MTL - Long Live The Hokage-Chapter 17 Hurry

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Perhaps he was worried about the affairs of the tribe. The column only took the Mito to live in the whirlpool for one night, and left the whirlpool in the eyes of the vortex chief.

When I came, I was a three-person family. When I left, I had a more than one Yan, and a group of four returned to the Qianshou.

Along the way, Zheng Yan is a bitter and hateful, and he always looks at it from time to time.

I don’t know where I’m offended by Masahiko, and I don’t know that Masahiko even wants to kidnap him, waiting for him to study the reincarnation and let him go...

In this embarrassing atmosphere, a group of four people came to the land of the thousand hands.

When I saw the thousands of people who met and looked down at the column and asked for a good look, Zheng Yan remembered that the column was already a family.

The Mito was sent home, and as the column came to the patriarchal hall, looking at the inter-column dealing with the things in the family, Masahiko finally saw the other side of the Ninja God.

About an hour passed, the time is noon, and Zheng Yan is already sleepy.

The column finally handled the things that had accumulated over the past two days, and said: "Two grandfathers, I am sorry, I have waited for a long time."

"Nothing, you are busy first, I sleep." Zheng Yan half-awake back to a sentence.

"My big brother has finished the transaction, Grandpa, we should set off!" shouted.

Zheng Yan was shocked and muttered in his heart. "Sure enough, I should tie this kid and give me a ninja to go..."

"No, this time, this time you stay." The column opened. "I and my grandfather didn't know how long to go. You stayed in the family to help me with things..."

"The last sentence is the point." I thought to myself, "I am not afraid to come back and accumulate too many things to deal with."

However, I just thought about it, and I finally reluctantly agreed.

The pillars were bright, and the opening said, "Two grandfathers, then we will leave? The distance is far, we have to find a town to rest at night, and we have to arrive tomorrow evening."

"Is it so far? Then let's have a good meal..." Zheng Yan feels a little hungry. Don't think about eating well tonight and tomorrow.

"Okay..." The column was helpless and could only tell the people to prepare a hearty lunch. After eating and drinking, Zheng Yan followed the column to the Libra.

After an afternoon, in the evening, neither of them could find a small town to live in.

Think about it too. In this troubled world, there are several civilian villages outside the city of the Fire Country.

In the end, Masahiko was very helpless. He could only continue on his way. After the night, he found an empty place, and he could eat something and stay overnight.

Zheng Yan was not picky, but he was a little excited inside.

"Is this the "I live with the **** of the ninja"?" Zheng Yan thought.

Of course, I don’t think of the idea that Zheng Yan’s heart has passed. He thought for a moment and said: "Two grandfathers, I slept first, and you stayed in the middle of the night, I stayed in the middle of the night."

"You have to watch the night, you can't just build a house with a raft." Zheng Yan said faintly.

"Oh, it’s right." The column looked like a sudden realization.

"Sure enough, the column between the official business is a fake column..." Zheng Yan muttered in his heart.

The wooden house was built between the columns, and the two entered the rest and had no words for one night.

The next morning, I simply cleaned up and ate something, and the two set foot on the road again.

There was no rest at noon. The two kept on their way and finally arrived near the Libra family in the evening.

Masahiko felt the chakra fluctuations of the Libra family and found that the strongest of the tribes were close to the peak, but there was a weird feeling in their chakra.

“Natural energy?” Zheng Yan’s heart is puzzled. “But how is it wrong? Natural energy should not have an evil feeling.”

"Two grandfathers, there is the family of the Libra family." said the column.

"Ah, I have perceived it." Zheng Yan replied, "There is something wrong with it. They are not strong in Chakra, but there is a strange feeling. What are the squad members of your family?"

"It’s not far from there." The column pointed to one side and asked in confusion. "I didn't feel the second grandfather?"

The two looked at each other and the column immediately became nervous. They worried about the thousands of people who stayed there.

The two searched around and did not find the traces of the Qianshou people. After looking for an hour or so, I found a camp of thousands of people in a dozen or so miles.

The column was so worried that it was the loss of the tribe, so it was far away from the Libra.

The two came to the camp and found that things were not worried between the columns.

The laughter in the camp is constant, and the thousands of people are not like the war, like camping...

"Ah, patriarch, you are back!" Several thousands of people noticed the two between the columns and immediately greeted them.

"A thousand hands Tianyu?" When the column saw the Chinese people in the camp were safe and peaceful, they also sighed and asked about the situation on the peak of the station here.

"The captain is in the big central account of the camp, I will take you there." One took note of the arrival of the column and took the initiative.

Two people from Zhengyanzhu came to the central The thousand hands Tianyu sitting in the main position immediately stood up and said: "The patriarch, you are back?"

"Well, I don't have anything happening these days, the people..." The column is now confused.

"This is the patriarch. On the second day after your departure, the Libra family took the initiative to seek peace from us. The Libra chief explained that their tribes attacked our people in the absence of reason, and he also Compensated for a lot of our supplies."

"So, since the other party took the initiative to apologize, we are not good enough to camp in the vicinity of their family, and moved to wait for you here." Qian Tianyu explained.

"So now...the people outside are at the party?" asked the column.

"Hey..." Qianshou Tianyu was stunned. "The people have been fighting for years. It hasn't been relaxed for a long time. So now I have nothing to do, I will let everyone have a party and relax."

"Nothing, as long as the people are still safe, I am relieved." The column said, and turned to Masahiko, "Second grandfather, I am sorry, I might want you to run away..."

"Nothing, I will make it to distraction." Zheng Yan smiled and said.

"The patriarch, there is one more thing." At this time, Qianshou Tianyu spoke again. "The patriarch of the Libra family hopes to see you after you come back. It seems that there are other things to tell you. But your safety..."

"Well, I know, rest for one night, I will go to see you tomorrow." Between the columns, as for security issues, the columns clearly have confidence in their own strength. "Two grandfather, are you going to be together?"

"Well, I will go too." Zheng Yan thought of the strange chakra he had perceived, and did not hesitate to agree with the column.

He foresaw that this embarrassment should not be white.