MTL - Inside and Outside World-Chapter 774 : reincarnation

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The power contained in the life and death book is the power of life and death corresponding to the Dao of Law. Unless you really become a god, Buddha, immortal, jump out of the three realms and not be in the five elements, otherwise you will fall into it no matter how strong you are. Of course, this cannot be the real life and death book, but just like the previous Pangu ax projection, which also has the characteristics of the Pangu ax splitting all matter, energy, and even chaos, this life and death book projection can also communicate the cycle of life and death.

After breaking through the limit of life and soul, what is Yan Luo's vitality and spiritual power displayed on the data panel? ? ? ? , surpassed the limit that normal people can achieve, but fell into the life-death thinness, and the vitality and spiritual power were directly cut to 0.

When the vitality becomes 0, it means that this is a dead person, and when the spiritual power becomes 0, the soul also falls into a coma, just like when a person is dreaming, he is lost in a dream.

Buddhism says that relying on precepts, concentration and wisdom can overcome all confusion. Yan Luo is not a Buddhist monk who does not have that concentration, and although he breaks through the soul limit and the soul strength surges, he relies on tricks, and he does not have the ability to resist rules like divinity. The firewall, the power of life and death Bo, is similar to the finger of death driven by supernatural power, so naturally he can't bear it, and he is now killed by Life and Death Bo.

After a person dies, the soul leaves the body of the body, and it is chaotic. It does not know up, down, left, right, north, south, west, east. Originally, the body and soul should be wiped out in the life and death book, but his body is a two-way spirit body, which is divided into yin and yang. It just fits the life and death of life and death, so it is not destroyed, and the soul is attracted by another top-level treasure that is carried with you.


I don't know how high the level of the six realms of reincarnation is, at least it will not be lower than life and death, and the most important thing is that it also contains a power corresponding to the law of the law: the power of reincarnation.

The power of samsara just takes over life and death, and when a person dies, he will fall into samsara. After the power of life and death Bo acts on Yan Luo, the power of the six realms of samsara takes over the past, so the soul falls into samsara.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation was once severely damaged and almost destroyed. Although it inhaled a few magical artifacts, such as the bronze sacred tree, bronze sword, bronze coffin, bronze Weng Zhong, figurines, bronze dragon, etc., it was slightly repaired, but only part of it was repaired. The combat function is nothing more than the internal space itself. In the last world, Yan Luo and others entered the six realms of reincarnation, and the six realms were still empty.

Under the power of reincarnation, Yan Luo's soul is about to be completely lost in this emptiness. Another top-level magic weapon: Xiao Ai, the weapon spirit in the Qiankun Pearl, sensed danger, and this weapon spirit was decisive enough to destroy the Qiankun Pearl immediately. , Completing the different space of the six reincarnations!

In the previous world, because of the means of the manager of the dream space, the Qiankun Pearl combined with the six reincarnations to evolve a small world for Yan Luo and others to experience. The two magic weapons can be regarded as having a causal relationship with each other.

Qiankun Pearl, Qian is the sky, and Kun is the earth. Kun is not hell, but the earth where human beings live. It refers to the human world. The characteristics of the three worlds of earth and man.

Now the Kyushu Continent, which is evolving into the Nine Levels of Hell, together with the fallen Heaven Realm, is divided into six parts, and each piece is integrated into one of the six realms.

Xiao Ai is the weapon spirit of the Qiankun Pearl, and now that the magic weapon is broken, she herself loses her body and is about to disappear completely. First, she wants to escape into the six realms of reincarnation. The power of reincarnation contained in this magic weapon is best at killing consciousness. Seeing that she has reached a dead end, she simply entered the Pluto Machine.

There is no different space in the Pluto machine, but this super-machine has a data storage center. Xiao Ai used to be the mastermind of the online game world, and has the ability to transform herself into a data stream, so she entered the storage space of the Pluto machine. Becoming an existence similar to Jarvis in Iron Man's power armor, from a magic weapon of a small thousand worlds to a robot's intelligent auxiliary AI, which is essentially downgraded a lot, but the Pluto machine itself is also very extraordinary, It seems that he still has the ability to travel through dimensions, so he may not be free in the future.

The Qiankun Pearl was split into six pieces to complete the six realms of reincarnation. The bronze sacred tree, bronze sword, bronze Weng Zhong, figurines...all inhaled before were erupted, and the Xiaoqian world corresponding to the six realms is no longer needed.

Xiao Ai became the intelligent system AI of the Pluto machine, and she simply picked it up when she saw it. Anyway, the Pluto machine is also dilapidated, and these can be made up to some extent—such as the loss of the Pluto Excalibur. The Bronze Tai'a Sword can be used as a weapon instead of the Hades Excalibur! Of course, it is far inferior in essence, but the abyss metal, **** cells and ghost iron alloy contained in the Pluto machine can just strengthen the Tai'a sword.

Other bronze trees, bronze coffins, bronze dragons, bronze Weng Zhong and bronze figurines also entered the equipped weapon system.

Not to mention that the Pluto machine swallowed the things that the six samsaras did not want, and the universe pearl was divided into six. This time, the six samsaras finally transformed into six spaces. I saw the resplendent world at the top of the roulette, which was the world of heaven and man. It is paved with gold, trees are planted on both sides of the road, gold and silver are the roots, glass is the branches, and various gemstones form the leaves, which are gorgeous and splendid, bearing colorful fruits on them.

The sky of the Celestial Realm shines with golden light, the air is full of strange fragrances, and there is a pool with clear water on the ground. The fountain spews out and rises in mid-air, being illuminated by the golden light, forming light rain and falling, and a long rainbow of seven colors traverses the void.

In this gorgeous world beyond the limits of imagination, UU Read Book also lives in some exquisite and beautiful faces, like heaven and man carved in jade.

The left and right below the heaven are the human world and the Asura world. The traffic on the left is full of traffic, dragons, fish and dragons proliferate, which is the scenery of the world. The Asura Realm, together with the Human Realm and the Celestial Realm, is the Upper Three Realms.

Below is the world of animals and hungry ghosts. The lowest level of **** is similar to Tiewei Mountain. Ghosts suffer miserably in it. The endless cycle of reincarnation cannot be released until the karma is exhausted and reincarnated in other realms.

The six realms together form a whole roulette wheel. After the Qiankun Pearl completes the time and space in it, the power of reincarnation immediately generates the sentient beings of the six realms. Yan Luo's soul falls into the six realms, and is reincarnated in the small world within it under the power of reincarnation .

The time and space in the different worlds within the Six Paths of Samsara are different from those of the outside world. In this small thousand worlds, the birth and death of a world may be just a moment in the eyes of the outside world. Yan Luo reincarnated in it according to the previous karma. In one life, he was reincarnated as Brahma in the heaven, in another life as Xingtian in the Shura world, in another life as a panda in the animal world, and in another life as a panda in the **** world. A nightmare... like a dream bubble, life and death, endless reincarnation.