MTL - Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night-v2 Chapter 619 Xuanmen Xianjia breaks through Dongtianmen!

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Latest website: Thirty-three layers of heaven, inside the East Heaven Gate.

Hundreds of thousands of celestial families who borrowed the way of heaven and humanity from the six reincarnations of the netherworld, under the leadership of Guang Chengzi, attacked the formation of Dongtianmen from the inside out. Although it has an absolute advantage in numbers.

But in terms of quality, it is far inferior to these fairy families borrowed from the heavens and humans in the six reincarnations of the netherworld.

The fighting gradually started, and many avenue laws filled the hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers in Dongtianmen. The staggered and colliding avenue laws, like a ravine, not only blocked those practitioners in the Heavenly Demon Realm who wanted to come to reinforce, but also blocked those who wanted to come. To take advantage of the situation to take down the entire Nantianmen's Xuanmen Xianjia.

Those practitioners in the Da Luo Jin Immortal Realm, who were fully engaged by both sides just now, did not expect to be so troublesome for a while.

At this moment, in the river of laws that interweave and collide, and are constantly annihilated, except for the practitioners in the Da Luo Jinxian realm, who can come and go freely, the practitioners under Da Luo can be said to enter and die.

Guang Chengzi was very fortunate to be blocked by the cultivator in the Heavenly Demon Realm, and said to Taiyi Daoist behind him, "Taiyi, don't hide it, the way of heaven and humanity is a one-way passage, hurry up!" Go and blow up the Dongtianmen from the inside, if you blow it up too late, you may have a bad accident."

Now he finally understands why his Junior Brother Su is unwilling to come to the Thirty-Third Heaven Realm, and things have deviated slightly from what he expected.

He had just fought against the Heavenly Demon Kings in the Heavenly Demon Realm. He didn't plan to attack with all his strength. , and no one is in the thirty-third heaven.

It's not that there is no one on the surface, but also in the dark.

Holding the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover in his hand, he was about to rush over. The criss-crossing laws and rivers killed Taiyi Daoist in all directions. Junior brother, do you still have to raise an apprentice? It’s really a congenital spiritual treasure!”

If I had known that he would not be greedy for the cheapness, maybe in the end, if the cheapness was not greedy, I would have to throw away a few innate spirit treasures.

He is not those Taoist elders who carry dozens of innate spirit treasures in their pockets. The three or two innate spirit treasures in his hand, except for the two given by his teacher Yuanshi Tianzun, the rest But it was only after he spent a lot of time flying from the heavens and the worlds that he found it.

If he really wanted to use it to blow up the winter gate, he would feel so sorry for it!

Guang Chengzi looked at his junior with a solemn expression, and said, "Junior brother! Among the fairy families we have come to, only the few congenital spirit treasures in your hand can be blown up. Maybe you want me to blow them up?" Did the Heaven-shattering Seal that the teacher refined blow up?

Junior brother Taiyi, don't worry, when you recapture the thirty-third heaven, if you lose a few innate treasures, I will make up for you. "

Looking at the heavens and the world, who doesn't know that among the Twelve Golden Immortals of Yuxu, the richest one is not his elder brother, nor is it Cihang who went to Feilai Mountain Youjian Taoist Temple, and it is not the one who is very senior in the Dragon Palace. Huang Long, but his kind-faced, dark-hearted, ruthless Taiyi Junior Brother.

They don't dare to blow up the innate spirit treasure bestowed by his teacher, so now they can only let his junior brother Taiyi take the top.

At this moment, Master Taiyi finally heaved a sigh of relief. After carefully putting away dozens of cloud mirrors, Master Taiyi said with a smile: "Elder brother, I don't worry if you say this, brother, no Is it the Xiantian Lingbao?

In order to regain the Thirty-Third Heaven Realm, we Taoist disciples are obliged to do so. "

With the evidence, even if the trouble came to his teacher Yuanshi Tianzun afterwards, his senior brother would have to replenish him with the innate spirit treasure lost in this battle.

Guang Chengzi looked at the Fa Changhe that was receding rapidly, and he already knew that the Heavenly Demon King from the Heavenly Demon Realm had already made a move. He urged, "Junior Taiyi, stop dawdling, and protect the law for you, brother."

While speaking, the Fantian Seal in Guang Chengzi's hand was known to grow against the wind, and the eternal barbaric aura emanated from the Fantian Seal.

The overturning seal, which is as mountainous as a mountain, stands in front of the real Taiyi, and the real Taiyi

With a helpless smile, he directly threw out three innate spirit treasures found in the heavens and worlds. Although these three innate spirit treasures were not of high grade, they were enough to blow up the East Heaven Gate.

It is true that the three innate spirit treasures cannot be blown away from the east sky gate, but now they are inside the east sky gate. Insurance directly used three innate spirit treasures.

After a while.

With a loud noise, there was a shaking like a mountain shaking.

Even if Guang Chengzi personally holds the Fantian Seal refined by Yuanshi Tianzun, it can only block the messy river of laws produced by the self-explosion of the three innate spirit treasures.

But those practitioners in the Heavenly Demon Realm who are within the hundreds of millions of miles of Dongtianmen's Realm don't have such good luck.

Practitioners in the Heavenly Demon Realm under the Da Luo Jinxian Realm are seriously injured even if they are not dead.

Even the Heavenly Demon King in the realm of Daluo Jinxian retreated hundreds of millions of miles.

Chaos, the Demon King of Heaven, sensed the impact of the unfinished laws, and retreated crazily, while roaring filial piety: "Crazy, this group of Taoist immortals are really lunatics, if they don't talk about immortal virtue, they are innate spiritual treasures!"

The Heavenly Demon King Chaos, who was used to living a hard life in the Heavenly Demon Realm, despised the actions of Guang Chengzi and his party, but he had to admit that Guang Chengzi's method was indeed useful.

Under the self-explosion of the Xiantian Dongtianmen shattered without any accident.

Practitioners in the Heavenly Demon Realm frantically fled to the Lingxiao Heavenly Realm.

The East Heaven Gate has been destroyed, and the Xuanmen Immortal Family must pass through the East Heaven Gate, take down the other three celestial beings, and then drive straight in, reaching the Lingxiao Heaven Realm.

Now the outside of the Thirty-Third Heaven Realm is full of Xuanmen fairy families, and they have no other choice but to run to the Lingxiao Heaven Realm where Lord Demon Ancestor is.

On the other hand, the Xuanmen Xianjia did not go to chase after them, but quickly arranged the array disks they carried with them within a radius of hundreds of millions of miles of Dongtianmen. Now that Dongtianmen has opened, it is no longer a matter of quick battles. The most important thing is to guard the East Heaven Gate.

After all, they are not elders of the Taoist sect. When they used the Xiantian Lingbao to explode themselves, they did not control the power well. Guang Chengzi and others did not feel well.

Fortunately, since ancient times when the gods ruled the world, the East Heaven Gate has existed, and it finally dissipated in the dust.

