MTL - Instructing the Archaeological Team, Was Actually Regarded As a Tomb Robber-Chapter 940 Ye Cheng is dead?

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In the pitch-black cave, Ye Cheng's figure suddenly appeared, the surroundings were in chaos, the earthquake had stopped, and the huge statue had long since collapsed.

Underground formed a huge river, galloping endlessly.

The surroundings were completely dilapidated, and the previous scene was gone.

At this moment, only Ye Cheng is here, but on his arm, there is a tattoo, which is the back of a woman, just from the back, you can see the peerless youth.

That is the last trace left by Queen Jingjue. With the help of Zhulong, she turned into a tattoo and left it on Ye Cheng's body. At critical moments, she can still appear in the form of a spiritual body, and still It retains some of the power of the serpent god.

It can be said that at the critical moment, it may be able to help Ye Cheng.

"I don't know if Duoduo and the others have left safely. If they leave, I might be able to take the opportunity to leave the team and go to the Kunlun Ruins, so that there will be no doubts!" ​​Ye Cheng thought in his heart.

Judging from the clues obtained before, Ye Cheng is sure to find the location of Kunlun Ruins, and, according to the information obtained from the snake god, Kunlun Ruins should also be called Shanhaijie.

As for why it is called so, Ye Cheng has not yet known. Only by finding the real Kunlun Ruins can we find out.

The surrounding holes have long been blocked due to the collapse, and at this moment, there is no other way to leave except for this big underground river.

If you change to other people, I am afraid that there will be a dead end, there is no way to leave, and you will be trapped here.

But Ye Cheng is Ye Cheng after all, and he has many means to leave.

There was no one around anyway, so he took out food and water, ate a meal first, filled his stomach, and then summoned Xiaoju directly.

One person and one beast found a direction and rushed out extremely arrogantly.

There is Xiaoju to open the way, these stones are really nothing, they are completely broken open with brute force, and they open a way out.

When Ye Cheng saw the sun again, it was night.

It was dark and silent outside.

The blizzard has stopped, and although there is no roaring wind, the surrounding temperature is still pitifully low.

He didn't rest either. Anyway, there was no one around, so he went straight on.

He put the little orange away.

There is no way, there are glaciers here, and Xiaoju is too heavy. If he is not careful, he may fall under the glaciers, which will be even more troublesome.

The Kunlun Mountains are too big, and it is not easy to find those special terrains in this mountain range.

Fortunately, when he was in Longding before, Ye Cheng once looked down at the surrounding terrain, and combined with the technique of Feng Shui, he had a general direction in his heart.

Once you go in the right direction, when you are nearby, combined with the guidance of the two animal skin maps, it is only a matter of time to find the Kunlun Ruins.

In the next few days, Ye Cheng was traveling through the mountains, without the drag of others, his speed was much faster.

This is already the fifth day that Li Duoduo and the others have escaped in.

For the first two days, they had been waiting outside for Ye Cheng. On the third day, Li Duoduo and Fatty Wang couldn't bear it any longer. They wanted to go back to find Ye Cheng along the way.

However, the road was blocked just after returning home, and the surrounding rocks were also very unstable. If they smashed open rashly, it would only cause more collapse in the eyes.

Due to the lack of supplies, they couldn't hold on any longer and could only go down the mountain.

Everyone's faces were extremely ugly, and they didn't say a word.

Everyone knows that this time, Ye Cheng may have really had an accident. Otherwise, with Ye Cheng's ability, it is impossible that he has not come out for so many days.

Team Zhang comforted: "Hey, everyone should be more energetic. Teacher Ye has great powers. We all escaped. Teacher Ye must be able to do it. Maybe he just took a different path from us. Maybe, he has successfully descended the mountain now. It might be waiting for us at the foot of the mountain!"

His words gave everyone a little hope, and everyone accelerated their pace down the mountain.

A week later, they successfully returned from the depths of the snow-capped mountains to the mountain village where they came from.

Li Duoduo and Fatty Wang couldn't wait to run back to find Ye Cheng's figure, but they were disappointed, Ye Cheng never came back.

This made both of them look ashamed.

The others also silently wiped away their tears, their faces filled with sadness.

On this day, the headlines were all about Ye Cheng.

"On the trip to Kunlun Mountains, the leader Ye Cheng lost contact and is suspected to have been killed!"

This news broke the pot.

It is true that Yecheng is so well-known today, not only the elderly and children, but also men and women, almost everyone knows it, and everyone knows it.

First, Ye Cheng is already handsome. Second, Ye Cheng is really capable. Third, coupled with the scarcity of archaeological live broadcasts, Ye Cheng's popularity is definitely higher than that of today's hottest stars.

In people's hearts, Ye Cheng is almost omnipotent.

However, such an omnipotent person suddenly died, which made them really unacceptable.

"No, Ye Shen will definitely not die. Isn't there a similar situation before, Ye Shen disappeared for a few days, and finally returned safely!"

"This time is different. The mountain collapses and no one can escape. Once trapped inside, it is definitely a dead end!"

"Anyway, I don't believe it. Ye Shen is omnipotent. He is a god, and it is impossible for a **** to die."

"God bless, please bless my husband to survive safely."

"Let's pray for God Ye together!"

"God Ye, come here safely, we are waiting for you!"

"God Ye, be safe!"

On this day, countless people prayed for Ye Cheng and prayed for Ye Cheng's safe return. It can be seen that Ye Cheng is not only well-known, but also has a good reputation and is deeply respected.

This is also because he took the lead in every expedition and protected the safety of others.

It can be said that without Ye Cheng, none of the archaeological team would have survived.

Therefore, people can't say anything bad about Ye Cheng, only worship and respect.

On the tenth day of Ye Cheng's disappearance, people began to slowly accept this reality. They felt that maybe Ye Cheng was really dead, otherwise, he would have returned long ago.

These days, Li Duoduo and Fatty Wang have not left. They have been waiting in the village by the Kunlun Mountains. They thought that when Ye Cheng came back, they would be able to see Ye Cheng as soon as possible.

However, wait and wait, every day is only disappointing.

Fatty Wang drank every day, and he was as drunk as mud, and spent a difficult time, while Li Duoduo did not sleep all day long and became increasingly haggard.

The two of them had the deepest relationship with Ye Cheng, and were also the most unacceptable to the news of Ye Cheng's death.

Therefore, even if he knew in his heart that there was no other possibility, it was still difficult to accept.

Even death would not be as sad as it is today!

(End of this chapter)