MTL - Infinite Throne-Chapter 1138 Knight's Dinner (2 in 1)

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   Chapter 1138 The Knight's Dinner Party (2 in 1)


   Deep in the snow-capped mountains.

   Accompanied by strong vibrations, the snow was split open, and a whole piece of floating land, with gravel hanging around, suddenly rose.

A long time ago, Yilin set up many "floating formations" under the station in advance. Now, after using the [Gaia Power Furnace] as the core of the station, this snow mountain station truly has "life", and inside it All buildings form a unified whole.

In the sky.

  The bat-shaped Apocalypse dazzled the earth with a dark red glow.

  Even if everyone on the distant coast could not perceive the vibrations here, nor could they see a steel fortress like a rising star rising into the sky, the "Apocalypse" that was positioned in real time could not deceive anyone.

   for a while.


  Million, Wuming Lao Hei, Connor, Gu Tianqing, the four who were promoted to "Knights", all noticed the change of "Fifth".


   Their perceptions are not so outrageous across continents.

   However, "Apocalypse" is flashing above each knight's head. When the Apocalypse knight moves, the star above their heads will also move. Their movements can be said to be "marked" in the eyes of other knights, and there is no secret at all.

   They are silent, preparing, recruiting, plotting victory, or some other way out.

   And when the other four knights noticed the abnormal movement of the "fifth", they looked in the direction of the snow mountain one after another, with different expressions.


   "My king..."

Continental Europe.

  Pendragon's house, in a deserted castle.

   The red and black light is like tentacles, turning this ancient castle into a den.

   The meandering red and black light is like a substance, and it is densely crawling on the surface of the castle.

   Inside the castle.

  Elegant Merlin came to Milian.

  Million's third eye slowly opened, but after a moment of painful struggle, the gap closed again. I saw Milian silently put on the black butterfly mask, hiding the disgusting gap on her forehead, looking at Merlin, Milian asked:

"What's up?"

   "I have a letter here, an old friend's letter."

  Merlin smiled treacherously and shook the "secret letter" that was quickly thrown from behind the portal not long ago. He didn't have time to read it, but he was still warm.

   On the surface of the envelope was written "Initiated by the Knights of War".

   Besides, he, Merlin, is not a shameless person who likes to spy on women's privacy.

  A woman's privacy is unattractive, oh, woman.

  Million opened the letter.

   There are only a few lines above.



  In the castle, the red light is flourishing.

  Million stood up, the red and black light turned into armor and draped over her.

   In a blink of an eye, she turned into a "war knight" who brought disaster and war to the world.

  Merlin was taken aback.

   "Mei, activate 'sisters', immediately."

  Million tore the secret letter to shreds, put on his armor, and stepped out of the castle.

  Merlin was stunned, floating in the air, and chasing after Milian: "What's wrong?"

  Million and Merlin appeared side by side outside the castle.

   In an instant, she flew straight to the east like a red and black lightning.


  Behind her, the sound of thunder was roaring. Wherever she passed, thunder and lightning continued for a long time.

   "Let's go!"

   Her voice swayed thousands of miles away.



at the same time.

   Deep in the desert.

   In the main hall, believers are singing the glory of [Death] with obscure songs.

   A gray fog filled the sky.

   Deep in the main hall.

   On a seat made of bones, Gu Tianqing sat lazily.

   He snapped his fingers, and the gray flame on his fingertips ignited, burning a letter sent here not long ago to ashes.

  Gu Tianqing was silent, he was thinking, weighing and hesitating.

"grown ups."

   The shadows in the depths distorted out of thin air, and eight ghostly voices came out of the distorted shadows strangely.

   They are the deceased who signed the contract of "families" in hell.

   They were once, like Irin, the "undead" struggling in hell.

   Now, they have new identities, gained new powers, and returned from hell—【Eight Shadows】.

   Of course, there is an old friend of Yi Rin: Henry Zhang.

   However, this Henry Zhang, strictly speaking, is an existence similar to a "copy", re-given with a "body", and once again descended on this world that is both familiar and unfamiliar to him.

   "It's good to go and have a look."

   Gu Tianqing got up from the seat of the bones and stepped out of the palace.

  Under the devout eyes of the believers, the gray fog representing "death" condensed on him and turned into a knight's armor. After ten steps, he had already turned into another scrawny stance. The visor on his face was like bones, reflecting a cold light in the dark night.

   rub, rub.

  Two gray-white flames ignited deep in his eyes, and behind the death knight, a dark gray door that was thousands of meters high rose up with the ground shaking.

   Kaka Kaka.

  The gears were turning, and from the gap in the door, a huge bone claw slammed down on the edge of the door.

   "Hohohoho—" Beneath the visor, Gu Tianqing let out a gloomy laugh: "Link: The world of death is coming."


   "Hey, want to go?"

   African Continent.

   Chief tribe.

  The nameless black and thin old man looked up at the starry sky.

  In the far east, the bat star that represents [Nightmare] rises into the sky.

   Dark green armor draped over him.

   Under the feet of the old black, a halo swayed, and the solid ground melted like a swamp.

   Each withered hand stretched out from the dark green quagmire, each hand was scrawny, and in the cracks of the uneven nails, there was a black, stinky blood stain. In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of hands greedily twisted up under the old black body, twisting into the shape of a "big snake".

   Lao Hei rode a big snake, soared into the air, and headed straight to the east.

   "Hey hey hey..."



   "They noticed."

   On the station that was gradually taking off, Green Card smiled: "By the way, I almost forgot to remind you."

  Irin: "?"

   "Now, don't expose your authority easily."

  Irin was stunned for a moment, he looked deeply at Green who was wriggling in front of him, and asked, "Why?"

  Green thoughtfully: "It will probably be remembered immediately, and the worst result is just death."

   "...Why didn't you say it earlier?"

"Have you forgotten what your identity is now?" Green smiled and pointed to the "Apocalypse" in the sky. The ragged arc of the little bat's mouth was clearly saying: My mother is you who deliberately didn't say it in advance. What can you do with me?

  Irin thought something was wrong: "Isn't this a skinny?"

Green smiled, and on the tips of his raised wings, a dark red gem-like [Nightmare] was spinning rapidly: "But I can lend it to you temporarily, just stick a little, it's not a big problem. It's just that I can't get in. Enough."

  Can't get in?

   This sounds weird.

   But Yilin understood, Green meant that, don't expose the [infinite] authority under the eyes of the rulers. If you really want to fight with the Knights of Apocalypse, you should borrow Green's [Nightmare] to fight again.

Yi Rin lowered his head and pondered for a moment. Although he didn't understand the deep meaning of Green's move, he had known Green for a while. Yi Rin owed Green a lot. Green was still greedy for the nightmare he provided. The debt relationship has obvious benefits. Before the debts were paid off, Green's fussing and sloppy personality would definitely not let himself suffer.

   Furthermore, in front of Green, Yilin had already lied down and let it abuse him, there was nothing to hesitate.

   "You want me to hide under your light and grow in secret?" Irin asked.

  Green nodded and smiled happily: "Leeks, you always have to raise them. When they are mature, they will bloom with attractive green light, right?"

  Irin heard the words and completely understood. He was silent, and slowly extended his index finger towards Green's [Nightmare].

   On the throne, a stream of dark red light was entwined around Irin's fingertips.

  In the Yilin Hub, the pure streamer was dyed with an ominous dark red.

   When touching 【Nightmare】.

  Some strange "information" got into Irin's cognition:

  Looking at flowers in a dream, looking in the mirror, everything in a dream, thousand-layer sandwich cake, nightmare afternoon tea…

   It is not the first time that Irin has touched Green's authority. In the world of Uranos, when the three of them worked together to create the world of dreams, Irin had also touched it before, and it was only a small taste. This time, Yi Rin was familiar with the way, and carefully rubbed on Green's [Nightmare].


  In an instant,

   Above the snow-capped mountains, a dark red streamer, like a storm, wrapped Yilin.

   The little friends felt that their consciousness was blurred for a moment, and they could not distinguish between reality and illusion. When he came back to his senses, Yi Rin had already put on a dark red armor, and there was a liquid light on the armor from time to time. Yi Rin's face was wearing a pure white mask, and the position of the eyes, swish. Lights up like a light bulb with dark red dots.

The blood-colored cloak automatically turned into a [Nightmare Knight] once again, Yi Rin nodded to Green, then spread his palms, and the [Invitation Letters] with the "Bat" coat of arms swirled and floated to the little friends. forward.

   The "Knights" of Sequence D all have dependents.

  Nightmare Knight is no exception.

  The death knight Gu Tianqing has "eight shadows".

  Conquering Knight Connor, there are "Twelve Golden Warriors".

  Million, the war knight, has the "Twelve Knights of the Round Table".

   Famine Knight is an unknown old black, with "a number of anonymous little blacks".


  【Please name the 'Family Legion'. 】

  Oda Mai and other friends, without any hesitation, tore open the [Family Invitation Letter] and became Irin's follower, a line of burning words appeared in front of Irin's eyes.

   "Infinite Legion."

  【Named successfully. 】

   The little friends felt that they had some kind of connection with Irin.

   This connection led to Li Erpang's eyes softening a bit when he looked at Yi Rin wearing the [Nightmare Armor], just like he was looking at his own father.


  Irin's face sank, and he floated up into the sky of Gaia Fortress.

  The night sky in four directions shows different degrees of distortion.


   A huge eyeball, like a red moon wheel, behind the eyeball, a group of small eyeballs are floating densely, covering the sky and the sun.

  East overseas.

  Huge cast iron gears, accompanied by iron cables, turned in the night sky and twisted tightly. A group of metal monsters of different sizes, or fanning steel wings, or spraying flames, followed closely behind a strange suspended island like a steel mound.


  A gray fog covered the night sky, a huge bone dragon with a length of several thousand meters after spreading its wings, and the gray flames ignited in its eyes. When the bone dragon fanned the rotten bone wings, an army of skeletons composed only of white bones spread the night sky into a dazzling pale white.

   due south.

A "serpent" that was twisted into a twisted body flew towards the Gaia fortress. Wherever the serpent passed, dark green juice dripped from its body, like a rainstorm, dripping on the ground. Wherever it passed, all things Dissolved, giving off a stench.

   The Gaia Fortress, which is being lifted off, is facing four Apocalypse Knights from four directions.

   The little friends couldn't see the figure of the Apocalypse Knights, but from the scale of this mighty army, you can also see the horror of the four Apocalypse Knights. The real horror of the Apocalypse Knights is not all because of their own strength and the "support" of the one behind them!

  Knights are just agents!

   Those who really show off their muscles are standing behind the agents, masters!

   "What the hell?"

   Li Erpang hadn't had time to rejoice at the "new" power, but in a blink of an eye he had to face such an outrageous scene, which suddenly made the corners of his mouth tremble, shocked and angry.


  Oda Mai put her right hand on her waist and remained silent.


  Su Xiaosu slapped Li Erpang on the forehead to calm him down, but she herself squeezed her fist and made a crisp sound between her knuckles.

  Mo Rendi took a step, and he took out little Yilin's "relic", the tube of [Giant Potion], and injected it into his neck without a word. When he opened his eyes again, Mo Rendi felt every cell in his body rejuvenated, and his white hair was falling one by one, replaced by black and beautiful black hair.

   With a sigh, Mo Rendi used the "invitation letter". At this moment, he abandoned the arrogance of a martial artist and became a warrior.

  The dog held his hands in front of him, and the corner of his mouth evoked a sinister sneer.

  Ning straightened the bow.

Xiao Chuer sighed softly, the skin was torn open, and eight ferocious "arthropods" pierced through the flawless back and protruded from under the skin. At the same time, strange textures appeared on her face, dense fluff like fine hair. Acupuncture, standing on the body surface. This is the first time she has shown such an ugly posture in front of others: the spider queen.

  Li Changge pulled out a three-foot green blade with his right hand, which was a rusty ancient sword. A doll is pinched in his left hand: this is a cursed weapon. Put on the bat armor again. This nondescript dress and outfit is Li Changge's strongest gesture - a gesture that really works without paddling.

  Xu Jingjing's ears stood up, both ears were pointed, and the arrow feathers emitting milky white light condensed behind her buttocks, and the smell of cumin was all over her body.

Azhen squeezed a handful of seeds and quickly scattered them on the edge of the station. She dripped her own blood on the seeds. The twisted vines soared around the station at a speed visible to the naked eye. Terrible slime.

  Meng Chaoqiang stepped forward and hugged Ah Zhen, no longer attached to the love of his children, the muscles on his body swelled up and became crystal clear, like steel and crystal. Aqiang comforted Azhen: "Don't worry, Azhen, I have 'all methods that won't invade the glazed body' and I won't die."

  Azhen cried: "Don't put up a Flag in front of the's bad luck."

   After becoming a "Family", the little friends gained new power and rose up one after another.

   They all understood one thing: prepare to start a group!

  Green's little red bean eyes showed kind eyes, looking at Yi Rin and his friends, just like looking at his beloved toys.

   You are really, it's getting more and more delicious.



   is destined to be a sleepless night.

  The five apocalypse stars moved at the same time.


  The five knights, the five agents, and the legions under their command gathered together for the first time after the [Revelation] came.

   Fear, shock, apprehension, unease, all kinds of emotions, in this sleepless night, fill everyone's heart.

   rub rub rub.

   on night.

   As the five knights are about to confront each other.

   Faces with different shapes, such as silhouettes in shadow puppets, with curved eyes and grinning mouths, filled the night little by little.

   After a blink of an eye, this world attracted countless "watches".

  【Revelation】, for the ants in the proving ground, it is a cruel trial. But for the high gods, it is a "performance" or "gambling" that excites them and excites them.

  They, look here!

   With the eyes of the gods falling.

  Irin frowned and raised her head.

   At this moment, the lonely Nightmare Knight, this posture of looking up at the night sky at a forty-five degree angle, is like standing on a low ground, with the body of an ant and the position of a knight, fearlessly, looking directly at the majesty of God!

   "I suddenly burst into flames."

  Irin took a deep breath, raised her **** towards the sky.

   Although my friends don't know more about the inside story, Irin's posture is too burning. Li Erpang, Wang Tiandi, Li Changge and other unrestrained groups, after looking at each other, smiled at each other, and also imitated Yi Rin's movements, raising their middle fingers to the sky and to the gods.

   "Nightmare Knight. Hoohoohoho-”

  The death knight Gu Tianqing, holding a two-meter-long sickle in his hand, stood alone on the head of the bone dragon, with a weird laugh behind his visor: "Do you want to run?"

   "What do you say?"

  Irin laughed.


   Under the shadow of night.

   Four directions, four legions, four knights.

  The lonely fortress of Gaia, surrounded by it.

  Conquering the knight side, twelve golden light spots, bearing the brunt, killed the Gaia fortress.

   Golden flames ignited on them, golden douqi turned into wings, and they moved freely in the air.

   At this level of war, no one can fly.


   Although Li Erpang has just raised his middle finger, he is fierce, but facing the army of four knights, no one can easily face it.

   "Moe Moe."

   Among all the people present, only Molly was an ordinary person. But at this time, Yi Rin waved his hand, and under the feet of the little friends, the dark pipes seemed to be alive, twisted into a ball in front of everyone, and regrouped.

   Soon, a VR headset appeared in front of Molly.

   Molly was taken aback.

   "Do what you are good at." Yi Rin turned around and left the stall: "Let them see the power of talented girls." Molly heard the words and put on the VR helmet suspiciously. In an instant, a holographic virtual interface appeared in front of her.

   This is a brand new world.

   After a moment of astonishment, Molly fluttered her fingers and tapped quickly in front of her.

   rumbling rumbling.

The resident of the Apocalypse Guild, under the action of the legendary item [Gaia Power Furnace], is plug-and-play. Not long ago, it became the [Gaia Fortress] that can evolve independently. This legendary power furnace was responsible for the Items that provide the main power of [Atlantis].

  Under Molly's skilled operation, the interface in front of her is like an RTS game interface, and she is an elite gamer in the game industry.

   Drop Drop Drop —

【Hyperlink. 】

  【Fortress of Gaia, armed mode, start. 】

  The assembly line is started, and the parts that have already been rubbed are assembled quickly and orderly on the assembly line. In the numb eyes of everyone, Gaia Fortress seemed to come to life, deforming at high speed in the sound of gears and metal running in.

  The barrels of several meters in diameter are connected in a row, and there are hundreds of rows of barrels in this row. With the operation of the assembly line, the snow-white "No. 0 machines" were flexibly launched into the sky, and returned to their positions one by one over the Gaia Fortress.

Molly operates an entire army by herself, but looking at it with the naked eye, the movements of each No. 0 aircraft move flexibly in the air, as if a real person is operating inside. In just a few tens of seconds, the air is densely packed. Machine No. 0 is arranged in a three-dimensional square matrix of "10X10X10".

   "Wang'er, come on! Mortals, come on!" Xiaoxi was sitting on the heights of the Gaia Fortress, with an expression of watching the fun and not taking it too seriously, hugging Xiaowu and making out, while cheering for the stupid mortals.

   (end of this chapter)