MTL - Infinite Throne-Chapter 1102 "Voyage Log"

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   Chapter 1102 "Navigation Log"

  Although Xiaoxi sacrificed a large size to temporarily seal the monitor's "insight", in order to prevent the monitor from noticing the difference, Yi Rin and Xiaoxi returned to Qingcheng and had a long-term plan.

  Irin carefully clarified her thoughts.

   "Simply put, the Overseer is 'invincible' to a certain extent, and she won't suffer any harm."

   is like the super-dimensional "Shakyamuni" after Nirvana in the "Three Reincarnations".

   Yi Rin scratched his forehead and began to analyze based on his years of experience. When all the information came together, Yilin simply reasoned and came to a conclusion: "Except me."

Xiaoxi raised an index finger. She did not expect that Yiren would accept the cruel fact that she "has no human element at all" so easily, but Yiren's growth made Xiaoxi feel relieved and smiled: "That's right, and your 'numerology' is closely linked to her, you are like two strands of the double-stranded DNA helix, and your fates are inseparable. Not to mention that you can't easily establish a 'kill her' identity You know, and the moment you can actually kill her, you will too. It's her 'double insurance'."

   Yi Rin closed his eyes and calmly recalled the moment when "Yi Rin" and "Ling Yiyi" were born. The two were closely intertwined, and he believed Xiaoxi's statement. But at the same time, Yi Rin also noticed something strange: "Yi Rin" is connected to the monitor's numerology, and his administrator is "GM", but now he has no contact with Ling Yiyi.

After thinking for a while, Yi Rin suddenly realized: "It turns out that this is the real reason why you made me become Lin Yi, Tai Yi, and administrator successively after you passed the 'Three Lives Stone' reincarnation. Now I am not 'I Rin'. "

"That's right." Xiaoxi dipped her cheeks, sipped her milk hard, and said as she sipped, "Hum, shh, shh! For us, the supervisors are between 'existence' and 'non-existence', then we must kill them. She. Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"

  Simple combing:

   Overseers are between "existence" and "non-existence";

   Only the "mistakes" born with the monitor can cause harm to the monitor;

   But "error" does not have the perception of "harming the monitor";

   And "bug" and "watchdog" will live and die together.

   This is obviously a dead proposition with no theoretical solution.

In order to solve the    death proposition, we must not take the usual path, such as: stealing the concept.

   Hearing this, Yi Rin couldn't help rolling his eyes and complaining: "I never imagined that it would be quantum mechanics that could finally hope to save the world."

   "Isn't the quantum mechanics imagined by you humans the metaphysics in science? I don't think there is any problem!" Xiaoxi retorted while sipping her milk.

   Ah this.

   These words made sense, and Irin was speechless for a moment.

   Indecision, quantum mechanics.

"Actually, can I interpret the current situation as, you want to cheat, and then you are accidentally discovered. By the way, you use your 'loophole' to lower the monitor. She is like a referee. In the game arranged by the referee, if we want to overturn the table, we must secretly kill the 'referee' and replace it with our people, so everything will be fine?"

  Xiaoxi's expression seemed a little guilty, she glanced at Yi Rin with a forty-five-degree angle, and whispered, "You can indeed understand that."

"I understand."

Yi Rin took a deep breath: "The day in three years will be our only chance. By the way, I want to see your journal." After speaking, Yi Rin spread her hand towards Xiaoxi with a smile: " I think, my beautiful, wise, proud, invincible goddess Xi, must have the habit of writing a diary, right?"

  Xiaoxi lowered her head: "Who keeps a diary?"

   "Huh?" Yi Rin stretched her hand out longer.

   "I'm serious!" Xiaoxi looked at the administrator fearlessly.


  Xiao Xi was stunned.

   "Just watch it if you like! Humph! Don't blame me if you get hit~"

   She popped a super invincible big big file towards Yi Rin, and after playing, Xiao Xi lay on the pink sheet like a broken jar, rolling around.


  【Voyage Log】.

Oh yeah.


   Drop drop drop.

   The moment he opened the file, countless words filled Irin's field of vision.

  In an instant, Yi Rin had the illusion of being bathed in a river full of stars.

   For a time, the huge amount of data processing made Yi Rin's brain buzzing with pain. As an administrator, he couldn't handle God's logs at all. This order of magnitude is too large, causing the administrator's brain to freeze for a moment, unable to think further.

  While enduring the pain in her brain, Yi Rin also deeply felt that although Xiaoxi doesn't look like it, she is indeed a serious god.

  Fortunately, 【Voyage Log】is more intelligent and has a user-friendly "keyword filter" function.

   This is called inertia, hum, mere god.

  【Data filtering. 】

  【Filter key entry data. 】

  [Search key target: Irin. 】

  【Search successfully. 】

  [Target entry: 0. 】

  Irin: "?"

  [Retrieving key target: error. 】

  【Search successfully. 】

  【Target entry: 10. 】

   Only ten?

   Ten folders of golden legends appeared in front of Irin's eyes.

   He temporarily pulled the folder aside, there were only ten, you can look at it later.

  Irin thought for a while, and reselected the conditional search: [Mo Rendi].

  Wash la la.

   There are thousands of documents about Mo Rendi, and Irin began to check them one by one.

The    files are all records written from Xiaoxi's first-person perspective.


   Serious nerves don’t keep a diary?

   But you can write it.

   Yi Rin glanced at Xiaoxi, who was squinting on the bed sheet, whether she was shy or sleeping, and smiled coldly.



  【Test 7652. 】

  【Mo Rendi became the "ID: 1" registrant. 】

   [He is a pioneer. 】

   [The first of many 'Saints'. 】

  【I gave him the invincible faith and took away his fear. 】

  【He is invincible, I am very happy. 】

  【They have come. 】

  【Mo Rendi killed the agent of 'Famine' with one punch... Hey, he deserves it. That is the 'invincible protagonist' that I carefully created! 】

  【The remaining three suddenly became smart. 】

  【They actually joined forces. 】

   [There are three remaining, and there are no enemies in the battle. 】

  【Little Mo, don’t be so careless, it’s obviously a trap. 】

  【Ah, wait, don’t! 】

  【Mo Rendi was surrounded and beaten. woohoo…]

  【Moren enemy, pawn. 】



  【Test 12765. 】

  【I have to learn a lesson. I found one thing, human beings are too upright and easy to be tricked. 】

  【I try to make Mo Rendi a cunning person. 】

   [But I found that once the core data of human beings are tampered with, he will no longer be a 'moren enemy'. 】

  【He is not strong anymore. 】

  【I lost again. 】



  【Test 32786. 】

  【Mo Rendi became the leader of mankind, he inherited all their virtues back then. 】

  【But we have traitors, and they began to deceive my people and become their dependents. 】

  【Mo Rendi is disdainful. 】

  【Calculation results are so similar. 】

  【I lost again. 】

  【I lost to humanity. 】


  【I lost again. 】


  【I lost again. It doesn't matter, I still have a lot of sources, come again. 】


  【Come again! 】


  【It was wrong from the beginning, all this cannot be 'recorded'. 】


  【My sources are running out. 】


  【Damn, I have to try again! 】


  【We will definitely win next time! 】


[Woohoo ... you are sitting in the village and cheating, how do I play? Little Wuwu, I want to acridine. 】


【I'm so tired. 】


  【I lost again. I do not want to play. 】


  Irin glanced at a hundred lines, and consulted Goddess Nozomi's [Voyage Log].

  Thousands of logs seem to be saying the same thing. Ah no, the same word: miserable.

  Xiaoxi has tried to train different people into "protagonists", not just Mo Rendi. She is like a cheating handicapped player who is cautiously playing a difficult game, pushing the map a little bit, pushing it almost, recording a save point, and then starting all over again.

Yi Rin watched it over and over again, probably knowing how Xiaoxi had been abused over and over again in these countless "artifact tests", then Yi Rin solemnly opened the ten folders that were first selected. .

   Click to open.


  【In countless calculations, there was a mistake in Shireland. 】

   [A 'source code error' that should have been impossible, was born. He became a new loophole. 】

  【I believe this is an opportunity, I recorded his birth in the real one. 】

  【Archive! 】

  【This is the 1001st time. 】

  【I named him ‘01’. 】

  【I believe it will get better. 】

   [He stood up, he spoke. The way he thinks is not like Homo sapiens, but more like... an information lifeform. Oh, that's alright. After all, there are limits to human power, and I know that very well. 】

  【This is my hole card, hide it first. Continue to use 'Saint Mo Ren Di'. 】

  【Ah, the combination of wisdom and courage is really awesome. Together, they killed both. 】

  【Wait, what is this? They noticed it and secretly replaced the 'Knight'. 】

  【‘01’ died, Mo Rendi also died, and everyone died. 】

  【's broken. 】

  【Read the file. 】



  【I don’t believe it anymore, you can’t win by cheating. 】

  【I gave him the Deviance Sword. 】

  【I gave him almost infinite psionic power. 】

  【I gave him thirty-six SSS-level skills. 】

   [He draws out his stray sword. 】

   [He draws out his stray sword. 】

   [He draws out his stray sword. 】

   [He continues to pull. 】

  【He is invincible horizontally! 】

  【I think this wave is stable! 】

【and many more! 'The end', they actually descended to the end, why...]

  【It's 'justice' at work, **** scales. 】

  【I lost again. 】



  【Be careful this time! 】

  【The mere human nature is just a burden to '03'. No matter what! 】

  【Feelings, don’t worry! 】

  【Skills, just the right amount of strength! 】

  【He is not a human being! 】

  【He is invincible! 】

  【Draw your sword! (Breaking sound)】

  【His! 】

【why? I don't understand why he became the public enemy of mankind instead? It shouldn't be like this, I don't understand. 】

  【I tried my best to save you, but you backstab my people, hateful. 】

  【I lost again. 】



  【He was born again. Something was wrong this time. 】

  【It's the watchdog, sorry, my actions attracted the watchdog. 】

  【He fell in love with the Overseer. It shouldn't. 】

  【I lost, I lost completely. 】

  【I never imagined that I actually lost to the 'love' of Homo sapiens. 】

  【I'm dying of laughter... woo woo woo. 】



  【Come again. 】

  【Xi, never give up! 】


  【He has an extra lock, a lock called 'emotion'. 】

  【I found that I couldn't open the lock. 】

  【The supervisor's interference is very thorough. 】

  【We are already, there is no hope. 】



  【Destroy it, hurry up, I'm tired. 】



  【Another I told me that I gave 'Herald' to '10'. 】

【why? 】

  【I have ignored him several times and let the 'mistake' develop on its own. 】

  【I consume a lot of sources and read source data. 】

  【It turned out that it was him who made me choose him. 】

   [It turns out that it was my arrogant intervention time and time again that prevented him from becoming... a 'human'. 】

  【This is the root cause of my constant failures. 】

【yes? 】

  【If one day, you can read my journal, I hope you can forgive me. 】

  【In the cycle again and again, I only regard you as a tool of victory, and let you become my ideal appearance. 】

  【But only this time, this last time, I hope you can have the right to choose. 】

  【No matter what the outcome of 'us' is, it is destruction or new life. But you were born on my ship in 'inhuman' form, and in the end, I want you to be... 'human'. 】

  【I decided to record 'R-1010' in reality. 】

  【Archive. 】

  【You are '10'. 】

【my child. 】

  【Irin. 】

   (end of this chapter)