MTL - Inside and Outside World-Chapter 18 : Twisted Evil

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With the title of "World Breaker", Tang Tianjie, who was proud of himself, suddenly found that a large amount of hair was wrapped around his feet.

"what are you doing?"

But no one answered the next second the hair was on the body, and it spread out into countless hair strands. Each strand of hair shimmering with metallic light was like the sharpest thin thread. Under Li Zhan'ai's control, she suddenly shrank.


With a miserable howl, boundless pain surged from the nerves, Li Zangai's hair tightened, and it cut directly into the skin layer of Tang Tianjie's body, cutting off the tendons, blood vessels and veins below! Each strand of hair was strangled deeply on the bone.

In an instant, this handsome young man turned into a blood-blooded figure.

It's like Ling Chi!


Dazzling bright red splashed out in large strands. From Tang Tianjie's body, along with the gushing blood, there were pieces of meat that seemed to be sliced ​​with a knife. Countless metalized hairs penetrated into the bones, tightened and then bounced off violently. With the force, more than 70% of the flesh was cut off in an instant.

Tang Tianjie's face showed an unbelievably shocked expression on his head, which was not entangled by hair. He lowered his head and looked at himself, as if his body had become a skeleton.

"Is it a lie? I... How can a person like me die? I should be the protagonist..."


The skeleton that lost a lot of flesh and blood suddenly collapsed under its own weight, and Tang Tianjie died completely. Only the head on the ground still had a horrified and unbelievable expression. This lucky person who broke through the boundaries of human beings has become a thing of the past.


Li Zun'ai, with blood-red eyes, laughed wildly. The injury to the abdomen pierced by the boss was temporarily closed under the hemostatic spray, but it burst open again amidst the laughter. Squeezed out from the breach, but he didn't feel it.

The laughter is getting weaker...

"What's going on, what's going on here?"

The guide Mu Bai looked at the ground in shock, as if he was dying, Tang Tianjie's head with wide eyes, and Li Zangai, who lost his breath in the laughter.

Chu Qingfeng, whose right leg disappeared, was supported by Xu Han to get up, and let out a breath of foul air.

Destiny Talent: Hint.

He gave psychological hints to the three people with spiritual loopholes—Wang Dongwei, Zhu Xiaoyong, and Li Zunai, but they were only weak hints. When necessary, turning weak hints into strong hints was equivalent to activating the planted seeds.

As a result, the anger and unwillingness in Li Zan's heart expanded infinitely, and he fell into intense hatred.

Lucky to break through the boundaries of human beings, this guy's abilities are too buggy, no one wants a god-like protagonist to appear beside him, this is someone who shouldn't be alive! Sha Matt, who broke through the boundaries of human beings, also disgusted him.

Die together, best result!

As a psychologist, what I am best at is not fighting, but the brain.

Chu Qingfeng has always believed in one sentence:

"Being able to show value with your brain is much safer than showing value with your fists. There is no need to solve things with your brain that can be solved with your hands."

Just like now, without doing anything, and no one even knows the real reason, the two newcomers died like this.

Mu Bai didn't have time to be shocked, because the world in this place is undergoing drastic changes, between the broken sky and the earth showing countless cracks, time and space suddenly changed like a trick card! Countless phantom light groups, black, red, and gold, dyed the entire space into a strange and chaotic color.

"Could it be..."

The expression of shock and fear appeared on the face of this black man. He turned his head with difficulty and looked at the ground. There, after Dr. Smith was blown to pieces, the remaining head, the gray-white brain matter, had swelled into a large mass with a diameter of 3 meters. Above, like a walnut-like brain tissue!

The huge brain tissue floated on the ground, and the surface was covered with bloodshot network.

Some limbs also floated up.

An eyeball, Dr. Smith's head dropped to the ground, has grown to about the size of a washbasin. There is a thick nodular nerve hanging down under the eyeball. It looks like a beholder in a magic game. This eyeball is floating in the Next to the brain tissue, several tentacles link the eyeball and brain tissue together.

The gums also became larger, and countless teeth proliferated on them. Some teeth were sword-shaped, and some were barbs. The densely packed teeth covered the gums, and finally formed a strange mouth with large grinding discs, like sandworm mouthparts. It was also connected by nerve tentacles. floating next to the brain.

A Dr. Smith on the ground, the remaining palm after the grenade exploded, began to become huge, distorted, and ferocious, the skin turned brown-black, covered with a layer of rough horny, and some places grew scales, it was completely evil Strange Claw!

In the space of blurred colors and halos, the gray and white bloodshot brain tissue, the eyeballs, teeth, and strange claws connected by floating tentacles, became a weird deformity, an indescribable monster beyond imagination.

"This is a twisted evil thing!"

Mu Bai's pupils were shaking violently, and his body was also trembling.

The other newcomers, except Yan Luo, looked at this monster in surprise, the sudden change of time and space was like entering a psychedelic space, and the strange limbs floating up—as a human being, there is a natural fear of this kind of inexplicable weirdness .

Yan Luo looked at the mobile app, and the name of the monster given on it was:

Class F Twisted Evil (Chaos Pollution)


biochemical weird

biochemical weird

Bioweird · Lost Tooth

Biochemical Weird · Death Claw

The guide, Mu Bai, is also checking the phone. F-level is the weakest kind of twisted monsters. It belongs to the smallest Hakoniwa world. It is a weirdness born after pollution, but even so, this is the LV4 world modulator, so it is possible to fight against it. exist!

He is LV3.

LV3 and LV4 seem to be only one level apart, but the actual gap is far away. LV1 to L3 belong to low-level modulators, and LV4 is an intermediate-level modulator.

"Why is there a twisted evil thing polluted by chaos? I finally came across a small garden world. I clearly hope that these newcomers can get more benefits and greater challenges in the novice mission...why..."

Mu Bai, who was in the lawful and good camp, fell into a mood of self-condemnation. If it wasn't for the greed to let the newcomers deal with the box garden boss... now, everyone has returned to the surface world.

"Chi Chi Chi..."

When Mu Bai was immersed in regret, the biochemical weirdness Sangjiao suddenly shot out the nails on the claws. The gray-black nails, like five sharp blades, exploded with air and spun into his chest. Pierce through the chest and fly out from the back.

hit hard!

However, this blow also freed Mu Bai from the violent emotional fluctuations. His face was crying and smiling, his eyes were as fierce as hungry wolves, and his pierced chest turned into a vortex of energy. The energy body instantly recovered from the injury.

"Since becoming the LV3 world modulator... giving up the adventure, becoming a guide, guiding others... I have brought 72 newcomers..."

"Every time, I have successfully completed the task, and this time I will not fail! I will bear the consequences caused by myself! Everyone! The collapse of the world has stopped when the twisted evil thing appears, and the portal is still there. Run away!" Mu Bai roared hoarsely, "Escape from this place, return to the portal, and escape from this world!"

"Run away with all your strength! I am the guide, and I will resist!"

"Even if you die, I will protect you and leave alive!"

A strong wind element rushed over Mu Bai, and two daggers appeared in his hands. Mu Bai faced the biochemical aggregate of twisted evil things. Five one-foot-long black armors flew out from the mourning claws again, and three of them were dodged. , the two were peeled off by the dancing dagger.

Mubai's genetic system, psionic side, click on "wind element", his main energy is "wind", wind walk! Exercising the Accelerated Movement Technique, he rushed to the side of the huge claw, and the cold-lighted dagger slashed across the claw finger like lightning, pulling out two long bloodstains.


The turbid blood spurted from the wound on his finger sprayed Mu Bai all over his head and face. Immediately, he felt that the scene in front of him became blurred, all kinds of strange lights filled his sight, piercing sirens, all kinds of weird sounds, Distorted musical instruments... All of this, from sight to hearing, completely sank.

Chaos pollution!

One of the terrifying abilities to distort evil things, Mu Bai's eyes can't see clearly at all, and his ears can't distinguish the sound. He let out a desperate howl like a female wolf facing a lion protecting her cub. The elements drive the body, spinning like a top.

The dagger that wraps the wind element draws out lines in the void, and the dense lines converge into a net in almost 2 seconds.

"Profound Truth Wind Wheel Dance"

Biochemical Weird Sangzhua was cut into pieces by the lines of the wind element, the large net condensed by UU Reading, and even the debris was melted into the wind element, with layers of sharp teeth behind it, coiled on the gum like petals , Sangya with the size of a grinding plate bit half of Mu Bai's body into his mouth.

Countless teeth were cutting flesh and blood, and the severe pain made the guide's consciousness clearer.


The body is transformed from flesh and blood into an energy state, but the twisted evil can cause damage to matter and energy at the same time. The densely packed fine teeth, flashing red light like blood, are cutting the outline of the blue-white energy figure.

"The spirit body burns!"

The physical body has the famous method of disintegrating the demons, while the energy body corresponds to the burning of the spirit body! From the outline of the human figure, a blue-white flame rose, and Mu Bai, who was completely burning the foundation of his own existence, once again performed "Profound Truth·Wind Wheel Dance" in an energy state.

Numerous fine teeth were broken, and the mourning tooth with the size of a grinding disc was also chopped into pieces. Mu Bai of LV3, relying on the profound meaning and spiritual body burning, managed to spell out the two components of this twisted evil thing!

However, he reached his limit.

Already weakened to the extreme, the burning spirit body suffered serious damage that penetrated deep into the soul, and Mu Bai, unable to maintain his illusory form, turned back to a solid body. The last thing he saw was a huge bloodshot white eyeball and blood-colored pupils, which made people feel creepy...

"Run!" he snarled at last.

"I'm sorry... I hope you... can escape alive. If I can exchange my life for the lives of the seven newcomers... Even if I die, I won't have any regrets or resentment." He, who is in the lawful and good camp, silently said in his heart pray.

A thick beam of light shot out from Bioweird Mourning Eye.


In the light, the whole body exploded into countless pieces.