MTL - Look In the Mirror-v2 Chapter 719 Crazy exploration

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  Chapter 719 Crazy Exploration

   "Brother, you are also a hero~"

  Li Sao nodded, the pride on his face couldn't be concealed.

  Since renewing his spiritual roots, his personality has changed drastically, and nine points of his heart and mind have fallen on the scriptures.

  Under this emergency, it was inevitable that some of their original nature could be revealed, which made the monks feel a lot more relaxed.


   At this moment, the disciple in charge of guarding the Jiange suddenly made a sound.

  The monks raised their hearts again in an instant.


"there is always a solution to a problem."

   Li Sao clasped his palms together, and spoke slowly, he really had the demeanor of a Dacheng monk.


  The earth trembled, and soon the screams of the monster race came.

  The monks could even hear the sound of each other swallowing saliva.

   "Are you here this time?"

   The sound of shouting and killing has come close.

  Although it was the second time, the monks still felt nervous.

   "Mr. Muduo hasn't responded yet?"

  Li Sao shook his head, he did not receive Mr. Mu Duo's instructions.

   Except for this place, all other sword pavilions have not received instructions to open the mechanism.

  The monks felt urgent, but with the Shasheng Temple behind them, there was absolutely no reason to retreat.

   "Kill kill kill!"

  Yaozu's voice rang in my ears.

   This time, all the monks held their breath.

  War always changes in one thought. If you are timid at this time, you will lose morale~

   woo woo woo~

   Just when the monks were about to fight the Yaozu for life and death, a heavy horn sounded in their ears again.

   The shouting stopped abruptly again.

  The footsteps gradually faded away, leaving only the monks in Jiange looking at each other.

   "Why...retired again?"

  At the highest point of Killing Mountain, Mr. Mu Duo breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the sound of the horn.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

  This kind of truth, the third owner of Longevity Villa should be clear about it.

   And the reason why he still exhausted his troops, why?

   Explore the truth!

   Sure enough, if you seek more, you will be suspicious.

  Before Li Geng was hit by Huang Daxian's Heart-eating Gu.

  So Shasheng Temple followed his plan and deliberately spread the news of Nuanfeng Pavilion through the mouth of Li Geng.

   Sure enough, the resourceful third villa owner was already suspicious.

  At this moment, the two calls for gold and retreat, at first glance, seem to be a waste of energy, but in fact, on the night of the full moon, for the Yaozu, these consumptions are almost negligible.

  However, it can not only explore the reality of the Jiange, but also use it to show the orders and prohibitions of the monster race.

   "The demon clan... really grew up a lot."

  Mr. Muduo stood on a high place and looked into the distance, as if he had returned to a thousand years ago.

   At that time, it was still the world of Yin and Shang.

  At that time, Yaozu was still bound by gods and Buddhas.


   "Is it really not tricky?"

  He Feiyu groaned, and looked into the distance with burning eyes.

  Suspicious as he is, even though he has already feinted twice, he still has not let go of his doubts about the 'Warm Wind Pavilion'.

   "Since you stand still, then I will do what you want."

   After speaking, he raised his feather fan and made several gestures in the void.

   woo woo woo~

   woo woo woo~

  The horn sounded again.

   But this time, it was different from the previous two times.

  The monster clan is hidden in the mountains, and there are many people.

   "Children, charge with me!"

   "Kill kill kill!"

  The person who spoke was extremely strong, even in the form of a human being.

  The muscles all over his body are knotted, and his black hair is slapped casually.

  The most eye-catching thing is a pair of **** horns on the head.

   This person is none other than the 'Bull Head' Ding Ben, one of the thirteen commanders of Longevity Villa.

  'Bull Head Horse Face' was originally a set of battle formations.

  There are bull heads, so naturally horse noodles are indispensable.

   Soon there was a cry of "Xi Lv Lv~" outside.

   It is from Ma Qianchao, the 'horse face'.

   Both of them are one of the thirteen commanders of Longevity Villa.

  The battle formation of "bull head and horse face" is the most suitable for leading the battle.

   A whistle sounded.

   A group of monsters hide behind the mountain and revel.

   woo woo woo~

  The horn sounded.

  The Yaozu actually attacked from the west side of the Shasheng Temple.

   The speed of the attack was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, it went straight to the northern foot of Xisui Peak in Shasheng Temple.

  It is adjacent to the mine in the north and Muduo Mountain in the south.

   It can be regarded as a location intersection, a strategic location.

  Mr. Mu Duo on the opposite side saw all this and couldn't help but praise in his heart.

  This is the most important part of Shasheng Temple. The reason why the opponent attacked here is simply because this place can advance or retreat.

   It is an extremely high-class place of temptation.

  However, Mr. Mu Duo's face did not change, but the corner of his mouth slightly curved: "Since you want to come, then come."

   "It's just that it's hard to say whether you can escape."

  His hands were behind his back, the ruler in his hand shook slightly, and the disciple who was in charge of sending the message behind him was stunned.

  This is the first instruction issued by Mr. Mu Duo.

   Soon the order was conveyed to the Qianji Jiange at the northern foot of Xisui Peak.

  The person guarding this place is the monk Lishou of Shasheng Temple.

  In the last martial arts competition, Li Shou defeated Li Ge and won the first place among all inner disciples.

   It can be seen that his strength must not be underestimated.

  The reason why he was asked to guard here, apart from Li Chou's temperament of "King Kong's glaring eyes", there are two other reasons.

  One is his magic weapon 'Shadow Picking Gourd', as long as the shadow is long enough, the power of his exercises will be stronger.

  This place is located on a high mountain, and when the moon shines behind me, the shadow stretches tens of meters, relaxed.

   At that time, relying solely on the purple gold shovel in his hand, he will be able to sweep away all the demon clans.

  The second one is that Mr. Mu Duo left behind here.

  When the Wulu Chanyuan was first established, it happened to be

  At the northern foot of Xisui Peak, Zijin Iron Ore was just discovered.

   Then there were several incidents of miners escaping.

  Among them is the Ghost Sect, the 'Great Nightmare Venerable'.

  Unfortunately, Venerable Green Nightmare directly entered the boundary of Muduo Mountain after crossing Xisui Mountain.

   As a result, I was stumped by the questions posed by Mr. Muduo. Finally, after being hit by dozens of boards, I climbed back to the marrow washing peak by myself.

   And I swore a poisonous oath at that time, I will never dare to escape from prison again, whoever escapes from prison will be a dog.

  But because of this incident, it also attracted the attention of Shasheng Temple.

  Following that, the Buddha's son Lichen asked Monk Lixu to build a "half-wall organ mountain" with this place as the center.

   Let the organs cover half of the hillside, so that even a bird cannot fly in here.

  Li Xu, who had obtained the decree, dared not neglect in the slightest.

  So the disciples of the Wulu Chanyuan were asked to set up institutions here to verify what they had learned.

   Over time, the "half-wall organ mountain" mentioned by Li Chen was also built.

  It doesn’t matter if it goes straight up and down the ‘cloud piercing ladder’ or the ‘thousands of iron flow array’ embedded in the wall.

  Anyway, as far as the eye can see, how normal you look, there must be a hidden mechanism.

  As long as you break in without authorization, the mechanism on the wall will be triggered automatically.

  Obviously Ding Ben and Ma Qianchao, the pair of 'Bull Head and Horse Face' don't know how powerful each other is.

  As soon as the horn sounded, the team ran straight towards this place.

  Although the mountain road is rugged, for the Yaozu, it is only a few breaths.

   Soon they rushed to the marrow washing peak.

  (end of this chapter)