MTL - League of Legends: 700 Years Later-Chapter 1668 The war is over!

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In the evening, restore the complete Ye Che to the hall and eat with the people of the entire team. Eight? One Chinese?? Network W ≤ W ≈ W =. ≤8≈1ZW. COM

At the same time, Ai Xi announced the punishment for those rebel leaders. These rebellious anti-revolutions have always been death sins, all of which are paralyzed. Time is directly set in the early morning tomorrow!

Hearing this news, the various teams looked at each other in secret, and they all understood that the time was urgent, and it would not work if they didn’t do it tonight!

After the verdict was announced, Ai Xi in the name of the legendary **** bow, clarified the future goal of the Avarosa tribe, that is, the unification of Freud Zhuo De, there will be no war in the future, all tribes will unite and create brilliance.

Those who can eat together now are neutrals, or warriors who advocate peace. They originally did not contradict Ai Xi’s vision, not to mention that Ai Xi is now the arch of the ancient queen, and all of them are even more afraid to oppose it. It shows the attitude of support.

After the discussion of the matter, the dinner was also over, and everyone began to leave.

The people of each team did not have any stops, and they all left to plan to determine the specific details tonight. However, they did not notice that when Ye Che left the room, he nodded with Ai Xi.

The night is deep and everything is silent.

After a tiring day of the Avarosa tribe, most people have already fallen asleep. Only some soldiers and warriors patrol the high walls of the tribe. The whole Avarosa has only sporadic fire, and it is swaying in the blizzard. .

Suddenly, the fire trembled fiercely, only to see a line of dark shadows suddenly flashing away from the side.

And this is like the fuse is ignited, in this moment, at least seventy or eighty black shadows appear, all scattered in the Avarosa tribe of Nuo Da, but their goal seems to be the same, After a short period of time, they gathered outside a prison, then hidden their bodies and looked at the prison tightly.

The prison has a veritable name called the imprisoned prison. The cell is made of rare metal that is unique to Frey, and it is extremely hard, so the cell looks rough and has not been refined.

The ankles and handcuffs worn by criminals are refined. Once worn, they will weaken more than 9% of power and magic.

“How long is the shift?”

"Five minutes or so!"

"Captain, do you want to do it?"

"No, the guns are the first birds, who dare to shoot first, there is a danger of being set fire, wait first!"

"Are you sure people are still inside?"

"Absolutely, I saw with my own eyes that the rebel leaders were unpacked, and they have never seen them come out now!"


In the dark, invisible fluctuations, the customs team channel shoots information.

Although some teams have arrived long ago, in order to prevent the dogs from being closed, they all waited for the opportunity and did not dare to attack.

But as time went by, some of the teams began to squat, and in the darkness, weird screams came from time to time. It was the voice of some of the team's people.

"It seems that some people can't help it." Xiao Xiaobing smiled coldly, his knife-like face rose slightly, and the fire above the prison seemed to see the **** battle that was about to explode.

"Captain, do we really want to compete with Eureka and the team in the cloud? But these two people seem to have no brains, will it be bad?!"

His team members whispered.

"No brains are good! Just take down the land reclamation of mission three, and then join hands to destroy that Ye Che, this team team game is ours!" Xiao Xiaobing mouth corner.

Then, he looked at the guards who had changed their shifts in the distance, and said in the team channel: "Xiao Yuan, you can shoot."


In the team channel, there are immediately two text feedbacks.

In the next moment, a loud noise suddenly sounded from a distance of hundreds of meters away.


This loud noise immediately attracted the attention of the warriors. They instantly screamed at the place where the sound came from, and then the warrior waved his arm and immediately rushed over to the side of the warrior guard.

"Damn, it's overcast! No matter, kill!"

There was a man’s angry cry over there. The next moment, a dozen or twenty figures rushed out of the darkness and fought with these warrior guards.

Only because they first shot, it is already equivalent to a tank, attracting a large number of firepower of these warrior guards.

At the same moment, a faint shadow appeared from the back of the unlucky team. It turned out that a summoner had lurked behind them. Obviously, the sound was just made by her.

At the same time, the other five teams also moved.

"Let's go, don't keep it!"

"Quick, don't let these guards send messages!"


With the low drink, the figure was swiftly shot like a thunder. The warriors guards were not ready to exclaim, but they were killed by their killings. There was no chance to call for help.


With a burst of blast, but ten seconds, the Avarosa Warriors outside the shackles have been slaughtered.


Almost at the same moment, hundreds of summoners, such as the Heavenly Sacred Team, the Eden Team, and the Long Ying Team, all exploded the fastest, and a swarm of bees rushed over to the Forbidden Prison.

Suddenly, the "啪啪啪" burst, and the ground under the ground suddenly emerged as a whisker-like thick rhizome, I do not know who moved the root of the entanglement, began to block other people close.

More than a dozen tank fighters have opened their way in front of them, all kinds of brutal collisions and obstacles to their skills to clear the obstacles for their own teams.

An assassin swung his hand and immediately smashed a tangled root of the stalk, but the rhizome had just been smashed, and immediately a transparent bubble flew to him.


When the air trembled, he suddenly had a purple cover on his body.

This is Mogana's magic, and suddenly the bubble falls on him without any control effect.

"Haha, thank you!" The assassin turned his head and smiled at the support of his own team. He then rushed into the imprisonment prison, but in a blink of an eye, a fire suddenly slammed from the ground, followed by another The icy ice blew at me.

The assassin screamed coldly, and his heart was unwilling to start the hegemony. There was no way. At this time, there were too many summoners to shoot. More than one hundred people released their skills, and they encountered a tragedy. Being controlled is the end of the spike, so it is the first premise that you can't control it.

That being said, in just seven or eight seconds, at least four or five summoners have lost their lives.

No way, the skills are too dense, but no one is willing to retire.

This is like killing a boss. Once it has retired, the land reclamation can be someone else's! After all, killing those rebel leaders is incomparably simple, and it is a matter of a second, so it must not be retired!

(End of this chapter)