MTL - Lord of Nine Stars-Chapter 859 gaffe queen

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Due to the sudden news of Murman Harbor City, Rong Taotao and Gao Lingwei, who wanted to report to He Siling in person, changed their way of calling to ask for work instructions.

After confirming the work task, Rong Taotao and the others went straight to the nearest Lianhualuo Airport under the farewell of Gao Qingchen.

Time does not wait, the sooner you arrive, the higher the success rate of capturing the enemy will naturally be.

During the flight, Rong Taotao also told the family what happened to the Manlie family in their entirety. The news also made the parents look solemn.

The Giant Hunter Squad is so rampant!

If Dalia was attacked in the wilderness, it would be acceptable, but the hunter team went directly to the manor?

More importantly, the two killers left a piece of debris and corpses on the ground, and then retreated completely?

The famous Manlie family is no soft persimmon. What's more, Manlie Manor is still in the city of Murman Harbor!

As the capital of Murman State, as the largest military port city in the Russian Federation and even in the world, there is even a vortex on the top of the cloud open in the northern suburbs of the city. How strong is the security level here?

Under various preconditions, the enemy can still retreat completely, so the strength of the opponent can be imagined!

"So I thought, let Dawei use her Bafang Thunderbolt and Muffled Thunder to try to find possible enemies." After Rong Taotao introduced the situation, he also explained his thoughts.

Inside the fairly spacious small military plane, the group of four sat facing each other, and as Rong Taotao's words fell, the Rong family couple also looked at the girl who bowed her head in contemplation.

"No problem." Gao Lingwei nodded lightly, "Menglei's scanning range is very large, which is very suitable for finding enemy troops in ambush.

Although the picture returned by the sound waves of the muffled thunder is not too clear, as long as I concentrate and probe carefully, the specific target I observe is no longer a rough body line.

Men, women, young and old, tall, short, fat and thin are easy to distinguish. "

A few days ago, when Gao Lingwei detected the Gao Ling style in the Liaoliancheng residential area, she first noticed the figure who had been standing in front of the window through a rough scan.

At this stage, Gao Lingwei only felt abnormal, but could not distinguish the physical features of this person.

After finding out that the situation was abnormal, Gao Lingwei focused on scanning, and the picture was naturally much clearer. In the end, she also judged Gao Ling's identity by her body shape.

Therefore, as long as Dalia can provide the enemy's physical characteristics and give Gao Lingwei some time, she can screen out the target.

While speaking, Gao Lingwei frowned slightly: "The only tricky thing is that Yun Dian Soul Warrior can transform into a body shape. If the other party chooses to change his body and continue to hide, it will be difficult to handle."

"Yeah." Rong Taotao nodded silently, not to mention the Great God of Yun Dian, but about himself now. As long as Rong Taotao thinks about it, he can become Ekaterina now.

And the person scanned by Gao Lingwei will only be a tall, convex and concave female figure.

Rong Taotao suddenly said: "Dad is also a Yunding Soul Martial Artist, right? Is there any good way to arrest such people?"

Rong Yuanshan looked around and said softly, "What did your mother tell you?"

Rong Taotao shrugged his shoulders: "No, in the days we were with mother, we hardly mentioned you much."

Rongyuan Mountain: "..."

Hearing this, Xu Fenghua glanced at Rong Taotao with a vague look.

Rong Taotao panicked and explained in a low voice: "Dad's life trajectory is first in the snow, and then in the star field. These two attributes are in conflict, the only one that can accommodate the mutual attribute is the most likely Yun Dian soul beast.

Moreover, when I woke up and entered school, you recommended me to be a Yunding Soul Warrior, and you brought me the Yunyun Dog. "

There is another reason Rong Taotao did not say.

In the past pictures provided by Uncle Wan'anhe to Rong Taotao, when the trio of Feng and Shanhe rushed to the battlefield, it was obviously three people and two horses.

Rongyuan Mountain, like Rong Taotao, has no horses!

"I'm Yunding Soul Warrior." Rong Yuanshan nodded, "Unlike you, I don't have such an ancient Yunding family as the backing. Every time I take a rest, I will go to the Huaxia Arctic Circle. Camp practice."

Hearing such words, Rong Taotao couldn't help but move in his heart.

After revealing his identity, the subsequent topic was undoubtedly started by Rong Yuanshan himself.

It seems... my father is explaining to himself why he has not been at home all year long?

Because the security task of the Imperial City is heavy, in order to stabilize and enhance his strength, every time Rongyuan Mountain is rotated to rest, he will go to the Arctic Circle to practice the Cloud Peak Soul Technique?

The matter of soul martial is indeed like rowing a boat against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

According to what his father said, then he at least has made great achievements in the three soul techniques of Yunding, Xingye and Xuejing!

Three repairs! ?

Rong Taotao suddenly found that he had found an opponent! Cloud top, star field, snow realm!

In this way, he actually took the old road of his father?

According to the universal value concept of soul martial arts, most soul martial artists should practice two kinds of soul techniques.

One main and one auxiliary, mainly to avoid the embarrassment of being Dake.

But it is because Rong Taotao's circle is too special. Most of the people in the circle are experts in Snow Realm Soul Art. After all, they have taken root too deeply in the Snow Realm.

Leaving aside the older generation for the time being, let’s just talk about the young souls of Rong Taotao’s class. During their freshman year, they went to coastal cities to practice the ocean soul method according to the universal concept.

However, Songjiang Soul Martial Arts has gathered the resources of the whole school and has given you all Si Huanian. Do you still want to practice the dual soul method like ordinary Soul Martial Artists?

Until now, I am afraid that there are also small souls who regret that a vacation was wasted in vain?

"So..." Rong Taotao hesitated for a while, then said, "Is there any good way to deal with top-level Yunding Soul Warriors?"

Hearing this sentence, Xu Fenghua couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

She could hear that the husband was explaining why he was so busy, but the son chose to avoid this topic.

People are not saints, Rong Taotao has a temper, and Xu Fenghua is very understandable.

Whatever the reason, whether it was subjective needs or objective force majeure, neither she nor Rong Yuanshan could accompany Rong Taotao.

Xu Fenghua knew that if Rong Taotao had a chance to vent his emotions, he would probably explode.

But since her return, Rong Taotao has not mentioned anything in the past, let alone any complaints.

Including Rong Yuanshan, who met every three or five weeks, Rong Taotao had never played or made trouble. Whether he met in the imperial city before or in the army cafeteria this morning, Rong Taotao was always joking.

Words can be varied, but actions cannot be false.

Rong Taotao showed with practical actions that he does not need anyone's pity and comfort, he has his own attitude and way of life, and he lives well.

Rong Yuanshan nodded lightly: "Killing a Yunding Soul Warrior is far easier than catching a Yunding Soul Warrior."

Rong Taotao: "Huh?"

Rong Yuanshan: "Due to the overall characteristics of the Yunding soul beast, and the mainstream choice of Yunding's natal soul beast, there are at least 70% of the Yunding soul warriors, whose bodies can be broken into clouds and are immune to physical attacks, just like You too.

Because of this, the spirit skills of the gust of wind are deadly to Yunding spirit warriors.

If you want to intimidate a cloud top, you can cast a wind-type soul skill in advance.

If you want to kill a cloud top, then don't reveal your wind spirit skills.

Wait for a chance, just need it once.

Cloud Peak Soul Warriors have exhausted the benefits of their bodies being broken into mist, not only in battle, but also in all aspects of life. As long as you put enough pressure on the opponent, there will always be a moment when they will be broken into mist. "

Regarding the "atomization" of the body, no matter how busy Rong Yuanshan is, he has also specially warned Rong Taotao.

Not only Rong Yuanshan, but also Zheng Qianqiu, Yang Chunxi, Si Huanian and others have repeatedly reminded Rong Taotao.

And the consequence of this is overkill.

It can even be said that during the battle, Rong Taotao was almost never broken into fog!

The state of life, Rong Yuanshan is indeed right, and Rong Taotao has indeed taken a lot of atomization benefits.

The last time I took a plane back to Snowland, when Rong Taotao sat with his mother, he even misted and floated to the inner seat.

For another example, if he got into the keyhole of Gao Lingshi's house, it was obviously not during the battle. And Gao Lingwei made it clear that the prey was taking a bath and didn't notice it.

But in the thunderstorm vortex with dense thunder and lightning, Rong Taotao would rather hold the imperial lotus umbrella to resist the bombardment of thunder and lightning, rather than break into a cloud and be immune to everything.

There are countless such examples.

How did Rong Taotao get stabbed to death by Neon Female Swordsman?

That is a kind of "vigilance" engraved in the bones, a creed under the thousands of warnings and ten thousand orders from the father and major teachers.

Rong Taotao was able to hold back because he had other methods to replace it, and even Huilian supported him!

But what about others?

For example, in the Gao Ling style, her body can be broken into frost and snow, which has the same effect as broken into mist.

How many times has Rong Taotao met her?

How high is the usage rate of her soul skill Snow Crusher?

Sometimes, it's not a matter of whether you want it or not, it's a matter of having to!

Moreover, not everyone is overcorrected like Rong Taotao.

Wind-type soul skills are indeed deadly, but they also have wind-level requirements, at least the level of the palace-level Snow Dragon Roll will be a huge threat.

Rong Yuanshan continued: "There are nine major soul martial attributes in this world, only in terms of speed, Xuejing and Lei Teng are the worthy first echelon.

Except for the few Void Soul Warriors, no one can disappear in your field of vision. Even the top-level Yunding Soul Warrior can only face you.

If you are fighting against a cloud top soul warrior in the future, don't use your snow lotus easily, and hide the petals.

You don't have to worry about being impatient and thinking about ways to defeat the enemy.

Believe me, on the ever-changing battlefield, there are always one or two small details that will give you a chance to kill you. "

It turns out that this is indeed my father!

Because Mount Rongyuan is the soul warrior of the top of the cloud! In a sense, he was teaching his son **** himself...

Rongyuan Mountain, which is not supported by all kinds of petals, dare not guarantee that his body will not be broken.

Rong Taotao suddenly said: "What if the cloud top soul martial artist is the same as us, both the cloud top and the snow realm soul method?"

Rong Yuanshan looked at Rong Taotao with a strange expression: "Your Snow Realm Soul Technique has already reached seven stars."


Rong Yuanshan just wanted to say something, but he hesitated. After a while, he nodded lightly: "That's right, it's not ruled out that the other party is your type, and the growth rate is very imaginable."

This is also the first time that Rongyuan Mountain positively calls Rong Taotao "that kind of person".

Saying that, Rong Yuanshan turned to look at Xu Fenghua who was sitting inside.

Xu Fenghua looked out the window and said softly, "The lotus flowers are all in our hands, even if they are like me and Rong Taotao, they can only make up for it through time, not like Taotao and Ling Wei, who are like Taotao and Ling Wei, who have their hands on the lotus, step by step. ascend to the sky.

What's more, if Dalia can survive without incident and protect her Yun Duo Treasure and Yun Dian Dragon Clan, then the other party is not as scary as we imagined.

Therefore, meeting as soon as possible is the most correct choice. "

Gao Lingwei's cold palm gently covered the back of Rong Taotao's hand, and said softly: "We can be sure that the other party has a cloud top treasure and a thunderbolt treasure.

If we can't find the enemy, we must set off as soon as possible to explore the Leiteng Vortex. We get one more treasure, which means one less threat. "

Xu Fenghua looked at Gao Lingwei with a hint of admiration, and his eyes fell on the girl's hand.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Xu Fenghua's eyes fell, the girl quickly withdrew her palm.

That is to say... she couldn't help her actions before?

Xu Fenghua laughed dumbly, turned his head to look out the window again, and suddenly felt a little relieved.

Perhaps, Rong Yuanshan did not need to explain anything to Rong Taotao, and some words did not need to be too clear or too thorough.

It is precisely because of them that Rong Taotao has such people to accompany him.

There is no right or wrong in most things in the world, just one choice after another.

Separated families can reunite and look forward. The future is happy, isn't it?

However, Xu Fenghua's relief quickly turned into stunned!

When the military plane arrived at Moman Harbor City and landed at the private airport, the four members of the Rong family also saw the Manlie tribe who came to pick up the plane.

The sun was shining, headed by the patriarch Dalia Manlie, and more than ten Manlie family members warmly welcomed the arrival of the Rong family.

It is absolutely impossible to say that the dignified Manlie Manor was destroyed.

But for the arrival of Rong Taotao and Xu Fenghua, Dalia will never publicize it to restore and improve the family's reputation.

On the contrary, she wants to hide the whereabouts of the Rong family!

Dalia is a shrewd person, she will never touch anything that might offend the Rong family.

Dalia, who is close to the treasure and footed on the fog dragon, made no one in the clan dare to be disobedient.

She also does not need to consolidate her dominance through the arrival of Rong Taotao.

The only thing Dalia wants is for the enemy to be smashed to pieces!

Rong Taotao even brought Xu Fenghua, and also brought hope of tearing the enemy apart.

Like Dalia, there is her daughter, Ekaterina.

Just different from her own mother, the Empress's worship and trust in Rong Taotao obviously exceeded the worldly vision.

The reason why Xu Fenghua was stunned was precisely because of Yekaterina's actions.

Under the leadership of Dalia the girls greeted each other respectfully, until she called Gao Lingwei "Master", and then hugged Rong Taotao tightly.

Everyone could see that the girl was hugging tightly, and those arms even made Rongtao out of breath...

For a time, Xu Fenghua was slightly stunned, and Rong Yuanshan also looked strange.


In Rong Taotao's ear, the girl's soft, trembling voice sounded: "Help me, Tao Tao, I want to kill them! I must kill them..."

After hesitating for a moment, Rong Taotao raised his hand and patted her on the back lightly.

Under certain conditions, human emotions are very easy to communicate.

Thinking from another perspective, someone wants to kill his mother Xu Fenghua, Rong Taotao knows that he will definitely be more gaffe and unbearable!
