MTL - Last Building on Earth-Chapter 237 hell tower

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Wang Xuan saw that Gu Manyao had turned into a full set of ghost equipment. She originally had two pieces on her body, but now she bought three more pieces.

Tie Jun originally had a ghost knee pad on his body, but now there are three more, and a ghost gauntlet is still missing.

This ghost equipment is not expensive. For each piece of ten medium crystal scales, Gu Manyao and Tie Jun spent thirty medium crystal scales each to buy three pieces each. Of all the savings, most of them were earned by doing the task yesterday, and I couldn't afford any more.

Seeing the two excitedly approaching, Wang Xuan took out ten medium-sized crystal scales and wanted to buy a ghost gauntlet for Tie Jun, and helped him gather a set of ghost equipment.

Tie Jun hurriedly shook his head and refused, saying: "I'll do the task later, and I should be able to earn it soon. There are too many places where crystal scales are needed, and I can't ask you for them."

Wang Xuan frowned and said, "Why are you being polite with me? Hurry up and take it. Get a set first and then talk about it."

When he said this, his heart moved, and he thought of taking Gu Manyao and Tie Jun to enter the **** tower together. This **** tower has nine floors, which can be said to be dangerous. Qualified to leave this building.

Now both Tie Jun and Gu Manyao's strength are above the super-moderate level, especially the energy contained in Gu Manyao's "Blood Erosion" that even he can't see, she just lacks a strong enough opponent to sharpen it.

It is not difficult to break into the first floor of the Hell Tower by yourself, but it is hard to say after that. No matter how strong your personal strength is, there will inevitably be miscalculations or careless mistakes. If there is a mistake, there is a risk of death.

If you bring them and take care of each other, the situation will be completely different. Maybe you can try to break through a few more floors, just to use the Hell Tower to sharpen and improve their strength.

With this idea, he opened his mouth and said, "Brother Tie, hurry up and buy it. Later, I will take you to a somewhat dangerous place. If you are lucky, you may have a good harvest."

Hearing what Wang Xuan said, Tie Jun didn't refuse any more, he bought a ghost gauntlet, and finally got together a set of ghost equipment.

Wang Xuan thought that this world has the ability to purify itself. If the corpse is not treated for a long time, it will be slowly melted away, but the equipment will not. If the **** tower has really killed a lot of super-powerful people, there must be some lost. equipment.

"Go." Wang Xuan took the two of them to the teleportation channel of the central city.

As they walked in, a red aperture appeared in the transmission channel, surrounded by ten numbers, of which the numbers nine and ten were glowing, and the rest of the numbers were gray, appearing very dark.

This means that from the transmission channel of the central city, it is currently possible to teleport to the No. 9 safe area and the No. 10 safe area.

Wang Xuan placed his hand in the aperture of the number nine, and soon the red light rose up and enveloped them. When the red light subsided, they returned to the safe area of ​​number nine.

Now the No. 9 safe zone has become deserted and deserted. Originally, almost 200 people have arrived in the central city. It will take some time to get familiar with the central city, so now there are very few people who return here, except that he saw Yukai entering the teleportation channel before. , did not see a single person.

"Wang Xuan, where is the dangerous place you just said?" Gu Manyao followed Wang Xuan and asked quietly, looking a little nervous and excited.

It must be very dangerous if Wang Xuan can also talk about the dangerous place, but with Wang Xuan, she is not afraid, and she is still a little excited.

She has finally narrowed the distance with Wang Xuan now and can fight side by side with him.

She had just fought against the humanoid monster. She almost lost her life because she couldn't control the power of blood erosion. She still had to rely on Wang Xuan to save herself, which made her very ashamed. strength.

She didn't want to rely on Wang Xuan to save herself all the time, she hoped that she could help him.

"It's the Hell Tower. I have an idea. If we are lucky, we may be able to get a lot of crystal scales. Of course, it's hard to say how."

Seeing that there was no one around, Wang Xuan said his thoughts while walking towards the elevator to "Insect Town".

"I'm afraid that someone before me had a similar idea and picked up the lost storage belts and equipment one step ahead of time, but I think there must be some omissions. This time, because of the failure of the No. 8 elevator, there are hundreds of towns. Hundreds of leaders basically went in, and they suffered a lot of damage. It was only a few days before and after. It is impossible for another powerful person to enter the **** tower and take away the relics of these dead leaders. We only need to pick up a few. It's better than doing it for days at a time."

Wang Xuan thought that according to what he had seen before, among the more than 200 leaders who were still alive, the strongest one was Wei Zixuan from "Wang Town". Except for a few people who dared to enter the Hell Tower at will, the others were considered to have entered. , don't say whether you can find this relic, I'm afraid it will be difficult to protect yourself.

When Gu Manyao and Tie Jun heard about it, they both showed an excited look. If Wang Xuan can get a lot of crystal scales as Wang Xuan said, Wang Xuan will naturally take the big head, and they can also drink some soup. The harvest will definitely be better than the task.

Taking the elevator, the three of them returned to "Insect Town" very heavy.

The "Insect Town" was still the same, and the square was busy with people coming and going. Wang Xuan led Gu Manyao and Tie Jun straight towards the north gate.

Soon it went deep into the northern insect country and went in the direction of the Hell Tower.

All three summoned mechanical beasts. Although they encountered many Zerg attacks on the way, such five-star dangerous monsters could not cause them any harm at all, let alone stop them.

The three of them drove straight in, and after half an hour, they arrived at the Hell Tower.

When he came to the Hell Tower, Wang Xuan launched a fusion, and the little boy turned into a rainbow light and attached to him, forming a mechanical shell.

Seeing that Wang Xuan and Xiaojiao were combined, Gu Manyao and Tie Jun were also busy combining with their own mechanical beasts to form a second defense outside the equipment.

"Remember, this place is very dangerous, and it is said that there is an invisible power. People stay here for a long time, and it is easy to trigger the backlash of hatching beasts. Although we don't know whether it is true or false, we also need to pay attention. If you feel something wrong, you must immediately speak out."

"Yeah." Gu Manyao nodded, and then revealed his demon chi knife.

With a look of alertness on Tie Jun's face, he summoned the King Kong Shield.

The two followed Wang Xuan and entered the nine-story tower. When they entered the tower, they saw a huge cave on the ground. From this cave, they entered the first floor of the real **** tower.

Wang Xuan took out three bottles of primary night vision water, drank a bottle himself, and gave a bottle to Gu Manyao and Tie Jun each.

Although he had lighting crystals, it was not as convenient as this night-viewing water. After Gu Manyao and Tie Jun drank it, they found that the cave that originally seemed pitch-dark became clear.

"I take the lead, you all follow me, this is the first floor of the **** tower, the most common monster in it is the **** clown, the strength is stronger than the general super state, but not as good as the super state, your current strength is stronger than it , don't be afraid, the main thing is to beware of the Fallen."

As Wang Xuan spoke, he slid down the edge of the cave. Four metal tentacles extended out of his right hand, protecting him around his body, followed by Gu Manyao, and finally Tie Jun, who protected the Vajra Shield behind him.

The three of them slid down the smooth **** in the cave. Inside was a huge passage, about 20 meters wide and 20 to 30 meters high. The walls on both sides were engraved with some complicated symbols, which looked like some kind of text, but Wang Xuan did not know.

After the three of them landed, they stood in a zigzag shape. Although it was dark and dark, the three of them drank the water of night vision and could basically see the surrounding environment clearly.

"Go." Wang Xuan took the lead, with four metal tentacles, one guarding the top of the three people's heads, two guarding the sides, and one extending forward.

"Remember not only to look around, but also above your head."

When Wang Xuan was exhorting, a black shadow suddenly rushed out of the slanting darkness, looking at the human-headed dog wearing a clown mask, it was a **** clown.

Wang Xuan's strength is much stronger than the last time he came. Now, looking at the speed at which the **** clown throws out, he suddenly finds that it is much slower than the last time he saw it.

Wang Xuan knew that it wasn't that the clown of **** was really slowing down, but that his strength had been surprisingly improved, his vision capture ability, reaction ability, and speed were far stronger than the last time. In contrast, in his current eyes It seems that the speed of this **** clown is much slower.

With a "snap", a metal tentacle swept out in the air, like a bolt of lightning, circled behind the **** clown, from back to front, instantly hit the back of its head, knocking its brains apart, with a The clown mask flew out immediately.

Another metal tentacle stretched out and wrapped the clown mask back.

Wang Xuan threw away the blood on the clown's mask and put it away in the Xumi mustard seed space.

Killing a **** clown easily, Wang Xuan's attention was on the ground around him.

He didn't come here to kill the enemy, but mainly to find the relics left by the dead superpowers here.

When Gu Manyao and Tie Jun noticed the **** clown, they were just about to shoot, but they didn't want Wang Xuan to kill him in an instant, so they stopped again.

Wang Xuancheng looked at the ground around him, but he didn't notice it, so he continued to move forward.

Going all the way along this giant passage, I soon encountered the attacks of three **** clowns in a row.

Wang Xuan killed one first, watching their situation while paying attention to the surrounding overhead.

Gu Manyao is very serious, even if he is dealing with this kind of **** clown who is not as strong as the super state, he will go all out.

She learned from the previous experience of fighting against the winged Agatha, and the power of "Blood Erosion" extended to the entire Yaochi Saber. While attacking, she was trying to control and understand the strength of this power change, how to attack to be more perfect Unleash the power of blood erosion.

With a snort, blood surged from the neck, the **** clown was cut off by her knife, Gu Manyao pulled back the knife, she just swung the knife at will, it didn't seem to use much force, but it was very precise The **** clown beheaded and made it impossible to dodge.

She was enlightened.

Tie Jun's strength is not as good as her, but it is not difficult to deal with the clowns of hell. Wang Xuan sees that his current strength is between super-moderate and superior. As long as he sharpens it a little, he can truly exert the power contained in his body and break through to the top. It's not hard to wait.

After all, he has obtained a lot of energy spar, and has also comprehended the primary hatching beast skills. In any case, it is not only his current strength, but he just lacks the experience of fighting enemies of similar strength.

This way, Wang Xuan kept mentioning the appearance of the Fallen, but he did not encounter the Fallen, nor did he find any lost equipment or belts along the way.

His brows were slightly wrinkled, and now he was a little scared to be rejoicing, and the gap in his heart was huge.

After that, they encountered four **** clowns, and they were all killed relatively loosely by the three.

Wang Xuan put these clown masks into the Xumi mustard seed space. Finally, they reached the end of the giant passage and saw a stone wall with a door.

The last time he saw a lost person in this door, and a bunch of **** clown masks, now I don't know if the lost person is still inside.

He made a gesture towards Gu Manyao and Tie Jun, telling them not to make a sound, and then approached Shimen lightly.

This stone gate has been opened, Wang Xuan looked into it, and there was nothing inside, nothing.

The half-human body that I saw last time, the half-body melted and festered, has disappeared.

At the end of this stone gate, there is a staircase going down, through which you can enter the second floor of the Hell Tower.

Although the Hell Tower looks from the outside, there are nine floors on the ground, but after entering the interior, it is completely upside down and needs to go down, becoming nine floors underground.

Wang Xuan walked in, glanced around, and found nothing, so he walked towards the stairs that went down at the end, and now he can only enter the second floor of the Hell Tower to see.

If there is no discovery on the second floor, it can only mean that his speculation is wrong, and there is basically no chance of smuggling.

Just as he walked to the stairs, he suddenly felt uneasy in his heart, and immediately understood something. The surface of the four metal tentacles that he extended to all sides immediately lit up with a blue dim light.

In this staircase, a black shadow was curled up. When Wang Xuan approached, the curled shadow suddenly attacked and wanted to sneak attack.

It's a pity that Wang Xuan's Warcraft instinctive warning can instantly sense something bad. One of the metal tentacles is blocking the front and the other is above, on both sides. It can be said that no matter which side the enemy appears from, his metal tentacles can resist and counterattack. .

"Bang" with a soft sound, the shadow grabbed a claw covered with black scales, which was blocked by his metal tentacles. The force on this claw was very strong, and his metal tentacles contained blue crystal scales. Even with the strength, it was not able to completely shake its claws.

Taking a step back, Gu Manyao and Tie Jun spread out from left to right, only to see this black figure standing up, a monster with black scales all over its body, half-human and half-beast, its face still kept a small half-human face. The face, it can be seen that it was originally a woman, but most of the face has become black scales, one eye is a human eye, and the other eye is a snake eye, no matter which eye is filled with ferocity. light.

Obviously, she used to be a powerful super-powerhouse, but now she was attacked by the hatching beast, completely lost the reason and soul that human beings should have, and turned into a monster that only knows how to kill.

Through the power she just shot, Wang Xuan now has at least super-class combat power after being attacked by the hatching beast.

After turning into a monster, her body turned into a beast, and she no longer had any armor and no storage belt.

Wang Xuan saw it in his eyes, sighed secretly, his right hand turned into a giant arm of beast, and slammed into the air.

The giant arm of the beast and the power of the blue crystal scales, his punch surpassed the super-class in terms of speed and strength. The fallen man in front of him didn't have time to dodge or resist, and was hit in the head by his fist. her life.

A group of white rays of light appeared, submerged in Wang Xuan's right hand, and then absorbed by his ghost wings.

"This is the Fallen?" Gu Manyao and Tie Jun looked at the Fallen who was half-human and half-beast, and looked at the terrifying appearance of her body mutation, and they were a little scared.

For those who have hatched beasts, being devoured by hatched beasts and turned into monsters is their greatest fear.

"Yes, after entering the super state, the stronger the strength, the more you need to beware of the backlash of the hatching beasts, so you must be firm in your heart and find a way to exercise your strong willpower."

Wang Xuan looked at Gu Manyao and Tie Jun and said in a deep voice.

The two nodded slightly, with awe-inspiring expressions on their faces.

"Let's go, let's go down to the second floor and have a look. If you haven't found it yet, then go back."

Wang Xuan didn't see any equipment relics on the first floor, let alone storage belts. He was very disappointed. He knew that he thought too well before, and this trip might be in vain.

Still extending the metal tentacles under the stairs, Wang Xuan went down the stairs first, Gu Manyao followed closely, and Tie Jun held the giant diamond shield and broke the back.

The stairs are very long. Wang Xuan estimated that he went down at least thirty or forty meters, and finally walked down the stairs and reached the second floor of the Hell Tower.

Wang Xuan looked around carefully. It was still dark here. Although he drank the night vision water, he still felt a little gloomy around him. This was a huge room that looked very empty. , there is nothing inside, except for the wall where the stairs are located, there is a giant stone door on each of the remaining three walls.

These three stone doors are all very about three meters wide and six or seven meters high. Compared with these three giant stone doors, the three of them are like dwarfs who broke into the giant's living room.

"Where are we going now?" Gu Manyao asked softly.

Wang Xuan frowned, looked at the giant stone gate that was closed on three sides, and said, "Let's take a look, I hope we find something, let's go to the left first."

As he spoke, he walked towards the stone gate on the wall on the left.

There are still three or four meters away from the stone gate, he stopped, and released two metal tentacles, separated by three or four meters, against the stone gate, and slowly pushed inward.

Although the stone door was tightly closed, it looked huge and heavy, but Wang Xuan only exerted a little force, and the stone door was slowly pushed open.

As the stone door was opened, a layer of ash was sprinkled on the stone door, which looked like it had not been opened for a long time.

Wang Xuan held his breath to prevent poisonous gas from escaping from the Shimen, and looked inside at the same time.

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