MTL - Journey To Longevity-Chapter 12 Huang Ya Dan

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The old monk Jingshuo wiped it from the storage bag, and three bottles of yellow bud pills were arranged on the ground one by one. The white porcelain bottle with the painting of the valley orchid blooming alone, he picked up one bottle, pulled out the red cloth cork, and gently poured out one. The elixir is in the palm of the left hand, and the round elixir is rolling in the palm of the hand.

Zhang Shiping immediately smelled a fragrance. The yellow bud dan on the palm of his hand was yellow in color, the size of a longan core. The old monk put the elixir among the crowd, and took it back to cherish it and put it into a white porcelain bottle after everyone saw it clearly. In the middle, cover the bottle with a red cloth stopper, "Everyone, as usual, there are three bottles of yellow bud pills in total, ten pills in each bottle, and spirits with two attributes of water and wood, whether it is elixir ore or monster materials, can be exchanged first. "

Sitting together were two male and female monks, in their thirties. The male had an ordinary appearance, but he was in good spirits. The female was plump and had a mole at the corner of her mouth. They looked at each other and nodded.

"Senior Wu, what do you think of this water cloud stone?" The male monk took out a stone with a dark green appearance and wisps of white mist inside.

As for the water cloud stone, Zhang Shiping stared at the stone twice as big as an adult's fist in the male monk's hand, and immediately estimated its value in his heart, it must be worth a bottle of Huangya Dan, and a lot more. Water cloud stones are usually found in places with abundant water attribute aura, such as Lingquan and Lingtan, and they are all in the shape of small pebbles. It is relatively rare to see such a large size as this male monk took out.

The monk surnamed Wu took the water cloud stone, felt the abundant water attribute aura inside, and after confirming that the stone was not golden and jade, he pushed a white porcelain bottle in front of the couple, "This water cloud stone is of high quality. It's worth fourteen yellow bud pills." The old monk pushed a bottle of yellow bud pills in front of the male monk, "The rest, do you want yellow bud pills or spirit stones?"

"Lingshi." The man spoke first.

"Huang Ya Dan." The female monk's voice was affirmative, looking at her husband, the male monk could only change his mouth to the pill.

Cultivator Wu looked at the young couple with a smile, and then put the water cloud stone into the storage bag. Hearing that these two people wanted fourteen yellow bud pills, and nearly half of the thirty pills went straight away, everyone said anxiously: "Fellow Daoist Wu."

"Everyone, please rest assured." Cultivator Wu took out two white porcelain bottles from the storage bag, one containing Huangya Dan, poured four elixirs into the empty bottles and handed them to the male monk.

Although these four yellow bud pills were not in the three bottles of pills exchanged, but the yellow bud pills were already missing by one-third, and several other people also took out the spiritual objects they were going to exchange, Zhang Shiping naturally took out the sealed blue eyes The eyes of the golden monkey.

Cultivator Wu picked a circle and chose a six-cent-long jiaoteng root, which has a medicine age of 120 years. He also took a fancy to a black water turtle shell in the hand of a person, which was the size of a washbasin and full of spirituality. The monk paid another sum of spirit stones.

Although the old man with blue-eyed golden monkey eyes in Zhang Shiping's hand was interested, but with the black water turtle shell, he chose the water-type turtle shell between the two choices.

Although the blue-eyed golden monkey has a gold character in its hit, it is not a metallic monster. The group of blue-eyed golden monkeys lives in the forest and is an out-and-out wood-type monster.

Cultivator Wu didn't like it. A monk with more white eyes and less black eyes was very moved by Zhang Shiping's eyes, and asked Zhang Shiping, "Friend Zhang, what do you want to exchange for this blue eye?"

Zhang Shiping thought for a while, "Of course it is best to have pills."

The man had a troubled face, everyone needed pills, and he didn't have much on hand.

"However, I am also very interested in talismans. I can exchange anything about talismans."

After hearing that, the man heaved a sigh of relief, and handed over a copy of the jade slip, "Fellow Daoist Zhang, I have a copy of the method of making the Qinghao brush. I will add ten more spirit stones to exchange for the blue eye in the hands of fellow daoist."

"Can you let me take a look first?" Zhang Shiping asked the other party. He had never heard of the first-grade Qinghao brush in the jade slips. The Zhang family handed down a production method called the golden light pen.

The opponent's palm flicked across the jade slip, and set up a small restriction to hide the content of the second half of the jade slip, so Zhang Shiping could only see a small part of the front. Zhang Shiping naturally knows this kind of trick, and it's not difficult to crack it, it mainly depends on the subtlety of the other party's arrangement. Zhang Shiping only needs a stick of incense time to crack this kind of rough restriction that has been arranged in a hurry.

Obviously it can't be done at this time.

Zhang Shiping stuck the jade slip between his eyebrows honestly, and returned the jade slip to him after a few breaths, with a smile on his face. A small handful is most suitable.

In the future, the neck hair will be the tip of the pen, and the pen holder will not be too particular. You can use white jade and green bamboo. If you want to use it for a longer time, you can forge it with red spirit copper. Zhang Shiping only saw a small part, which was the new formation pattern.

The man saw that Zhang Shiping agreed, so he untied the small restraint on the jade slip, took out ten pieces of spirit stones of different colors, and pushed them over together. Using his spiritual sense to read the content below the jade slip, he felt relieved after seeing that there was nothing missing in the formation.

Zhang Shiping's formation method is very superficial, and it is too difficult for him to verify the calculation of the entire formation method for a while.

The remaining few people each had something they liked, discussed it, and exchanged it. Zhang Shiping also exchanged some medicinal materials for making cinnabar. .

At the small exchange meeting, not everyone could get what they wanted. After the end, Zhang Shiping drove the magic weapon away, and Lin Qing went to other places with other monks for something.

He was very close to the hill where he lived. After flying for a while, he landed in his courtyard. After returning to his house, he activated the array that had been arranged. He took out the bronze lamp to see that the wick hadn't burned at all after several months. damage.

He added kerosene to light the oil lamp. Over the past few months, he had developed a habit. Under the light, his own mana would grow slowly, and once he practiced the cultivation method, it would grow even faster.

He took out the bottle containing monkey blood and the medicinal materials he exchanged, made bright red cinnabar from the half box of cinnabar, took out the yellow talisman and drew a dozen or so talismans.

It was already dark outside, an oil lamp was always on in the room, people were shaking, and there was an indescribable silence. Zhang Shiping liked this feeling very much. Changing Yuanshu", the spiritual consciousness skills above are very profound, and he carefully studied every word, and then he started to practice.

At the beginning of this spiritual consciousness cultivation method, it was the same as the general cultivation method. There was nothing special about UU reading, but in the middle of the night, when the first layer was about to succeed in cultivation, Zhang Shiping felt like Needle sticking, this is a normal phenomenon recorded in "Chang Yuan Shu". He gritted his teeth and persisted, and the pain lasted for half a cup of tea.

After the first level was successful, Zhang Shiping was already sweating profusely and his face was pale. Only then did he know that the so-called spiritual consciousness technique is to first damage the spiritual consciousness and then temper it, just like a sword that has been forged a thousand times.

He didn't practice the second level again, and it was recorded in "Chang Yuan Shu" that after each practice, he had to wait three to five days to cultivate his spiritual consciousness. Zhang Shiping ran "Qingxuan Yuhuo Jue" in the middle of the night to absorb spiritual energy and refine mana.

Time passed day by day. Zhang Shiping had already practiced "Changing Yuanshu" to the fourth level in one and a half months. Without alleviating the pain, Zhang Shiping managed to successfully cultivate the fourth level. It was very painful. , but there is no feeling of soul tearing like the brother in the Tibetan scripture pavilion said.

And in the distant Baiyuan Mountain, in the cave, Zhang Tong'an has polished his body and mana to the best of his abilities in the past few months.

He issued two sound-transmitting talismans, which turned into two flames and disappeared outside the cave, and then opened all the formation restrictions in the cave, officially starting to break through the foundation-building period.

The head of the Zhang family and the great elder who practiced on the White Ape Mountain rushed over immediately after receiving the sound transmission talisman, and found that the cave had been restricted, so they sent a middle-aged monk in the Zhang family who was a third-level qi practitioner to wait by. All you can do is sit and wait.

It is said that my fate is up to me, but sometimes I can only resign myself to fate!

After the two left, the White Ape Mountain was still quiet, fishes were swimming, birds were singing, sika deer were chewing grass, everything in the world would not stop because of one person.