MTL - I’m Actually Really Rich-Chapter 24

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The two slide onto the dance floor and dance to the music.

They have already danced two dances, even if they can recognize it immediately by physical contact, this is the weekly test.

That person was...

Wen Le couldn't help but look at the clown in the purple suit.

in the arms.

Wen Le's upper body was tightly pressed against Zhou Kao's chest, Zhou Kao wrapped one arm around Wen Le's slender waist, stuck with the music and took Wen Le to rotate in mid-air.

Wen Le clings to Zhou Kao's arm tightly, and when she spins in the air, she raises her head and looks at Zhou Kao.

The two faced each other through two masks, and the irrelevant people were thrown out of their minds.

Wen Le landed, and Zhou Koo pulled Wen Le's hand, driving Wen Le to rotate in his arms.

It's amazing, the clown in the funny orange jumpsuit and the clown in the yellow jumpsuit dance on the dance floor, there is a kind of fantasy romance like a fairy tale.


Just because of a distraction just now, Wen Le was taken away by Zhou Kao, and Zhou Kao's skillful dancing skills made Wen Le spin like a marionette.

Wen Le quickly recovered and regained the initiative.

Wen Le looked at Zhou Kao strangely, Zhou Kao hadn't spoken since he brought her to the dance floor.

Wen Le looked at Zhou Kao's outfit today and laughed, guessing it was probably because of this funny outfit.

Zhou Kao's voice was light: "What are you laughing at?"

Wen Le said: "I really didn't expect you to act like this."

Zhou Kao said, "Are you surprised?"

"Surprise," Wen Le smiled and glanced at Zhou Kao up and down, full of teasing: "The look is great tonight."

Zhou Kao said: "Your compliment is a little too reluctant."

Wen Le laughed directly.

"Why did you think of dressing up as a clown?"

Zhou Kao paused, and said in an indescribable tone: "Because the merchants are engaged in activities, buy three get one free for two pieces. The group purchase price of four pieces of clown clothes is only one hundred and two."

Wen Le could hardly believe that after attending a less formal association last night wearing a six-figure blue-blood luxury brand dress, he learned to be careful today, Wen Le even wondered if their family went bankrupt overnight.

Wen Le was shocked and made a shocked voice: "Wow~"

Zhou Kao glared at her, and then added with difficulty in a voice that was unwavering or even ashes, "Because a dormitory should be neat and tidy."

Wen Le couldn't bear it any longer, she laughed, she only trembled, and Zhou Kao's hand holding Wen Le trembled.

Wen Le was really going to die of laughter, Wen Le's mind immediately made up the serious Gao Lingzhihua Zhou Kao met a sand sculpture roommate in a dormitory, and was forced by the budget-conscious sand sculpture roommate When wearing this neatly sculpted clown costume, the expression on his face should be infinitely close to... being forced to be a prostitute.

Wen Le suddenly wanted to see the other three sand sculpture roommates from Zhou Kao.

Wen Le turned her head and glanced at the whole gymnasium, but she found it with little effort, the other three sand sculpture roommates of Zhou Kao.

Because they are really special and high-profile.

Wen Le almost immediately saw the three clowns holding a hydrogen balloon in the crowd.

They were wearing different colors of the same series of clown suits from Zhou Kao, and each of them was holding a hydrogen balloon, which looked more like a clown selling balloons in an amusement park.

Wen Le was about to die of laughter, she asked Zhou Kao, "Where's your balloon?"

Wen Le looked around and condemned in a serious tone: "Your dormitory is out of order."

"I often feel that I don't fit in because I don't have enough sand sculptures," Zhou Kao was quite speechless, pointed to a railing near the backstage, and said, "There."

Wen Le looked in the direction Zhou Kao pointed, and saw a hydrogen balloon tied to the railing near the backstage, a little yellow duck.

Wen Le said, "Why did you put it there?"

Zhou Kao said: "Otherwise, I will dance with you with a hydrogen balloon tied to my hand?"

Wen Le shrugged, "I don't mind?"

Zhou Kao suddenly took Wen Le and pulled Wen Le into his arms and encircled Wen Le from behind.

Wen Le was caught off guard by Zhou Kao, who was tightly hugged from behind, Zhou Kao turned his head slightly, close to Wen Le's cheek, and the hot breath sprayed on Wen Le's neck. Wen Le felt Zhou Kao hold her arm tightly, and the warm and thick chest behind her, her heart stagnated, and she jumped up again quickly.

Zhou Kao lowered his voice and said slowly, "I mind."

His movements also seemed to slow down with the three words slowly uttered, hugging Wen Le from behind. The two of them swayed slightly on the dance floor like a pair of lovers who were rubbing each other's ears.

Zhou Kao seemed to gently turn his head to Wen Le's ear again, this movement was very subtle, as if Zhou Kao was subconsciously chasing Wen Le's breath and perfume, as if unconsciously Desire, like obsessively following.

This very subtle movement was still noticed by Wen Le, Wen Le only felt his scalp numb, and the breath sprayed by Zhou Kao on the side of Wen Le's ear was even hotter, Wen Le seemed to be too hot to bear , the toes hidden in the shoes curled up, and the breathing was a little short.

Both of them stopped talking and danced this dance in silence, but they knew that their hearts were far less peaceful than their limbs showed.

They don't seem to be able to gossip and joke around anymore, they need time to calm things down.

Dim environments and bizarre lighting tend to create an illusion that is close to the blurry and unrealistic between dream and reality.

Such delusions are easy to let go of people's defenses, make people relax and lose their guard, so reason gradually retreats, indulging the senses to impulses, ambiguity breeds, and deep desires also grow recklessly.

Wen Le felt that things might get out of control tonight, but her sanity had been exhausted by the environment, and she couldn't even think of stopping.

Wen Le's brain is empty, and she devotes herself to this dance.

When the music ended, Wen Le gasped and tried to calm her breathing.

She's in a mess now, and she doesn't even know what she just jumped.

But everyone around stopped and looked straight at her and Zhou Kao.

And they didn't seem to notice the gaze, just stared straight at each other.

until a burst of applause broke their gaze.

Wen Le looked at the crowd blankly, not knowing what happened.

After a while, Wen Le seemed to get an answer from the whispering crowd.

I didn't know when Zhou Kao lifted her into the air with both hands, she made a one-word horse in the air and turned over and hung on Zhou Kao...


Wen Le thought, she and Zhou Kao must be crazy...

Wen Le felt that she and Zhou Kao needed to be calm.

After the dance ended, Wen Le gave a hasty salute. The funny thing was that she obviously didn't have a skirt.

Zhou Kao also took off his hat and bent over, doing a gentleman's hat off.

However, at this moment, the host asked everyone to stay in place with their dance partners, they will find out who chose the wrong CP, and take a big risk or punish the truth.

When the staff called Zhou Kao and Wen Le Meng Lemeng, she couldn't help but look at Zhou Kao.

Zhou Kao also looked at Wen Le.

Wen Le said with some difficulty: "Although your clown is not that clown, I think in a broad sense, we are also the official CP."

Zhou Kao didn't speak, just put his hands on Wen Le's shoulders and pushed Wen Le to the stage to accept the punishment together.

Zhou Kao's scorching hand on Wen Le's shoulders was full of presence, Wen Le tried to ignore it and tried to divert his attention, Wen Le said: "Did you think so when you came to dance with me? ?"

Zhou Kao glanced at the ring on Wenle's hand in a place that Wenle couldn't see, but did not smile.

The two stood on the stage, the host was still calling, and one after another, people walked onto the stage.

The two stood on the stage talking in a low voice.

Wen Le's eyes inadvertently swept to the clown in purple that he had just mistakenly recognized, she couldn't help but glanced at Zhou Kao again, compared it, and asked Zhou Kao, "That Man, the back looks like you."

Zhou Kao looked at him lightly, and hummed.

Just when Wen Le thought that Zhou Kao would no longer speak, Zhou Kao said lightly, "That's the monitor of the Costume Performance Department."

There is only one class in the Costume Performance Department of A University, so there is only one class leader.

Wen Le still frowned, she always felt that there was something uncomfortable about this boy, especially the scene where he bowed his head and kissed the clown girl in red and blue last night, making her feel uncomfortable. Wen Le was extremely uncomfortable.

Zhou Kao didn't seem to want Wen Le to pay attention to the boy in the costume show department, and told Wen Le some interesting people offstage.

Wen Le glanced at Zhou Kao's roommates again and smiled, "Before you said it, I thought those boys with balloons were the staff arranged by the chairman."

Zhou Kao also seemed to smile, "Indeed, it's not that your chairman can't do such a thing."

Wenle Sight Network took a look at the backstage and said, "I didn't see the chairman and your president today."

Zhou Kao said lightly: "They pk went."

Wen Le: "What?"

The weekly test explained.

It probably means that yesterday the chairman and the president teamed up and lost a round of promotion. Boys, the chairman of the association led the boys of the association to secretly find a corner and squat to open the dark during the dance just now.

Wen Le was speechless.

The two were talking, and the host ordered another batch.

The classmate Zhu Bajie and classmate Black Widow formed a CP after all. The two were named, and the girl dressed as Black Widow walked up to the stage dejectedly, classmate Zhu Bajie was happy and proud.

Tang Seng and the four spider spirits also came on the stage, Tang Seng was shivering surrounded by the four spider spirits.

The audience was laughing crazy.

The host had enough people and came to the stage to announce the rules.

The punishment items are Truth or Dare.

The host has a box in his hand, the box is a truth or a big adventure project, written on a note.

Everyone can draw twice, if you don’t want to choose the item for the first time, you can draw it again, after this time you don’t want to and there is no chance, you must choose from the two drawn items one.

The organizers of these truth-telling or big-adventure projects do not dare to go too far, they are all controlled to a certain extent, but they must be a little ambiguous.

The first one is a girl, and the real question is [Which man is more in line with your ideal type]

The girl didn't take another shot, and pointed at the clown in purple under the stage with a blushing face.

To be honest, in terms of body and temperament alone, he is really conspicuous in the crowd, and because he cannot see his face with a mask, it is really difficult to separate him from Zhou Kao.

The crowd laughed well.

The second place to draw the truth is [Say the name of the girl you have a crush on. 】

The boy looked under the stands, his face was a little red, and he chose the big adventure.

His big adventure is [smear a big red lip to leave a lip print on a tissue, and put this lip-printed tissue into the pocket of the person who attracts the most attention in the audience middle. 】

As soon as this item was read out by the host, the audience burst into laughter.

The second boy blushed and said he wanted to choose a big adventure.

There was a burst of laughter from the audience.

The host wants lipstick and tissues.

In order to match the game effect, Lipstick designated a boy present to apply lipstick to the punished.

The people in the audience laughed, and the boy directed, "You pout, pout!"

The girls in the audience are going to laugh crazy.

It took Rao nearly five minutes, and the lipstick was still appalling.

In the end, it was barely printed on a white paper towel, a huge red mark.

Who dares to ask for this..."

There was laughter in the audience.

The boy who was punished wore a crooked red lip and embarrassedly put the huge lip-printed tissue on his hand into the arms of Tang Seng, who was surrounded by four exquisite spider women .

Tang Seng was stiff and collapsed.

The audience was also shocked.

The boy who was punished said with an embarrassed expression: "I have been following you since you came to power."

Tang Seng is going to faint.

The boy who was punished said again: "Why are you liked by so many young ladies."

The audience burst into laughter.

Tang Seng looked unlovable and said: "A good man still has to be single-minded, such a rich and poor monk can't bear it."

The audience was laughing like crazy.

It's time for the weekly test. The first card drawn in the weekly test is the truth.

【Name your first love girlfriend. 】

The host added: "It's okay to have a crush, but it's not allowed to specify a star. It must be the name of the first girl you fall in love with."

Zhou Kao’s Adam’s apple moved up and down.

Wen Le also jumped in her heart and looked at Zhou Kao unconsciously.

Zhou Kao's voice was low and calm, "Change another one."

The host looked disappointed.

So I drew another one for the weekly test.

【Group adventure, pass candy paper with your mouth. 】

The host showed Zhou Kao the small transparent glass candy paper, and said, "This is a collective project that requires everyone to participate."

Zhou Kao frowned slightly behind the mask.

The second big adventure he didn't even think about.

The host didn't speak again after watching Zhou Kao, and asked: "Which one to choose?"


The host didn't catch, "What?"

Zhou Kao repeated it again, his voice was calm.

"I say first, Wenle."