MTL - I’ve Transmigrated Into This Movie Before-Chapter 26 See heaven

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After treating all this as a movie, Ning Ning's symptoms were much better.

She could even face Chen Guanchao with a smile, even if his saliva sprayed her face.

"What the **** is wrong with you today?" Chen Guanchao rubbed her hair like crazy, walked around the stage, and finally stopped in front of Ning Ning, staring at her with bloodshot eyes, "Where's your acting? "

Ning Ning raised his hand to wipe the drool from his face, and said to him with a smile, "This is my real acting skill."

Her acting skills come from Qu Ning'er, from unforgettable resentment. It turns out that the director is right. She is a very flawed actress. She can't interpret any emotion except hate. Any person other than children.

But Chen Guanchao refused to accept this reality. He shouted at her for the eighth time: "One more time!"

There were complaints all around, everyone's face was tired. Everyone looked at Ningning's eyes quite badly. From morning to now, under the pressure of Chen Guanchao, many people didn't take a sip of water. , Has shown signs of heat stroke, everyone has reached the limit-including Ningning.

She wore a blue costume, a complete set, impervious to air like an armor, which was completely soaked inside, and Ning Ning suspected that a spot of water would be dragged where she walked.

A row of vertical bronze mirrors in the corridor, Ning Ning walked quickly past the mirror, the silhouette stayed in the mirror, like a flashing ghost, suddenly a string of songs came in her ears, she turned to look, seeing nothing There was a young man standing on the stage of one man, with a pink face and pink makeup, and was singing with his sleeves.

This is a very important scene in "The Phantom of the Cinema". After telling the audience, the newcomer Lu Yunhe secretly practiced songs on the stage. There was a section that couldn't sing well, singing and crying. The woman's singing re-sung the part that he just couldn't sing, again and again, until he successfully sang the complete piece.

Lu Yunhe was ecstatic, raised his head and smiled at the other person. The phantom looked down at him upstairs and smiled slowly.

Chen Guanchao gave the scene a name, "Seeing Heaven."

At first everything went well, but in the end, when Ning Ning smiled down at him, he did not smile at her, but issued a long bark: "I want a first love smile, not a corpse. A smile! "

No way, Ning Ning recalled that he had seen the first love related figures, and then touched all the nerves on his face and smiled at him.

... The effect didn't look good. Everyone stepped back and showed a fear expression of "I am staring at the abyss, and the abyss is staring at me".

"No !!!" Chen Guanchao growled wildly, "again !!!"

At night, Ning Ning was lying exhausted in the coffin. Someone pushed her behind her. She turned around and saw that it was smelling rain. He handed the lunch box in her hand to her. Ning Ning opened the lunch box and took a look. , Laughed: "I thought they wouldn't even leave me rice, but I didn't expect to leave me food."

The popularity of her crew is not good, because she is weird and lonely, always staying in the cellar alone, and always feels that this is a movie, there is no need to explain anything to others, and it is not necessary to maintain a normal communication circle, so Being excluded is a matter of course.

Poke the cool food with chopsticks, Ning Ning suddenly asked: "Have you eaten today?"

Wen Yu nodded quickly, and took out her homework book to her, which showed the box lunch he ate tonight, the style of the meal was exactly the same as hers.

Draw a good picture in advance ...

Ning Ning didn't pierce him and ate the food with a smile. The next day when she was cooking, she quietly followed him, and saw that he had taken their two meals from the chef, and did not immediately return to the cellar. It was to go to a place without people and open the two lunch boxes.

One has only rice in it, and the other is similar to others.

Wen Yu picked up the chopsticks and evenly divided the dishes into two boxes. After thinking about it, she put the only two pieces of meat in Ningning's lunch box.

"You don't need to do this." Ning Ning's voice sounded behind him.

Wen Yu was frightened and looked like a little kitten. He quickly turned around and saw Ning Ning, showing a shy smile that was found to be a bad thing.

"I don't like to eat," Ningning said lightly. "There is no difference between food and vegetables at all. You don't need to share your food with me."

Wen Yu bit her lip and looked at her, suddenly took out his homework Ben Shasha wrote a few lines, and then turned the book to show her, it reads: "I also like to eat, and I change dishes with you."

Looking at that passage, somehow, Ning Ning was upset for a while, and looked even colder: "No change!"

She left him and left, and the next day she didn't let him take it. She went over to cook, and then opened the lunch box in front of the chef. This kind of thing can be done in private, but can't stand to say in person, the chef beat the cheek, and gave her a box of rice.

The freshly-baked rice and freshly-baked vegetables are no different to Ning Ning than the hot roasted glass slag. She also twitched her cheeks, and the master beat the rice box and put the lunch box in her arms.

At that moment, Ning Ning felt the unicorn arm in her right hand ... No, Qu Ninger in her body was about to move again. Seeing that there would be a tragedy in the world, the canteen was torn, and one hand suddenly stretched from the side Come here and take her lunch box.

Holding his own lunch box in his left hand and Ning Ning's lunch box in his right hand, there is no other hand to take the book, so there is a piece of paper in Wenyu's mouth, which says tenderly: Thank you.

Master Dafan looked at the characters, and then looked at his smiling face, suddenly said suddenly, "Let the lunch box down! Give you a spoonful of vegetables!"

On the way back, Ning Ning was a bit stunned. After discovering it later, she discovered that only a few days later, Wen Yu's popularity in the crew was much better than her, even if he couldn't speak, even if he couldn't spare his hand to write, He would also blink two big wet eyes and look at you with a piece of paper that said "Thank you."

thank you.

She never knew that these three words had such a big magic power, she could easily change a person's attitude towards you.

After a few more days, Ning Ning's position in the crew once again declined, because Chen Guanchao's patience seemed to have come to an end. He no longer tortured himself and Ning Ning, but instead tortured Ning Yuren. Ningning didn't know if he had given up on her, or finally discovered the advantages of her mother. She now sits on the stage like an outsider, watching their performance, watching and watching, can't help tears in her eyes.

"She plays much better than you." Jiaohua said to her next to her, "at least when she said, 'I love you,' it wasn't like a ghost asking for her life."

"Yeah." Ningning said with a smile, "She is much better than me, and she will always be better than me."

And she probably arrived at the fate. Not everyone can be a great actor like a mother. Many people can only play one role in a lifetime. This kind of person is called a special actor. Maybe she is this kind of person?

She is not in a hurry, because there is still a year before the end of the movie, she has enough time to think about the future, but someone is more anxious than her.

So for a few days, Ning Ning encountered a strange thing. Someone threw the paper full of words at her door, or she had to pick it up, but she did n’t pick it up, but the other party misunderstood the appearance of the paper. Thousands of paper cranes were thrown in her doorway and on the way ...

"What the **** do you want to do?" Ningning thought to herself, she glanced at the big tree next to her, and there was a kitten hiding behind her back, hesitating for a moment, she picked up a thousand paper cranes, opened it, and looked at it, Can't help but hesitated.

There are many performance methods copied in tender handwriting, more specifically, how to perform first love. The east and west sentences are not very organized, and they are very colloquial. For example, they asked many, many people, and then the other spoken, and he copied them down one by one.

Ning Ning is no longer good but also graduated from science class. In a few years, I do n’t see too much of this kind of thing. I just took out a book that is more organized and professional than the paper. After glancing at the tree, she did n’t Pick up other thousand paper cranes and put this one in a pocket.

Wen Yu came out from behind the tree, hurriedly picked up the thousand paper cranes on the ground, half of them, his body was covered by shadows, and when he looked up, Ning Ning stood in front of him, turned the thousand paper cranes in his hands, and asked coldly. He: "What the **** do you want from me?"

She did not believe that someone would hate her for no reason, nor did she believe that someone would love her for no reason, maybe once, but now she is dead. Wen Yu's caring made her uncomfortable. She stared at him, eager to know why he did it.

Wen Yu twisted it a bit, and finally, at the urging of her, wrote a line on the book, handed it to her with both hands, her expression looking expectant and grumpy.

Ning Ning thought it was difficult, and the book read: "Cook a meal and eat with me."

"That's it?" Ning Ning looked up at him, faintly said, "What's so difficult?"

Fifteen minutes later ...

"Fire !!!" The kitchen door opened with a bang, and Ning Ning howled to escape from it. Behind him, Wen Yu supported the swaying door, shook his head helplessly, walked back to the kitchen, and slowly turned the sides. The sleeves rolled up, grabbed a handful of green onions, washed them, and chopped them on a cutting board. At this time, the water was boiling. He moved a small stool to the side of the cooktop, stepped on, and opened the pan. The scoop inside was already cooked. Then, he sprinkled the finely chopped shallots, layer after layer, like emerald flowers.

He returned to the cellar with two bowls of scoops, two sea bowls on the table, and the aroma was diffused. He glanced back, a closet trembling.

After hearing the rain, he turned around and blew on a sea bowl, blowing it again and again, until it was cold. He walked to the closet with the bowl, squatted down, and knocked on the closet door, a shudder came from inside. "" ... What? "

He couldn't speak, and couldn't answer her question. He squatted by the closet and waited patiently until she opened the door herself, and looked at him with fear and vigilance, like a bruise that was scared to even ask for food. Stray dog.

Wen Yu picked up a spoonful of scoops, took a sip, and signaled that it was no longer hot and ready to drink, and then carefully handed it to her.

Ning Ning barely took a bite, which was the fulfillment of his promise to "make a meal, and then accompany him", after which he refused to take a second bite. Avoiding the spoon he handed over, she murmured, "I don't eat hot."

In the face of the adult who is picky about food, Wen Yu sighed with the same popularity, and then learned the kindergarten from the kindergarten, took out a few candies from his pocket, and thought it was not enough. Drawings, a few small glass beads, etc., piled together on the side, writing on the paper: "Eat one bite for you."

Ning Ning made him laugh as if he were an adult. After laughing, he suddenly lowered his head, buried his face in his palm, and choked, "... why am I? Why did you choose me like that?"

She hadn't done anything for him, but from the first meeting, that is, after his mother died, when relatives met to discuss who would adopt him, he came to her and reached out to her. Is it because he is familiar with Wen Xiaoning, the master of this body?

The rustling writing stopped, and the opposite Wen Yu reversed the book and announced the answer to her: "Because you look sad, like crying."

Ning Ning froze.

"... What." For a long time, she laughed, and tears came down when she laughed. "It turned out that you don't need me, but I need you ..."

Ning Ning laughed and cried, rubbing her tears indiscriminately, and rubbing while saying, "I want to eat."

The spoon came from the opposite side, and Ning Ning sobbed. While biting the spoon, he looked out of the dark closet. The cellar was still dark, but he smiled at her, and that smile illuminated the world. The moment , A word naturally came to her mind-

I was in **** and saw heaven.