MTL - King of Gods-v4 Chapter 1493 War three days

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After running the dreamy deity and exerting his dreams, he was surrounded by a layer of dreamy and fascinating colors.

The situation of Zhao Kong, the little thief cat and the ruined black dragon is not very optimistic.

Therefore, Zhao Feng must play an advantage on this side, otherwise it will be difficult to win this battle.

After the King of the Golden Emperor urged the blood, Zhao Feng resolutely exerted the power of the dream god.

"How is this going?"

The main face of the Golden Emperor is amazed.

At this moment, he feels that all aspects of his spirit are invisible and not in the peak state.

"Do you have the special ability of the Ninth God?"

The Emperor of the Golden Emperor stared at the left eye of Zhao Feng.

What can be called a **** is definitely extraordinary.

At this time, Zhao Feng’s gaze gaze on the Lord of the Golden Emperor: “Destroy!”

He runs his mind and power, and he has such a strong thought in his heart.

At the time of the encounter, the blood vision of the Lord of the Golden Emperor disappeared a little bit out of thin air.

His heart suddenly produced a strong sense of crisis, and his various aspects of his body declined inexplicably.

As if in the next moment, his body will be broken like a bubble...

"Let's go on like this... I'm done!"

The main character of the Golden Emperor is flustered. If he does not do anything, he may even be killed by Zhao Feng.

Although he could not understand the ability of Zhao Feng’s ninth god, the Emperor of the Golden Emperor released various forces and means to resist.

In the end, he found his own blood and the law, able to withstand the ability of Zhao Feng's ninth god.


Fully urging the blood and releasing the power of the law, the Golden Emperor Lord resisted the mysterious ability of Zhao Feng and gradually recovered.

However, he must always resist this power, which leads to a sharp increase in his blood and mind.


Zhao Feng’s eyes glanced and his body shape flashed away, approaching the Golden Emperor.

The other side can resist his dreams, which is also expected by Zhao Feng.

After all, the other party is the Lord of the Three Gods, the blood quality is high, and the law reaches the point of great achievement.

However, Zhao Feng’s dream is still limiting and weakening the Golden Emperor.

At this time, Zhao Feng flew the Thunder and attacked!

He armed with a chaotic thunderbolt sword, quickly approached the Golden Emperor, and a sword slashed out.

"Junior, I said, even if you have the ninth god, you can't help me!"

The main face of the Golden Emperor was glanced with a golden light thorn and waved out.

"Time and space barrier!"

Zhao Feng spurred the robe of time and space, a layer of illusory silver glory, filled out.

At that time, the limiting power of this law of time and space was shrouded in the Lord of the Golden Emperor, which made him restricted again in all aspects, and his thinking in action was slow.

"The law of time and space!"

The main character of the Golden Emperor was slightly surprised.

Zhao Feng District has a strong day, and actually has two such powerful rules.

Under the double restriction of dreaming and the law of time and space, the state of the Golden Emperor is less than 70% of the time of the peak.


Zhao Feng’s chaotic thunderbolt sword, which kicked off the attack of the Golden Emperor’s Lord, fell on him.

The power of chaotic thunderbolt, on the body of the Golden Emperor, left a blood mark.

However, this is not over yet, and Zhao Feng’s other hand has also condensed a chaotic thunderbolt sword and continued attack.


The Lord of the Golden Emperor screamed and hurriedly urged the secret technique.

Around his body, a layer of golden dragon light was gradually formed, forming a circular skull, which slightly blocked Zhao Feng's attacking power.

On the other side, the two dragon gods of the Golden Dragon Holy Land have a look.

"Golden Emperor?"

"The adults were actually injured by Zhao Feng!"

The two gods, surprised, this is simply too unexpected.

On the other side, the two golden dragon holy gods who are fighting are also extremely surprised.

"It’s not the ninth god, it’s so powerful!”

The golden pattern of the double-day peak is not to be amazed.

Below, the peak of the movie stream and the owner of the Pure Yang Palace are equally shocking.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Feng can even hurt the three gods!

However, all of this is in the case of maintaining "dreaming".

The consumption of dreams is enormous, and the people who are higher in level will consume more.

At this moment, Zhao Feng had to stop this trick.

The color between heaven and earth gradually recovered as usual, and the Golden Emperor was no longer affected by the ability of dreaming.

However, before the Golden Emperor, he was hit by Zhao Feng’s chaotic thunderbolt, and he suffered many injuries.

At this moment, Zhao Feng stopped the dream, and the Golden Emperor was still in the peak state.

"Zhao Feng, I want you to die better!"

The main character of the Golden Dragon God was cold and his right hand waved, and the golden short sword appeared.

The golden dagger is just the best artifact, but there is a rule in it.


On the golden dagger, suddenly the golden glory of the shining dazzling, reflecting the whole sky.

"Golden Dragon Spurs!"

The Emperor of the Golden Emperor sighed low, and the golden dagger was turned into a golden light thorn. The surface was surrounded by nine golden dragons, and the sound was so powerful that the power could swear.


The golden dragon-shaped spikes suddenly burst out, and its powerful power made the whole world oscillate.

"The Golden Emperor is completely angry!"

Zhao Feng whispered.

At this moment, the power displayed by the Lord of the Golden Emperor should be his lore, even if it is Zhao Feng's chaotic mine hole, it is difficult to block.

"God... disillusionment!"

Zhao Feng’s left squat, running again, a layer of dreamy light fog, spinning out.

In the field of vision, other places are bleak, only the golden dragon pattern spikes, dyed with a dreamy color.

Mindful power runs, a strong thought builds.

The next moment, the head of the golden dragon's spiked, suddenly dissipated.


Seeing this scene, the Emperor of the Golden Emperor suddenly became shocked.

How could his attack suddenly disappear a part?

"give me……!"

Zhao Feng left the middle, the power of the source is fluctuating violently, and the inner strength of the mind is also motivated.

Call ~

The power of the disillusionment suddenly increased, and the golden dragon spurs disappeared again, from beginning to end, and eventually all disappeared!

"How can it be?"

The Emperor of the Golden Emperor was shocked by the waves.

My own attack, so it disappeared in such a plain, it is too ridiculous.

However, the incredible things have not completely ended.

"God copying Jin Guanglong thorn!"

Zhao Feng’s left-hander suddenly faintly eclipsed.

At the same time, behind the king of the Golden Emperor, there is a huge silver cymbal, shining light.

In the huge silver eyelids, there is a layer of dreamy fog.


In the dreamy light and fog, suddenly a golden spike was rushed out, and the power was turbulent and swayed, and the king of the Golden Emperor was stabbed.

"This is impossible!"

The Emperor of the Golden Emperor was dull, and Zhao Feng actually showed his attacking tricks.

But under the spur of the crisis, he immediately got rid of his doubts.


A magical power came out, and the Emperor of the Golden Emperor tried his best to run the defense. Around his body, he formed a dragon mask again.

At the same time, a huge shadow of the kingdom of God, enveloped him.


The next moment, the golden thorns came down, the devastating force shocked and swept away.

At this moment, the entire Pure Yang Palace was destroyed and destroyed.

Not far from the battle of the thief cat, the Golden Dragon Holy Land and other people, can not stop, amazed to see the battlefield of the Golden Emperor.

Call ~

The golden light dissipated, and in the center of the explosion, there was a wolf figure, and the body was black and broken.

"Zhao Feng, I will definitely ask you to survive, you can't die!"

The main face of the Golden Emperor witnessed the horror and stared at Zhao Feng.

In the body, the golden liquid surged and the injury slowly healed.

"Golden Emperor!"

In the rear, the two gods of the gods could not help but scream.

Unexpectedly, the Emperor of the Golden Emperor in the hands of Zhao Feng actually ate such a big loss. If the action failed, the face of the Golden Dragon Holy Land could be lost.


The two gods of the gods acted. They knew that Zhao Feng was strong and did not rely too close. He only released the attack in the distance, supported the Golden Emperor and interfered with Zhao Feng.

"court death!"

Zhao Feng’s eyes are condensed, and once again, the color of dreams and magnificent colors shines.

The Emperor of the Golden Emperor was tight, and he was really shocked by the power of the Ninth God.


Zhao Feng's rapid creation of a dream space, left to sweep forward.

At the time, the two gods, the gods, had no resistance, and the consciousness was inhaled into the dream space by Zhao Feng.

The Golden Emperor is the Lord of the Three Heavens and has strong resistance.

At the same time, the Emperor of the Golden Emperor discovered the two gods of the Golden Dragon Holy Land, and their eyes were dull, as if they were stupid.

"what happened?"

The Emperor of the Golden Emperor felt that everything was not right, and he resisted the suction force from Zhao Feng’s left.


The next moment, the two gods behind him, there are countless scars on the body without warning, and eventually the body and soul burst open.

Seeing this scene, the Emperor of the Golden Emperor suddenly became creepy.

The two one-of-a-kind gods were behind him, far from Zhao Feng.

However, just a gaze, the two gods were smashed and their bodies were destroyed.

What is even more frightening is that the Golden Emperor can't stop it, and he doesn't know what is going on.


At the moment of the fear of the Golden Emperor, Zhao Feng’s body shape flickered and quickly approached him.

Nowadays, when the Golden Emperor is the weakest, he must not give him a chance to breathe.

Zhao Feng was placed in a chaotic mine, holding a chaotic thunderbolt sword and madly killing him.

"You kid, what did you do?"

The Emperor of the Golden Emperor had a lingering fear of the previous species.

call out!

Two pieces of the artifacts are in the robe of time and space, and Zhao Feng can still drive them and release the attack.


The Emperor of the Golden Emperor held a golden dagger and struggled to withstand the violent storms of Zhao Feng.

But he was just created by the copy of Zhao Feng’s gods and has not recovered.

Zhao Feng’s chaotic power has the characteristics of phagocytic absorption, and the Vietnam War is stronger.

"This way... the situation is not good!"

Under the repeated bombardment of Zhao Feng, the Lord of the Golden Emperor finally could not resist.

Continuing, his injury will become heavier and heavier, and the Emperor of the Golden Emperor will bite his teeth and flee to the rear.

"Want to go?"

Zhao Feng snorted and chased out.

"Golden Emperor!"

The two golden dragon holy land strongmen who fought with the thief cat and Zhao Kong could not help but scream.

The Emperor of the Golden Emperor of the Three Heavens level will be defeated by Zhao Feng and fleeing.