MTL - I’ve Transmigrated Into This Movie Before-Chapter 35 Give you

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"The Cinema Phantom won the Best Screenplay Award!"

"What's so good about" Phantom of the Cinema "?

"Appreciation of the classic lines of" Phantom of the Cinema "."

"Actor Bai Rong: Being able to star in" The Phantom of the Cinema "is the greatest blessing of my life."

……How is this going? Did you guide Shuijun to wash the floor? The washable floor is not such a washing method. It turned out that the ratings of "Phantom of the Cinema" on the major rating networks from an average of 4 points to an average of 9 points. What does Chen Dao want to do?

Ningning flicked her phone's fingers and stopped on a post.

The title of the post is: Reveal the true tragedy that occurred during the filming of "Phantom of the Cinema".

Ning Ning stared at the title for a while before clicking into the post.

First came an old photo of the Orchid Theatre in 1988. There was a group of people standing in front of the door. From left to right, she knew each of them-they all appeared in the last movie. people! The director, actor, and other staff of the "Phantom of the Cinema" crew!

Ning Ning's chest was undulating, and she felt her breathing a little heavy.

"Well, where do you want to eat at night?" The agent asked as he drove.

"Anyway." Ning Ning still had no thoughts to eat at this time. She took a deep breath and began to read the contents of the post verbatim.

An interview draft was reproduced in the post.

The interviewee was full of energy and spirit, and was Chen Dao when he was young.

"The success of" Phantom of the Cinema "lies in a murder case." He bluntly told reporters. "Without this murder case, not many people would come to my movie."

A film that is basically full of new faces, how can it attract the attention of the audience? By a dead message.

In 1987, on the eve of the filming of "The Phantom of the Cinema", the socialist who played Miss Fujia was killed.

"When the movie is playing, there are two kinds of audience sitting below," said Chen Guanchao. "One is to watch the movie, and the other is to see the murderer."

Soon after the death of the communicative flower, a lot of gossip broke out in the society. The words "Orchid Theatre", "Phantom of the Theater" and "Killer" can be seen in the tabloids. Some lace tabloids have no bottom line to increase sales The pre-cause and after-effects of the murder case were made up, but I don't know whether it is a good idea or a benefit. By accident, the killers in their writings are the same person-Miss Wen.

"Who is Miss Wen? She is a new actress." Chen Guanchao said, "She is a hard-working and talented actress. She has been sleeping in a coffin for a long time in order to play a good phantom, no Hot food, no cold water, or even contact with people ... I like her very much. "

He said that he liked her but never helped her clarify the facts. It was not until after the release of "Phantom of the Cinema" that he told the truth to the public, telling everyone that the murderer was not her, she was just a victim, and even to save people, Ended with the murderer. Prior to this, the society was full of all kinds of rumors, and the tabloid still called Miss Wen as the real murderer.

"No, no, the behaviors of the tabloids were spontaneous, not that I paid them to write them." Faced with questions from reporters, Chen Guanchao smiled and answered, "I just keep silent, isn't it illegal? Of course, for Compensate her, I have settled the child she left behind, and believe that for the sake of the child, she will forgive me in the spirit of heaven. "

He pursues art, movies, and the market, for which he can do whatever he can to sacrifice the reputation of a dead person.

Is such a person worth forgiving? The reply below the post is divided into two groups. One group feels excusable, but the other group feels that he is extinct. The two groups quarreled and suddenly came up with a comment: "Well? The one on the far right of the photo is Ning Yuren ? "

Ning Ning froze a bit, returned to the old photo at the beginning, and then was surprised to find that the young mother was really in the photo.

Not only she, but other netizens were also surprised. Someone commented: "Fuck, my goddess also participated in this movie? What did she play? I didn't see it?"

Netizens dig deep for a while, until the end, found that Ning Yuren really stayed in the cast, and is not a small role, she is the second candidate for Phantom! After Miss Wen's accident, she should play the phantom. Why did she switch to Bai Rong? Why did she leave the crew silently? Why do natural directors and natural actresses describe strangers from this movie?

Too much truth is buried in the ruins of time.

Too many things are specious!

Ningning suddenly closed the post and started searching for the film source of "Phantom of the Cinema". News can be faked and photos can be faked, but the movie itself cannot be faked!

The source is found, she presses the play button!

The opening song sounded, and Li Boyue tilted her a look: "Have you seen it a few times? Still watching?"

Ning Ning didn't understand him, her eyes stared at the screen. In order to study the role of Phantom, she has watched this film more than ten times, so she can be sure that the film she has seen is not a film at all!

"... It really changed." She murmured and suddenly turned to Li Boyue, "Can you change time?"

Li Boyue wondered: "Well?"

"I just remembered that I still have a very important thing to do." Ningning said, "Let's eat together another day, can we?"

Li Boyue agreed. He wanted to send her home, but Ning Ning refused. She said, "Just drop me down in front of me. I will take a taxi and go back."

But after getting in the taxi, instead of going home, she took a deep breath and reported the driver an address: "No. 35 Rouge Road, thank you."

No. 35 Rouge Road, at the gate of Life Cinema.

With the sound of a brake, the gatekeeper leaning against the wall slowly opened his eyes, looked at the mobile phone in front of him, and then looked at the opposite Ningning along the phone.

Ning Ning held his mobile phone and stood in front of him, staring at him: "It's all true, right?"

"Phantom of the Theater" is being played on the mobile phone. Ning Ning intentionally pulled the progress bar to the end. The phantom died and died in a vast snow. When she was dying, she held the actor's hand and smiled softly: "I met you I used to be a ghost, and with you I lived. "

"... The original ending is not like this, this is ..." Ning Ning swallowed, "This is what happened to me ..."

A gust of wind blew, and two strings of lanterns swayed in front of the door. Ning Ning looked up at the signboard of the cinema, and looked at the five characters of "Life Cinema" above.

"... what the **** is this place?" Ningning murmured, "why do the things in the movie become real?"

"I already told you." The goalkeeper finally spoke, and he slowly said to her, "Don't come again, this place is not as good as you think."

Ning Ning didn't take his words seriously before, but now he feels chills.

Especially in the door behind him, there was one staff after another.

They had masks on their faces, but the masks couldn't cover the greed and longing in their eyes. Suddenly, a young girl in a cheongsam wearing a lady's mask took a movie ticket from her arms and handed her: "Give you . "

Another woman in the mask of the crying old woman took out a movie ticket and handed her: "Here you are."

After that, the second and third, all staff members took out a ticket, countless black feet were fixed at the entrance of the cinema, countless pale hands reached Ningning, countless voices merged together, men, women, young and old They said to her, "Here you are."

Ning Ning used to be so eager to get a movie ticket, but at this moment, she couldn't help but take two steps back, and her back was slightly cold.

Seeing her stepping back, a staff member wearing a scholar's mask seemed a little anxious. He rushed out of it, shouting "Give you it," while forcing Ning Ning the ticket in his hand.

But one hand stretched out from behind him, grabbed his hair, and pulled him back hard. After pulling it, the other hand slowly lifted towards him.

The next scene scared Ning Ning to the ground.