MTL - Lord Highlander-Chapter 50 49. Night talk on the way home

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  Chapter 50 49. Night talk on the way home

  Before leaving the indigenous village, Swordsman Bacarie and Suldak bid farewell to Wizard Inoyatila, and once again thanked Wizard Inoyatila for his careful care of He Boqiang during this time.

This great wizard who can no longer tell his age is the actual controller of this village. He personally sent everyone to the entrance of the village. The soldiers of the soldiers and the second team are still full of vigilance and vigilance, but at least there is no such strong hostility in their eyes as before.

  For He Boqiang to leave the village soon, the great wizard Inoyatila was a little bit reluctant.

She held He Boqiang's hand tightly, and those dry and dark hands were quite strong. She dragged He Boqiang and said a lot in one breath, but He Boqiang only learned some simple aboriginal language from the aboriginal girl Molly, the great wizard said He didn't understand a single word of these words, he could only stand where he was, with a smile on his face that he didn't want to be rude.

  Baijialiu swordsman stood by and saw He Boqiang's embarrassment. He quickly walked up two steps and said to He Boqiang's translator:

   "The great wizard is formally inviting you. If you have time, you can come to the village for a sit-down. He thinks you are a blessed person and is willing to share with you some methods of using these sacred powers."

  Knowing that the great wizard Inoyatila said this to him, He Boqiang nodded quickly, gesturing that he would visit again if he had time.

  Perhaps because He Boqiang lived in the village for a period of time, the great wizard Inoyatila was more kind to He Boqiang than others, and he did not forget to invite him to come again before leaving.

There is still a long way to go back to the camp. What Suldak received from Baron Sidney was a simple patrol mission. The second team did not dare to delay for too long, because there is no very special reason for returning to the team after the overdue period. , the second team will be punished by the regiment and Baron Sidney.

  Until walking out of this valley, climbing over two mountain ridges and reaching near the valley, you can still see Molly, an indigenous girl, standing on the top of a high rocky cliff and looking towards this side.

  The soldiers of the squad trudged along the ridge beside the river valley towards the camp, and the slender figure of the girl became more and more blurred in sight.


  The trip went smoothly, and the soldiers of the second team seemed very relaxed along the way.

The road on this ridge is not easy to walk. The limestone in this area is severely weathered. Many large pieces of limestone are constantly broken and peeled off from the main body under the scorching sun and heavy rain. Once you accidentally step on these broken pieces On the rock, it is easy to lose your balance and fall off the ridge.

   Carelessly jumped over a piece of gray-white limestone, Red Sock shook his body, the stones under his feet fell off, and then fell towards the hillside.

  He Boqiang quickly grabbed his arm and helped him up from the ground.

  Red Sock was also in a cold sweat from fright, watching some gravel rolling down the hillside, Red Sock shrank his neck in lingering fear.

  The captain Suldak, who was leading the way, noticed the situation here, and immediately yelled at the red socks: "Concentrate, walk carefully, falling from here is no joke."

"Hey, Red Sox, if you fall from here and die, will the epitaph on your tombstone be written like this: My dearest partner, died on the way back from a patrol mission..." Augustus He said with a smile behind him.

   "I'll **** you!" Red Sock spat at Augustus before turning around and walking on.

  Probably not wanting to make the journey home so dull, Red Socks said to He Boqiang behind him:

   "Little Duck, the great wizard Inoyatila seems to be very kind to you. If you say that he wants to marry Molly to you, he will let you stay in the tribe justifiably."

  Because he was unable to speak during the march, He Boqiang was unable to counterattack the red socks accordingly.

  The captain Suldak, who walked in the front, immediately said to Red Sox:

"Go away, Xiao Dak and I have agreed that we will go back to Hailansa together after I retire, and I want to keep you alone. There are so many indigenous women in this village, maybe you can marry a large group of indigenous wives .”

  Hearing what Suldak said, the soldiers of the second team immediately responded.

  Red Socks didn't care about Suldak's status as the captain at this time, and retorted: "Captain, I think you have something in mind for little Dak? Ouch... hey, don't slap your face!"


  When camping at night, the other soldiers fell asleep.

Suerdak and He Boqiang gathered in front of the bonfire. Suerdak held a piece of wood in his hand and kept turning over the unburned charcoal in the bonfire, and the sparks exploded in handfuls. And with the airflow flying upwards, it disappeared in a moment.

   "What do you think about the invitation of Bacarel Swordsman?"

  The flames reflected Suldak's chiseled face red, and he looked extraordinarily serious.

  He Boqiang looked up and shook his head at Suldak.

Suldak hesitated for a while, and finally said: "If it were me, I would definitely not miss this good opportunity. It is the most elite formation of swordsmen under the command of Duke Newman. That way, you can become a great Constructed Knight in the future."

  In fact, He Boqiang has also seriously thought about this issue, but for him, he doesn't want to be a great constructed knight.

He came to this world inexplicably, and never thought that he would continue to fight. He didn't have a good impression of the Constructed Knights. Before, he often heard the discussion from the soldiers of the Second Squad that the Duke's main Constructed Knights had to fight from the front. Demon Legion.

what! At this time, should I take the initiative to post it to die?

  Seeing He Boqiang's expression of reluctance, Suldak asked, "Aren't you willing?"

  In the Green Empire, it seems that every warrior has a knight dream.

  Only He Boqiang...he has no such idea at all.

  Suldak couldn't understand: "Why?"

  He Boqiang is very distressed by this kind of discussion about life, ideals, and future topics, because his fingers are not very good at this time.

  He glanced at Suldak with some distress.

  At this time, Suldak's eyes seemed very frank, and he said to He Boqiang very seriously:

   "Maybe this will be a turning point in your life."

   "Not every first-rank warrior has the chance to become a Constructed Knight." Suldak said to He Boqiang.

  He Boqiang shook his head stubbornly, thinking that if Swordsman Bacarel was willing to give him a portal pass at this time, he would be happy to accept it.

  Suldak didn't expect He Boqiang to be so stubborn. Seeing that his persuasion was fruitless, he could only say:

   "Well, I think you should think about it."

so short! Try to write longer tomorrow



  (end of this chapter)