MTL - Infinite Throne-Chapter 1156 Destroyer Weapon: Origin Cannon (2 in 1)

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  Chapter 1156 Destroyer-class weapons: Energy Cannon (2 in 1)

   When Yilin raised his knife and chopped off Elizabeth's head, the black water in the box changed again.

  In the black water, a black "key" with an old shape floats up. It looks real, but it is translucent.

   The moment Irin took the key, he instantly gained the "dominance" of the world, and all the elements and principles that make up the world are under Irin's control.


   In the blink of an eye, the three of them appeared on the sea under the envelope of the barrier.

Even though Yi Rin adjusted the pressure in the barrier ahead of time, the instantaneous pressure change still caused Molly and Ruth to cover their ears in pain, squatting on the ground, their heads buzzing, and they felt dizzy and dry. Vomiting, as in early pregnancy.


  Irin held the "key", twisted the key-shaped "world core", the door opened, and Irin stepped into the crack of the door.

   Enter the rift, and inside is a closed room.

  The walls of the room are transparent, the outside is full of blue sea water, and the sunlight forms layers of gorgeous streamers in the sea water.

   In the room, but not empty.

   In the center of the room, there is a "rudder", and in the center of the rudder there is a disc the size of a palm, on which is the shape of an "anchor".

   A phantom light flashed past, strands of light condensed into a girl in a long black dress in front of the rudder.

  The girl's face Irin saw in the process of the bubble disillusionment, it was the young Calypso.

   "Hello, Captain, I'm the navigator."

   The girl's indifferent voice sounded in the room.

   There is no emotional ups and downs, no cadence, the girl's voice is as calm as a machine.

  Irin became the "captain" of this world the moment he won the "core of the world", taking control of this place one step earlier than Nemesis.

   He didn't talk nonsense, and put his hand on the "rudder of the world".

  In an instant, hundreds of illusory light curtains lit up in front of Yi Rin, and a huge stream of data flowed at high speed in the light curtain.

   When Irin read the "information" left by this world ship, Green curled his wings and pointed to the sky: "Nemesis is coming."

   heard the words.

Yi Rin's expression was not surprised at all, and nodded: "First, the nanoworm of the Four Emperors was taken out by me, and Calypso's breath disappeared, and I killed Elizabeth with my backhand, which was equivalent to hitting it in the face, it is here in this The plans of the world have been disturbed by me one by one, and it would be wrong to sit still."

  From the moment they found the "core of the world" in the deep sea, Yilin killed Elizabeth, this series of things happened too fast.

  Ruth and Molly didn't even react, their eyes were dizzying.

  Irin had no time to explain why she suddenly killed Elizabeth.

   Actually, when Yilin took out the "nanoworm" in Elizabeth's brain, he discovered something.

  There are actually two "nano bugs" in Elizabeth Rin's mind.

   One of the nanoworms was taken out by Irin.

   But the second, in the form of "liquid", replaced Elizabeth's cerebrospinal fluid, indivisible and inseparable.

   Going deeper into the microscope, through the contamination of cerebrospinal fluid, Elizabeth Rin's brain cells were already covered with nanoworms.

  When Yi Rin learned about this, he knew that because of the special relationship between Elizabeth Rin and Calypso, Nemesis gave Elizabeth more special care.

  Therefore, Irin kept silent, and when she was waiting for Elizabeth to be completely taken away, she suddenly jumped up and slapped Nemesis in the face. So much so that Green would call Yilin "arrogant".

  Irin and Green fell, Irin left the "driver's room of the world", and when he reappeared, he was already in the Gaia fortress.

  Without any sign.

   The sky suddenly tore a gap.

  A piece of humanoid machine like a locust, mighty burst into the water world from the crack.

   Whether it is night or day.

  The scavengers in the world raised their heads in panic and looked at the sky.

   Around the torn sky, there were densely twisted "faces".

  These faces are outlined by stars and night, like vast stars and ghosts in the sky.

   Their faces, vaguely recognizable different expressions.

   or grinning, or sarcasm, or playfulness, or nervousness, or joy.

   They are gods.

   In this "off-the-counter game", the "gods" who held down the chips!

Green spread his hands regretfully: "Unfortunately, your Wululu didn't come. He could have intervened, because Nemesis has a personality, and if it intervenes, it will only open one eye and close one eye. , but there could be another outcome: the war would evolve from a 'little war' to a 'slightly bigger war'."

  Irin understood Green's meaning.

   This gambling situation tends to be complicated.

  The Nightmare Knight escaped from Hellenic.

  Nemesis, as a salvage team, is planning a water world.

   And when Irene invaded here, it was like his Nightmare Knight was wrong and provoked the salvage team Nemesis.

   Nemesis' shot against the Nightmare Knight can be said to be well-founded and convincing.

   But if Wu Lulu ends, the nature will be a little different.

  Wu Lulu belongs to the side of "death". If Wu Lulu helps Yilin, it would be equivalent to "betrayal". The Lord of Death has every reason to send more gods to enter.

   A small war will evolve into a huge "God War" involving countless gods and countless world ships!

  Irin was silent, not disappointed because Wu Lulu did not appear.

   "Come on! Don't forget my ten million!"

Before   Green disappeared, he still did not forget to remind.

  The war begins.

   At the core of Gaia Fortress, the interface turned into a VR helmet and appeared in front of Molly.

   Molly is in charge of manipulating the forces of Gaia Fortress.

  The door of the greenhouse was broken open, and the hideous carnivorous monsters, vines soared, took root around the Gaia fortress and laid a defensive net.


  The sky is filled with humanoid omnics, sweeping the sky like locusts, the gods in the sky are sneering, and the crazy general attack of Nemesis from outside the world is coming.

   A circle of green light was emitted from Pan Zhengyi, and Pan Zhengyi sat in the center of the fortress, blessing the crew with a "four-leaf clover halo".

   Among all the people, only Yilin, after entering Pan Zhengyi's halo, is equivalent to eating a big negative state, causing strong discomfort, so he can only stay away.

   "Lao Mo, take the gun!"

  【Zhu Xian Spear】 was thrown to Mo Rendi.

  【Human Emperor Seal】I threw it to the dog.

   Xueer's white hair fluttered and she was in high spirits. Around her, the space was distorted, and imaginary peanuts were born and destroyed. However, this subtle scene change did not attract anyone's attention. After growing up, Xue Er is more sensible than when she was a child. She no longer regards dogs as mounts, but Wang Er with the [Human Emperor Seal] in her paws as a "Legendary Plus Weapon Dog". greater than the effect of two.

   Pan Zhengyi holds [Storm and Thunder Envoy] in his left hand and [Harley Quinn's good friend] in his right hand.

   With the help of Irin, Ruth became a registrant of "Hyrakuen", and picked a few practical skills and props from the warehouse, but it still takes some time to grow.

   Now, the 20 main combat powers have been sent to other worlds by Irin. Now Gaia Fortress can be said to be empty of combat power and not in its peak state.

Among the legendary items or weapons owned by Yi Rin, the only ones with a hammer-level attack power are [Zhu Xian Spear], [Human Emperor Seal], and [Deviance Sword], while [Weaving Book] and [Noah's Ark No.9999] Prototype] is classified in terms of function as auxiliary legendary props.

   But very few can really exert the power of legendary weapons.

   "Others, assist Molly in defense!"

"Lao Mo, Wang Er, Meng Chaoqiang, Li Yingjun," Yi Rin combined everyone's strengths and began to assign tasks: "You are each responsible for the east, west, north and south of Gaia Fortress, don't let the other side break into the fortress within 500 meters. Lord!"

   "Old Pan... Forget it, you can do whatever you want!"

   [Navigator, temporarily load the setting template of "Hyland". 】

  【Pan Zhengyi: Son of the World. 】

  【Mo Rendi: Saint. 】

  【Meng Chaoqiang: Pioneer. 】

  【Molly: Wise. 】

  【Li Shizhen: Son of the Jungle. 】

  【Wang Tiandi: Mascot. 】


   If it is said that it is a team now, then what Irin hastily does is to assign their respective positions.

   But these "positions" can only add a tiny bonus to this upcoming battle.

   Hundreds of thousands of humanoid omnics broke into the world from the torn cracks.

   One face, their figures are like dark clouds, shrouding the world.

   Mo Ren's enemy took the lead, did his part, and threw the spear of Zhuxian.


   The spear is like a dragon and lightning, just like a dazzling meteor, passing through the center of the omnic legion.

  Boom boom boom boom!

   The continuous explosions covered the sky and the sun, Mo Rendi urged [Extreme Intent], and the white figures ran rampant in the omnic legion, with no weapons to attack.

   Molly controls the mech army and fights with the opponent's omnic army.

   Without hesitation, now is not the time to play micro-manipulations. In the face of huge orders of magnitude, only brainless accumulation of numbers, or combat power at the level of a hammer, can affect the battle situation. The original intention of the mecha group was to exist like cannon fodder in the Gaia Fortress. In the past few years, Molly has continued to study and deepen, and developed different types of mechas with various functions. But all mechas, under Yilin's instruction, are equipped with one of the most basic, core, and critical functions: self-destruction.

   Molly was both nervous and excited. Under the observation of the holographic god, Molly decisively pressed the "self-destruction" button after the first batch of No. 1 aircraft entered the siege.

  In an instant, tens of thousands of No. 1 machines, transformed into a terrifyingly powerful group of magic bombs, were forced into the omnic group in the sky, blowing a hole.

  The glow of their explosion, bright like fireworks, lights up the world for a moment of prosperity.


   The scene in front of him is like a thick black cloud that has been blasted out of a cloud hole, and the dawn of hope can be seen from above the sky.

The first wave of the omnic army was easily blocked, but the members in the Gaia fortress had not had time to rejoice. The omnics, which were larger in number and larger in size than the first wave, passed through the cracks and killed them as if they didn’t need money. into the world.

Stormbird, Steel Centipede, Digging Beast, Pearl, the "Awakening Ability" omnics that made the "Four Emperors" stand on top of the sea in the water world have now become Nemesis' "mass-produced arms". There are thousands of each one.

  Thousands of storm birds flapped their wings, the hurricane rolled the sea into ravines, thunder and lightning, and the horizon was endless.

  Twisting steel centipedes interspersed up and down in the clouds, the chainsaws on the mouthparts turned wildly, and the changes in the airflow caused by them resounded in the sky above this world, which sounded like the roar of beasts, which was frightening.

The round digging beasts with a height of several hundred meters, that is, Amakusa Seishiro's awakened omnic, are like tires spinning at a high speed, their body surfaces are covered with dense spikes, and driven by the jet of flame, they turn and smash towards Gaia. The defensive canopy of the fortress.

   One after another, the Pearl omnipotent ships, along with the teleportation light, fell on the sea, and the beams of orbital railguns shot at the Gaia Fortress.


  Irin lifted off.

   came to the "cloud layer" spread out by the omnic.

Below   , it was like a turbulent flow with two colors, trying to devour each other.

The moment   Irin opened her eyes, she was awe-inspiring.

   raised his head, pipes stretched out from the ripples and inserted into his back.

  【The link is successful. 】

  Calypso's voice sounded in Irin's ears, and Irin hyperlinked with the world ship.

  Irin performed thousands of calculations on the outcome of this battle.

   He understood, he knew that no matter how angry or unwilling he was, it would not help.

   The comparison of odds placed on the bet is actually equivalent to their winning rate, which is extremely slim.

  From the beginning, he understood this.

  Mo Rendi, Cher, Wang, all of them.

   roared in the omnic group and kept fighting.

The    explosions are like the glow of human beings, faint but eye-catching.

   "But they're still trying."

  Irin's eyes closed and opened, and his field of vision switched.

   On the azure blue source sea, the dots of red light, like the stars in the sky, surrounded "he".

   "Unfortunately, this is not Hildeland."

  The shape of the world ship has changed, and the world has become a giant of the sea that is hundreds of millions of feet high, standing in the source sea.

far away.

A huge sphere with twisted and rusted steel bars on it, and two red lights suddenly lit up, like a god. the moment of destruction.


  Irin pointed at the metal ball from afar and said the opponent's name.

   It is, God.

   A group of crazy Homo sapiens, after uploading their consciousness to the center, unified, distorted and reborn, the "Omnic Life" born - Nemesis.

   Consciousness upload, mechanical ascension, and achieve immortality.

   "You should be able to deeply understand the weakness and powerlessness of human beings." Nemesis said in a cold voice.

"No matter how weak and powerless human beings are, they will laugh together, have a picnic together, empathize with the same thing, be angry with the same enemy, and fight for the same goal. Of course, I think You've forgotten that feeling."

  Irin sneered.

   beep beep.

   Nemesis: "The weak are united."

   "But I know that you were once a 'collection of humans'. I don't think your omnic will make you forget that."

   "That's the past," Nemesis's voice was not angry, Iren's taunt was obviously ineffective, it said in a hurry: "We are, Omnics, Nemesis. "

  Nemesis doesn't seem to have any plans to chat with Iren. From the very beginning, just as Iren had calculated it in advance, Nemesis had also calculated it billions of times.

  Irin's calculation result is: he can't win.

   And the result of Nemesis's calculus is: it can't lose.

   One person, one god, strangely reached the same "consensus" from their respective perspectives.

"'we won."

  It said this sentence, not swearing, let alone self-improvement.

   Just, a little bit in advance, issued an absolute declaration of victory.

   On Nemesis, the blue streamer quickly gathered, and the illusory data streams turned into reality.

   That is a muzzle.

   It's just that the muzzle is as huge as the world, like a star, entrenched in the corner of the source sea.

  In the muzzle, light began to condense, with starlight, sun and moon, time and space, and a chaotic information flow that represented "everything".

"It's over, it's the source cannon, which directly blasts the source's 'ship-killing' weapons. It seems that 'their' reminders still have an effect. Otherwise, Nemesis would not use weapons of this level. to deal with you."

  Green sighed in Yi Rin's ear: "Dodge, you can't fight!"

"That's too late!"

  The world incarnation, the giant of the sea, clenched his fists.

  In the world ship, eternal night falls, the temperature drops sharply, and the air concentration drops.

   Flakes of plants and jungle wither.

  The mountains are annihilated into dust.

   The panic-stricken human beings, in the process of fleeing, fell to the ground, dying into bones and corpses in the blink of an eye.

   The life of this world is mercilessly transformed into the purest "source" in an instant, under the mobilization of the "Lord of the World".

   The huge world withered in an instant and everything withered.

  Irin holds the key to the world, extracts the source of the world, and condenses it in his fist.

   The throne of "Infinite" shines brightly in Irin's pivot.

   "Jiyi" turned the world into white, like a giant burning with pale flames.

   Light gathers around the right fist.


  The space around the left fist collapsed.


   The two in one.

  Two colors, two extremes, forcibly blended into a condensed beam of black and white light that faded into black and gray, facing the destroyer-class weapon, the source cannon.

   (end of this chapter)