  This is also the reason why the final assignment is for everyone to make a short film.

   It’s not about how good your filming is, it’s about wanting you to grasp the director’s feeling.

And now the sub-shots in her hand... Whether it is close-ups, shooting angles, or the grasp of far, medium and close shots, Yu Zhen asked herself, if this is a test paper, the score she will give will not be lower than 90 marks.

   Really surprising enough.

   Very mature and smooth.

   Solid storytelling.

   Direct the movie seriously.

  This shot...

   "Xu Xin, did you really draw this?"

  She couldn't help asking again.

  Yang Mi on the other side couldn't help raising her head after hearing this.

   Then I heard a response:

   "No, Teacher Yu, I bought it."


  Yang Mi's heart skipped a beat...

   But Yu Zhen couldn't help laughing out:

   "Smelly poor! You boy..."

  Then, Yang Mi's heart skipped a beat again...

   It's not that I'm speechless.

   Instead, he noticed the "favor" that the teacher in the deputy director's tone would only have for "good students".

  With eyes rolling, she silently lowered her head.

   And just for a while, there was another noisy movement outside.

  A middle-aged man opened the door first.

   "Director Yu."

   "Oh, Director Sun, please come in... Who are these students?"

  Looking at the dozen or so men and women who walked in with Director Sun, after Yu Zhen finished asking, Director Sun laughed and said:

   "These are freshmen, freshmen and sophomores who haven't left yet. I'm thinking about letting them try and find out how they feel."

   While talking, these people have already noticed Xu Xin who is sitting next to Yu Zhen, and Yang Mi who is next to her with a coat on her lap.

  The rich second generation?

  Yang Mi?

  Everyone was surprised for a while, before they figured out what happened, they heard Yu Zhen say something to Xu Xin:

"Xu Xin, you are the director, so you can explain the audition. Director Sun, come on, let's be an assistant in the role selection today. Students, come and sit here, let the director tell everyone Take a look at the content of today's interview."


  Director Sun readily agreed, walked to Yu Zhen's side first, glanced at Xu Xin and sat down.

   While Xu Xin took advantage of the time when everyone was looking for a seat, he stood up directly, walked to the podium in front of him, and stepped up the steps.

   When he turned around, he saw that the eyes of these dozen people were all on him.

  Are you nervous...

   Really not.

  But he saw the doubts in some people's eyes, as well as a trace of absurdity.

  He thought for a while, then suddenly walked to the desk, picked up the chalk, and under the gaze of everyone, turned around and wrote a few words on the blackboard:

  Title: "Not Drunk"

  Director: Xu Xin

  (end of this chapter)