MTL - Late Night Tales Of The Capital-Chapter 79 Duoqiao or Huangquan Road

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It didn't take long for the temperature on the black wasteland to become chilly.

There is no wind and no wind, these winds may not be very cold, but like the fine hair, squatting into the depths of the clothes, and then slowly take away the temperature of the human body.

After again escaping from the crack of the ground, the team lacking leaves finally found an abnormality.

The masters of the Qingqiu Qidaomen Stars are more and more frowning and staring into the distance. Through the sparsely low shrubs, they have been able to see some moving shadows.

"Some of them are not quite right. Let's not set up a camp first, and split a few people to investigate it." The more the voice is, the more uncertain it is.

"Speaking brother, have you found anything?" The northwestern forest of Qingqiu Incense Valley turned around and looked around.

"Be cautious to catch a thousand miles, be careful to sail for thousands of years, be careful and always correct." The more the words said.

"Then everyone sent people to look around. To be fair, every sect was sent out by the individual." Lin said to the northwest.

Fair and reasonable advice is for the sake of everyone's life safety, no one will object, although everyone is already physically and mentally exhausted.

Through the dawn of dawn, several figures went to the four directions of the temporary camp.

Soon, the disciples responsible for the investigation rushed back, four people in four directions, and everyone’s face changed slightly.

"There is a group of wolves found in the east, and they can see the figure in a vague way. They should be the people of the Yaozu."

"The wolves have also been found in the north, and it is certain that there are people of the Yaozu who are in control."

"There is no situation in the south, but the collapsed valley has not been far away from us. At most half an hour, our feet should also collapse."

There were enemy scenes on both sides of the Northeast, and the natural disasters on the south side. Everyone looked at Nalan Rongruo. She represented the Qingqiu Jianmen to investigate the situation in the west. I saw that Nalan Rong frowned, as if thinking about how to describe it. After a long ring, he said, "The situation in the west is very strange."

When Nalan Rong pointed out that he was behind him, "When I used to, I first discovered a group of practitioners. There are a large number of people. I should see that the costumes should be the disciples of Lushan and the ruling division of Sheng Tang, but I have not waited for me to come. The group suddenly turned back to the west for a kilometer."

After a pause, Nalan Rong continued, "The strange thing happened at this time. The group of people just withdrew, and a large group of wolves were directly driven in by the drive of more than twenty demon warriors. The strangest thing is that the two sides have nothing to do with each other, no one has attacked anyone!"

The disciples of Lushan and the warriors of the Yaozu can actually coexist peacefully!

After listening to the investigation, everyone was silent, and a cold cold from the bottom of everyone's feet to the brain, this cold is like the breath of death, the bones are cold.

"Being surrounded!"

This is everyone's first reaction.

"How can Lushan and the ruling department withdraw? Can they not see that this is a conspiracy of the Yaozu?" The more angry the master brother of Qingqiu Qidaomen said.

"The idiots can see that the people of the Yaozu want to break through the sects of the cultivating world. How many small sects have been slaughtered in these few days." The northwestern tone of the Qingqiu incense valley is even more difficult to hear. come out.

It was the appearance of Li Jian’s seven doubts. I looked at everyone and asked softly, “Isn’t Shanshan not the first Jianzong, the leader of the right way? Why is it pretending not to be seen? Shouldn’t you immediately demonize and demonize, carry forward Right way? This is a good opportunity. Where do you usually find so many demon warriors?"

After Li Jianqi finished speaking, the big guy immediately looked at her with a weird expression.

Ye Xiao also took a look, and then helplessly licked his forehead. "You really thought that the demon slayer, the promotion of the right path is a real thing? It is just a kind, propaganda, a kind of..."

After a moment of sighing, Ye did not think about it for a moment to describe it with a word, and finally sighed. "You can think of this as a bragging, or a fart, the difference is not big."



"There are thousands of demons in the lock demon tower. How do you explain this? Is it always bragging?"

Looking at Li Jian’s unbelievable expression, Ye Wei continued to explain, “I usually meet, I have nothing to do, and I will demonize the demon. Now it’s not the same. Here is the Dragon Mausoleum. Everyone comes in to Fighting for artifacts. It is very simple to save you. After the artifacts are unearthed, will you not grab them? If you grab, people will not have more competitors!"

The rest of the leaves are missing, and anyone who wants to come can understand.

In order to compete for artifacts, Lushan and the ruling division gave up the demon slayer and chose to die. Very realistic, but also very cold-blooded, but nothing wrong, the realm of cultivation is originally a wasteland covered with snow, full of order and strength, can not tolerate dreams and impulses, only for the benefit of sword.

Of course, if they know that this is the tacit agreement between the two sides, I am afraid that they will not feel that there is nothing wrong with it. I am afraid that it is a shameless thing.

But even if it is a fierce attack, what can be done? People have to bow their heads under the roof, and the situation is stronger than people. How to deal with the current predicament is the most urgent task.

Time is tight, everyone is starting to think, and some people have even begun to play their own small calculations. There are cheaper and more profitable, and there are dangers. The goal of a group of people is definitely more eye-catching than a single person.

There are very few three or five scattered repairs that can be thought of, but those with a sect brother can't. If Nalan Rong looked at everyone, no one spoke. The little girl stood up in anxious. "We must act. Since Lushan and the ruling department saw it but didn't see it, then we must find a way to let They have to rescue."

"How to say?" The more the words asked.

"We sent the distress signals of our respective sects to the air. So close, they can definitely see that other sects can also see that Lushan is an authentic name, they will not want to face." Pointing to the west, "They don't save, we will find ways to force them to save."

"It's a way, you can try it." The more the words were finished, they thought about it. "But this is only the best situation. Let's do the worst."

"What if there is no rescue?"

The most realistic problem was thrown out.

The encirclement of the surrounding area finally showed its outline.

It was indeed the demon, and the atmosphere suddenly solidified.

Finally, a no-followed scum of the sullen face stood up, some hoarsely said, "What do you want to do next, I don't interfere, but from now on, I am out of this team, you take your Yangguan Road I have passed my wooden bridge, let's have a goodbye."

After finishing the conversation, the man walked out a few steps directly and stood outside the team.

"You go your Yang Guandao, I am crossing my wooden bridge?" It is good to hear, but who can't hear it, this person is going to use everyone and use other people as bait. When the Yaozu attacks, it will definitely attack the most people. At this time, there will be a chance for a single person. If you are lucky, you will be able to escape if you are not lucky.

"Don't leave, don't go late, go now, what are you when we are? Fool?" The colder the words asked, as he asked, eight or nine men stood up, Qing Qiuqidaomen has the largest number of people remaining in this team, and naturally the most nervous. The least hope that the team will fall apart now, when they may be the biggest target.

“Being alive is more important than anything else.”

The quick release from the team is very straightforward. "As for what you think, that is your business."

The stronger the words, the more angry they are. "When you joined the team a few days ago, you didn't say that."

The sank shrugged. "There was no demon around."


"What are you talking about?"

As he spoke, he said that he took a few steps to the distance and took part in the road.

At the same time, there were three more outspoken teams, but they chose different directions, but they all tried to escape.

Ye missed the side of the Qingmenu Jianmen disciple, witnessed the whole process, but a word has not been made, from his clothing, in fact, can not see his source, the same as the scattered repair.

"The battle hasn't started yet, it's guilty, I'm afraid that I can't die fast enough!" Ye missed his heart and thought, while he slowly walked to the recently left away.

The man looked at the leaf deficiency, first frowned, but found that the lack of leaves is also a dress without a door, it is relieved.

Li Jianqi and Nalan Rongru open their mouths and want to shout the leaves. But when they say it, they find that there is really nothing to say. They are not very familiar with it. They only know a few days after they have finished playing. To call people, people have their own lives and pursue different things.

The temporary camp was quiet, only the cold wind.

The leaf lacks slowly and takes a step back. He retreats behind him and he does not show any abnormality or beware. Still nervously looking at the front, in the subconscious, he has already assigned the missing leaf to his side.


The man found himself in the opposite group, his expressions all changed dramatically.

The next moment, he only felt that his heart was cold, and then a series of severe pain spread throughout the body, black eyes, directly fell to the ground, squinting and then Huang Chun, do not know what happened!

The scene is awesome!

In addition, the three scattered out of the team is even more panic.

The lack of leaves patted the clap, as if doing an irrelevant thing, pointing to the body on the ground, "Living is more important than anything else, but watching others live, but they are going to die, it is very painful."

“It’s painful for no reason, but it’s a price.”

"Others die, they live, there is no such truth." Said Ye Xiaoyue glanced at the words of Qingqiu Qidaomen, and then looked at the northwest of Linqiu Valley, and finally glanced at the Qingqiu Jianmen. Qi Shenghua.

They are all very smart people, and they all pass.

In the cold wind, a few cold lights suddenly emerged, leaving the team's three scattered and killed.

"Now you can discuss how to meet the enemy." Ye Xiao slowly came back, the tone is not urgent or slow, it seems that the things just done are irrelevant.

When I walked past Li Jianqi, the little girl looked at the leaf and looked at it. The meaning of this eye seems to say, "You should not kill people directly, it is not reasonable."

The leaf lacked a look. "These people are looking for their own death and can't blame others."

(The first one today, there are.)