MTL - Last Building on Earth-Chapter 199 White Tiger and Ghost Car

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Wang Xuan was no stranger to these tree roots around him.

That day, he was trapped in the underground parking lot of Longmao Plaza. He had encountered similar tree roots and this incomparably thick tree pole, but he didn't expect to come to the third underground parking lot of Jiangmao Mall, and he would also encounter similar tree roots and this extremely thick tree pole. It's almost exactly the same tree.

Looking at this tree, it seems to grow from the ground below, piercing the floor above, and no one knows where it grows.

"Brother Jian, have you seen this big tree before?"

Xu Jian shook his head slightly and said, "No, it's just that this tree is a little weird... It made me feel very uneasy."

Wang Xuan snorted. His feeling was stronger than Xu Jian. He was assimilated with the beast, and his instinct was very sensitive. The tree pole exposed in front of him gave him a feeling of fear.

In addition, he had seen this big tree before, and knew that this tree was very strange. At that time, they passed through the big tree, and then the big tree disappeared mysteriously. It seemed that everything that happened before was an illusion.

"Brother Jian, let's go up and have a look." Wang Xuan thought for a while, then said to Fang Ning, Zuo Hui and the others, "You all take the muskets and walk towards the big tree. There should be an exit above the big tree."

Fang Ning, Zuo Hui, He Long, Xin Benjun, and eight others, including Chen Dong, who had just obtained the musket, slowly approached after hearing Wang Xuan's words. You and Zuo Hui should be much calmer.

They also saw that this big tree was growing strangely. The sloping giant tree trunk went up like a slope, piercing the ceiling above. From this trunk up, is it possible to enter the negative second-floor parking lot above?

"Let's go." Fang Ning had absolute trust in Wang Xuan, and he immediately stepped forward.

Wang Xuan and Xu Jian fell to the back, and they wanted to see if these newcomers stepped forward and what would happen.

"This tree is so strange, how did it grow into this building? Isn't Jiangmao Mall a dangerous building?" A woman in her forties with a curly hair couldn't help but speak.

Next to her was a woman with yellow-dyed hair that was also permed and curly: "Sister Li, let me tell you, I didn't seem to see it when I was there last time, and now there are beasts, it's really here. It's weird, we all have to be careful."

In their whispers, as the group of Fang Ning approached, the roots of the tree that were standing still finally reacted.

Among these tree roots, a tree root suddenly wriggled, followed by as if it had come to life, rushing out and rushing towards them.

Fang Ning, Zuo Hui, He Long, and Xin Benjun were surprised, but they were still able to react. They immediately retreated, raised their muskets, and fired them forward.

It's just that the target of the tree root that turned into a giant python is too small to hit, and the muskets in several people's hands are empty.

But Chen Dong and other eight people who followed behind couldn't help but screamed.

"It's not a tree root, it's a snake—" Sister Li screamed with curly hair.

The other five men who followed them, although surprised, reacted relatively quickly and did not rush.

The five men, including Chen Dong, were about the same age as Sister Li. They were all in their 40s and 50s. They had experienced a lot of things. Now they were shocked by these incomprehensible situations. Raise your gun, aim and shoot.

Among them, two tree-root snakes and pythons that rushed up were hit, and immediately burst and broke.

Wang Xuan and Xu Jian, one left and one right, rushed up, and Wang Xuan was waiting for these tree roots to mutate.

This time he wanted to take a closer look at what this strange tree really was.

When he stretched out his right hand, four metal tentacles were released, which were far more vicious than the snakes and pythons formed by these tree roots. When they were pulled out, they immediately swept away seven or eight of the snakes and pythons that came up.

"Quick, remember to refill your guns!"

Wang Xuan shouted loudly, and he was merciful, severely injured these snakes and pythons, and left them to hunt and kill.

Zuo Hui immediately took a step forward, shot at a snake python that fell on the ground, killed the snake python, and harvested a white scale. Immediately, she was about to hatch and felt the energy fluctuations in her right hand. , successfully hatched her hatchling beast.

Fang Ning felt that the musket in his hand was inconvenient to deal with this kind of snake and python, and finally couldn't bear it any longer.

Xu Jian's arms mutated to form a pair of beast arms. He relied on the beast arms to easily grab the roots of these rushing trees, and then threw them towards the crowd, giving them the final blow.

Sister Li and the others killed a snake and python one after another, and obtained white scales. They felt surprised when the scales entered their right hand.

No matter how incomprehensible this fact is, the reality is more convincing than any words, and they have to accept what they are going through now.

With a "bang", a thick tree root appeared and turned into a giant python with a length of more than ten meters.

Behind this giant python, tree roots as thick as buckets appeared one by one. These tree roots broke from the roots, turned into giant pythons of the same thickness, and rushed up.

How terrifying these giant pythons are, just the momentum of the mad rushing makes everyone's scalp numb.

Fang Ning, Zuo Hui and the others changed their expressions.

Zuo Hui and He Long fired muskets in succession. One of the giant pythons that rushed up was hit by the gun, and its flesh flew. It only made a huge blood hole in its body, but the monster was injured, but it was even more crazy. rushed up.

Even the musket of the musket goblin can't kill it, its strength has surpassed the embryonic form in incubation, at least it has reached the strength of the initial opening or even above.

Wang Xuan saw it in his eyes, a strange color flashed across his face, Xu Jian let out a loud shout, and turned his body, he did not show the strongest state of six arms, only two animal arms, but this strength also reached Above the sub-body, but he tried his best to restrain himself, not exceeding the adult.

Because in this novice area, if the strength exceeds that of the adult, it will attract the suppression of the power of the world, and even backlash.

Xu Jian's lateral movement speed was very fast, and he immediately intercepted the injured python that was rushing towards him. With a horizontal beast arm on the left, he confronted the ramming python head-on, and then grabbed it again. , his feet were firmly nailed to the ground, and the giant python that was more than ten meters long and weighed a ton was lifted up.

Chen Dong, Sister Li, and the others were stunned. This guy dressed in full body armor and dressed like an ancient general is so powerful?

They always thought that Wang Xuan and Xu Jian were probably some extras or that they were going to participate in some performances or performances in the Jiangmao mall, so the armor they wore was just trapped here like them.

But now Xu Jian's strength surprised them. Looking at the four metal tentacles that appeared on Wang Xuan's right hand, they finally recognized it. This is not a weapon like a metal whip.

With a "bang", Xu Jian hugged the giant python, kicked with both feet, and slammed the python's head into the load-bearing column in front of him.

There was a loud noise in the load-bearing column, and the python's head immediately blossomed, and the brains splashed out.

After killing the giant python, Xu Jian shouted: "Wang Xuan, the situation here is very wrong, they are just a group of newcomers, it is impossible for such a powerful monster to appear!"

"Yes, this is for us!"

As Wang Xuan spoke, he strengthened his strength, and the four metal tentacles were pulled out together. There were two crisp snaps. The heads of the two giant pythons were hit, their skulls shattered, and blood spattered.

"Fang Ning, you guys, hurry up and rush towards the big tree!"

Thinking of the previous experience, Wang Xuan immediately turned around and stopped drinking at Fang Ning. .

Xu Jian finally showed the remaining four animal arms, and appeared in the form of six arms.

Chen Dong, Sister Li and other eight people opened their eyes wide. Now they understand that Wang Xuan and Xu Jian are not ordinary people.

Sister Li is more superstitious, and at this moment, the image of Nezha with three heads and six arms even appeared in her mind.

Six animal arms appeared, suppressing the power as much as possible below the adult body, Xu Jian's body flashed, and rushed into the giant python that appeared on the side.

The strength of these giant pythons is getting stronger and stronger, causing pressure on Wang Xuan and Xu Jian, who can only exert their full combat power.

Fang Ning, Zuo Hui, Xin Benjun, He Long took Chen Dong, Li Jie and others and started running towards the big tree.

They believed Wang Xuan's words and thought that they could enter the upper floor by following the sloping trunk.

Wang Xuan noticed a detail. The pythons that appeared were basically attacking himself and Xu Jian, and there were almost no pythons attacking newcomers like Fang Ning and Zuo Hui.

"Sure enough, what is the origin of this big tree? It can deliberately target us?"

Wang Xuan felt that it was a little difficult, he did not dare to exert too strong combat power, and the strength of these giant pythons had gradually surpassed the sub-body.

"Brother Jian, let's go!" Wang Xuan made sure that these giant pythons would not attack Fang Ning and the newcomers, he breathed a sigh of relief, kicked his feet, and immediately rushed towards the big tree.

The last time I ran through the big tree, I was able to leave. How about this time? Will it be the same?

His speed was very fast, surpassing Fang Ning, Zuo Hui and the others in the blink of an eye, and a giant python rushed out from the big tree facing him, opened its **** mouth, and rushed towards him.

Wang Xuan jumped up and punched out with his right hand. A metal tentacle wrapped around his right arm, fused with flesh and blood, and turned into a giant arm of beast.

With a "no" sound, the punch hit the python's head, and the python's head exploded immediately, killing him instantly.

Almost at the same moment, Wang Xuan slammed into the big tree, but there was no obstruction in front of him, and he rushed straight over.

Almost as soon as he walked through the big tree, the scene before his eyes changed, and he actually appeared in a virgin forest full of towering trees.

The ground of this forest is full of terrifying cracks, and a tree with a height of tens of meters is toppled and broken.

"What is this?" Wang Xuan was greatly shocked, and he was busy turning his head, and suddenly found Xu Jian standing behind him, he was only a second later than Wang Xuan through the tree, never expected to suddenly rush here, watching Everything in front of him, he was equally stunned and horrified.

" seems to be the third layer of the world?" Xu Jian was in shock, he was busy reaching out to touch it, and suddenly found that his hand passed through a fallen tree in front of him.

"What's the matter? Are these hallucinations?"

Wang Xuan also quickly discovered that the metal tentacles he extended could not touch the ground and trees around him. It seemed that everything that appeared in front of him was not real.

At this moment, an earth-shattering tiger roar sounded, and with this tiger roar like cracking rocks and piercing clouds, Wang Xuan saw a tree falling down in the distance. It was crushed and collapsed by a terrifying force. Between the fallen trees, a giant tiger appeared.

This giant tiger, more than 20 meters tall, has a body length of 40 to 50 meters, and is covered with snow-white hair. It is opening its mouth and emitting an earth-shattering tiger roar. , so that Wang Xuan instinctively covered his ears.

"White Tiger—" Xu Jian also covered his ears with a shocked look on his face.

At the same time as the giant white tiger roared in filial piety, a huge black shadow suddenly fell down from the sky. Wang Xuan was busy looking at it, but he saw a pitch-black strange bird descending from the cracked stone and piercing the clouds. .

This strange bird has nine heads and nine wings, and its whole body is like cast iron. When the nine wings are opened, it seems to cover the sky, and it flies down into the sky with a sharp whistle.

The white giant tiger let out a deafening roar, kicked its four claws, rose into the air, and leaped hundreds of meters into the sky, colliding with the nine-headed monster bird that swooped down.

Wang Xuan was stunned, and Xu Jian, who was standing beside him, had already cried out, "Ghost car and bird?"

Wang Xuan's heart trembled, and he felt a tickling on his back, almost without his summoning.

He remembered that Tang Ruoyu once said that the hatching corpse he obtained grew out of the corpse of a powerful hatching beast called a ghost car, and the power of ghost wings he inherited now comes from this ghost car .

What is the relationship between this hatchling beast ghost car and the ghost car bird that appears now?

There was an earth-shattering loud noise in the air. The ghost car bird and the white tiger fought each other and fell from a height of hundreds of meters. With a loud bang, a large number of trees were broken and planted, and a large pit was smashed into the ground. , The two terrifying giant beasts rolled against the ground, and wherever they went, the ground couldn't bear their power and kept breaking apart.

Wang Xuan felt the ghost wings vibrate slightly behind him, and seemed to be sensing something. He was covered in cold sweat, and the nine sharp beaks of the ghost car and bird frantically pecked out, and soon the white tiger giant beast was drenched in blood. One bite can take out a large piece of flesh.

And the big mouth of the white tiger bit its belly, and the sharp tiger claws scratched the ghost car bird into scary wounds, pieces of steel feathers were ripped off, flying in the air.

Wang Xuan and Xu Jian were dumbfounded, watching the two giant beasts entangled with each other, the power was simply earth-shattering, they rolled against the ground, and the towering trees were crushed and broken.

Suddenly, at the end of the void, cyan tails appeared one after another, and in the blink of an eye, nine tails appeared in a row, each of which was extremely huge, and slammed into the sky.

"Boom" with an earth-shattering loud noise, this virgin forest shattered like a mirror together with the ghost car bird, the white giant tiger and the nine cyan tails.

Suddenly, Wang Xuan and Xu Jian were taken aback and instinctively retreated, only to find that there was a sudden darkness in front of them. When they came back to their senses, they saw the vehicles parked on both sides, and there was a ramp on the opposite side. They had already returned. The underground parking lot of Jiangmao Mall.

Fang Ning, Zuo Hui, Xin Benjun, He Long, Chen Dong, Li Jie, and others were all there. Everyone was panting and looked tired. The big tree that had penetrated the ground and the upper floors just now had its roots and Those giant pythons have disappeared, and everything that has just been experienced is like a dream.

Wang Xuan looked at the **** passage that appeared in front of him, and knew in his heart that this **** passage must lead to the parking lot on the second floor. What did the white giant tiger and the ghost car bird, and the nine cyan tails that appeared later, represent?

Was this a sight that the mysterious tree intended for them to see?

Xu Jian wiped the sweat on his forehead and restrained the four animal arms on his back.

Wang Xuan also put away the ghost wings behind him. The two looked at each other and could see the shock and doubt in each other's eyes.

"Strange... I walked through this big tree, but suddenly everything disappeared? Was everything just a trick?" Sister Li looked puzzled.

"It's not a blindfold. Look, my arm was bitten, and the snake mark is still there." Chen Dong asked her to look at his arm. There was a snake mark on it, but at the moment the snake mark was slowly healing.

"What the **** is that?" Everyone was puzzled.

Hearing their discussion, Wang Xuan understood that only himself and Xu Jian were the only ones who saw the scene of the white giant tiger and the ghost car bird. Fang Ning and the others didn't see it.

"Let's go, let's see if it's an upward exit." Wang Xuan quickly calmed down and pointed to the **** passage ahead.

Chen Dong, Sister Li, and other eight people are still discussing what just happened, while Fang Ning and Zuo Hui are silent. It's all normal. Now that you're here, you can't use outside common sense to speculate about what's going on here.

Everyone went up the slope, but Wang Xuan and Xu Jian still fell to the back of the team.

"Brother Jian, what I just saw... what do you think?"

Xu Jian said slowly: "There should be some reason. Maybe this tree has some kind of mysterious power, and it is what let us see this scene. As for its purpose, I don't know."

"How did Brother Jian know that bird with nine heads and nine wings is called Ghost Car Bird?"

"The ghost car bird used to be the totem of the third-layer world. I heard the elder say that it has nine heads and nine wings, so I can see it at a glance, but according to the elder, this ghost car bird used to be called nine heads. Birds, nine-headed gods and nine-phoenix gods, the source is very complicated. The elder once obtained a note. According to the note, this ghost car was trapped in the third-layer world. It used to have the destiny of God... Of course, These have been involved for too long, and no one knows the specific truth, including the records in this note, which are also inconsistent."