MTL - Is the End Really Coming?-Chapter 21 Process and Testing

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After some simple communication and negotiation, or in other words, under Zhou Qi's "guidance", everyone made a simple plan.

That is, Zhou Qi will first provide a real and effective high-level technical information and submit it to the official, and then the police will send two people to stare at him for a few days.


The information submitted is first passed by the state government, and then submitted to the national central government for approval. After approval, people will come down from above.

Zhou Qi can then formally draw up a non-disclosure agreement with the country that he wants.

As for what he provided—

"...Okay, this is it."

Zhou Qi picked up a piece of paper with something written on it, shook it lightly in front of everyone's eyes, and placed it on the table.

Everyone stayed for a while.

Zhou Qi thought they were puzzled, so he looked around and explained: "This is a relatively simple chemical equation and an array model. It is mainly used in the field of medicine and medicine. Well, it's probably a vaccine for some kind of disease... I forgot, but it must be correct... Just submit it for official verification."

Crowd: ...

Everyone was speechless.

Actually...they didn't do it because they were curious about what was on the paper.


It's really a bit out of step with Zhou Qi's rhythm.

At this moment, they are full of one question:

So, is it written?

Just now, when everyone was discussing something,

They watched helplessly as Zhou Qi tore a page from policewoman Xiaojing's book beside him, and then wrote and drew on the paper while discussing the plan with everyone.

At first, everyone thought he was taking notes, but after seeing his freehand attitude and frivolous writing, everyone thought he was just trying to find a "job" for him to do when he spoke...

But now, he says, is this a new technology that can be applied to the forefront of medicine?

This is really too much of a joke, isn't it?

At this moment, looking at the piece of paper with just a few pens that looks like a homework that a college student handles with ease, everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Especially Director Liu.

He had the heart to question it, but when he thought about it, they were unhappy about the matter of Zhang Xiansheng yesterday because they were anxious. Now that they encounter such a situation, they should bear it and wait for the result to come out.

So, he swallowed the question that came to his mouth,

After making eye contact with several leaders, he stood up first.

The people on both sides stood up one after another.

Director Liu said with a half-smile, "Then I think it's time for this meeting to end, Comrade Zhou Qi, we will submit the chemical equation you wrote... and then, I hope, you can cooperate with us to make a set. Complete filing, and the entry of personal information, you can go back to school..."

"No problem." Zhou Qi nodded indifferently.


Then, Zhou Qi started to re-register, take pictures, record, record, video, etc. under the arrangement of everyone.

Of course, the content has been checked uniformly, which is probably what Su Zhiyun said about "providing important secrets".

As for "intentionally hurting people", "robbing others' property", etc.

Since there is "credit", the amount of punishment and responsibility will naturally be offset.

In fact, the three people that Zhou Qi beat were not injured at all, and Lin Rui's Ferrari was also, except for a little wear and tear, there was no trauma, only a bunch of illegal photos were left behind...

And the car accident he caused on the road did not cause casualties or major losses.

Therefore, although Zhou Qi did a bit too much, it did not cause any serious consequences.

The Public Security Bureau can completely "take a lighter punishment".

There are so many things, all of them are simple operations.


Many and complicated.

in this way,

It took Zhou Qi almost two hours to cooperate with the police to complete all the operations.

"... Phew, can I go now?"

When Zhou Qi sat in the office and signed the last name on the paper, he finally let out a long breath, stretched his waist, and asked the policeman beside him.

The policeman looked at him: "Sorry, not yet, you still have a very important project to do... But this is the last one."


Zhou Qi was stunned for a moment.

The next second, footsteps and discussions sounded vaguely from outside.

The voice got closer and closer, and soon it was in front of the door.

A group of expert professors walked in.

Zhou Qi raised his eyes and saw that he was a good guy in his heart.

Forgot there was such a crop.

If you want to cooperate with the state, you must have a psychological and personality test. After all, the state has to determine whether he is mentally abnormal, whether he has anti-social tendencies, whether his political ideas are correct, and so on.

In short, to confirm whether he will bring danger.

But... this thing is useless to him!

How long has he lived, he has long been extremely resistant to those "infant" tests, which is a pure waste of time!

Zhou Qi took a breath and asked the policeman beside him in a low voice, "Can I apply to cancel this project? Or, do it another day?"

The policeman was helpless: "This is the arrangement above, and they all came..."

"Yu Zhuo..." Zhou Qi sighed reluctantly.

In order to live a comfortable life in the future, he decided to endure it.

Although, I still feel uncomfortable.

In the previous timeline, because there was a core goal of "doomsday", everything was in his plan, and the final result of the test always pointed to the "obtaining national trust" he wanted, so naturally anything would do.

But now, the end is not coming.

Naturally, he didn't want to test.


Thinking from another angle, after all, he has made plans to live an ordinary life, so there is no need to tuck these things away.

Zhou Qi decided to take this series of troubles as a "preparation" for a dull life in the future.

And the preparation, of course, the more perfect the better.

Otherwise, there will be endless troubles in the future.

With that in mind, he began to observe.

Well, these people should have seen him through the monitor yesterday, and they were all over to say hello, but he didn't recognize any of them... Uh, well, he knew them all.

Having been reborn many times, he not only knew the people in front of him, but also knew many famous bosses at home and abroad.

Although the total proportion of these dozens of people is not high, in terms of scale, they are already a very strong team...

At this moment, Zhou Qi saw a person who was more present than his surroundings.

This is a handsome man with golden eyes, and he is slowly approaching.

Zhou Qi looked at him and asked curiously, "...Are you, Yu Bing?"

The man raised his eyebrows and seemed a little surprised, but then he smiled gently: "Zhou Qi, hello. Listening to your tone, did you know me before?"

"Well, you are quite famous in Doomsday." Zhou Qi looked at him with interest.

He remembered that the man named Yu Bing in front of him seemed to have some connection with the woman Su Zhiyun. Zhou Qi had seen him beside Su Zhiyun several times in the end.

But most of the time, the other side develops on their own.

Well, this man is a ruthless character in the doomsday. He can do one or two feats every time, but... he often dies quite tragically.

No more than two years to live.

Strangely, he is both good and evil.

Sometimes, being a hero with a large group of people struggling to survive.

Sometimes, he becomes a doomsday lord who keeps others in captivity and does all the evil things.

Well, Zhou Qi has never met a few people whose development direction for each timeline is significantly different, and Yu Bing is one of them.

Zhou Qi is very interested in this, because in his cycle of reincarnation, this kind of person will really bring a lot of freshness...

I just don't know, what would such a person become in a normal society?

At this time, Yu Bing seemed to notice the playfulness in Zhou Qi's eyes,

The dark pupils behind the gold-wire glasses inevitably changed slightly.

However, he restrained the expression on his face very well, and the smile on his face was still gentle: "Haha... I'll take it as if you were complimenting um." Zhou Qi nodded in response. , didn't say much,

Then he looked away to look at the others.


Soon, a formal "ceremony" was over.

In a short while, Zhou Qi has heard the "placebo effect" dozens of times.

Nine out of ten of these people wanted to talk to him about this.

They all wanted to know how he treated the cancer in the interrogation room, how to convince Zhang Xiansheng that "cancer can be cured by water"...

And Zhou Qi...

The experts who looked at the group in front of them and looked at themselves with the same eyes as giant pandas could only sigh helplessly: "Teachers and professors, that is not a simple technique that is easy to teach, it can't be recorded by oral or pen and paper. I'll have to wait until I find a way to record it in another way and submit it to the state... and now, should we start testing?"

He really didn't want to delay any longer.

He really wanted to go outside and have a look...

"Since you say that..."

A group of experts and professors looked at each other and knew that there was no point in dragging it on, so they responded by saying yes.

Next, Zhou Qi officially started the personality test.

During the process, he learned that,

There were only a small number of experts who came to the Public Security Bureau yesterday. Today, after confirming that Zhou Qi can treat cancer, many experts dared to come from various provinces and cities overnight to gather in Zhong Hai, just to understand his background.

In order to achieve the results the official wanted, these professors summed up a lot of plans after countless analyses and discussions while Zhou Qi was asleep, and carefully selected a series of strict and meticulous psychological and spiritual tests.

Now, I can't wait...
