MTL - Little Madman’s Guide to Acting Good-Chapter 54

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Downstairs of the Ruihong subsidiary, the police technicians came to analyze the locator and determined that it was a special locator.

"This thing is now activated, and your position is being monitored in real time." The technician continued: "I'm not sure about the other party's plan for the time being, but the battery of this thing can only last 9 times. days or so."

The police are registering the situation. Due to the special location of the locator, some cases are registered in Ruihong Company. After there is no difference, continue to talk about the current plans in the company.

Chen Shiming was thinking, the battery's timeliness time is short, and the time point when the other party will take action cannot be confirmed. It's easy to dispose of the battery, but Chen Shiming thought who would put this thing on his car, and what was the purpose of putting this thing on, just to follow him, or did he have other plans?

He was thinking when he saw Chen Qizhao standing not far away.

Chen Qizhao is on the phone, "Is Chen Jianhong coming to the company?"

I have already inquired about the news in the company's Xiaozhou and returned to the workstation, "Yes, Mr. Chen arrived half an hour ago, and now he has entered the office to handle official business."

He didn't understand why the boss suddenly asked about this, but he still told what he saw according to the boss's instructions.

"During this period of time, you have reduced field work, and if you have something to do with Feihong's people." Chen Qizhao looked at the policeman who stopped near the vehicle to take samples, "You pay attention to Chen Jianhong and Chen Shiming, if When they go out or in other situations, report to me as soon as possible."

As soon as Xiao Zhou said hello, the phone was hung up.

Chen Qizhao hung up the phone and looked at Chen Shiming's location, and found that the other party was also looking at him, so he walked over and asked, "What are you looking at me?"

Chen Shiming asked: "Who do you call?"

"Xiao Zhou." Chen Qizhao shook the call record in front of him: "I can't go to the company, so Xiao Zhou can help me find it."

He listened to Xu Tezhu and Chen Shixuan discussing this week's itinerary.

Assistant Xu continued to communicate with Chen Shiming about this week's itinerary, and after finishing his business trip, he mentioned the special meeting next week: "The two projects our team is going to take over this year should be brought up next week. The above agenda, the development of the Longcheng project and the acquisition of Shengming are planned to be held next week, our team has completed several projects this year, and this special meeting at the beginning of the year can determine the project plan for the first half of the year.”

Chen Shiming nodded: "Put the two project materials I mentioned earlier and put them in my office for the meeting next week."

Xu Te assistant said: "Okay, I will arrange it immediately after returning to the company."

After Chen Shiming finished speaking, he suddenly noticed the thoughtful appearance of Chen Qizhao beside him, and he asked: "What are you thinking about? Listen to the special meeting when the non-macro project is finished. , you can also take the project as a new project leader with your ability.”

Chen Qizhao suddenly said, "Which projects are you planning?"

"Dragon City and Shengming." Chen Shiming said.

Chen Qizhao asked again: "Are there many people vying for the position of the person in charge with you?"

“There will be special meetings for the development of projects in the company. At that time, the project team in the group will choose or compete according to their own conditions.” Xu Tezhu explained: “Longcheng and Shengming are both big projects. There are naturally many people competing.”

Chen Qizhao snorted, looked straight at Chen Shiming, and said in a somewhat naive tone: "Then if you can't attend this project... Then aren't they missing a competitor?"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Shiming and Xu Tezhu stopped.

When the time comes to find a car to hit you, wouldn't you be missing a strong competitor?"

"I'm joking, why are you all so serious?" Chen Qizhao shrugged, "Or maybe you offended someone in the company, the other party can't see you well, and it's possible that they want to make trouble for you. what."

Chen Shiming glanced at Xu Tesuke from the corner of his eye, the latter immediately walked over to communicate with the police, and seemed to say something, the police over there walked over quickly, intending to have a conversation with Chen Shiming.

Seeing more and more people around, Chen Qizhao took a few steps back, and his tense body relaxed at this time.

The car accident made Chen Shiming notice that all the aromatherapy at home had been sent to Shen Yuhuai for testing, and it would take at least a while... But basically some things have been settled, Chen Shiming knew that he would be vigilant, As long as Chen Shiming told Chen Jianhong about this, his father Chen Jianhong would also notice this problem, and it would not be easy for Lin Shizhong to take action against them again...

It's just that after a while, Chen Qizhao's eyes suddenly turned cold again.

The timing is right, and it's time for something to come out at this stage.

After the alarm was dealt with, Chen Shiming returned to the company headquarters in the afternoon.

He went to Chen Jianhong's office not long after he arrived.

Chen Jianhong heard Chen Shiming's brief explanation on the phone. As soon as Chen Shiming arrived at the company, he immediately called someone, "Are you alright in the morning?"

"It's okay, we immediately called the police after Qi Zhao found the locator, and the matter has been handed over to the police." Chen Shiming explained: "I'm not sure if it's just my car that has the problem, nor To determine who put the locator in the car, to be on the safe side, I asked the police to go to the parking lot disguised as people from the city bureau to check, if there are other results, they should come out soon.”

His car was just brought back from the parking lot, and the biggest problem is most likely the parking lot.

"Who will do it in your car..." Chen Jianhong pondered: "Where's Xiao Zhao, isn't that kid scared?"

"He's he should be looking for something in his office." Chen Shiming thought of what Chen Qizhao said in the morning, his tone was slightly dark: "I've moved too much during this time, I suspect this incident is aimed at I am here, and the person who does it may be someone in the company who is in direct competition with me."

He told Chen Jianhong about the timing of the locator and the results of the police investigation.

"Who do you suspect?" Chen Jianhong.

Chen Shiming said: "If it is someone who wants to do something to me because of previous conflicts, it may be the several departments I am investigating. If it is a recent dispute of interest, it may only be Two upcoming meetings at this point in time."

"My project team has drawn up two projects, Longcheng and Shengming. Only the special meetings of these two projects were held during the battery's expiration period."

Chen Jianhong mused: "What do you want to do?"

"I think the quickest way is to know who is the ultimate beneficiary."

Chen Shiming's eyes were stern: "I hope you will maintain the status quo before the meeting next week, and I will arrange other things... No matter what happens, you just need to follow the original process. "

Outside the office, Chen Qizhao glanced at Chen Jianhong's office, Chen Shiming had been in for at least half an hour.

He walked side by side with Xiao Zhou, passed Chen Jianhong's office, and walked in the other direction.

"The Shengming conference room is probably here." Xiao Zhou continued: "Boss, why did your things fall here?"

"I just passed by here last week." Chen Qizhao pushed open the door of the conference room, saw the wide scene inside, noticed the projection console in the conference room, and quickly closed the door , "Which side is the computer room on this floor?"

Xiao Zhou pointed to a certain location, "Over there."

Chen Qizhao glanced thoughtfully, and then said: "It's alright, let's go."

Shengming takeover meeting next Tuesday…

Once something was decided, he suddenly lost his patience.

Chen Qizhao glanced at the computer room in the distance.

Why are you going this way...

Of course he came up with a good idea, a good idea to bring Jiang Yuze to ruin.

This good show is about to start, and the protagonist will naturally dress up.


On the eve of the storm, Shengming Company.

The emotional middle-aged man, other people didn't look at him very much, didn't look at his lost soul, and some people even gloated to think that this man didn't know whose slander he listened to and sold his shares in advance, but he ran into problems. Instead, he owed a debt.

It is useless to come to the company now, do you still count on the people in the company to help him?

One of them stared at the middle-aged man for a while, then returned to the office and called to report the details of the meeting.

After Jiang Yuze received the notice from Sheng Ming, a happy smile finally appeared on Ben Lao's face, "Other things are going as planned, I will tell you after Chen's meeting next week. Who are you in charge of?"

"Okay." The person who reported it said again: "But Brother Jiang, that person just came to the company to make trouble again, how should he handle his business?"

"He's not a shareholder of your company now, does the security guard take the money and do nothing? Just shoot people out." Jiang Yuze said lightly, "You don't need to tell me this kind of thing, he Now this situation is also made by himself.”

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone and glanced at the project book on the desktop.

Thinking of Shengming's plan, Jiang Yuze's face darkened a little. This was a winning game, but I don't know why he and President Lin spent a lot of time. President Lin voted in it. There is a lot of money, and it is difficult to get things done on Shengming's side. Chen's side also started to raise the agenda of Shengming's acquisition as planned... But some people are just not obedient, and it is not good to follow the big stream to eat meat. He was against President Lin, and he could only let the other party learn a lesson.

Jiang Yuze opened the project book, Sheng Ming's acquisition, he had to choose a good puppet.

On the other side of Shengming, the middle-aged man was blasted out by the security guard and sat at the door of the company in despair, attracting the attention of many passers-by.

He trembled and tried to pick up the documents that fell in front of him, when suddenly a man wearing a floral shirt and a mask appeared in front of him, eagerly picked up the documents scattered on the ground for him, and finally handed them over to him. gave him.

The middle-aged man said thanks, and when he looked up, he found that the man was still standing there.

"Brother." The flower shirt squatted down, handed him a cigarette with his motorcycle-gloved hand, and put an envelope in front of him: "My boss asked me to put this something for you."

The middle-aged man looked at him incomprehensibly, lowered his head and opened the package: "What?"

The flowered shirt smiled: "My boss doesn't like bullying things the most."

The middle-aged man lowered his head to open the envelope, and as soon as he opened it, he saw several photos inside, all of which were photos of Shengming's top management having a private meeting with someone.

His face changed, and when he looked up to look at the person, he found that the man in the floral shirt had disappeared in front of him.

The floral shirt went to the corner, sent an e-mail to the special mailbox, then got on the motorcycle with a little tune, and left dashingly.

Time flies, days go by quickly.

Chen Group has many meetings at the beginning of the year, and the development of larger projects means that the work of each project team is about to be confirmed, and the meeting schedule will be distributed to the hands of Chen's senior management. The Shengming acquisition meeting will be held tomorrow. Held at headquarters in the morning. Faced with the project leader acquired by Shengming, it has long been rumored within the company that although there are many candidates for competition, the most competitive person should be Xiao Chen, President Chen Shiming.

In particular, Mr. Chen has been vigorous and resolute during this period, and he has achieved many achievements last year, bringing huge benefits to the group.

The senior executives with voting rights are secretly discussing and discussing suitable candidates for the interests of the group.

When Jiang Yuze received the itinerary sent by Xiaojiang, the phone call with others had just ended.

"Chen Shiming often goes to Mr. Chen's office recently. The communication is frequent, but it should be preparing for Shengming's acquisition." Xiaojianghui reported: "I saw that Assistant Xu has been busy with it."

Jiang Yuze looked at the shared itinerary information on his mobile phone and asked, "Why did he go to Ruihong last Thursday?"

"I have inquired about it, and I heard that there was a small problem with Ruihong's project, and Chen Shiming just went to see it." Xiaojiang said: "At that time, he only stayed in Ruihong all morning. , I'll be back at the company soon."

After he finished speaking, he added: "As for Shengming, many shareholders in the group favor Chen Shiming as the person in charge."

Jiang Yuze laughed suddenly, his tone was a bit gloomy: "That's if he can attend the meeting tomorrow morning."

"A person who can't even attend the meeting and can't submit the plan on the spot, what do you think those people who attend the meeting will think?"

Xiao Jiang was stunned for a moment, as if he did not understand Jiang Yuze's statement.

After he came out of Jiang Yuze's office, he suddenly saw Xiao Zhou coming out of the corridor beyond the conference room, walking in a hurry, and said hello when he saw him.

"What's the hurry?" Xiao Jiang asked.

Xiaojiang has seen a lot these days. Chen Qizhao's assistant is an errand at best. He also saw that this person was instructed by Chen Qizhao to print things. He glanced at the end of the conference room, guessing that Xiao Zhou was probably the office there. He didn't think much about it, and quickly left his seat.

The Shengming takeover meeting is scheduled for 9:30 in the morning. The shareholders participating in the meeting have entered the meeting room one after another. The seats in the meeting room are gradually filled with people. At the door of the conference room, his eyes were patrolling the people who gradually entered, and he looked down at the real-time positioning on his mobile phone.

The time gradually reached 9:25, the conference room was basically full, and the place where the Chen Shiming sign was hung below the chair was still empty.

"Strange? Where is Mr. Chen?"

"Shouldn't be here yet."

"No, Mr. Chen always arrives early for meetings, and is rarely late."

Jiang Yuze came in from outside the conference room, noticed Chen Jianhong's eyes, and walked over, "Mr. Chen, I just got someone to see it, Xiao Chen is not in the company."

Chen Jianhong looked at Jiang Yuze, "He came out earlier than me this morning, why hasn't he arrived at the company yet?"

Jiang Yuze's expression remained the same, "I called, but Mr. Chen didn't answer."

Chen Jianhong said: "Go out and fight again."

Jiang Yuze took the order to leave the conference room, stood in the corridor and opened a program on his mobile phone, and the shared real-time location stopped at a certain intersection. His eyes were faint, and then he deleted the program in the mobile phone, removed all traces, and called Chen Shiming's number again pretending to be.

But he knew that Chen Shiming would not come.

Jiang Yuze admires Chen Shiming very much, but Chen Shiming has repeatedly ruined his affairs. For his benefit and Mr. Lin's plan, he has to start with Chen Shiming... This is also to blame for Chen Shiming's ignorance of good and bad, but whenever he If you stop, you will not fall into the current situation.

He listened to the unanswered voice on the other end of the phone, stood at the door for five minutes, and finally went in to report to Chen Jianhong.

It's 9:30 and it's time for the meeting.

, I found out that Chen Shiming hadn't arrived at the company since morning.

There was such an important meeting of Shengming acquisition this morning, Chen Shiming, as the most likely person in charge, has not yet appeared at the group headquarters.

There may be a turning point. As long as their plan receives enough votes on the spot, it is enough to cut off the project.

For a while, Chen Jianhong didn't say anything, but the others already had new ideas.

The people who want to run for this project are very spirited.

Jiang Yuze's gaze stayed on one of the candidates for a moment, then quickly retracted his gaze and reminded: "Mr. Chen."

Chen Jianhong's eyes patrolled for a week, his unsmiling face had no unnecessary emotions, but he dragged his time back a little bit.

"No? Why hasn't Chen Shiming come yet?"

"This is not normal... You can see that Mr. Chen's face is dark."

"Could it be that something happened on the way?"

Finally, someone spoke.

"Mr. Chen, the time has exceeded 10 minutes..."

The man spoke boldly: "Should this meeting be held?"

Chen Jianhong closed his eyes slightly, then opened: "Then open it."

Hearing Chen Jianhong let go, Jiang Yuze laughed secretly in his heart, raised his hand to the person who was controlling the computer in the conference room, so that he could prepare to start the meeting. He glanced at Chen Jianhong from the corner of his eye, looked at the other people in the conference room, and then said, "Starting today's meeting, the content of this meeting is..."

Chen Shiming didn't arrive at the meeting room. Next, he only needed to advance Shengming's meeting process as planned, and let the pre-arranged people bring the ticket type in the meeting room in the final voting session. There used to be Chen Shiming, and some stubborn members at the top were hard to shake. Now Chen Shiming is not there, and he has blatantly absent from this meeting without asking for leave. Chen Jianhong has no reason to hold this meeting again to open the way for his son. The rest have the right to vote. of people either abstain from voting, or can only choose a new person in charge on the field.

At this time, it becomes very important to bring tickets and incite others. Jiang Yuze is prepared in advance. As long as Chen Shiming is not present, everything can go according to his plan with President Lin.

At this moment, there was a sudden uproar in the conference room.

Jiang Yuze, who had his back to the projection, was still reading the meeting draft. When he looked up, he suddenly noticed that everyone's eyes were on him. He was a little surprised. His years of presiding over the meeting allowed him to keep calm and continue to preside over the script according to the prepared script, but this time he just read two sentences when an assistant closest to him suddenly pointed at the screen behind him with a trembling voice, "Jiang Help, look behind you..."

Jiang Yuze was surprised when he heard the words. He just turned around and suddenly saw his figure on the huge projection in the conference room.

The ppt originally expected to display the acquisition process of Shengming was replaced by another ppt at some point, and a photo was displayed in the full-screen display. There were two people in the photo, one was Jiang Yuze presided over the meeting, and the other was an executive from Shengming Company.

Chen Jianhong turned his eyes slightly, frowned directly, and looked directly at Jiang Yuze after seeing the ppt content.

Before Chen Shiming told him to stay put, since Chen Shiming was late for the meeting today, he knew that the development of this matter was going in the direction he and Chen Shiming expected. According to the original plan, he just had to wait calmly for this meeting The progress of the process, observing the reactions of other people on the field, from which to determine who is the biggest beneficiary of this meeting, and who is most likely to be involved in it...

But Chen Shiming didn't tell him beforehand that the ppt of this meeting would be replaced by this, and he didn't tell him that he had this plan.

Chen Jianhong's eyes sank slightly, his eyes fell on Jiang Yuze, and he saw Jiang Yuze's panic for a moment.

"Please wait a moment." Jiang Yuze's self-contained face finally changed at this time. He pressed the electronic pen in his hand, but he couldn't move the content of the ppt. He scolded the computer operator. Xiaojiang, "What's the matter? This is not the original content of the ppt."

"Mr. Chen, I will explain this to you later." Jiang Yuze and Chen Jianhong explained a few words.

Xiao Jiang was scrambling to operate the computer, but he couldn't change the page anyway, he explained with a trembling voice: "Can't move... This computer seems to be poisoned."

Computer poisoning! ? Chen's network security center did not call the police, where did the poisoning come from! ?

The meeting room looked at each other, and suddenly someone said—

"Isn't this Jiang Zhu..."

"Who's the other one? Familiar."

There are many high-level executives who have investigated Shengming, especially the high-level turbulence of Shengming a while ago. In order to reasonably evaluate and investigate this project, they naturally have some investigation and understanding of various high-level officials of Shengming. When they saw the picture on the screen, they suddenly spoke.

"Isn't this Mr. Liang from Shengming..."

After saying this, everyone in the arena looked at Jiang Yuze. As a high-level executive of Shengming, Jiang Special Assistant is the assistant of the highest position under the chairman Chen Jianhong. His words and deeds have a wide range of influence. They looked at Jiang Yuze and Chen Jianhong. They noticed the surprised look on Chen Jianhong's face, and they all followed suit. Looking at Jiang Yuze.

What does it mean? Isn't it what Mr. Chen wanted to see Special Assistant Jiang and Mr. Sheng Mingliang meet?

So what? This meeting of Shengming's acquisition should have nothing to do with Jiang Special Assistant...

It seems that they are worried that the people present will not understand the meaning of this photo, a strange electronic synthesis sound suddenly appeared in the sound of the conference room, the electronic sound of every word is strange and infiltrating, Note in small print under the photo.

"On February 16th, Jiang Yuze and Sheng Ming Liang Rongchao met."

Jiang Yuze's eyes sank slightly, and he looked at Xiaojiang on the console with a warning look.

Xiao Jiang was about to find a power source and planned to turn off the power directly.

"Wait." Chen Jianhong suddenly said, "Let it broadcast."

Questions or doubts came from all directions, Jiang Yuze kept calm and was about to explain when a video suddenly changed on the projection. It was nothing but a car, which was clearly photographed number plate. Everyone present knew whose car this car belonged to. After entering and leaving the company for so long, everyone knew Jiang Yuze's car. The one on the screen was Jiang Yuze's car.

After a while, the speeding up vehicles gradually passed by. When Jiang Yuze paid the fee from the parking lot and left, the camera suddenly zoomed in to capture Jiang Yuze sitting in the driver's seat, and This car is different from the black car that Jiang Yuze was driving before, it is a white car.

At the same time, in a certain office of the Chen Group headquarters, Chen Qizhao was sitting at the desk, and the desktop computer was still loudly ringing the sound of vx's Deng Deng Deng. However, his eyes stopped on the notebook in front of him. The program in half of the screen was still running, and the other half of the screen was exactly the same as the projection in the conference room not far away.

After a video was played, Chen Qizhao pressed the Enter key with ease.

In the conference room, the weird electronic synthesizer sounded again.

"On February 18th, Jiang Yuze changed his vehicle in the underground parking lot of Feihong Commercial Building and went to Feicui Road Commercial Building."