MTL - I’m Always the Villain-Chapter 11 Framed Tech Genius 11

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The second double PK match, each match is 90 minutes, and the five matches are divided into five periods. Morning, afternoon and evening on the first day, morning and afternoon on the second day.

Compared with the boring problem-solving game of the first game, the second game is getting better.

In order to increase the interaction and fun of watching the game, the competition party has opened a quiz function.

Spectators get glow sticks by watching the game time, and use glow sticks to guess the game, and each player has their own odds for each game.

Each game has its own independent live broadcast room, and the audience can switch the live broadcast to watch the game at any time. Each live broadcast room has its own commentary, and the lens is also 360-degree without dead ends, and the scene and the screen are seamlessly switched.

In addition, the live broadcast also has a playback function, and all games can be saved and played back after the game.

Every two commentators are in charge of a game, and there are a total of 30 commentators on site, waiting for the players to start their games in their respective rooms.

The biggest hot spot in this game is Sang Jiuchi and Song Qing. Everyone thought they would meet at the end, but they did not expect to meet as soon as they came up.

The predecessor is embarrassed to the current one.

Before the start of the game, the footage of the 15 live broadcast rooms has been given to the host stage of the studio. Zhou Lichuan, as a special guest of the whole game, will watch the games in these 15 live broadcast rooms together with the host.

The host interviewed the special guest Zhou Lichuan as usual: "Lichuan, which group of players are you most looking forward to in today's game?"

Zhou Lichuan's answer was airtight: "In my opinion, all the players who can enter the second game are strong, and I look forward to their performance."

The host didn't want to let him go, "Lichuan is right, we have the greatest expectations for all the players. Lichuan, if the game starts, which live room will you open first?"

There was a trace of boredom in Zhou Lichuan's eyes, but he still said in his usual cold voice with a good temper: "The first meeting I opened was the live broadcast room No. 1, and the most powerful computer expert in my mind is in it."

The host smiled, "Blind guess, is it Song Qing, the No. 8 player?"

Zhou Lichuan: "Who else is there besides him?"

The host finally grasped the breaking point: "Yesterday's No. 100 player's performance was also very good, what do you think, Lichuan?"

Zhou Lichuan's displeasure appeared on his face, which was always as cold as a pine crane.

The host smiled and said, "If Lichuan can appreciate it so much, Song Qing's virtue must be very noble."

Zhou Lichuan loosened his brows, "He is the best person I have ever met. Song Qing is very low-key and has done a lot of helpful things in private. He often goes to the orphanage to visit the lonely elderly, and he also sponsors several Poor students. Some time ago, he discussed building a Hope Primary School with me, and now he has put it on the agenda. He has done a lot of things, but he never thought about making them public.”

Host: "No wonder Song Qing is favored by you. Song Qing is dignified and handsome. I thought you were also a member of the Appearance Association."

Zhou Lichuan: "Then you really misunderstood me. I never value appearance. In my opinion, a beautiful appearance is the same, and a noble soul is one in a thousand."

Now is the time for a flow blowout.

Song Qing has always been ignored in the Song family. He used this live broadcast to establish the image of this "top ten noble youth" for Song Qing. In the future, Song Qing will only be grateful to him when he has the opportunity to compete with the Song family.

Song Qing is his biggest reliance now, and he can only be better if he is good at himself.

Sang Jiuchi became famous in the first battle, and the popularity instantly climbed to the first place in the entire network.

And his opponent was the current boyfriend of an old lover. Before the live broadcast started, the live broadcast room with their names was already full of people.

After yesterday's battle, Sang Jiuchi gained a lot of wild fans, and they came to watch the game of Sang Jiuchi.

And Zhou Lichuan's die-hard fans are also Song Qing's audience.

[Come on, Sang Jiuchi, continue rushing today, sister is optimistic about you. ]

[Looking forward to today, Emperor Chi will continue to kill the Quartet! ]

[Everyone likes a piece of trash that Shuangfei plagiarizes, are you picking up trash? ]

[Song Qing is a true gentleman when he does good deeds without leaving his name, Song Qing, come on! ]

[Only won one game, what is there to float. Song Qing is a practical player, just wait to be abused, rookie. ]

[You guys are so shameless, what's wrong with us like Sang Jiuchi? At least our Sang Jiuchi never rubbed off on your Zhou Lichuan's popularity. It was Zhou Lichuan who brought out Sang Jiuchi at every turn to get popular, why? Look at our Sang Jiuchi red? ]

[Song Qing did not keep his name for good deeds, so why did Zhou Lichuan say it in front of so many people? Standing again and again, disgusting. ]

[Sang Jiuchi has clarified on Weibo that everything is a rumor. Do you know that it is illegal to spread rumors? Be careful uncle police come to you. ]

[Also, the competition is compared to strength, and the archway is established at every turn. After blowing so much, we will still be beaten up by our Jiuchi later. With such a high profile, he is not afraid of falling to his death. ]

The people outside the arena are already fighting, but the people inside are very calm.

Sang Jiuchi and Song Qing sat facing each other, with two computers in the middle.

With the "start" from the host, the time in the upper right corner of the screen starts to scroll, and the game officially begins.

In the game, the two sides are in separate camps, each has an Internet room, and there are many markers in the room. Whoever grabs all the opponent's tokens first, wins. In the 90 minutes, neither side has finished the game, and the player with the most wins.

The game sounds simple, but it is difficult to operate.

The game is divided into 5 games in total. All the game tables have the same title in the same game, but the firewall loopholes between the opponents and the decoration of the markers in the room are not the same.

Therefore, players cannot penetrate into the opponent's room according to their own firewall loopholes, nor can they find the markers in the opponent's room according to the layout of the markers in their own room.

During the competition, players must not only add firewalls, but also find ways to find loopholes in the opponent, and enter the room to find things.

A pattern of attacking and defending at the same time will make many players stretched.

The first field is the foundation, and the second is the coordination ability.

There are many players who performed well in the first game and fell one after another in the second game, missing the final.

At the beginning of the game, Sang Jiuchi was not in a hurry to attack and began to repair the system loopholes.

His hand speed is still as fast as lightning, and the speed of reading characters on the computer screen is even more than ten lines at a glance.

Song Qing over there is also strengthening the firewall.

He suppressed his displeasure and anger and looked at the computer screen, thinking about how to torture Sang Jiuchi later.

He had hacked all the topics of this national online competition three days ago.

Yesterday's exam results were completed when he was well prepared. He originally wanted to be a blockbuster, but he didn't expect that Sang Jiuchi would cover his head and steal the limelight.

He has been studying today's firewall for two days, and he even found the loopholes after three times of hiding.

The former Sang Jiuchi was like a sloppy wild dog in front of him, and he would collapse when he met him. Now he can't turn over when he meets himself!

Does he want to save himself?

He wants to find Dai Luolin as his backer?

Then I will shatter his confidence again, and send Dai Luolin, the backer, to hell!

At that time, the despairing expressions on their faces must be very beautiful.

Song Qing, who had been well prepared for a long time, quickly fortified the firewall into a solid copper wall, and then he began to look for the loopholes in Sang Jiuchi and attacked.

The firewall vulnerabilities on both sides of the competition were different, but Song Qing was the one who read the test papers in advance.

He quickly found a very hidden loophole in Sang Jiuchi's firewall, but Sang Jiuchi did not find this loophole.

Song Qing created a string of disguised viruses and drilled into the loophole.

In the live broadcast room, the male commentator shook his head again and again, "Song Qing has sneaked into Sang Jiuchi's virtual room, but Sang Jiuchi is still patching the loopholes."

The female commentator who was cooperating with him sighed: "He's a little off. It seems that Sang Jiuchi is still far worse than Song Qing. I just started to like him a little bit."

The male commentator said, "It's still too young."

In the live broadcast room, Song Qing had already obtained a marker, and returned it from the original route and transported it to his room.

There are five markers in total, and you can only take one at a time.

After getting one, Song Qing had begun to relax gradually, but he still did not underestimate the enemy.

Over the years, he has been able to torture others for fun without being discovered, all thanks to his rigor and vigilance.

He never despised any opponent, and only reaped the heads and joy when the opponent was completely destroyed.

Wary, he entered the room through the hole again and picked up the second token.

In the live broadcast room, there was already an uproar, and the commentator sighed repeatedly.

But Sang Jiuchi didn't seem to notice at all, and even put his hands away from the keyboard to support himself and yawned.

[He still has the mind to stretch, how good he feels. ]

[This game is so boring, I thought it was an evenly matched confrontation, but I didn't expect it to be a unilateral abuse. Song Qing is still very powerful, and he is indeed the man we Zhou Lichuan liked. ]

[Go away, so boring. Brothers, go to the live broadcast room 2. Both players are fighting with viruses. It's too exciting. ]

[Sang Jiuchi, don't be lazy, stand up quickly, come on! ]

[Come on, Sang Jiuchi, I believe in you! ]

Song Qing was sitting opposite Sang Jiuchi, seeing Sang Jiuchi's lazy attitude, his heart that was still vigilant was instantly occupied by anger.

He was enjoying the fun of teasing and abusing his opponent with all his heart, but the other party was lazy.

This is tantamount to provoking him!

Sang Jiuchi, you are very good, you have completely angered me.

Song Qing's eyes were stained with madness, the corners of his mouth twitched unconsciously, and he quickly took away the second marker.

But just when he wanted to transmit the data of the marker back the same way, he found that the loophole had been filled at some point.

Song Qing was not flustered. It was difficult to break through the firewall from the outside, but once inside, it was easy to get out from the inside.

He tried to break through, but the firewall didn't move.

He broke through again, but the firewall remained motionless.

The ominous premonition began to slowly climb up the pores from the fingertips. Instead of waiting at this hole, he looked for the next hole.

Soon, he found a second loophole.

That loophole, Sang Jiuchi, was not found, and it was still open.

Song Qing relaxed a little and began to transmit the markers outward.

But just when the transmission was about to reach 100%, a huge natural moat suddenly fell, cutting off his connection with the outside world.

The transmission of the marker became 0% again, and Song Qing was still trapped in Sang Jiuchi's room.

Immediately after, Song Qing began to look for the second, third, and fourth loopholes, but every time the loopholes were about to be transmitted, Sang Jiuchi could always stop him in a timely manner.

Do not.

Song Qing's scalp was numb, and cold sweat began to flow from his forehead.

Not in time, but on purpose!

He is like an eagle overlooking his prey, and he has long been staring at his prey!

He has now become Sang Jiuchi's plate of Chinese food, but Sang Jiuchi is not in a hurry to enjoy it, but teases him before the meal!

An unprecedented sense of powerlessness and anger rose from my heart.

From childhood to adulthood, he has always been playing tricks on others, and there is no one in this world who can play with him.

If he wants to play, he must have the ability.

He has won this game!

Even if he can't get out, he will never let Sang Jiuchi leave this room.

The rules of the game are very clear. When the time is up, whoever gets the most tokens will win.

The sign of Sang Jiuchi was already in his room, but he didn't get any sign of Sang Jiuchi in his room.

As long as he sticks to it for 90 minutes, he will win the game!