MTL - Lord of Nine Stars-Chapter 819 Misunderstand?

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"Friend, believe me, this is a misunderstanding, a huge misunderstanding." The Sam man raised his hands with an apologetic smile on his face.

As for stuffing garlic, they've always been okay...  

Colonel Yuri, carrying the cloud knife, jumped on the earthwork suspended in mid-air early, and surrounded the men with dozens of Russian bear soldiers.

Colonel Yuri clearly understood English, but responded in Russian: "You think I'll trust you?"

However, the problem arose, Yuri could understand English, but insisted on speaking his own national language.

The man Sam couldn't understand Russian at all. In a hurry, he hurriedly reported himself: "I'm Colonel Geron East, friends, you don't want to hurt a Colonel Sam because of a little misunderstanding. , it will cause a lot of trouble for both of us.”

Yuri was disdainful, what happened to the colonel?

I'm still a major, am I talking about it?

"Yes, you don't want to cause any trouble, but you broke into our camp without permission on the battlefield." As Yuri said, he strode forward, and a pair of big hands fished for Colonel Geron's arm, "You Do you really think we don't know what you're going to do?"

Jielon finally couldn't bear it any longer: "What the **** are you talking about, speak a language I can understand!

I'm trying to communicate and try to solve the misunderstanding between us. Is this how you deal with problems? I stumbled into this by accident! Can you understand? "

But seeing Jielon's arm suddenly shattered into a little bit of sand, Yuri's pair of thugs actually made a profit!

Such a scene made the faces of the people below dignified.

Rong Taotao, who has devoted his life to the snow, doesn't know much about desert soul skills, but only part of the Sam soldier in the sky is broken into sand. This is obviously an extremely clever way of using soul skills!

Roughly benchmark the Snow Realm Soul Skill, this is the Soul Orb Soul Skill of the Dead Bones, Snow Shattering Wreck.

Moreover, it has to be an epic snow wreckage!

Because the broken snow wreckage at the legendary level and below can only be broken in whole, and cannot be mastered to the extent that part of the body is broken.

Not only Rong Taotao, but everyone present realized the terrifying strength of the comer!

Previously, Xu Fenghua's speed in capturing the enemy was too fast and his actions were too efficient, so that people did not have a clear understanding of Colonel Jielon's personal strength.

Until the moment when half of the opponent's body appeared in front of everyone's eyes, and the arm was broken into sand, people's hearts had already come to a conclusion: this soldier Sam, the desert soul method must be at least a seven-star level!

Facts have proved that the experienced Rong Taotao predicted the opponent's strength level correctly by comparing the effects of his soul skills.

Jielon's rank is a colonel, but at the level of soul martial arts, he must at least be a big soul school!

That's right, without two brushes, who would dare to sneak into a battlefield of this level?

And a big soul school sneaked into the battlefield, what would he do if he didn't have the perception of Rong Taotao and Xu Fenghua?

Wulong has just been appeased, but if something unexpected happens...

Thinking of this, not only the Russian bear soldiers were a little timid, but even Dalia and the Viking camp were a little scared.

Above the earthwork, a more interesting scene appeared.

Jielon put his head on Yuri's forehead. These two leaders in the Soul Martial World, two terrifying guys who could destroy the world, turned out to be like children fighting, playing a bullshit?

You know, both of them are wearing military caps. As their foreheads collided, Jielon's hat brim was immediately broken and squashed.

Then, the star on Geron's combat cap and the sparkling red star on Uncle Yuri's cotton cap were just like this...

"world masterpiece"

Jielun lowered his voice, and his attitude suddenly changed dramatically: "You have to know, if it wasn't for that Chinese woman, I wouldn't have to explain so much to you.

I said, this is a misunderstanding, I just accidentally broke into this place, and this is not your territory, this land does not belong to you, does it?

You'd better be funny and swallow the result. "

"Haha!" Colonel Yuri's laughter was very rough, but the smile was very strange. With his head on his head and his face against his face, his right eye suddenly lit up with a bright light.

Cloud Peak Soul Skill Aurora Illusory Eye!

Jielon was so experienced that he closed his eyes almost instantly.

At the same time, under the skin of his face, a layer of sand suddenly appeared, wrapped around his face, forming a sandy goat face mask.

The exquisitely constructed goat face mask, with sand entangled on the top of its head, pieced together a pair of long goat horns.

Desert Soul Skill: Sand Dead Sheep Noodles!

From the very beginning of children fighting and pushing their heads, the force has been upgraded to spiritual fighting and spiritual hedging.

Everything Geron does seems to be organized.

In fact, as a desert spirit warrior, Jielung stood on the ground. He had 10,000 ways to solve the problem, but he did not dare to use the physical output type spirit skills.

Just what Rong Taotao understands, such as self-cultivation soul skills such as earth thorn, rock burst, earth smashing snake, etc., is enough to overturn the enemy in front of him.

Of course, as to whether or not you can finally fly away from Colonel Yuri, it depends on Yuri's countermeasures. In short, Jielon seems to be rampant, but in fact he is very measured in his behavior.

However, the problem depends on the nature.

Colonel Geron's modesty is the product of being forced. Do you think he is really willing to be modest? If he was really measured, he wouldn't sneak in here and look for opportunities!

In the final analysis, it was Xu Fenghua who put too much pressure on him, so great that he was afraid to even resist!

Having said that, if we continue to escalate the force like this...

No, it seems that the two sides can't continue like this. It seems that the two people have been facing each other for a long time, but in fact it only took a few words.

Whether Sam wants to rescue the soldiers of his own army, or to investigate Wulong and get a piece of the pie, all in all, the rescue behavior of the other party is carried out synchronously.

Not only did the troops confront and punch cards against the Viking pirates on the periphery, but under the distant eastern night sky, there were bursts of dragon roars!


"Roar!!" The voice of the crystal dragon group was extremely violent, as if the entire cloud top planet could be shaken three times!

The problem that cannot be solved by man can be solved by dragon?

Disrupt the situation and bring misfortune to the east!

The heart-shaking huge dragon roar made the battlefield quiet in an instant.

"Heh" Jielon grinned, although his face was hidden behind the sheep's face mask, making it impossible to see his expression, but his sarcastic smile was real, "Looks like we have a bigger problem to It's settled, then I'll go first..."

Before Jielun could finish speaking, he suddenly heard the sound of ice flowers bursting!


"Crack!" Five ice flowers bloomed around Yuri and Jielon, and icicles rapidly grew out of the stamens.

Jielon's pupils contracted violently for a while, his legs were slightly arched, and he was about to bounce.

That woman... is she really going to do it?

Unable to take care of many Jielon, there is still remaining rationality in his mind, and he did not dare to shatter his body into sand, for fear that Yuri would not do it again and again, and a cloud whistle would be thrown out, stirring him to pieces.

However, Colonel Yuri didn't give it for nothing. After realizing Jielon's tendency to move, he said, "Uh!"

Cloud Peak Soul Skill·Xiaohan's Wrath!


Jielon only felt that his whole body was numb, and his brain was buzzing.

It's not just that Jielon is numb. Under the night sky in the far east, in the Sam team that leads the crystal dragons to sprint towards the battlefield, a man who looks quite similar to Jielon also looks stiff!


Crystal dragons take care of you?

The sugar cubes in the sky have long been smashed down, and there is a steady stream.

It's just that the soul skills of such a big scene cannot achieve accurate bombardment, so the man with a slightly stiff body can be considered to have escaped the disaster.

"Colonel Jason!" A Sam soldier sensed that something was wrong, and sprinted around, waving his hand sharply.

A soil snake sprang out from the ground, slammed its head into Jason's back, and smashed the stiff Colonel Jason forward.

Judging from the reaction of the younger brother Colonel Jason, there must be something wrong with the older brother Colonel Geron!

The soldiers secretly thought that something was wrong, and they ran faster.

Of course, saving people is one aspect. The commander personally ordered to rescue his brother. Who would dare not follow the order?

However, this time, the use of crystal dragons to disrupt the situation and make such dangerous rescue strategies and behaviors is naturally not only for the elder brother's brother, but also because of the fog dragon on the Russian bear side!


Russian bear actually controlled a cloud top dragon? can you believe it?

It is not important whether we can have the dragon clan, the key is that you must not have it, this is very important to us!

Meanwhile, brother Geron is here...

Under the sudden voice of Colonel Yuri, Colonel Geron missed the best opportunity to escape.

How fast can Xu Fenghua's soul skills be displayed?

As soon as Jielon paused, the icicles growing out of the ice flower had reached the height of one person.

At this point, brother Jielon was completely controlled in Xu Fenghua's palm.

Below, Xu Fenghua's casting action is still abnormal!

Holding the big snowstorm in one hand, she forced the soul skill, which was originally a one-shot deal, to have a sustained output effect.

On the other hand, her other hand spread out with five fingers, facing the top, and did not press it on the ground at all.

At this moment, Rong Taotao seemed to have seen "God"!

He once said something special to the enemy: Did I let you go?

Thinking about it now, how young I was back then, and how childish the battlefield was...

The dignified Sam's Soul School was controlled by Xu Fenghua to the point of being unable to move, and could not raise the slightest soul power!

What is this concept?

This is the real "Did I let you go?"

Above the earthwork Jielun's face was bloodshot, and the sheep face mask had long since dissipated.

His soul power was completely sealed, and his body could not move at all, only his eyeballs could move.

At this moment, when Jielon looked at Yuri again, there was no more presumptuousness in his eyes. The change in his attitude was terrifyingly fast, and it even had a hint of pleading.

"Sneak into our army's battlefield, inquire about military intelligence, intend to sabotage our operations and hurt our soldiers..." The most annoying thing is that Colonel Yuri finally spoke English, obviously deliberately to let the other party listen Understand.

As Yuri spoke, he pressed his hand on Colonel Jielon's chest, as if performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The difference was that Yuri's big hand was overflowing with soul power and kept shaking.

Obviously, Yuri is forcing the other party's natal soul beast to come out!

What this means, everyone knows!

If the soul beast of a soul warrior is gone, then there will be nothing...

"You've been arrested, Colonel Geron." Colonel Yuri shook Geron's chest frantically and bumped his head against the other's forehead, "Trust me, there is no misunderstanding between us!"