MTL - Legendary FBI Detective-Chapter 25 case on tv

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  Chapter 25 The case is on TV


  Augus cursed in a low voice, not knowing whether to scold Roan or the serial murderer.

   "Lacey, you go out first."


   Let Lacey leave the team leader's office temporarily, and Augustus asked Roan very seriously with his **** face:

   "Roan, a kidnapping case is different from a serial murder case, do you know that?"

"I know."

  Roan nodded.

  Comparatively speaking, solving the serial murder case and catching the real culprit of the serial murder case, excluding the aspect of rising fame, the lead detective who solves the case actually doesn’t get much money, because the amount of reward for the case is fixed.

  The family members of the victims in the serial murder cases don’t give much thanks most of the time, because after the death of the victims, many families have become broken, and it is normal to have no money.

  Kidnapping cases are different, because the purpose of the kidnapping criminals is to ask for money, and the families of the kidnapped victims also understand this, so when the detectives help them rescue their relatives, they are generally not stingy in paying thanks.

  Anyway, the kidnappers are also given, and the thank you money for the detectives is less than that for the kidnappers.

  Americans also understand the truth that if a horse wants to run, it must be fed grass.

   This can be regarded as an unwritten rule in the United States.

   Seeing Roan nodding, Augustus was very satisfied. He liked this kind of subordinate who knew everything, so he went on to say:

   "Our No. 5 investigation team has just been established, and serial murder cases are actually not suitable for us.

  The reason why I took over the [Lake Female Corpse Serial Murder Case] ​​was also because this case spans a long time, and it is best to solve the case. If it cannot be solved, the team leader will not criticize us, and will only hand over the case to other investigation teams. So I took the 【Lake Female Corpse Serial Murder Case】mainly to let you increase your experience.

  The kidnapping case is different. This kind of case is sometimes difficult and sometimes easy.

  I took over the [The Missing and Kidnapping Case of a Rich Woman], mainly for the purpose of training soldiers. It’s best to solve the case. I told you before that if I can’t solve the case, I will transfer Ryder to take charge, and you will accumulate experience, and you will have opportunities in the future.”

  Hearing Augustus' eloquent talk, Roan's expression was a little confused.

   Guys, I'm thinking about making money, you're thinking about politics!

  The two people think in completely opposite directions.

   After talking eloquently for a long time, Augustus felt his mouth was a little dry. Roan got up and poured him a cup of coffee. Augustus was very satisfied. After drinking the coffee, he finally asked:

   "So, the current situation is, are you sure to catch the murderer? If not, I will immediately hand over this case to other investigation teams. After all, 14 hours have passed since the 24-hour prime time."


  Roan bowed his head in thought.

  When we were in the Queens apartment just now, Neil, an agent of the trace investigation team, briefly introduced the state of the body parts to Roan when he was sorting out the body parts.

  Based on the thickness of the frost on the surface of the corpses and the degree of freezing of the corpses themselves, Nell roughly judged that these corpses had not been frozen for a long time, roughly two to three days.

  If Detective Nell's judgment is correct, it means that after kidnapping Serena, the murderer tortured her for more than two weeks before killing her.

  Judging from this perspective, the rich woman Sabina should be safe, and there is a high probability that she has not been killed by the murderer.

   Of course, nothing is absolute, who knows what a pervert like a serial killer thinks.

   Immediately afterwards, the three most important things are: Who is the murderer? Where is the murderer's home address? After kidnapping Sabina, where is the murderer hiding now?

  Who the murderer is is still uncertain.

  The Trace Inspection Section did find fingerprints that did not belong to the victim in the apartment in Queens. But now it cannot be determined 100% that the fingerprint is the fingerprint of the murderer.

   Not only that, but the trace inspection of Kobe’s fingerprints takes a long time, and there are only 11 hours left in the 24-hour prime time.

  At the same time, Kobe's fingerprints can only be compared with the FBI's criminal fingerprint library for trace inspection. In other words, if the serial murderer had never committed a crime before and hadn't recorded his fingerprints in the local police station, then the FBI's fingerprint inspection database would not be able to find out the identity of the murderer at all.

   It is not known who the murderer is, and it is even more impossible to find the murderer's home address.

  "The only thought now is, where did the murderer hide after kidnapping Sabina?"

  Roan closed his eyes tightly, his brain spinning wildly, thinking hard about everything that happened today, trying to analyze the murderer's behavior pattern and find the place where the murderer is hiding now.

  But serial killers are completely different from real killers after all, Roan can't analyze what a perverted idea is like even after thinking for a long time.

   Just when Roan was about to give up, his eyes flashed, and he suddenly thought of something.

   Is the murderer

   Seeing Roan's pensive expression, Augustus understood that the other party was analyzing clues, so he didn't urge him, picked up the coffee and prepared to take another sip.


  The door of the team leader's office was slammed open. Augustus was startled by the sudden loud noise, and the coffee in his hand spilled directly on his stomach.

   "Fu-k! Burn me!"

  Augus jumped up from the chair because of the heat, grabbed the folder on the desktop, and subconsciously wanted to throw it at the person who entered the office without knocking.

  But seeing that the person who broke into the office was Darren, the husband of the rich woman Sabina, Augustus hastily suppressed the movement of his hands, and even forgot to wipe the shirt on his stomach.

   "Agent Roan, Sabina was kidnapped by a serial killer, right?"

  Roan was also taken aback by the sudden opening of the door. Just as he was about to punch the person who interrupted his train of thought, Darren's questioning voice rang in his ears. Roan immediately asked:

   "Where did you hear that?"

  He only talked about this matter with Augustus, Lacey, and Mona. Could it be that one of Mona and Lacey slipped the tongue?

  Darren looked extremely anxious: "It was said on TV!"


  Hearing Darren's words, Auguston's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly left the team leader's office and ran to the front of the office area.

   There hangs a big **** TV that broadcasts the news 24 hours a day.

  In the office area, all the agents stared at the blond hostess of the news program on TV.

  “At about 7:30 tonight, in a certain apartment on a certain street in Queens District, an extremely horrific murder occurred. The murderer not only dismembered the victim’s body, but also put the victim’s body in the refrigerator to freeze it.

  According to reliable sources, this case is a serial murder case, and the apartment is only one of the victims, and the FBI has been involved in the investigation, but the FBI has no effective clues so far, please pay attention to safety.”

   "Fu-k! Shet! Biao Zi Yang!"

   After watching the broadcast on TV, Augustus’ already dark face turned blacker than ink. He turned around and looked at the people in the office area, and asked angrily:

   "Who leaked this case!"

   Darren on the side looked extremely ugly, and shouted at Augustus:

   "Was my wife Sabina kidnapped by this perverted killer?! How is she doing now?"

  The detectives in the office area looked around, not knowing what happened.

   Knowing the inside story, Mona and Lacey tilted their heads and looked at each other with doubts on their faces.

  According to the customs of the United States, under normal circumstances, when a certain case is known by the media, the subsequent development of the case will be greatly affected.

   Ask for collection! Ask for collection!



  (end of this chapter)