MTL - Look In the Mirror-Chapter 1 Shasheng Temple

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  Chapter 1 Killing Ancient Temple

  Qu Chen suddenly opened his eyes.

  In the dark room, the candles flickered on and off.

  Where is this?

  Countless pictures came to my mind.

   He froze.

   This is clearly another person's memory.

  This world.

   Zhou replaced Shang Zuo for thousands of years.

   I don’t see the Spring and Autumn Period, the Warring States Period, the Great Qin Dynasty, and the Strong Han Dynasty.

  Central Kyushu is prosperous.

   There are eight wastelands and stability in the frontier.

  Besides the Eight Desolations, there is also peace in the world.

   It was the heyday of the dynasty.

  The place where Qu Chen is located is called Shasheng Temple.

  It is located in the remote southern desert.

  The temple is dedicated to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and also has the inheritance of the ancestor of Minghe.

  Have a heart of compassion and uphold the thought of killing.

  Obviously Xiu is compassionate, but he can't let go of the butcher knife in his hand, stirring up the wind and rain.

   Therefore, it is not only tabooed by the orthodox Zen sect, but also rejected by the Mo Dao sect.

  For thousands of years, living in a corner is quiet.

   There are five Buddhist temples in Shasheng Temple.

  The way to get started in each Zen monastery is different.

  Among them, the "Blood Transformation Trial" in the Empty Nest Temple is the cruelest.

  All disciples who participate in the trial can directly obtain the unique study "Blood Transformation Scripture" from the empty nest monastery.

   It is said that "The Scripture of Huaxue" is derived from the inheritance of the ancestor of Minghe.

  The blood-transforming true energy cultivated is extremely domineering.

   It must be tempered with blood to remove its hostility before it can be used for one's own use.

  After the disciples of the trial obtained the scriptures, they were thrown directly into the killing forest outside the temple.

   To pass the test, three conditions must be met.

   One said, courageous.

   In the killing forest, monsters are dormant.

   To survive, you have to face your fears.

   You must stay in the forest for three days to pass this level.

  Secondly, understanding.

   "Hua Xue Jing" comes from ancient inheritance after all.

  The content is difficult to understand.

  These trial disciples are all talented practitioners themselves.

  If you are not a person with excellent understanding, I am afraid that you will not be able to understand the mystery.

  The third is to kill.

   Transforming blood into true energy, incomparably domineering.

  When you practice, you must drink your blood.

  Otherwise, the true qi will blow back, consume your own essence and blood, and die immediately.

  Disciples who can pass the trial are rare.

  Therefore, the Empty Nest Chanyuan has had no harvest for ten years.

  In the huge Buddhist monastery, there is only one master and one disciple left.

   But this year, something unexpected happened.

   Passed two at once.

   Qu Chen is one of them.

  His predecessor was coaxed by a monk to go up the mountain, and participated in the trial by mistake.

  The result is without drinking blood.

   Directly practiced into "Hua Xue Zhen Jing".

  After a week of work, the soul flies away.

  Half body essence blood, consumed.

  Feeling the weakness in his body, Qu Chen couldn't help smiling bitterly.

   It is God's mercy that he survived this encounter.

  The room is very dark, besides the bed, there is a small square table.

  On the table, a lamp is like a bean.

   Just like him now.

   I don't know when it turned off.

   While he was feeling sorry for himself, a flash of light flashed in his mind.

  【I am the lamp】

   Qu Chen was taken aback.

   Taking a closer look, there was an ancient mirror full of purple air in his mind.

  The body of the mirror is dark silver, with four seal characters engraved on the back.

   On one side is written 'Jieyu'.

  Written on one side is 'psychic'.

   There is also a pattern of a full moon in the middle.

  Seeing this pattern, Qu Chen was shocked.

  The logo of Xuanjing Division? !

  Xuanjing Division is the official organization of Da Zhou to restrain the sects of the world.

  It is under the direct jurisdiction of Zhou Tianzi.

   Legend has it that in the Xuanjing Division, there is an inheritance of the ancient heavenly court "Xuanjingtian".

   Every ten years, Tianjiao will be selected from all major sects in the world to enter the list.

  Those who cultivate the Tao should take this as the supreme opportunity.

  But why is there such a mirror in my mind?

   Qu Chen thought for a moment.

  In the memory of the predecessor, there seems to be no information about this mirror.

  Turn the mirror body, the light can shine on people.

  A pale face is reflected in the mirror.

  【Deficiency of essence and blood, impeded flow of qi. 】

   Qu Chen's eyes lit up: Jieyu, Jieyu, could it be that it can reflect everything.

  He had something to think about, and the only "Blood Transformation Scripture" he learned came to mind.

   At this time, a line of words appeared on the mirror:

  【I'm so hungry...】

   Qu Chen was taken aback, I was seen through?

   No, not right.

  Now the mirror is reflecting the "Blood Transformation Scripture"!

   It is the "Blood Transformation Scripture" that has been seen through.

  【"Hua Xue Jing" has psychic potential. 】

  【Successful awakening of elementary wisdom. 】

  【Personality: bloodthirsty, violent】

  【Status 1: When practicing passively, there will be hostility, which needs to be resolved with blood. If it cannot be suppressed, it will become mad.

  Status 2: Through blood-sucking training, it is easy to become addicted.

  Description: I'm so horny. 】

  Awakening elementary wisdom? !

   It turns out that psychic means this.

   Without waiting for him to study further.

  At this time, footsteps came from outside the house.


  The wooden door was pushed open from the outside.

  A thin figure squeezed in from the night.

  Put a bowl of hot porridge on the table.

   Pick up the wick with chopsticks.

  The room suddenly brightened a lot.

   Qu Chen discovered that the other party was a young monk.

  He has delicate features and looks in his teens.

  On the side of his forehead, there was a scorched black patch the size of a palm, covered with hideous scars.

   It's a bit like a marinated egg engraved with a QR code.

  The little monk glanced at the head of the bed and saw Qu Chen staring at him with staring eyes. He couldn't help saying happily: "You finally woke up."

   After speaking, come over and help Qu Chen up.

   Qu Chen coughed lightly, and a layer of sweat was already breaking out on his body.

   This feeling, the mast and scull are wiped out.

   "Little master, you saved me?"

  The little monk smiled and shook his head: "You're welcome, just call me Senior Brother from now on."


   Qu Chen was taken aback.


  Seeing his hesitation, the little monk smiled even wider, and the corners of his mouth curved into an arc, revealing a row of white teeth.

  The mirror in Qu Chen's mind flickered, and the bright smiling face of the little monk was reflected in it.

  A line of writing appeared on the mirror: 【If you don’t call me brother, your life will be meaningless...】

  Qu Chen's heart trembled: I almost forgot, this is Shasheng Temple.

   Full of magic.

   Despite the kindness on the face of the little monk, he is also a real devil.

  The so-called people are under the eaves, how dare they not bow their heads.

  Alive, not shabby.


  The little monk was stunned at first when he heard the words, then his brows and eyes were crooked, and his face flushed.

  He nodded slightly, and suddenly tears welled up in his eyes.

  【Ten years, ten years. 】

  【Brother, I have been looking forward to this sentence for ten years. 】

  【It's great to feel like a junior. 】

   Qu Chen looked at the handwriting on the mirror of Jieyu in a daze.

  This little monk is too easily satisfied.

   "Brother, congratulations on passing the 'Blood Transformation Test' and becoming a disciple of the Empty Nest Temple."

   "Speaking of which, our Empty Nest Chanyuan has had a bumper harvest this year, and we even passed two at once."


   "Well, besides you, there is another junior who had a sudden accident."


  At this time, Qu Chen's stomach groaned a few times.

  The little monk understood and began to feed the meal very intimately.

   After eating a bowl of gruel, Qu Chen felt warm all over his body.

  Huaxue Zhenjing: [It's really hard to drink. 】

   Qu Chen was taken aback for a moment, it dared not be happy.

   At this time, the little monk has already cleaned up the bowls and chopsticks swiftly.

   "The master said that although you have mastered the "Blood Transformation Manual", you have suffered a backlash from your true energy.

  Most of the body's essence and blood have been melted away, and it is a blessing to survive. "

   "Remember not to practice anymore these few days, and take care of your body first."

  The little monk caringly served him to lie down.

   Picking up the dishes, turned around and walked to the door, but suddenly stopped.

  He turned his head and showed that creepy smile again.

  Qu Chen quickly turned to the Xieyu Mirror to take a photo.

  【Brother is leaving, don't you know how to greet?

   She's not polite, she really needs training! 】

  The word "also" is very subtle.

  Qu Chen hurriedly said: "Brother, go slowly, brother, you have worked hard!"

  The little monk rolled his eyes and felt a warmth in his heart.

  【Junior brother really hurts me. 】

  【Looks like this one doesn’t need training! 】

  PS: Before the shelves, there are two changes a day, and after the shelves, three changes are guaranteed.

  PS: I wish all readers and friends, auspicious and prosperous Year of the Tiger~Gong Xi Fa Cai~

  PS: Favorites, recommended tickets, investment~ Thank you, all the officials.

  (end of this chapter)